Show MORE EVIDENCE Of DOUBLE MURDER Part of Mans Coat Said to be Porter Charlons Fished From Lake Como Come IS VIEW OF AMERICAN CONSUL I tim P iii mm I iii ii I i e Soi Ci hiI ii mt hJ m Vcr rJ Hell cell I 1011 lly Juno hart parI of at a lans cOlI coat lI by some cC lila his l neighbors to Iq have heong belonged 1 to 10 Porter WM was found today loday In iii from time Iho or of whIch the h iy of his murdered bride Mary Castle Chariton was r i covered last discovery strengthens the theory ot of mall buoy that 1 a double murder was 18 This la Is tho view ot of M 1 Clugh time American con pul nt itt Milan an who believe met time tho same fate tato 1 as hIl his wife evIdence that flint built tiC ot the tho 11 killed for tor vai nl was found II in the tho Mood spat leret bed d ot of tile the villa they timey It Is that Ihal the tho seven wounds found n ii time womans hlad head did IlI not r re nn any quantity ot of hlo d a as ler heft Il its 11 lii their talon Ihorn shore home Cons tan lne the nc ftc ot af the Iho tl rein Ih they th the via villa In I custody 10 Ito hil tile I Jos poises es plan Ion timid that he knows nothing 1 mum tI to ho or h by whom the tho was waa committed LAKI LAICH On the Iho that I Lake ko Como Comm time hod bod ot of n a of Dr Il its and and shorN chores Wil wits un to today IY The Tho work wal was started In the Iho vicinity or of the tho 1 tam from which time the fishermen hind drw drawn the tho trunk wih with Il Its contents to the surface I It ions as tint long before time the er ere rewarded hy by the th find findIng Ing ot of this Iho Portion ot of a mans COIt coat This wn was among Ihl the fisher sher folks tolka amid others In the Iho who had seen Aen the Iho anti some ot of th these dl lared nt at once that it II was waa part o of ofa 1 a lull suit which time Iho young American had hod worn wor support or of the flier mur murder der ns as th the pr rold I It had hn been known that the Iho police were ivera In possession or of several clues lurl leading It would appear to the tho conclusion that thiat hind been n murdered They hn have however ben been reticent regarding their dil dis This afternoon it larned Thil I oms that the Iho Investigators had that the with which t ii I 1 rL weighted emma the ot of the on the shore hore or of time Ihn lake TIle static had removed front a spot In Ih thic wol wail th the point Rt at which time trunk sae cub merged up this Ihla clue the Iho police dil dims covered that another stone alone exactly In size hR had ben been recent du dug dugoUt significant out ot of thin tho wall all Phil I l lick to 10 lIo be The second lond stone alon hams not ben in 10 anti time tho police wIl wIlh not nol te ur It If they find nd that it II was WAa WAal l mired ed to 10 drag below tho surface ot of time Iho trunk or lime containing the hod body ot of Porter later wal vas further afternoon Time detectives who him clim claim that Ihal ho he haa loll told conflictIng stories |