Show ATTORNEYS BRIEFS IN CASE JUliO I 3 were flied by timo tho lorns tor or time proc anti defense whit Investigation The Thc dil not meet today but wi wIll nex next to prepare for tor 11 Iti AU Atty counsel tor f r Cornier SpecIal Agent Clinic Ivla ald Al Atty Pepper coun eel Rol for tor Cornier con contending contending tending In the briefs that the eI awl ad adduced the ton tion has shown Sec Secy Is unfit l tc n adminIster the tho atal affairs of at the domaIn because ot of Rn at obvious leanIng toward 1 a polk ot of of nr conservation sif et the pee peo Ios landl lands The They condemn hil hIs atti tudo toward the Iho or of con I I r I on al amid charge charle him with rues log to tIme tho president I loss to time lc Equally Insistent that Mr Baum gers actions In out ot of the In Ier tenor have not nol b been open to In criticism All Atty coun l for tur the tho secretary declares that none ot of time the mude against him Pins hns fact lIen been sustained b ot of Mr 1 r tim 10 show h thin Ihn evidence that Ihl there haN baa been a con afoot to Uncurl secure Mr from office orce e imo he ld lid not approve ot of the Garfield |