Show Tl Continuous Double Track In the tit World under one management I It h tho the Grand Trunk Railway system from Chicago to 10 Montreal to Niagara tara Falls nIlA The Grand Orand Valley double track route via thi 1 Niagara legara Falls reaches from to N New ew w York Descriptive literature timetable etc eto to will be Jo mailed free tree on application lion tion to W S Cookson Cook on X Q U PA Grand Trunk balem Adams Adam St lIt Chicago I Mens Oxfords Oxfords in Tic or I button Stylo Style Tho new now Tics and Pumps Patent Colt Kid Gun Metal Calf or Tan 1 leather Ex Extreme 7 or 01 Conservative models Oxfords that will fit the tho foot per jer perfectly perfectly L 33 OxfOrds I Oxfords Two Eyelet Tics and Ankle Ankh Strap Pumps Patent Kid Colt Gun GUll Metal Calf Suede and Tan Pall leathers Colored with Cuban and and High Arch Shoes of beauty and elegance el auco VV r roIf GARDNER Q t DAILY STORE J 9 NEW NE D iTh I 3 Weather Forecast Today and Tuesday Our line of MODERN 3 SUITS is not for men to whom price is everything Neither are they for the theman theman theman man to whom the words if tailor made mean ev cv everything everything L if 1 1 4 They are for the man m who wants real clothes I clothes that are tailored inside and out and through and through that reflect I Itlie j the finest style stylo features p p J Jand and have a graceful shape shako that stays with them until i worn out 81 t t ou ohI put on II a Suit Stilt of 01 f J When a MOI hon ou MM the perfect tim th I II s lit IJ h cj yOU rOil Are arc d un Mi n R which crons lie CL longer ou near Tirar It ItAn ItAn Suits Stilts An ti clr nt assortment of oC rom cOm Chap libatIon r unit blue 41 Mortals la Ter Jr rices to 40 the Suit S it 1 I I Ak f L i Li lk Y I i I i Wedding Gills Gilts J 1 We Yc rC atc ace arc showing an all attractive complete line litle lin of wedding Rifts gifts lint t you ou Oti will iII find are an not lint duplicated elsewhere 1 Our store Is teeming with happy j appropriate gifts g those that are arc J sure LIre to please and to cement the tile j bond of friendship i I 1 Here fere are a few suggestions ns j SILVERWARE i OUT CUT GLASS Hand Painted China BROOCHES CLOCKS BRIDAL GIFTS We o e can cnn satisfy sour our your purse pura J Ji S Jensen Sons TI I II 1 nt Street 4 v u uv i c cg ci I I g i y p t ft I SO OCR WAY wn WAYBy By D 13 careful experiment and anti ful methods for tor yours past has haa attained n for tor us the hIghest rank ns as laundrymen You Vou can Mail aall yourself of there laundering benefits by Jy phone or mall or request at atM M ln Omel TROY LAUNDRY THE TIr or OF QUALITY Hoth Phones rhon ie 19 1 1st 14 MAIN oAni ST sr STu u m Small Depositors Arc Are particularly welcome at tile the National Copper Hank flank Abraham Lincoln cal said paid God must love the plain people because he Ii h made ninde to ro many mall of them For the same reason He must love loe those of limited means The man or woman with witha II a n small smaIl deposit receives the same amne unvarying courtesy I as the man ian with a 1 large lar c balance i I I The National i Copper Bank BankI GJ I L 7 o BAYS HAIR HEALTH NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY Him Ni r a SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE sd iI a with j your ur Cut Cul thIs ILU Jr Jw wi but t name ITO and nd adds ddn dd and wl nd n nn ci f yur r Tn ni iI 10 t nl 1 for lor poti to aD HAV HA i SPEC CO 30 o 0 Cli CliS J Str S Sm l N w n f r V USA A AI I O a CU U |