Show Itt kt I r P ft 4 A M rII 44 n I oJ Ir fe II Doll tc Ita ItaI I 14 rot I to mk t rt aD aDI I I EVERY DAY Fresh roasted retains its strength st th and aroma always good and reli able ahle is I Steel Out Cut ut PROVO Th The Ne li Is I by b c r every Sunday d at st t 75 a 8 cent centa per month All payment and ind complaint delivery d lIver be he to DId David Johnon agent for tor Dally Saturday and nd ek I Iy y New Newt Ind md Iho Order taken liken for tor Church ork 41 4 South Pint Wet West Carrier Carner eat tut Hide Ed Id ut ur Ave Ind md 1121 Carrier welt t aid ald 14 of or Academy AvInd Av Ave y Ind md HAMILT HAMIL TONS ONS i SMART SHOP GREAT SALE OF Lingerie and Linens D SALE STARTS TODAY i 1800 S a aie I e 1750 1730 was 2900 1450 was 2250 r o 1000 vAs 1600 Prices Po 1200 was 1850 was 1250 ru WI vr offer the best bc t makes of corsets in hi discontinued ri 1 and ami ann materials ranging muRin in sizes from 18 to 33 selling r V from to 2000 at ul the exceedingly low lo price of the imported and the domestic materials NM 3 Dr nr l 1 to now nov loatI In Inthe the building suite never better LOGAN Th fh New U is l d by b Carrier Carrl r rIn In Io an MeM NI a ex fIX at 75 Z Cent Per 1 er month All payment end and nil regard In hould be made mad to J 3 M Agent for tor nd id SemiWeekly kly New IK Vf W WIrt North lured 1111 with I o m rl Itral Iteal i E r tat re and nd Ii int ii North Main ot W lieU Uel and ind 1 11 Ird Iral I rd n R l I Ir t r I BREAD BREM An Especial Welcome to Ladies This afternoon and tomorrow al at ut the hours of three to live a n reception will il be 10 tendered all ladies who are 1110 interested in imi the time Cause of Pure e Foods L A t complete demonstration tion tiomi of the tite baking of Royal Hoyal Table I Queen Flowers and Souvenirs Royal Baking Co Coo o co Mueller lue Ill 1 Proprietor L o m t K w H HEH m i iI iI EH RI Boys Dept Sales I Shirt Special 20 dozen boys bens soft oft laundered a I i r sample line all of f quality not a shirt hirl in the thc entire lot that retails regularly rc at JC less 5 than one dollar Sizes 12 to 14 q 12 2 It neckband l 1 K I 0 I I Choice 55 cents I W Boys Suits I t Values up to lo OO Wo Vt have a few of those thoo new suit suits left kit O O ft from froni Fridas ale iak This Thic is the llie greatest t i 0 U saute aluc wc sc c ha shown at uel a n small mall price pr tI The Semi SemiWeekly Weekly News nU mi TU EYS r L O t Today ly and All This Week WW Wj IE I II f fri 1 ri The monster carnival continue continuo s Since Saturday night we weI have havo rearranged our goods in order to have everything I I I ready for the crowds which wi 11 II surely come today and the i I balance of the week w ek e buying the new styles and I h best makes of Clothing Hats Shoes etc for men women and andI d children right in ill the heart of ef the season at a saving of I to on the Dollar Every article in the store storo is included in eluded and at these reductions it will be bo the part of wisdom o on n your part to provide for your I entire family for the rest of this th is year Stetson Wo V 0 are building Hats H a t S 1 8 5 a reputation for fair and honest lonest Every statement made in our ad advertising dealing is guar guaranteed true 18 and 20 East First South Street |