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Show OfSlHIN DAILY COMMKIlCIAL: J o s K j GO i CO 56 M w' CITY IN HKIKF. It. T. )tt-rday- T1AXSFEI OF feUPT. BA$CElTS OFFICES TO IWDE.N. O. W. Grande Bydrr'i Head lVnied-Hoff- til Falls-Ot- Kio Clerk M. F. Anderson, 0raUr S. U. Couan and IUrry Am, oflk boy, on iituting the cleric! eUtf of tteoend .Superintendent Bancroft, curue up from Halt Lake City yesterday and occupied lb Ihrv office prepared fur the future hm luarters of the Union Pacific Mountain division, at th north end of the Union dt'iot building. Mr. Huwroft himself ia east and ia not expected in Ondun for three or four d.iys. Tb en tire force ia busy in straih'titeoini; things out and preparing to resume the routine duties. The Eio li ramie Keuioval. Tb rumor prevalent on the street yesterday to the effect that the Ilio l.uUiAil ftr a aririfMl tflranjlA . - - - - littil --at ten year the building being erected by J. 1L liennett, jreuenil asaeDKer and agent of the road at 1 weoty-sixt4!rant, for une oa head oilicee- of the company ia slightly premature, The Wesuntern aa well aa the Union lV-itidoubtedly realize tbat their lines could be more readily handled from Oifden, but they are not in condition with the latter road to make the change just yet Krerythintf cornea, however, to him who wait -- n Superintendent Ifydcr lietircH. The ofllcial sword, after hanging threateningly above the head of Superintendent Kyder, of the Union Pacific, Jdaho division, for months piust. has at and relegutd that gentlelaal man ngnin to private life. (!t tier ally peaking, there will be few regrets for liia retirement from the aervico. His aucceemr is E. H Culvin, who coiucw dec-ende- a diviaion auperintendeney oa the Miaaouri Pucitio, and ia now on his way west. He will be met at Chevenne ,iv I dn.irul Kiir: iritA.hili.nt. ltnn,rift. 1hv. who will aoooniiunT him to 1'ocn tta and introduce him to the duties of the new office. Uireut-fro- jnuvru t 10 iiiiMiic. Suit Lake mourns over the transfer of the headquarters of the Uio Grande Western, narrow gunge equipment The change removes to Thistle. from Salt Lake about thirty live now in it is employees, nud order for that city to issue the call for an indigantion meeting. Zion will begin to realize soon that she is not the rail road center of the earth. Notes and H c litl-insoo- Heating Stoves in stock and can liliod. clamors fjr IM!Hi.-rtisuit almost anybody, both in style fMirty u Ogdon. Dr. A Jan. returned yesteniay frusa and price. propose to keep a uuiinei trip jo Iliunix, Aruooa. the of the procession and will head adtitx-of Edard G. 'x)ke, will satisfy -r always make prices Kirair)"-VVatViu"n," ia ia our .customers. the city. Jud'e PretJiaw a slightly iu proved yeeirrda. though etui loo '"k t be lvg by his friends. a in Use The theat.ni'al star show their Nearly of Ogden by iuveiicg their Hiimey ia real estate here, A. T. Lawrem;, United State oHii-inspector, with headquarters t Denver, was in the city yesbrday. Mrs. W. Mead Hansen and Mine Annette GleuiVMi left for Ch cago yebterday Biorning, to bs absent for tao luontLs. The last grand masquerade ball of the season will be given on Monday evening, Feb. 23d, l.vthe Utah National Guard in A. O. U.'W. hall. There is a large stove manufacturing concern in Denver ready to establish a branch in Ogden as soon as we have our iron works under way. Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descrip-m- . Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. Fourteen United States rrmy recruits N. V, were in Ogfrom Davitt 's den yesterday on their way to join the : Fifth artillery at Preeedo, Cah : WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN. UTAH Ed G. Cooke, in advance for Kiralfv's SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. spectacle, the "Water magnificent Queen," which appears soon at the Grand, is the guest of the Pacific. The interior decoration of the new Methodist church goes on with consid erable rapidity. When complete.!, this edifice will be an ornament to the city. County Clerk Lcdwidge issued a marriage license yesterday to AIIern Allen, of Ogdnn, and Mis Annie C. Hansen, of Hurrisville. Mr. Allen is ooiinty collector. A Full Line of Lenten Goods, Sardines, Salmon, Boneless Herring, Codfish Died, in this city, of pleurisy, Robert Halls, Lobster. Trout, Kippered Herring, Clam Chowder, Shrimps, Anchovies, II. Brown, aged 111 years and U months. No. 4 WarFuneral from the residence, Oysters and Clams, Baked Beans, Fresh Mackerel with Tomato Sauce, and ren Lane, today at 4 o'clock. Deuvor Salt. Finest Line of Coffee in the City. and Canon City papers please copy. The report was on the street yester Grand House Building. Opera day that one of our hatters bad ordered an extra shipment of large sized hats for 2516 .Washington Avenue. the expected large heads to be found in the first few weeks of our new city government. L. J. Rivers hns rooms in the First National bauk, where he teaches short9 9 hand and typewriting. He is one of the best men iu his line in Utah, and there is no reason why be should not make a success of hia new enterprise. Morris S. Rosenfield and wife, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Lotta, were in the city yesterday, en route to the const, where they pass the winter. Mr. Rocentleld is a wealthy resident of Minneapolis. They are at the Pacific. Personal. Superintendent Knapp, of the Southis wost on a tour of inspection. Ten cars of Bilk arrived from San Francisco yesterdr.y, enroute to the extern market. E. II. Wright, 8uperiijlendent of bridges and buildings on the Southern Pacific, left for Nevada yesterday. The orange shipments of California from Los Angeles will begin to arrive next week, and as the output is large extra preparations are being made to handle it. Thr-- e carloads of horses belonging to Wm. Cerbett, the millionaire turfman of San Francisco, came in yesterday morn ing from tuo west, enroute to the rsew York 6tablos. General Superintendent Bancroft will make the initiul trip in his new car, "014" from Cheyenne to Ogden on his .present tour. "01 1" has previously been used by Harvey Middleton. The Union Pacitio yards in this city which heretofore have been included in the mmntaiu division, have been transferred to tho territory of the Utah di- ern Pacific - vision. lijiy 2.000,000 A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. was some talk of closing the schools in the infected districts, but 10 action has been token. The attendance at the schools hns decreased for the past month, owing to fear of contracting tho disease from pupils who reside in the infected districts. Famous Will Contest. New York, Feb. 18. The surrogate today rendered a decision in the will case. Ho would not admit the document to probate, but would shift tho burden of proof as to undue influence to the shoulders of the A B'uir-weath- er A Healthy Wkidtall. Kansas Cm, Feb. 18. A Journal special from Leavenworth, Kan., says: Frederick Theis, a farmer living in Salt Creek Valley left for California today in response to a telegram announcing the death of his unmarried brother who loft an estate valued at iT,O0O,00a A WELL KNOWN HOUSE NEEDS NO BRASS BAND ANNOUNCEMENT WE ARE STILL AT THE OLD STAND BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO MEET THE WANTS OF OUR NUMEROUS FRIENDS. THE BIGGEST THING IN OGDEN IS OUR BARGAIN LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL AND SEE THEM. room N.. fc UTE 0? CHICKFRINP S6S E. FKIEDEmCII. tTt)KE t j CLOCKS, JONES KKNTIMi A'.ENCY. A RKNT 1 KENT-NfCK- 1 vnt-f"u- I WAMEN MERCANTILE R. ROSS, Proprietor. kt FOR SALE. SALK IOK I horxi.. !'i- lU VEK ( HFJIP. THUKE UUUit" -t !lio' la.x '7. SALE- -I HAVE. Ft)K SALE. A LAHiiE. Hinl. ami rafo f.iinilr hone auil a two-na- ti WiU take a ruuil mi'eh Surrojr i clii-ap- . rtw aa l.njnicut aoi bankahlo papnr fur halaiirp. J. 1). Hunt ( 'omiiutrctal Dnice. X lrt LOST. ItT-SOMEWHE- COMPAH, 2373 Washington Ave, Ogden. IN' KE (My-fjft- U tw auil THE W VH INITV afliiufruin. aft. ni.Hiu, a leal lier tinrwj JIS.'.'.I in im.n.'j anil a trunk key. will borcwanliHi hy lcariua at ullieeof hotel iu I rjKMi Ui'iiuU !!)' ff Kio-dFa-cil- HOl'TI! WASHINGTON AVENEK JOST-O- N light mlorod muff. Leave at thia oHico anil be rvwantat. UUNCH OF KEYS WITH NAME IOST-- A marktwi K. J. Steven., North Oic'leu. I tali. Leare at tliia oHice. F. R. LASHER. GKOCERIES. Fruits sod Produce. 185 Twenty-fourt- St. h (IN TASNEB BLOCK.) Tfleprmiwa Hit. miicnei ......vmore . . ii ana .1: ( : : Kill and Don tola Shoes Children's Shoes mens' shoes For per cent, less than regular prices at 25 to 50 W.G. CHILD &S0FS Washington Avenue. - kooS uofse ton klntE. nr:xr- -i J t liKirke from Stnwt Mir. tuguira ut Mrtua. tul Tvouty-flr.troeu When You Can Buy 1 tN-qui- re twt. Fl'RXISL'FD FRONT Eaney Prices! 241 IIOOSI TO I'iC.NT. rt LV iuc. all W -- li- W IN ALL FARM OF bMlTM I S. WiB-ii.t- I.NtR BOSTON. WITH F. THE FAIR. - '3MSHEn FRONT J i..v liu.. U tl nmn. DDIEIP(!D, jfe' tl0.rai4 iadna- . LV WHY PAY WAF1E, 13 I KKVT-VUX- 444&qo$$$4qq$q44w Diptheria in St. Louis. St. Lovis, Feb. 18. In some districts of the city diptheria is prevalent to an alarming extent. The health department have been utilizing all the resources at their command to control it, but so fur have not succeeded. There i KSISHFU a family FOR RENT. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Cigars are Unequaled. Crey'e office pti4-mri- f. ( c , INITIO A hJU. f tttK. UKS LOW PRICES. 263 Kl J U-- li-- ri rrh.r.)jtx II.)! WOl"Ll FOI ETF-EJ. Adir 0KMKES Ul lu-t.trfu- $1 WATCHES, GOOD GOODS. tionized, and many unexpected cures enecieu. xi soon relieves snort breath, FOB SALE EVEHTWHERK. fluttering, pains in side, arras, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart Pianoforte Tuning and and Nervous diseases free. The Repairing. New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by H. A. Walker. Also bis .Restorative Nervine for headache, fits, nervous chills, opium sprees, hot flashes, ' , habit, etc. EDGAR F. n?e..ie! ! . Feb. ''18. Ttwder.. Topkka, Krt has left for Bk': "ton, P&, having can, celled hia western engagement. uiuuub. '4Nn:H-THti;i.UlOl'K- THE LEA.DHSTG JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, I!OV OF f ruucj l. hjttl f two. lima to niim at JJU BEITMAN BROS., !L a etna. "Wasliinjrton Avenue. ?. 3No. it -- Dr. O. V. W IA that pire-ciatio- Death From Kidney Disease Is the unfortunate and untimely ending of thousands of the American people annually, uregon maney lea is guar- Every Tarcnt Ilis Own roliccman. anteed to cure all forms of Kidney Peoria, Feb. IS. Young Spelman, a troubles. Take it in time. son of the distiller, was marched to jail this morning by his father. The Greatest Strike. the Among great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important The demand for it has become astonishing. Already the treatt ment of heart ditease is being revolu- Powdcrly Cancels WANTED. K. at 1 o 8 8 2 & ANTCI-- A HAVE NEARLY ONE WEhundred different kinds of , w in X B W'AMtlV-Li- S!t Lke, are in Ua a. Mr. L. X K Lake City Bjjiia.ie an J J. T. 8 j SOLE AGENT FOR We Chief Clerk Opdj he auj JV, Vou Ur ' v c Jietw. her . PtagiU cw ia rkt BiilL I. N.C bext Monday eveuicg. uf timortd fiuoval of the X : CIRCLES. IN RAUiWAT 4 v K' GOODRICH & CO., 313 24th St. W. W. FUNGE. 1 to x :A x v: V V them in all Grades and at Prices to beat the World. "Wo lmvo V v! vV RUBBERS, 7n CJ 9. ARCTICS, OVERSHOES. ft , m. 19. IS THE WEATHER FOR TI-TI-S X UiriiSUAV. JEURl'AUV ana 1'ror.iut t aromi . ti |