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Show iMiDKS DAILY COMMERCIAL: AHT UF YLVTKiLUQnSE -- HIS VOKQC" THHO MVS IT ft NOT A GIFT WHO CAM I III KDAY. FKBRl'AKY 19, IbiH. BUSIKCSS CAPOS Dw h Xtfrk'bUfuM U Uaauedtaa, Mat lite OB M iu uatat ptiaW tm4 ao ztl iiao GKAN Scenic Route I Loan & Trust Co. la! ; Ir..l IW. f BTauU fou B CwmiJjr CaiteB wtxtw I. rrarurai ti.iv 1 t and i at i ht me acrr..ur.ill Ly a taalu 4 It HiwiifaUf taat lathie rauvii iooU and tula- Bdva..'.Jag.- larfcicii i tb. mrlr out gift arr laHiard to imjub tiw Mom let tSmr pnast. and au prvrmt a best of oompetitun fruea taking firkl on VcBttiluquiaW u not a gift, it d.-in a rvat unaware uti the luMnutucaUl-l- l f li etudr-B- t aa Iubtcw-iim- t tie anil r iH.t. but It .1- .- :i t J : li. U I ewrthelraa tru- - I ft ! any I. ..f in; a ivrtmu aiL. and anal cau become to a rtaia an exponent of tin? fW.DAUn,; art. cau friends to wonder at tbe number of rotors iihm them. Theaaj no m :,i ! art able, if ttwjr artxt lb . j.jmr Hi' y. to rauiif ni. it or annoy ii.ee to tbeir li r to the eutrul luat n sr. at uiany pl ' a The wntaf him Ikxh on oiv anon to "throw" hit voice t.. the m : diaUw-of a MM off, ao that it vroulj appear U pnn-w- l from hii own pocket or aome other jtiailr abuunl 1 e place. NVvraa to the nifanin of the word ventriloquism. It in derived from the IAt Id roott Teeter, the belly, and loqnor, to but belly is owtainly a iiiumouier, and leads many peoplu to . . are r lut-- . iri.iinj that tinfrom that portion of the body. That i Dot to, the vmtrilduial voice being formed purely aud Miuply in the throat, the muscles of ich only i g ! or requisite to give Miiii i ut power to the voice. Ventriloquism may be chuuted under three haadei Wntiili, qniim proper, eliij Urdu iind Under tin first of these heads conies the voice; that is. imitation of sounds a they apjK'or when heard from a diatairee in various pia. - and din .1 .. at ain-aki- - th-i-l- U-i- Ml und illti: lonp, which ban had an op down-thoH'idla- nearly every one purtuuityof hearing, are the outcomes of Uiia voice. Again, there ar "(treat cries," in which ihe performi-- i has a miniature drawi'ig MM window, and gives imitations of varieii and tin Hi' r ma well 'if i i a long way oft: then gradually the man is heard coming nearer :"d nearer. the window, and going slowly av.ay again in the distance. The window being mad'- to open and close makes tli" illusion perfect. l olloquism consists of thtJ iuiitatiotut of various human voices-- Urn instance, it Is uaaa! ftr most yentri!urtwts to intro ill. comical, lil'totui-- , tailfcng uiitumata. the heads of which are ndc of papier in.Jia.the interiors 1" ;ti lifted with Kpru ;s and con!-- , by thejiid of which llr iicrfonner controls the mouth, eyes, hair, etc., of his talking family the 111 niths of which being made to move at tin same time as the words are littered by the performer, and, owing to the tin certainty of flic three l ion from wiiich r ds emanate, and winch, by the way, is the true secret of all ventril Minal illusions, the voico really. apcnrs to from the flgtirc.-- . I'olyphoiiisin or mimicry is tint Unit. i5 of cattle, sheep, sawing, planing etc. This brant'li of VM&riioquiaiB is nilier difllcult toncqnire, althi atrh Hmm nr" HWtWI sotKids that can be oopitd wtUiout any particular gift. A great HUM persons nro excellent, mimics without being VfjatfUoquiste, for ill neatly every school cjin doubtless ls found a y outli who amuses his fellows 111 the piny ground HMf with his crowing and firs! j'H.s.'-in- - . pro-cisi- l 1 M iiling A few practical rf procedure tr be n mi it was 4 fart lua tiaiB. ,pouh, Mr. learners may not lie out of place beir. although half a doara kaaOOl from a good professional would do itillniteljr more for tliel than till the boo I;., that have ever Im.vti vvritt. hi upon th 'subject, and which, by the way. are BWMllly a mass of theoretical phraseology. Btfora :iuy attempt is made with the voice the Hudunt must lie prcp.m d to devote the same time and attention totlie breath. Which ho mnst get entirely under control, s.i RS to be able to bold it for a time without straining. TUa, of course, must ba a gradual process. Hefore commencing to practice a strong inspiration should ba taken, as the lungs require to be furnished with a plentiful lupply of fresh air, which has to be well controlled and allowed to escape gtv& ually. fie must endeavor to breathe threagh his nose and keep his mouth abut This is a hint which it would bo as v.ell for every ue to it niembi r. and ifti of eoM natnhilrf and IBnM The learner must tady1 all times to imitate sounds, nut as they are heard at their source, but h.s they fall upon tho ear after traveling from a distance. That is the golden rule of and if it is continually kept i m i nd success is certain. As con j urers em! ivor to deceive the eye, so ventrilo-qnist- s the ear. try to The "distant voice" originates at that ppot in the throat where tho "cluck" takes place when driuking, so without iiny fncial contortions or movement of the lips the words must lie forced against t li ' back part of the palate one by one, with a series of short, quick breaths, at the .;me time strengthening the sounds . hi uaing the muscles of tho stomach, which will pve them increased power, 60 that they will reach the audience distinct The farther off the clear wand is supposed to be the smaller the quantity of breath must be expired. The gnat fault with beginners is straining after effect. No sooner do they make a to feel their little headway and feet than they want to run, a proceeding Which v ill bring their endeavors to a :ual failure. Chambers' Journal. 11 Jec-eiv- ad foot thaa naif a aod the lui-- tmm ikr-rt..- ttaere-re- t ! mtb iritt. laat Utat W uc tiei a.) ta bawttiral .cr.i itT.j a. in. riu t, aai great tJJeti oi- - ia i Laadorth. rt.lhU(e and the Viae. HUlorte ( aliforaia Haaaraf aUnitta. with whuh bar had a peraasal ina ef the Padrr Jeaipera v-- r taken tr:. uuaiatantv wa t tamed for fair KrwrU where twrr haiW four wrtguuag pood at Uooihbay roaiea tat and plraarr Brier rfa. and pound. When that puad waa draiatd in order to lit it far a rearr-toMujiTS.-a- X aiamrt'L cakhju ST TUX aEa. the bottuui was aliv with eel. aud 1 Mrrt sr. and full They aamd'y 1 puULtd. U. JouniaL 1 TPaas.-Tahe- a.-ra (jc Ml Saaata. BETWEEN SA.1 FRAHCISCOANO PORTU. Wn : . o MMg. A tlelightftil tory of tin- - exhiUuon in au year-ol- d boy of weak human nature atinn t to lie uai to tba Halt fail it com. . from Brookstiitiu put small boy ha not tins virtue lyn. J.I'. ill un I'liiiH'irial National iw mumi m mmmMjwm a.' r J Zmj m-i- t it unit mbs. fuuT n ni (; Ik Baal IViiy tt lluy ll.niana.. The banana, which is the greatest of nil tropical fruits, comes to us chit fly from Panama and the West Indies in great shiploads, and in the banana market in New York the big green bunches "heads" they call them in South America, just as we sicak of heads of cabin', containing from five to ten dozen each, can Isi Isiught for a dollar to two dollars and fifty cents, according t.i the variety. They are not so expensive after all, and a big green bunch bung in a cool cellar will ripen gradnslly. so ss to furnish a d" ii of niM' ones each flay until the whole bunch is gone. In this way you tan enjoy your bananas just u.--. they do in the laud of palms, for even there they cut them while they are geeen, and allow them to ripen as we do in the North, t'oiirtenay de K db in llariier's Young l'eolde. St. Louis, J TKAI.SIt. I'l'oplierv. 1'i't burg student, while reading the hook of the Vision of Naiium. the BUcashite, came across a passage that aaaniad to him to Ik' prophecy of the discovery of the use of ehvtricity M a motive power in the electric railways of the pmaent day. Tlie passage is from Nithnm li. 1. and reads as follows: "The rhariots shall ratre in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the hrv'iidwHvs; they shall seem like torches; they shall run like the lightnings." A urn Ill i :10 .1 6:20 a. 1 :20 p. 111 iS p. 4 m a. I B Isa a. Transcript ' Ills lii. of Fllllll'. "Ambition is my life," said the enthusiastic youth as he sketched out a marvelous future for himself. "I intend to live only for QCOOSa, DOWCT, But how bail to achieve that? Shall I command arms, dictate to seuates. or wield the mighty pen'.'" "lXi none of these thiags," said his father with the wisdom of years; "the secret is this: discover a new bacillus." St, Joseph News. Ijoave Ofrden, ,S:!!0 kKllltl.l.. laW . ABU L. B. Ahahm, Cashier. W. Office; Odd n: m ni in in m ir SALT BASK a. in., lU.lp, m.. VI5 p. 12 :30 p. ni., 6KX)p lauaiB eave Salt I..il; fv25 a. m.. retnrniiiR, arrive Salt Lake, 5:;)p. in. AMERICAN PIUNUV1LI.E AND milK. IROVO, l TIITSTI.E. retuiuiuc. arrive J. II. HKNNETT, (ion. Pass, Agt. iree, HBLrmrn, Oaahii and Manager. r. PHYSICIANS Ocden. Ctah. SMITH. rR.TH0a CITIZENS' BANK VTJkM. octLp;n, : 200,000. OFFICIALJ)IRECTORY. aTBBBB oh (UUBl'l icf.es. Probate Judge Bobert W. Cross. - Lewis W Shurtliff, John Tiucock, SelectmenFreil Foy. P. Le.lwiitge. John O. Tyler. Dix. A. Boyle, naaanrerJohn Collector--Joh- n V. Bliith. Attorney - L. U. Rogers. Sheriff - Gilbert R. Beliiap. Coroner Marshal Allen. Surveyor R. W. Karis. Supnrintendent of District Scools Clerk--- S. X and hi. First National Sojourning brothers cordially invited, pBBCrVAI, J, BaBBATT, President. Haeby Oillett. Secret aiy. 2:174 Wash Ave. SURGEONS Bl'LMER, LEGAL BLANKS Doctor iu Uelicii!es. Master iu Surgery, L. S. A., London. MaaaaaVD ani fob SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Royal College of Surgeons. England ; FeUow Society Arts and Rcianot, Lobbob. Formerly iiuarantine officer and superintendent for New Zealand nnd laJhoi:riie. Victoria. Address or call a; 2J;5 Washingum .tie ..lot A. COlTINl.HAM, 'PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST. in rBEl'INCT OFF1CEB9 -- PIEST Justice of the Peace Washington a venue over Horrock Teeth without plates Bad saving natural teeth a Specialty. No teeth or roots too Jos. Perry E. A. McDnniel. K. A. Koch. SECONIl OOOBD TKEINCT. of the Pence- B. Terues. Constable Justice Constable Phil Font. -- THtPI) IXl PEN rtlEClNCT. of the PeaoB A. Perrin. Justine Constable D. O. Sullivan. FortjTH OBBBB 125 ?00 rRra-i!o- Jnstice of the Peace Yal (iiueou. Constable -- H. B. Steel. C. A. CIVIL ENGINEERS. KM. K. W PAJBlfl. 370 501 502 379 npTJSH A FAItiS, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans, specu3eations and estimates prepared and work suieriiiteudel. Maja, plats, tracing-- , blue prints, etc., etc 475 Twen'v 78 2 executed on short not ire. Rooms : and 4, Union hW. No. Fonrt'i Street. Ogden. I'tah. BQBTBV1ULB HBCIBCT. Justice of the Peace- - Angus McKay. Constable George E. Fcrriu. kiien PBBCnrCT. Jiitic,of the Pence E. B. Frorer. Constable John (iotild. NORTH OBBBB f IBIimil Justice of the Peace- - James Storey. Constable James Deanier. aaBonaa, Justice of the Peace -- William (i. Kanson, BOYIi mm HOT :!02 I7(i 7ti :I77 HEATER 572 The Most Improved and Economical Heater iu the Market, lSlirt Lino to Park City.J LINE OF THE WIST. THE PANORAMIC C COURT On and after October 26, 1S90, pastengtr and f Najfct trains will mn follows : ,, TBATXS. r.tssi.M Leave Salt Lake SOOa. m Leave Park City m ,. Justice of the P"ace Constable- - Josiah B. Carver. BIVEBUALK 1'KECINCT. MI.NI.NC; Justice of the Peace Richard Dye. Constablc John Parker. riSTAH PP.ECINCT, Justice of the Peace Timothy Kent1 ill. Constable Byron L. By bee. Cant Charles King, the novelist, does tbt greater part of his writing with his left hand. His brightest thoughts are evolved, he thinks, when the right lobe of his brain calls for the use of the motor mnaclea of his left side and vice GEORGE W. JONES, Member of the American Tick"t versa. Met Association. Justice of the Peace W. H. Craudall. II. Maycwk. Constable Justice of the Peae Simon F. If alverson. Constable Caleb Parry. Plumbing aud Gas Fittiiia IN ALL. 1TH nuANCHKS. -- btma PRECINCT. Jnsticw of the Peae- e- Peter L. Shcruer. Constr.ble -- Jaim s IJarrop. W1I.SOV DOYLE 2:1114 & H ALVERSON, Ave. Official Bond and Oath Call and get priciw. A a A A BLANKS. A S. M. PRESHAW, PRECINCT. Jn- - ticeof the Peace P. P. Bingham. OeBCtabW Daaial N. Drake. WEST WBBKB A Chattel Mortgage C Marriage Certificate . ... ! . . . A Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts, Books of 100. Other Blanks constantly being added to the above list. flBOBCT. MARRIOTT PRECINCT. A UNDERTAKER PRECINCT. Justice of th" Peace J. W. Hurt. Constable Jos sph IIokc. UlMIPLI. PEKCINCT. Justice of the Peace James Johnson. Constable- Francis M. Beluap. V - And Funeral Director AjGENCYibr Broker's end Prn .:,,, Railroad and Steamship Railroad 377 75 325 MISCELLANEOUS rKECIXCT. A BUSKS. Mining Deed Notice of Location of Claim Proof of Labor Power of Att'y to Locate and Sell Justice of the Peace Ccustable Wilson Poulter. BTilTBlTTiXB BtVNKS. 325 350 400 401 PRECIXCT. Justice of the Peace-Jam- es Hntcluns. Constable John J. Hutchins. A UIMHUUI (X)UKT ULA.VKS. H. Tuyloi. PLAIN C1TV PUEl 1NCT. VIEW A A Affidavit for Claim and Deli v ery personal pnipcrty 525 Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal properly 52G Undertaking for Return to Deft, Claim and Deliorv personal property , . 77 Complaint on Claim and Delivery personal property ConstableJames PEEASINT CLASS. 10 umnau KAN'ESVtLLn I1LNKS. Deed -- Utah Central Railway B Ad:iiitiistratiir's Bond A Exwutors' Bond A Letters of Guardianship A Order Appointing Hearing. . . A A Testimony of A Testimony of Applicant Order appointing Adm'r A ommissionkr's coukt uu&aa. Summons Sheriff's Sale Constable'a Sale Order for Deft to appear and show cause A Citation for Garnishee A Affidavit for Citation for Garnishee A Writ of Execution 1 Special bad to bo saved by filling or crowning. attention given t.i children's teeth. co i. Assignment of Mortciure Bill of Sale PBOBATX Office, 212" A Sous store. Oo DEN I'KEl INOT. Trust 500 3 51 K. SNOWDKN, Recorder "mnn flrilu,, Warranty Heed, Iqdk form ... A A Quitrolalm Deed IAal EetateMort'ffe,Bhort f'rm A A Option Contract Leaeo A Bond for Deed A B Discharge of Mortgage 100 DENTISTS. nr Warrantr Deed, abort tons . , s ' W.kurtou OO.VVEYANCIXG Jg. SPECIALIST. r70 Ill BOBBOattOB with BBBMri oraetirn wlr,. 571 Special att.'iitionto 'lisea-.eto females 425 ajasases of the geiiito urinary organs, diseases of tin rectum, fla.! Piles, listula, llssure aud 450 ulceration: diseases of thecal, BOBe, throat and 375 chest. Coiisultation free. 1100 Office over PostoAlea. MepbosB 209. 50 laU mmmi mtsm the J. Assessor-Edw- I OODEN. I'TAH. Tlie above society will hold its BBBBtfBBjB b Knii'lits of Pythias hall. Twenty-fourt- h street, lover Standard building' every Thursday ven ing at half past seven sharp, until further lue J jOB, Appliraliou form may ts oblaiie-i- l fn SB Dr. Percy A. Cook, ttil, Wnshington avenue. . AND MILITANT QRDF.B SONS OP ST. GEO RUE. RICHARD CCEUR DE LION LODGE, Xo. .4.(1 Wm. V. a ni in m m in ni ni r U. W. r.Mims :C, t ev.Ty Tue'laj and Friday evenings at Members invited. ellows HaU, K. W. Lawia, Captain R. C. SMKtD.Chrk- - Washiiurtou aveune JIOS ATTORNEEYS-AT-LAW- . Sim. i.iN.i, Vice President. NO. PATRIARCH L 0. 0. F. KANSniKU SMITH Bank building. Coret, UNION LODGENO. 6. pANTON. 00 DEN ; Twenty-four- i, Wcinesdny long i:, ('... Iowa Hall. Tweoty-fourt- h street Sojourning tini'bers i;. aood standing cordially hstfiai to attend. V. 8. R trs S. 4J. John Braosuaw' See. ATTORN m Lehu ev. r M1WUOD, 0100,000, F. W. tl. by pamphlet of Information and an- -) umrst i ji tue iavs,9ni'ing How to ii'iu.'iin raaaBB, t aveats. Traded MM Trtt. iumu, . lUm,.opyrignta, MUNN CO. l A Bid AT a orli. Tickets Bought, Sold and ALL T1CKKTS PintStreet Telephone i - 201, Laagal Blanks of aD kinds for aate the Commercial Ollico. ftuMg for Shipment. attended to. I(Mm have promijtly Hoarse E tD0 city. Tel. IS?" PRINTING INKS! Miol Biondway, Ntw h Wm ATTORNEY-AT-LA- President. K. DoOLT, O. O. J H. ALLISON C1I1T1I ,t SMITH, J. TBBBto-fourt- W. L. Adams, Roe. See'y. S. BOKEMaN, No. E.B.U-nr.S.- CRESCENT LODGE NO. 13. regular meeting every Monday nurtit at o'cl--m H.f.1 Fellows HaU. street. all sojourn ai brothert at rordially invited to atu-ud- . ALLISON, tab. Felt,. Maaai Hold 7 Oiiden, Ctah. Office, Oifilen, t 0. 0. F. O. O. P., J ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- T Comforts of Travel. Arrlvoat Park ( ity 10:00 am 6 :30 p. m Profe si on :il Guide (to palace car por-- I Arrive at Salt Lake 'BRIGHT rstivs. have an English lord in oharge, Salt Lake 7:00 a. m ami 1 want him to get a good impression Leave Leave Park City 40 a. m of the comforts of travel in this country. Arriv? at Park City 12:50 p. m Arri.e at Salt Lake Here's rive dollars. p. m Twelve .nbtirban train, daily between Salt Port er Yes, sah. Do you want me to Lake City and Mill Creek and Sugar House. All people Roing to Park City will find it to gib him extra attention, sah? their interest to take this line. Guide Great Scott, no! I want you Offices and Dejiot: Comer Sth South aud to keep away from him. New York Maiu street. Salt Lake City. T. J. Mackintosh. 6, F. and P. A. Weekly. loth was first made in England in the year 1331, though it was known in oriental countries since time out of memory. It waa neither dyed nor dressed in" England until the year . CAPITAL, in in m m a. in p. 4:0 p. mj 1:45 a m 4:45 p. ml 2 i a. m fi.'OO p ml 8KHI a 111 p. ni Ctah. over I'tah National Hank, corner of avenue nud Twenty-fourt- h street, Office, op1 arrive Ogtlen Leave Ocilon 3: (Vden 12::m p. a, 1). C. DODOS (ion. Mauner. . PnM.iilent. Thbo. KoiuituN, Vico-Pre- LOCAL TRAINS. RetuniiuK ni. m. 3 00 a. in. BANK, Interact Paid on Time Deposits. YVabren W. 11 OUnEN I ii.iti. Jobb km, jr.. Sec. . Osd,-u- ' are anreaaUicaBL LODUE NOV Meet ev r Tnewiay eTeuiog in Odd ball. . - PaciHc Ezpreas. 9:110 a. S.15 p. 12:20 p. m 11 :10 p. 1 ::V. p. m 11:2fi p. tan p m :.Vi a. It sU ,i m 10:40 u. 4:l a. ml 2:10 p. 140 n m 2:15 p. a. in 5 50 S::) 1 a n m 6:1(1 1. 2 A: auiSdg a. QOllES , i, j.,1 du, Practices in the Ditrict ('oiirt and all tlJ ciuris. Personal atteutn n t?i n to cotlcctions. Keuiember the pla.v. in 1'e. ry's buihl-itunear meal shop of C. 11. tim-uw- , w,'ei II A Bnn... IM : Twenty-fourtCtah. P.O. tret, A V KecJ, L 0 0 F. it Odd Fell.,.. HaU.T.t,.f..u-- flahBBBfaruthars ATTORNEY-AT-LA- JAUkS N. Visit U4 M the tir.i m thi i Tluirkdai. of oatL L- - E-- Sai Hctltw. Pine bus M6. t. PUik. . me Meats i. m. u mili ab. Supreme Court. Nevada. Wmdiimrton Ave.. KC ' TotMlar eveaun at M t J P. t ULLUM. IJ1NTAU ENCAMPMENT XO. J. U. WHITE, R. mllil AND 7J00. - ecy a U. W. Xntioal Back j, CAPITAL, No. :t. Pacific Mail Arrive Salt t.itlte fii'iive Salt l.tke Arrive Offtien 1121.000. - United States Depository. 8:4t P. Ill 9:M p. in p. m p. ni m :!:f ni (1:45 No. I, Prove wr -- E. I'uuLLU,. rurdiilj imiini K JEUNABU A MACM1LLAN. ATTORNEYS AT LW. Oijln, I'tah. t. a a 9:45 a. !' 50 a. a. p 9:40 p. Arrive (ireen Kivcr Leavo ilri'iii River Arrive Pmvo I.I'IIV" a. a n. Mi It :: a 11 ur 11:40 a It A :30 a. 5:: SuW p. S X, . Kill K.. UTAH. HaraM 9:.V1 M't LAWYERS. QBatl 0. A. bix.mers I tali. c J. bW. LOD..E kO. Biar. lard tfluelu,. iimtB, f t. SECRET SOCIETIES. JIDIUJT ai..t IT I Bbia. T. P. ARCHITECT. JACOB Atlantic 8:40 a. . bank, No. 2. Atlantic la Osden mn Warren W. Corey, B. A. Well .. SiilneySteiens Tlios. Cahoou. C. h. Wun. i.'.H. II. 8p m er, & Hah ram IB, Ad. Kubn, Tbeo.Rob oaon ,.1 r..n.- - ka K. T L. STAUB. o. a. D1BKT0M No. 0.. c. MONTE (tlMMAVDaTJaT. ARCHITECTS, Ha.id Patrick Uealy. IK',11. M f iPave onatit. L'L A inttr, and UTAH NATIONAL 1 BOI ND tut-- - a to HE; l.t k W Office, Railway. STANDAeIMtAUGE. current"t1me taklk KAST O. Interevt Paid on Time an J Ravinas PnaaOl. Rio Grande Western 1 I', . r..r f. oe nr.L JIMIULL RKO. W. VAI,1,KHY In KfTrtt Jan. 4 . AND BUILDERS. Bet. Tvetity- suaaam, WfvuuAM, H. O. Harmnnn, JOHN A. HOVI.K. Viw PiM.lei.! A. P. IllliKLOU . CaUuer. tLi eoncorDlug Axeut, nr tuldreM au i - and Kml liot4 OpiMitr the Braoai IWiit-o- v. BoMi..-- , H.f. BHii:i.(i Cm lutormaiioa - .. h Omaha auj Ticket kMU- Ju.-n- SiiijiIus, Attach bd to au. TmocuB Tsais.. For further tne, spplr to Heury ... ARrHrfECTS, J II.VW. :!. 1. 1. Cy Our Famous Dining UrivaSaH Lake tfaaa. i.if- PMnarvaiai lyfnveSalt l.ako "I often hae a str ng desire," said a Arri?t Provo fjoavo Pniro fernlmat traveler, to pick up one of Arrive (intn River tho-- e life preservers und r the seats and I'iivi (iret n Kiver Arrive (iriinil JBBCtioa hold it Bp by one of the strings, just to I.ivt (tranit Jiinctinn M If if wouldn't fall to pieces from its Arrive tileritvood own weight. They look rotten, and 1 Arrivn Loaitvillo Anivol'iipblii believe they are rotten. They never Ar. I'ol". Sjiriiii;- ns. The dust is Arrive lwivir s"( m to changi po always an inch thick on them, and so 1 WE8T nol BO TKtlNS. assume that they are never examined. of aataad man a the who Fancy despair " of them to assist him in saving his I.cnvc Daavar. Colo. Sprinits life, and v. I."ii he tried to tie the stniis l,eavp I.'MVl' Pnehto around him found tliem failing apart Ij'llVC Leatlville. (ilcnwooil Sen hi.. worn out sh string." -- New York lji'nvc Arrive. .Junclioii Tribune. Leave (Iraud Junction.. 1667. - Capinl. Capital HiA in. Denver, Chicago, St. , Id n m HEliUiso lor Breaklai SIHiMtNS. uuder Ml Sua. la, lor diunex - ' I rr, g. S if . Ivansas a Paid , try Imi I 1a:i. A ISniiL (KilJKX, t'TAH. 0ar u . V, - Tw-ntr- -f. V. ra Oraad I'aaua at ta uwuu. J. T. A. Amtnf, Kaakn. las UtauU.ui Kuttl it IV.lt ('01 k. M l rl.:i Ml Hbaia and ih awsilnu p' T chU-dre- Boaton t l aat r. Pre. I. ! of humility very prominently developed. Indeed, tie is what is known among of his own age aii "proud." and wont to remind such of his layman aa are leaa fortunate than be in worldly Now his station of hut advantages. mother, who ha. a cia.v- - in Sunday achool, to which her little son also belongs, luttl given his outgrown overcoat to another boy in the clasa. Ami then, knowing th failing of her tS(iLlI VKSTIBl'LE TBA1KM offspring. U fore settinu out she toldLim he must not tell the n il owner that the coat had ever belong' to him. And the boy promised. But it wn terribly hard the object 'work, especially as t of his sell restraint during the entire But he didn't say anyexercises. thing, and the mother'') heart was ever. At last, hovevr, just before JLincoln, tif grace deschool was over, bis st.i oseph, parted from Irini. Iearung over the other lioy, with cautiously extenthd fingers, he said, "I just want to stt if that hole is ill that pocket yet." New FREE RECLINING ('HAIR CAR!York Evening Sun. ON ILL TRAINS. I an-t- A.M. aaa witk JlI! CONTR-aOR- ONLY 36 HOURS 111. ( Mi Btf La imt. O. E. !t utte-ba- lf roMaUta.-T- I M JuVilKSi. H ' I ti.NUAkD7 rr.rtraa ofUi-- ia R - SO COHTRACTOR AND BIMLDER Ctaa. hmti. murr. i.p.ida. LAM.KlXJlil J. KJi BAkiM L. a e.m (JoDfcN CliAPTTR. AfcUBMooa. GENERAL BANKING. k Hum J .an f.--t- i t br ua I lav. q 1.000.00 - - - B.F.4A.1. j r LlhtatglcT. aitJ . i Munr aVfti r. r. ta - 8200.000.00 - - CapitaL SutplttK C. P. Ml MM.U ift. V ba THi HORTHWb PORTLAJiD AND J A It fUvd. hmmp toAay ia the taw proUitnefit tJap Uui.hr It aaach, I at ia bow rtfat teb-- r as to the mod loiiovd by would mj ot water la a ka!hw poC He attar ked it with a club aa4 the aaar ti- - . TW riteatun waa la Lis tatuts- - 1 FOR HEADSTONES AXD K0NU1ENTS n.va x, It a U ;in. .1. I a R b iy o rWr V'i" and Jb Ink PCl .'.'r. Kir.ae..te.el",i.iaK Tiir Cojimculial. du bbH .o |