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Show iXiDKN DAILY tL THE COMMERCIAL. a-- uJ is.!.; a.lc-il- l erril li-- :Lr Locrtj fur IL UTAH. OGCN. , ( ail rj-rifit-"- jr Lest Ii i j - art M if IIOILL l.--l . I i 4. W inTorui its r.rf uf Vte arnuiguitviit Hi. fliiUsiUSyi tt.MMKtu "nK Cut. Jtctetl at vor A .4 ! f- - tL oi.'uplil oj.Uig j j t'ae Lt f prmnioent L urj;o.I Thk CoMmwuLto olitorikUj tLiit the result of the raa not e M'r-uio- i rest muoiclpi.1 They sit) : "The iutpreiMiifl prevail to a j,'r.t n-lnth M'finf:a io theeatrt-li-J- it proerly thi city kTetriu!iiti,i.iit in the r.-c- t ) fcay tlti.n vk-tor- t. li-- VMi i Lj Mi'ie u 1AU, fcli.a JL tLe tpLi is th w re-j.- o-- F..-r11 t ta fui'y af.J i:.jr a 5 uJ at the tSze, i ..4- it Mat t!r r.joJ we were V.Vrir-.'lt- -- u'-r- t. f . rirt ..r irtA :;)j ,f jrv:r jmu." iy ia ti. i- t j t :L.i-- rfcaJ LiLt ia ber ' .:..'-- a ivi';. - ii La fLe ?Uc-- It - J3 as a UHhltrs fr.ie, taid Kpuu j.Ur-!y frw froti ai.y vjjtan- j jt or l VllKr'l hi Lot t BiO'tr-l- . cLtTt d.cx!urc j This has U-- s tiiLiiil'.y edheced to by 1h. " j tl-fjHrtidj day. pfrwtt iub! oa. the M.c Yk'a:jv.riri.t is Lj.jru-- by a tl el-Mr. McNutt tLiir-.tsiv ns-iieooijMLy. w1ih-. LU-fhi of the city cuoiiiiittM-aai i'riud. Hugf.ituwt.t f a sui 4j.ui pr i .e a Crtoc Mr. Tyler was electnl (ha.rtiiUi of the H.U. Yai. '. Aaea. IVrry lroi-kdcounty L berd cooianttee as4 bits txra 15. YCalt-atd Liiiuse ?.Iu.Ji-er-. e Miiity reoorJer. riisieiii-i.-t w ill prove to be aujoi-- g Ia tbeeU'ttoo two jvars ao, almosi a ll.i iLi c; iaifiortant t.J enjoj aulc' of aty j li.i jt rstif city guvrrbceut was ia the history of the l Hi.'. treasureraJ oiYor, rvoordtr, 4 whu-- proves tt toalty of therepab-Ik-ao- s On Tuday ar J WedLetdry of text to toe Lilteral party. yaea a graod llov was it With our Oemorratie wtfk Kirlf proil uctiB, w ill be preectd frietxlk? Why did Jud'e fjoodaria r . Scats os eesve a of oji!ia this at the (iraui Opra hou-city in f he f.i of the fact that we had a ale next Soturdsy. Liberal n.jority of over one thou&and otera? The Democrat) would regkstri AX ADDKESS. not rote for him because he a a to LclLt-- r ,ur-tjo- t a f uti 1 1 Vl-- e "t e elrtl mjity - is Iican. IUpub- at the the last ticket Dominated ly iKliiered ly Jude Il.sLi-aliuoxt aoiidly the X. O. W. Kutertuiumeut. arty Litjal MuuiM' KiM-- i r is at; Bounded as a liwiuxe the IVmocra'.io r.a;; Ju !.e A. C. Bibhop dehvertd the folof w hich has lieen dictaticg to and ruling probable candidate for low ing address at the A. O. l W. enterami iiwtdiitw I y the m prvt'ing Oak) next fall. the L.!ral party knew none bJt tainment on Tuesday eveuint;, and it did kiMJ!'l'l Mivoioa organ in in th Look at their ticket : McN'utt, ma) or; not thi city fcfu-- th return were ill, nod appear in The Com m rati a i. then "Ma. Cij.vwjixu'o error" is what the Uryau, re.xrder; ll ju.e, ax.d to a buk of spar: , owing Heifrit-hi.y diFjukhi aci.t frum Mormon source democrat Treasurer rails the ex all collector; r Deiuo-crat- pecers. ' "Hi tffwt of ths iiujirii)'i i tode-t- r eiiBtfro capital from seeking invtt-uien- t in thi city, thorehy workun; an ititwsti of Ojjilen. injury U tht t I'ltKise deny, in the strongt pibJe Vrms, the repurt tiiut iiiK'h victory wait faiued." Tiir. Com In nrnVr to thin wi Bi'uu niijjht truthfully wy that thia comlitiim i an wknowle.ljtnieiit fthe ruth of the prediction uhich it ao often ma1o that a flefent, either artialiy or holly, f the Liberal ticket, would ork f Oclen in the inn injury to the city tn.U-r- n U-e- if iiiiiulH anti-silve- aier demo-crat- president's pre recent letter. "lie was as fuzzy as a hat," is the manner in which a Philadelphia pnli-uiadeecrilieil a drunken man. n Aix obeerrablH inilicatioua point to a world beating sue less for Chicago's big show in m. Mav we all be there to see. Thk tribute paid by the American prees to the memory of General Sher man is of itself a monument of greatest glory. eiitern eij.i(. It is noticeable thet the leading eatst-erlUit it is duo to thia city to twy tlmt, newsapers are mentioning Ogden while the straiRht Liheral ti. ket waa more far frequently than liasbetMi their irt!nl'y dcfwited. the retu!t ia uot a heretofore. Mormon victory. For the IjeneHt of Wfi)t extern ruadora, we n anin itive n stat-ine- nl of tho late politichl vnUft. There wna uo Mormon ticket in the fold. The only tickets were the straight Liberal ticki-t- headid by J. W. MeXutt for mayor, and the Citizens' ticket, headed by V. II. Turner fir the annie iflice. Twenty olTleers wereV voted for. f thee oirimrs the LilTtil pBrty e!'ted thirteen imd the C'ttiiens' party neven, the latter, however, electing Mr. Turner, it candidate for major. Of the seven officer elected by thl party, only two wero Mofinona Mr. Cannon and Mr. Den, who ere elected members of the City Counci, Mr. Turner, whe was electM mayor by the Citixontt' party, is not alormon, and - iu-iMf nito he was elerid to tho City on the straight Loral ticket. jiic-i-i 1 heelenieiiteoonfititutiiiY tho Citizens' party, to called, were, as V its members pry 11 thentHi'lves, "anli flrfc LibcralH," "Oitizeu's party" and 'Toople's party" the Mormon element in the combination Two years ajro the parties were dearly dfinwl as tho LiU'rul and People's (Mormon) parties. At t bo last election the People's party did not, have a ticket iithetlcld, and, as above stated, was ivcopiizwl to the extent only of two Fsiembers of tho City Council. It might further be said that under the present system or voting by wards the People's party could in any event vkot two members of the City Council. The ?ilc.vt! statemont is made in detail in order that eastern readers may inoro recent elecclearly underhand that tion in the city of Otfden was not a Mormon victory, but that every oflicer-elect- , with the exception of two of minor importance, is a Oentilo. It might further bo added that all of the appointive ollicers under the new nd- miiiislrntion are with the exception' of t ho j:inUor of tho City hall, Uentilet. Cil-iaen- te It w ill thus ho soen that Odeu's povcrument still remains iu tho Iui'.hIh of tho (Jontilca, and eastern capi-Making si'Je and protitable investment can find no better locution than t his beautiful city. .I.Y MPotiTAsr, tyTfJiii'iuxt:. Kansas prooeeH to spend l?l.()U0 on display nt the World's Pair. Would it not be better to invest the money in hofiery for her temporarily eminent statesman? a pleasure to be able to stato long since built in that matter now seem noar their realization. Mr. K. I). Goodrich, who has'cbnrge of operations at the gas well nea? tho city, reports that the developments of the last few days clearly indicate that gas will be struck very soon. It is difficult to estimate the advantage which would accrue to the city by tho acquisition of natural gas at our iiior. As everyone kuows, our greatest need is of manufacturing industries. To h c successful manufactories wo should have, Mrs!, of.ull, cheap fuel. With gas this problem is solved. It is to furnish fuel in the way of raiurid gas upon the Imsis of $1 per ton for eoi.l. This leiug the ciso, it does not rep;iri much profound logic to estab' fliift" in lish the v.'due of the hoped-fo- r the relation its development of our ma n u fact u ri ng iud ust ries. If tho men who ary penetrating the lynvehs of the earth tlnd what tbey aro cannot fail to give for, th to tho advancc- a wouJcir.il and it ia that the hoiics t s. a. The maraud was the only retmblican on the li- - ket, and be was placed there because it was supposed be could hold the railroad vote Letter than any other available mnn. Vou, Mr. Kditor, know that I disapproved of the split in the Liberal ranks. and tbat in the face of tbe un un An.er Democratic ican manner of holding our primaries, that I advocated a straight vote for the Democratic seekers after loaves and riches, and hoped that the evil might he corrected and tbe ring broken, at tbe meeting for the election of the next , committee. This cry of "Democrat about sore heads, cranks and so forth, ia simply so much bosh.- - It is like the thief trying to escape by crying "btop I hun ( UI-l'llIJ- A.N, The Alton's Report. Chicago, Feb. 18. The twenty-eightannual report of the Chicago A AltoD road show s the gross earnings of the past year to be $710,250; total disbursements for the same period, including operating expenses, taxes, etc 7,258,1:1:1, leaving a balance of gttl.117. The actual net earn intra were $2,683,751, a decrease of $26L 12$ compared with last year. The giws earnings show a decrease of $450,863, and operating expense have decreased $189,- - am lif.xrix- Ma. Chaibmas, Ltnu mes: Tlie excelleut program to which you have thus far listetid, will serve, no doubt, to invest you with greater patience to endure what 1 tuuy have to say. It is said that Urevity is the soul of wit" Measured by this standard, I feci quite bure that my remarks w ill be witty in that tfiey fhall be very brief. At our r ltxlge meeiiogs our wives and sweethearts are not permitted to be present for the reason that secrecy is quite esHCDtial in succeebfully ooiultict tug the affairs of our great order. The presint membership of our order is about 2.V),(i and its secret operations are know n to that number only . If our wives and sweethearts belonged, our menibership would be about twice that number, but its secrets would be known to Friday Ev'ng, Feb. 20, '91. ONE NIGHT ONLY! Till: FAMOUS AC7TKK.SS. share-holder- s, inter-mounta- in Col-lir- throe-fourth- everybody. Till: IX CJKKAT COMEDY. 1THE HOiNEYAIOOiM THE MOST AMUSING OF ALL Gorgeous lJivse! A TL-W- Splendid Oat! OPERA HOUSE GRAND HOWES & PHILLIPS. Lcee and ! Majer. SPECIAL" ENGAGEMENT Tuesday, and Wednesday, Feb. 24 and 25. Direct from Niblo's Garden Theater, New York. KIRALFY'8 Sumptuous Fairy Spectacle the WATER QUEEN. Resplendent with Gorgeous Costumes, Glittering Armor, Fascinating Ballets, Grand Marches, Magnificent Scenery, Calcium Lights and Novel European Specialties- - Persons in the Grand Production 10 ()GDEN RTEAM LAUNDRY CO. pes d, WAINW RIGHT, MARIE These social entertainments are pro vided specially for the feminine contingent of our order, as a sort of palliation iO for their exclusion at our regular ' meet ings. They also serve to lessen the Seats, $1.50, $1.00, 7a, .j0 and 35 ceuU. Sale of neat a opens Saturday morning severity of curtain b et urea w hich late hours at Ioilge meetings are supposed at Box Office, 10 ft. in. to 5 p. m. to entail. The committee which prepared the evening s program, not only used my name without permission, but failed to assign me any siiecial topic to discuss, so natarally, or otherwise, what I have (IXCOIU'OKATED.) said thus far has been suggested by tbe ur wives presence or so many ladies and sweethearts. O. 1 O. A. I confess it was a sort of second Sec. Treas. Manager. thought, this subject of woman. Indeed she has been the subject of second thought throughout all tho ages. Even in tho great plan of Deity, woman seemp SINCE PURCHASING THE to have been a "second thought." Some one has said that "when woman was done man was undone," and there are perhaps some men who are j et willing to subscribe to such a doctrine, but but you will find it recorded somewhere in Holy writ, that the Lord reponted We hve added many ImiroTement to our Fino E.(uiracnt, emploj-- t Experieacel having made man but nowhere can it be and Competent hel;, and aro now prepared to give our patroai fouud that he ever regretted having made woman. To most meu, this judgment in favor of woman, may seem a lie strange anamoly and a most perplexing As Good mystery. Its true meaning may be discovered, I think, when studied iu connection with that well known couplet, We intend to Lend all Coniiict iturs in Quality of Work, and leave tho Quantity to "God moves in a mvsterious way, his on Appreciative Public Give ub a trial. wonders to perform." Notwithstanding all this, tho wives and sweethearts of members of our order are objects of deepest solicitude and their protection the chief object of our Tel. 173 i!5Ui 8t. Hear of Hoed Hotel. fraternity. What nobler imuulse could prompt a man than a desire to provide substantial means to those dependent upon him. ! when he shall have passed to that bourr e from which no traveler returns, and what better method can he adopt than to secure a Beneficiary Certificate in the BY GAUZY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF Ancient Order of United Workmen, which pledges its memliers to pay at his death two thousand dollars to his widow or children, as ho may direct. These beneficiary certificates 250,(XX in num ber stand as so many monuments of man's devotiou to woman, and his solicitude for her welfare when he shall have They are only Schemes to Work off Stale, Unsaleable and Shelf-wor- n given up tho battle of life. Goods. Old Goods Jjiko so many sentinels, they stand are at expensive any price. Quality and not guard at the firesides of 250,000 homes, to drive back, when necessity arises a Quantity is to be desired. We do not have the merciless poverty, with all its attendant accumulations of years to offer to our patrons. miseries. Protection for tho widow and orphan are the watchwords of our order. Protection to loved ones! Mcthiuks, to the fading sense ot dying brothers, such Come Get New Goods! words must come with a lieculiar and indescribable charm, "Like tho gentle murmur of a low fountain stealing forth in the midst of roses, or the soft sweet accents of an angel's whipper in the bright, joyous dream of sleeping inno cence. Anotiii.ii indication that future political Iwittlos are to be fought on new lines is the projected organization of the democratic party of Utah, us. outlined oH. President Blackstone refers in plain by tho notice in the local oolumns of thia terms to the secret rate cutting of last issue. summer, whereby the Alton lost mucc business. The agreement betweeu the The question of prohibition is liable southwestern Missouri river lines, ho to the people of says, fell very far short of realizatbu to lie North Dakota. The people in that sec- He deplores the tendency of state legis rsitroaus. iio says in a tion have had a trial of what was sup- lation against of cine western states west group posed to he prohibition, but what actu- of Indiana, in which about one whole third railroad of the ally turned out to be "free whisky." mileage of the United States is located, we find that in 1889 more than four-fiftMas. Stanley says that she thinks of these roads failed to earu any her huslmnd the greatest man living dividends for their and und Thomas A. Edison tho next. That yet, adds President Blackstone, in the will do for n temporary conclusion, legislature of several s ates in this group there are one or more bills under Madam, but you may change your mind consideration for the still further reducafter you have a chance to become ac- tion of railroad earnings. quainted in Ogden. A Surpris. d Husband. Oi it real estate doalers are contemChicago, Feb. 18. A saloon keeper plating tho organization of n real estate tried today to get a divorce from his exchange. This is a good idea, because wife Amanda, a resident ofTacoma, it ia a metropolitan feature, and we saying she deserted him in 1888. Judge want as many metropolitan features as Collins surprised Joel by taking from his desk a paper showing how he tried possible in the city which is destined by to get a divorce in Tacoma, alleging Fate us tho metropolis of the cruelty on the part of bis w ife. She refuted his assertions and told bow he deregion. serted her and the children, afterward going to Seattle. Judge Campliell, in Ukt.nt European dispatches stated Tacoma, dismissed Jones bill and ordered that money in London was being loaned him to pay $50 a month to his wife. n Since then he came here. Judge s at the extremely low rate of ordered the case written up and of l per cent, per annum. It was also Joel will probably be punished for perslated iu recent New York dispatches jury. that money in that city was to be had at Dissolved the Injunction. the rate of 2 per cent, per annum. If LtTri.it Rock, Ark, Feb. 18. Lastsum-mo- r these reports are correct, it is suggested Federal Judges Philips and Foster that a little of the English and New York money in this city would be an enjoined the state authorities of Arkanexcellent lubricant for the wheels of sas from prosecuting criminally persons charged with violations of the liquor law commerce. of that state. On final hearing Judge Caldwell has dissolved the injunction to Thk Pueblo (Col.) Chieftain says. eojoin or otherwise interfere with crim"The free trade papers triumphantly an- inal prosecutions in courts of law, and act of congress expressly nounce that an ingenious Briton has because the United States courts from enprohibits made a calculation that for the price of joining proceedings in state courts exthree suits of clothes in New York the cept in cases of bankruptcy. s American can buy a return The World's Ftffr Trouble. ticket between New York and Liverpool, Wilson, Chicago, Feb. have his three suits made by a good London tailor, pay tbe tailor a good of the board of directors of the World's profit, and have something left for him- Fair, today prep? jd a contract to be self. This may' be all true, but how signed in regard u the employment of labor on World'B Fair buildings. It does the condition of tbe poor devil who recognizes the eigat hour day, but in London clothes makes the compare makes no reference to union or nonwith that of his fellow workman in tbe union men, excep't to prohibit the emUnited States? Tbat side of the ques- ployment of alien labor. The union will be settled at the next tion is not shown. Not bad logic, question of the meeting directory. In the meanthat time work has not been resumed in Jackson Park. Hymen has been busy in the harvest Want the Same Treatment. of rich Now York women recently, but CrocTNKAfri, Feb. 18. The National there still remain several wealthy widows who would be "worth the win- Transportation association, now in ses ning" from a financial point of sion here adopted resolutions today, ask view, even if from none other. For the ing congress to take measures to compel benefit of those who are looking about the carriers or tbe United States to furwith matrimonial intent, the following nish all shippers a uniform bill of lading in which common law lmhilitv nnb nf partial catalogue is given: Mrs. Mar- the said carriers be expressed, and the shall O. Roberts, 110,000,000; Mrs. Fred- early estaonsnraent of uniform classifieric Noilson, o,000,000; Mrs. Hicks-Lor- cation, the rules and conditions of which shall be just and reasonable. In Kllilonaot Eom 85,000,000; Mrs. William Astor, to lnui th Standard. 1L Mrs. W. ,000.000; Vanderbilt, Italian Bark Sank. It aniierior excellence urovou in millions f of a century. It Mrs. Mary O. Pickney, $10,000,-000- : Ihmiph tor more tlinn a Nrw Youk, Feb. 18. The North Ger- it, uimxI by the Unitclquarter 8tatiw titTemment. Mrs. William Lynch, 110,000,000; of heniis Kutloiwil tho the by (roat man Lloyd steamer Havre collided in a tbe Strongest, Purest, and most l5iiivenitie Healthful. Mrs. Paran Stevens, $10,000,000; Mrs. the bay with an Italian bark. The bark Dr. Prlen'n Crenni Bukina Powder doea not Anmmnin, Lime or Alum. SoM only August Belmont, $15,000,000; and Mrs. sank almost immediately. It is believed contain PKit ii Jt VKlMr POWDER CO. in Tan;-- . several Uvea were lost. Hetty Green, $10,000,000. first-clas- 'Much interest has been felt by many of our citiens, of lato, in the effort t find natural gas iu the vicinity of Ogden, t. Iicr.:-cratic- ? r to NIG JIT OF LAUGIITEK! K-- Why was nter A u iK-tt- tod Oovf-rno- (IRANI) OPERA HOUSE! fctiw aw-t- we Li Ije t'.'t.rfv - i'-i- to niao;!. Itjoro'jj.'itly m It t . , ittkJ t ritiJ-ii- "l. la tt Lj'jrr ulrr AMUSEMENTS. rf t Osr. I"tK f ) lru-r- . . FHLiU.Wri i' 13. IsO!. V. ..'- -l lr lO, J u Tut. ti-?- j grt-a- t TLis i a matu-ro- f iutrrt ni buiiiifioo t theeotaituuiiitr. the criiT of Tweiity fifth e!-- t aid to fh Waahinctm ttruu i a rrr-i:tandpoist, city from ait airL.U-tari- l m ful-Uu- .' but its chtrf tadae lu for t the it which it was built. That matter has boea very satisfactorily by '.he 'toa of tL h'jttfl cotupuny ia hs jsic it f.r a term of jears to Mera. McMtlleo aeil kiw a eiperteui and I hotel ujii, alio have m envlWit reputation Ui maintain, and mho mill we to it el. ail be that Oh'den'a principal uohmox vicrany. lumber la at Pr,-!..fl- J . y a word CMbt-rnIlrrU ruLks ai y (JbMuf r 1: - to tj be it pirwJ il St. J 1 U Tar. tV'VXi u liL r. 13 . i turiua 1. A i a at iI-iA- IF.!ilaT Jit ki ll I f. v:iiii ni.-- UiMi'LLciAL: Till laMng Fallen IIENDEUSIIOT. a.;k mi PAltMEtiEY. and T. t ai Service as Can Had in IB. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. DOFT BE DECEIVED Overstocked! and Cut Sale! Closing Out! Ete Our Prices on Fresh UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Troy Steal Laundry, QE0. A.. CRAIG,-PROP- 3? 21 , St. Telenhone 107. , Vi 0; Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden owning and operating his own plant. Best work and Promot Delivery. f |