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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL. hi mm km moBi1 .a-- Hearty ie s Parlj of the im-n- t tjMM ! Mf Platform. K-D- MOKN1NG, FKBK1 ARV AY stole mm. I now. attb. raaiihnie true. tLr Mouuu Market Prire of Silver. Visourm, P4jl 18. secretary of the traaaurt. in answer to the aetate resolution, saya the bacis on which he slim.lea toe market prise of f dver m daily quotation of stiver us the London. Xew York aad San Francisco mrketa The price, the aemtiry estimates from comparison of thtne pries and the prices at which silver s offered for sale to the government, the rule be-ito accept the lowest offers, provided thev do not materially exceed the highest market price in the three named cities. NVlVl..!i further stao-- that n ...! bullion has been purchased by the gov I . ri.mr: : ' the United S!:. but und.Mibtedly large quantities of foreign stiver bullion have been delivered on purchases to the government made from part km residing in the L'nited States. Deny Fraudnlelit Issue of ttolldv officer - wh rb. IV number of pe nttao bills vet peafed, including bills .. ... of ft!.- ncr,- Uest Custer. Admiral Wilkes and ti. Daniel I'llniho to 7100 per month. The cop right bill was Hie amendae-n- t m.d S:. to copyrighted book, etc., printed in for sign countries on payment of tariff duties was agieed to. as wae a!-.- lb- - amend rueiit bj Frja requiring that map, dia rnatic or musical eoniponitions, engra'-iuir-caV, prints pic tt.vrunhs, i.n.j.os. or lithographs be printed from plates executed ill the United States, ami ao auienduient by Ingulls exempting news papers and periodicals from prohibition of import, lion. Tlie bill then putted, yeas 30, nays 11. The senate then proceeded to the con sideratiou of the substitute for the house bill providing for the adjudication and payment of claims arising from Indian depredations. A vote lieing taken on Exiniun i's motion to strike out section H, no quorum voted, and the senate took a recess until 8 p. m. W lieu the senate reassembled there was no quorum and nn adjournment wus soon taken. A !.-- ; i . -- . The Brazilian Treaty. WasuinoTox, Feb. 18. Memhwca, the Brazilian minister was seen in regard to the cablegram from Bahia stating that the reciprocity arrangement with the l'nited States was not yet ratified and The minister had was not likely to be. no information about the situation at Bah i.i and did not care to discuss the He stated that his oorrcs cablegram. pondence to his government on the sub-jec- t of the lreit had Iwen favorable nd there was nothing he could say now. It is evident, however, that no fears an tertained about the Brazilian treaty. President Fonaeca did not cable the minister to close negotiations until it was known that the treaty could be car ried out. and it goes into effect April i. : i THK FLOODED DISTUCT8 Wasuim ton. Feb. 18. In the absence of the speaker the house elected Payson of Illinois speaker pro tern. Conference was ordered on the District of Columbia appropriation bill and on the military academy appropriation bill. The house then pr iceeded to the further consideration of the Indian An iwataHl fcmsiii into effeet an allotment agreement with the Cu'iir d'Alene and other tribes of Indians was agreed to. The bill then paased. The house then went into committee of the whole on the postoftice up propria! ion bill. In general debate, Mount of Georgia argued against the shipping bill and Kerr of Iowa for it. Cummings of New York advocated his resolution protesting against the perse cation of the Jews in Russia. " 0Fprt Rti -- of Virginia argued against the shipping bill. In the course of his remarks, he touched upon the siher question and declared that drover Cleveland was deoper down in the heart of the democrn y of th" countiy than any other 'l. ing man. Whatever his position might be today on tilver ooinagc when the national convention spoke in 181'2 he would endorse the principles of lh platform whatever they might be. Without disposing of the bill, the OOm-ittee rose, and the house adjoined. Washington Notes. Wasiiim.tox, Feb. 18. Representative Clunie, from the committee on public buildings and grounds, today reported to the house the senate bill increasing the limit of cost for the site of a public building in San Francisco by 8350,000 with an amendment increasing the limit by S?l ,200,000. What remains after the site is purchased is to be U6ed to commence the construction of the building. This bill is similnr in effect to the bill reported from the same committee January 12th. Representative Bweer of Idaho, today introduced a resolution, the preamble of which sets forth that certain national banks are refusing to loan money except upon contracts payable in gold, which tends to discredit the currency of the country. Tho resolution, therefore, provides that any national bank attempt ing to degrade tho currency of the country by demanding other than lawful money, shall forfeit their charter. The president approved the joint reso lution to correct she' error of punctuation in the tariff act relating to binding twine, etc. If the program agreed upon today by the hcuse coinage committee to govern its action upon the senate bill is carried out it will make it imossible to pass that bill the second time if the president declines either to approve or disprove it. The period of time between 1 o'cldck Friday and noon March 4 is just one hour less than the period of ten days, exclusive of Sunday, that the president will be permitted to retain the bill with out returning it to congress. Frances Newlands today resumed his statement before the house coinage committee in advocacy of the free coinage of silver. Newlands and Representative Walker combatted each other on the assertion of the former that the prices of product! always rose and fell with the advance and decline of silver. Bartine and others wanted to know how long the examination would be wrangle kept up, and another of Williams ensued. Illinois, all hearings shall moved that close with today's session. Tracy of New York, as a substitute, moved that hearings cease at 7 o'clock Friday and he adopted the suggestions of other members that vote should be taken at 1 o'clock Friday on reporting of the bill. Williams said he would vote for the proTracy said ne would under position. protest, because he could not help himself. Bland made a similar statement; so by unanimous consent it was agreed that hearings should cease Friday noon and that the vote on the bill should be taken at 1 o'clock that day. has Nettleson Acting Secretary amended the treasury regulations relat ing to the free entry of sugar, so as to require samples representing in Bhadeor color sugar known as 14 d. s.. instead of Water Receding at Pittsburg: Budly John-tow- n wat-he- sei-on- UAMAtiK AT JOHWHTOW!. Ileports from all up river points show rapidly declining waters, and the people are returning to their homes to repair the damages which in most cases are far greater than expected. At Johnstown, the loss is great, the foundation of many houses having been undermined. The destruction of bridges was a serious loss as different sections of t!e city will have no Communication by wagon for some time. Farming communities below are heavy losers. WATK.u MMHG AT WBRLBKL A dispatch from Wheeling. W. Va., says the river iB still rising tonight, hut it is reported from above to have begun falling. The damage in Wheeling is great. The whole of Wheeling Island, seventh ward, is Hooded, and tonight most of its four thousand inhabitants are sleeping in another part of the city. In South Wheeling, hundreds of working men's houses and several factories are inundated and in the business center many wholesale houses. Business is almost entirely suspended. No trains are arriving or departing. The depots are under water, railroad yards blockaded, the two principal hotels have water on the first floor and the guests are obliged to go in and out of the windows. Reports from down river glass and pottery districts also show heavy losses. No loss of life, however, is yet reported. RAPIDLY, The Big Sandy and Ohio rivers have risen rapidly and are doing much damage in the lower part of town. Part of Front street was washed out this morning and many people along the river are abandoning their homes. Ky., Feb. 18. SUFFOCATED BY SMOKE. Terrible Results Follow a Tenement House Fire. woman and New York, Feb. four children were suffocated aud a man probably burned in the tire that occurred frame structure. The in a three-storbasement aud ground floor were used as a bakery. Two families were living on the floors above, A pot of fat boiling over it) the basement se; (ire to the surrounding woodwork. Ia a few minutes tho building was on lire and donee volumes of !moke wore pout ing through the halls. Tho liretnen managed to subdue the flames after the bakery and second floor were gutted, and as soon as possible search wei made in the building. On the top floor they found Mrs. John Henry and her four children dead. Jacob F.rl rich was in the basement so badly burned that he will probably die. 18.- - A First Break in the Agi cement. Feb. IS. The reported withdrawal of the American association from tho national agreement was substantiated today. President Thurman has been removed for bad faith In the association. Frank, H. Brunell, delegate of the Cincinnati Athletic club, stated today that Mike Kelly had signed with the Cincinnati base ball club, where he will act as manager. The Cincinnati club has been admitted to tho American Ni:w York, The 1 rouble in H i l TkrOurge Brought ran Aa order Unetl to n. - I Sh nuiat seyw that a great .leal of orwi aid sLest stoesj a a . y ae islsi a Ksnsar wharh was raised ia Id, ia bji being ak C r leeierer. irrlrt the (.. A. U. te rman'i. Kuucral. Brown- - sll on a lour in the mmm. afhe toeiali mm the aboU hoe the Northern Pa no 1K1 l I UenUreleegth f. San lhego.CU naving given . ..r I it toe C to ri.-ti.r nignta per has tires the moot euceresf ui has had on the pla.foru. Tfcurauu I and Both Ut BUrhniiualtuti in Paor of the National. . Mm Nellie r Vo. la. v. THK AMKHIt A.NS fore) tai His twit Bcclared Firtiiio and Srnsatioaal. Ball Ooly proteaaon and twelve hundred patra ew by t ATW at an All ar axe com bee AiIN a- .stil il t t.tKLKl- - T .N Information wae Mm Yoek, Ft-Vc V Feb. Ml (Kit a few Th- r.i it! " ri Line Transferred R iNai- - City, Feb. 18 et recwv d by the Evening Post yesterday ball go to a i. ax ir Syndicate that at a eneting of directors at the si.ak'-ij- j Cuh aoo. Feb. 19. Special Irom ha issued a reneral order order oitlicutttes and a natieatatl Chicago railLuutoville, New Albany Ik as I n rf am i ii t . eL. t ...I Sioux lowe: Private daaBatehee .1. riujn ' City, 1 .. ... ofllce in 1. . .M tais .1 the held at r.i road, .1...,..! company eoatrol to scale all M nest tows. Theaaki from New York Uto that tho New York city, an additional nwue of fVWgWO of . . . order . the company's stock waa authorised, t aaV I.mandenesof the mditarv bi owners of the Pa.IU Short lane hare u" ..' m meeting i.. Preident Bre f.arle stating to the direcresult of its de- - sold that property to the A. K. Garret " in wimnianderv u..si ... tors that he had arranged with someone niui.in in iriviaa aaasa It. ,.r, . n- - mtu son funeral, syndicate and that the line will b them. on m P- -' iro rort to loan the company money j Mack to the Net hhis I IsSfu , the Atuer finished to Ogdeo under the tnilfic conThe Evening Post's informant aaid the !5lr-- T .Weution, at a meeting here to tract with tiM Bosh defraud of to an Idand and St. s w.ui issue attempt pari C " the company out of just so much money. The old war horse V aumanche.-2- 8 'nb'PU Paul road. The directors, ft was als.? auserteri, did Ldmw Kramer, of Cincuoiaf. aud in a of taken not understand aoythitg auout the Imbs a '"1 fo'lov theU Iivarse to HAtU.I.IM, ri m THK MONF.V n, V bmnuesii, that they did just what the prouleiit wanted Ihmu to do, and An rnetuerfetl IVature hi the t'om-iu' that all Idey knew about ibe matter the the National agreement at once. stockholder's voted to make some extenIrish t'amt'iiig n. 1,1 Wil4 U,e '"lk President imi t ahinet Il.nroiitc. sion in Indiana, nil of which it was ex.tWtrA r,,uriaat) mho.onl) a f. w.eks Feb. The ti- - im ial Was.hi rox. ( '. Is The pected would cunt much Ices t ban laudd as the savior of the Iimmi.n, . . is likely to be the factions betweii bnpm. and all meinU rs f his c.i' met left here national game, lie ej mmmi tt hav . ling be. :i Hah l.leas to the mvi .;ion in one of the features f the coining Irish i . BKtVMXil.l 's OKNLM- -. ,u l. -- it. , ormtral mooting "Li When s)".in ..1 s re! bo.rd.of . In a talk with the Post reorter, Brey w..... . . ' sj 1 L' ........ .. . ...... , a ii. with ago, ih fund fr,.,u fogle, denies tlie above story. He de fuaeral. M re Blaine and Mrs. Dam ,y nrvLiiim .v i..l ft ht ,r if f league u m o nia clurcd that there had not been any such roerh be tho only ladies m the W Cht to t lie Hull Ugll xciiu.iltee .I. I..U -- O. 1.. nrr ... Il. no additional of and ;:rt directors, meeting T'""'1 I use ,lr,( J""! move war aken Another the adoption The- -: issue of stoek has been authorized or I will I imittee not lewre of ........ runl.VM flin.l ul.,. e Met l r t h V .'OS SBV U ie lat u. lilS'HgUe even suggested. About a year ago the hew until 10 o'clock tonight mmmSb of ter sum was toi muel, ai.d furthermore l)kin c.rsal offort. ndi i deW wi.s increased ly RiiOO.COO of lwuig UoVoted c.ntel.d that inst'-aII... I,:,;,.., I sa.nemli.a. of toeTiAHOOnand with the proceeds Sot mi Su .. Uenortcd. it was used to to theevieUsI teaai i ,il..lr,.,..ul the additional bonds some floating inmeet an overdraft o.i the HiIjcj ihi.i T. 'n 18. of F'ttv live Post The St. !'.!,. is. cent, tier Dispat. debtedness had been paid off and had Gdl declare that McCarthy must be of eaeh wiil d. club the cupitid no effect on interest chnrged. Brey-fogl- makes the announoement that a fearful wilh the president to prevent have known when he signed the also declares that no company was accident occurred this morning on the jiosited the sum set apart for the nnv frutti Ilie ftilil .IhIuisji'i nf that iumnini. in easier circumstances financially. MSS overdrawn. nhnois Central near Jsckeon, Teun. OotuahiM, and his club were admitted. tenants heavily In affidavits in connection with his Several The McCarlh itee assert that on persons were killesl nnd a nuai C. Jones, Charles Snyder, John heh suit for receiver in Chicago. Alley al- her woundj. contrary that he left Boulogne ielievin ,j . Mie ullur were eh..-- , n uuipin leges conspiracy existing between Chicago, Feb. IK. Illinois Cen'raJ of- - The clul in the Association will be the money was to Im- devoted t dieted Henry S Ivea, of the Cincinnati fieials have a dispatch from Jackson, Bton. arises only. The iiietio;i Philadelphia, Baltimore. Waeh- - tenants Hamilton and Dayton fame, to wreck fenn., at whether theie i, the south bound Si that Cincinnati I.iuisville. melon. stating Brer-fos.'lc the Mouon company, etc. Mr. the oohfefSMS or whether O'Brien limited express which left Chicago yes- and Columbus. when Man today made the follow afternoon was derailed at Medina, thought that he was acting within the "I have been informed terday ing statement lines of agreement in adjust ing the bank aud three passengers, the bag Tenn., An (Jawtse Action. that such a suit was brought account. The MoCarth)itea iiist o:i the and newsboy injured. and have for repeatedly, been told gigeman Kans, I'm, Feb. is. President declaration that the fund lx used Msince Crawford severed Henry tenants, in an interview Justin the Beneflt of Creditors, For of Western the KraiithofT, Association, his connection with this company that e Liberal cCarthy denies the story of he was preparing a sensational suit. The Boston, Feb. IS. The I'nion Invest- who is a member of the National Imnrd subsidy of WOflOO for bis partv. ment company of Kansas City made an of control, thinks today's action of the charges are fictitious and sensational." Another officer of the Mouon said: assignment for the benefit of its credit- American AeSOOSatkM very unwise. It Some hiiid of a Serious Accident. "The mute of this difference and contro- ors to iie president C. O. Parker. will not have any effect upon the uaI.nison. Feb. IS. A writ.. a tional Ixmrd.as Thuri.uin as elected tor versy lies in the fa"t that Henry CrawMob. Inm veniug at Prncd utreet, a occurred a had a specified term. ford, formerly general solicitor, yanged by of railway the Indiana Midlend which tho metropolitan Mfidergroud 18. junction Two Feb. Jacksonville, Fla., he desired to unload on tho company at railroad whit may In1" attended by con Thnnnu DmIImi to Talk. colored one and one white, prisoners, manexcossive an valuation. Had the oof life. A number of ticopie Allen Thur siderable . Feb. 18. were taken t l!ie agement consented to take the road the were taken from the jail at Gainesville but fflrw ci present suit would not have been last night by a mob and hanged. They mi; declines to talk upon ine riuii of possible to fiearn the extcl.t of the brought. Crawford is behind the pro had been arrested a short time before tho New York association meeting to OMualty. 'fnifllc on the underground for complicity in recent crimen comceedings. railway has lieen brought to a Standstill, day. Henry S. Ives would not talk on tiie mitted thereabout. Thurman has called a lestlll J of the subject. Wsmgiek'i board of control a? Chicago for Satur Jgrtoss Optahw. Want to Play in Boston. President Kriiuth off QAI tele day. 18. Feb. Heftttcs the Statement. Fall Mall Gazette Ijomion. 18.-N. Y., Feb. Mike graphed thurman Tint he will sir bj !,..--! veniug published disju.tch from Chicago, Feb. 18. Director Hughes Kelly, who is picking up men for the him. Berlin its & New correspondent stating that of the Louisville. Albany Chicago Boston Association team, has a telegram Reed Con lined to His Room. Bismarck WM convinced of a . report railroad company made a statement to from W'illiam Nash, now in San Fran Speaker published ns to the emperor's "injurious Will SI I IliW, Feb. 18. Speakei Reed opinion" an Associated Press reporter in regard to cisco, ottering to go to lioston as third of himself iir untrue at.d an is confined to his rooms at the hotel by the suits for a receiver for that road, be- baseman. invention of liismarck's eueniies. im shows of which severe a W. New cold, S. of York. He signs by Alley gun t'ROM DEI) TO THE WALL declares the genoral charges in the bill provement today. LOSSES AT MONTE CAJtf.O. false, and that the specific charges amount to nothing. He says the animus A Run on a Sew York Trnst ComIn Wall street. Tin neroMft of Sakkles at the of tho bill lie! in the fat that the presResults 18. The stock Feb. New pany Yokk, Disastrously. W orld's ent management refused to pay the claim (iamhling h'esort. Nkw Youk, Feb. 18.- - The American market today, outside of a few stocks, of Alley for commissioner for tho sale of Feb. 18. Tho large iaorSMs in bonds of the corporation some years ago Loan and Trust company has closed its wasdull. In the afternoon t: e market the numlier of persons who have this on the ground that there was no agreedeclined and closed dull. Steady, at season doors. committed suicide or attempted ment with him touching the matter. The immediate cause of the failure about the lowest prices, but general); to an end to (heir lives in consewithin slight fractions of kst evening s put Consolidate Purchasing Departments. was the demand for a large amount of Governments steady. Pet! of losses id the gaining tables of figures. quence a in this oum March closed at 77" .. money made by savings bank Monte Carlo has created a very marked Omaha, Feb. 18. It is semi officially city which the company could not meet. that the iiupr. ssion upon the visitors to the Riv-eripurchasing depart- The bank examiner states that he gave reported Chicago Wheal. The British consul at Nice is makments of the Union Pacific and Missouri no order to close the doors and tho genCHicAoo, Feb. IS. Wheat was moder- ing .thorough investigation Into the Pacific roads will be consolidated with eral feeling seems to be that the comAbraham Gould, a brother of Jay Gould, pany will pay its depositors in full and ately active, and stronger. The opening cause of the death of Mr. Hour, an English subject. The n:sferioiis death St have a balance le't. as purchasing agent. and advanced jhW-i- . Hentom ;''S higher of Count Alfred Von Quadtisng Three savings bank, one in Syracuse, was one in Rochester and another rii outside then with slight fluctuations eased off and the secret removal of the remains The Pennsylvania Stubborn. ' bank, demanded payments of deposits 1W, and closed , lo wer than yesterday. to Bavaria by his relatives, is also being Pittsbuku, Feb. 18,- - The Pennsylvania amounting to 1300,000. The insti ution Receipts, 248,0(W bushels; shipments, Inquired into. It has beer: discovered bushels. that the count died from the effects of company has answered the demand could not pay and at the request of one 99,000 an overdose of inorphht. The night of the savings banks the superintendent adin made by employes January for an SUFFERING IX IRELAND. previous to his death he stab d that he took possession. he sent for Bank Later vance of wages, payment for overtime, Examiner Cahill who is now in bad lost, all he possessed at the Monte charge. etc. The company refuses to make any No statement can be had Carlo I gaming tables Bad flie West Const of J Inhabitants yet. changes whatever, and refuses to com ply This evening Bank Examiner Preston Need of in (Seed. with any of the articles presented by the said the All to the Turin. closing of the bank was brought grievance committee. about by unexpected demands by certain Dublin, Fob. 18. Twenty five thoUR Lomion. Fell. 18. tan Wilson & sayings banks. The amount which it and dollars of the first installment of the Son-.- , HESERAL YEAZY'S 0EDEBS. of Bradford, have failed builders, was asked to pay was between &200.000 Liberal has the to i . McCarlhyites grant and 9D0,QfA The company had not , with liabilities of !KKVXX). The failure : ; I ... M . ..; ,.: G. A. B. Posts .Must Salute (General this amount and. while the officers were ueou j ilc. t.t- ..l. j nMr;i,,, l,;fiv to tho now United Michael Davit t.wh lev nnd McCarthy. States tariff law, killing cash trade in An Absurd Idea. discussing what had better lie done, I has been of coast Iro west the visiting came here, ascertained the facts and for woolens sent to America. the inhabitants of that packages CiNXixNAi i, Feb. 18. A rumor was took When business was land, reports that possession. seed. need of Davitt in published here today to the effect that figured Up last Friday the assets were Const are badly Picked I p Siv. Men. pronounces road repairing work by the the Ohio Mississippi railway was about '2,lti8,o:v; amount loaned on colla'erals government done at Achilimere, is nsu-oi.being Pi Fla.. Fob. 18. The Italian to go into the hands ot the receiver. was 82.132,4.7); value of collaterals as Burlesuur: and adds that children are The out. liabilities Nixoliuai bark l,."jl.637. fODHt ridiculouB men as idea figured the reports bavins' nicked no Railway of milk. w and the apparent suffering from a lack and it is not known where the report amout to on tho 110th of January, six men in are deficiencies 86o.),789. originated. It Might Be Foster. charge of the chief officer of the British 'Since tho eusornsion today." said bark Caribou which was abnndoned Jan. A Mr. from 18. "I have waited Preston, CUCVELAXD, Feb. special upon Sherman s Remains. 31, in s sinking condition. The captain i men. influential a.,. reasen to ', by Fostoria says: Ex ( rovernor Foster, who and six men have not been heard Nf.w York. Feb. 18. -- General Veazy, believe it is from. possible t:..i? ustudo securi- was mentioned as a probable successor ' commander-in-chieof the Grand Army ties which I estimated at a low figure New York Boston Wool Merchant in Tronhle. to Windom, has been called to of the Republic, has issued the follow- may be paid in full. If t: is i9 done the Harrison. will be reduced to et7f),00tj. by a telegram from President deficiency BobTQM, Feb. 18. James B. Kinsley is ing order: "Ail posts of tho Grand I believe then the remainder will be under arrest charged with the embezzle-- ' Filed. An Attachment to ordered Army of tne Republic are made good by the stockholders and the raent of fCU.000 from Bostoi bonking An attachment 18. meet the funeral train of General Sher- institution placed on its feet. I am Feb. New Yokk, houses. The prisoner is a wool oowmis- man at railroad stations en route from confidont the depositors will ba paid in aggregating 112200 was issued today sion merchant New York to St. Louis and salute the full." Ho is held in .iOO.OOo Union Railway bonds for hearing on March :. The attorney general instituted pro- against the Kentucky remains as they pass by." Land Hundreds of paoplo were permitted to ceedings today for tho appointment of a company and Kentucky Union l xk on the face of General Sherman toResult of Too Much Whisky. receiver. Indications of fomorrow will company, with headquarters at day. They were formed into a long line decide whether the suit will be supBr.i iton, Ala., Feb. 18.- - D. flood and 0. D. Baldwin, alleged to be by half past, nine, and from then on pressed. Biff Crops for Kansas. Ford Johnson hu of former the of fought a duel tonight w ith stream constant tho a the American president during day Loan A Trust Company, with Charles Topeka, Kan., Feb. 18. Secretary a hatchet and knife, us the result of a inanity passed through tne house. Secretary Barrett said this morning E. Hubbell is charged by James C. Mix Mohler of the state lioard of agriculture drunken luarrel. Both were terribly (hat the Funeral cortege would move as with fraud and conspiracy in procuring has received encouraging reports as to mutilated and will die. whether Rev. franchises, contracts and patents of the arranged tomorrow, Thomas Ewiog Sherman gets there or Electric Railway Signal company of Minnesota's Firs, Uivernor Dead, New York.and American Railway Signot. one. Sr. an be will large unusually for l Pin, Feb. IS. (Jen. Sibley, the All oonitriercutl exchanges in this city nal company of Illinois. Baldwin is will close at noon tomorrow. City, president of the automatic telegraph Atchison, Feb. 18. The commercial first governor of Minnesota, died at his state and l'nited States courts .ill hold railway company. agent of the Missouri Pacific at this home in this city this morning. - - Ikrtu t . 1 i"-"""i'iii- ... ar UniMan: - I 5' n .t ."m' ?Sf2 . TtT oom-puny'- g i. 1 - .. tinthe vV.' 1 xihhit 1 die-pu- te ,'". ( L' ;obM-iatio- . e DiMfCi. RISING LKAM KS PRICE, FIVE CENTS. . This afternoon the Allegheny river reached thirty two feet eleven inches, but since then has lieeu slowly receding. With nearly every iron mill Ihxxled and closed down, railroad tracks away, whole squares of streets Hooded to the story and thousands of cellars filled, the direct l'ir-- by the Mood cannot fall le b flfiBQflOO. The poor living along the river have suffered so greatly thai appeals for aid have been issued. The building inspectors ear the Hooded dis trict.--i have suffered great injury in way ol damaged foundations. 'IVnight the river has fallen several feet. The damage to railroads is being rapidU repaired. RIVERS ; P0L ; PiTTSBi Kc. Feb. 18. Catlktsbiro. ..-- paste. Ike hat detail was tie of ..roers lo the nuisv l.tghL A n Waiiim.tos, su-.- hour this Thunda) Ptaeidect Harntoii and part . Meer York early ia the ear; uoc It. 191. aTeW 'tt eXrbdl ramti a hf eSstl 8h fail His i Will Not AftVrt Hi. F.udor- - . SASmMh eha'rf and Ums vkteb shall oe held for exaBiiaatfin The American Copyrieht BUI P&xed in the snat-- . Hi. Personal OGDEN, UTAH. THl lit. VOLT ME IV. NUMBER . Brey-foglenn- d - 1 - I - -- i hos-iiitit- l I -- . uu. - : j j i ' . j I f ; tl'TotZl -- ! j |