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Show Ul.DLN DAILV COMMERCIAL: ALL FOR HION PIK&S t fi b disadrsiEta;." the f ut j . evt iiiot ir-- p r The Chamber of Comim-Sol- i l fur the SrLmie. t.l:.r fr,xii a trti . it su e !.. 3 f- e- FACrS AND FIGURES OiVEX. j a !tr !arwJ kimnst c t:t xJitunturcinjj stark aoiiSJ Ur i"L Uv-- ? l . Jr" per ct-u- s cxie s fl pe t ft LUt 1 s pure i 1 1 U luxe rock. nB J J. rim mdd up tr:u evtry aTa:ULl vturoe ia the tows aui woui tl A. B. by ekcTT tte city. iron man ia LUgure ar th rMi!t of rareful v iaretuthja. lue mtttwof a markK i a tLui yet to be iurcriia'.Al. tie 30 rrilly thought his figure on gft'ipg ore .tW-All 3 preset t J to e'.iVJ that Lis do i to Lave tLe ea Till as LigU as thry del;vtr?d are should L. but be bad made all estimate when tried aud the Total $11 &); ao they will hold out or tbe b&iaiice will be on the right : ?l.ve re ouu-id- fljre and the esti-Ci- Wilder. Bicde ba&U is oa the of a ten U Bruno I tLiiik Mr. Johnton' U-k- ithatweotr tun furn-the ar as reliable as they would be if iteiu f LUr would be reduced kUout 50 we Lai forty cooituillet to endorse a it w.vjIJ ad re the per , ouly r.ju thf ta. I think that ore can be delivered tlUiun tf Labor, a the tkillMi at the furcate fur f"J a too. foreitiaii, ma lanitt and Mr. ludgely stated that be had evicoul.l l.itJ!' three or four fur-ca- " dently Un tui understood. Thi meetas well as oe. but a cowoiitteo of The freii-'h- t on a Um of pikiroa from ing i convinced, siioukl be also aatisn'ed and the ratt to L'Uh rouiiuou points in about capitalist thou id in turn convict the monied t2L Kjvou readdy see that with a they of the city of the reliable nature of nieti market price ouly equal to the preset the figure for invest meat as know n to fright turiff, with a tweaty-tothe Chamber. ructiing there would be a net protit to Mr. Johnson moved that the president the buinrss of fcl.'JO per day, or $ 'X) and directors of tbe Chamber of Comor er annum. month, per $libiL merce name a committee at their earliMy knowledge of the cost of ameltera est nonvebieuce to take charge of the built for handling precious metal which work of the capitalist of the interesting are neoet-garilhavluore complicated, in the enterprise, with George F. ing tl. uioet refractory ores to handle, eity Brow n and John Oj. Cannon as part of leads me to conclude that in view of the the projxjeed committee. This motion marki't at our command an iron reduc- carried without dissent. tion plant here consisting of a twenty-to- n railed attention to th reMr. stack running up n the anterior moval Ridgely of the otlicea of the L'uiou Pacific ores of our mine ould be able to yield, railroad to and suggested that as a net protit during the first year of its come actionOgden should be taken to property co&t of the plant. operation, the entire welcome the superintendent. Just what such a plant would coet I Mr. Brown urged promptness in carry83i unable to state. With ail necessary the iron vorks plans into effect. ing buildings and stacks I do not believe it In reply to the suggestion that the would cutst $50,000, and that, too, when men of of the city are not interconstructed on the mos-- t approved and ested incapital this iron enterprise several permodern plana. The basis ujojn which I sons made statements showing that they found this estimate is the co6t of reduc- are decidedly well disposed towards it. tion work for handling Colorado galena Mr. said in the last meeting and refractory ores. In fact. I have tlmt hePettengill would lie one of ten to put $0,000 conadded a large per ceut. for uusen each into the old plant if it is all right tingencies. Judge I'atton had said he would be Another important item which you one of fifty to put $2,lMi into it, so one must not omit is that of a market. stated. Another said a local Could you find Male for the output of a gentleman will give $1,000 and ask no stack? This would approxi- capitalist twenty-tostock. mate G,t tons ftnnually, allowing for The Chamber adjourned to meet on shortage in daily output of pig iron. Friday evening to talk business in conVou could not hoe to enter the coast nection with the iron works. markets except for high quality iron and steel, as southern and eastern iron can GOES NOW. be laid down by shipping it around the NO Horn at a price which shuts out all competition. The superiority of The Suit Lake Boy Kaycr to Meet f lie other hand ou the this Iron Over Victor La lildmiie iit a limwould a doubtless give it Match. these even ited market against odds. Montana, Wyoming, Idaho Tuesday morning there appeared in Utah and Nevada would still be open to The Commercial and Salt Lake Tribyou as umarket, while as to the demands of this region I am not une a formal challenge to Jim Williams, posted. Vou can all readily 6ee that the Salt Lake heavy weight from Jim with such iron here 6tove factories Dalton on behalf of George Kessler of would spring up and a hundred other Butte, champion middleweight of Mon glove contest to products of the factory would be made, tana, for a which would create a demand for ninny take place in Ogden, for a $500 purse such furnaces. It would eeem that the ana me entire gate receipts. Williuma ta a urrtitra nf EjI li aIIa,? only thiny necessary to insure the success of the enterprise is an, intelligent the well known Zion sporting mun, and and forcible presentation of the facts to everyone who enjoys the hitter's acA. B. Johnson. eastern capital quaintance is aw are thut lie is "dead gamo" and ready to back his favorites Mr. Don Maguire asked Mr. Brown's to his last dollar. Yesterday evening views on the present cost of smelting Dalton is received the following letter which explanatory in itself of the fore iron uere. Brown I fhink iron can now be made going: Salt Lake Citv, Feb. 17, 1801, for less than $15 a ton. I do not think Mr. James Dalton. it would exceed that and may be safety this Tribune a chalSik: I see placed at that Pittsburg parties esti lenge issued by you day's in behalf of George by mate tbe ooet at f U a ton. lor a nrteen round glove contest Maguire I wish to ask Mr. Brown needier Jim Williams, nnd in reply will say whether he does not think a good deal of with we are eager io accept tno challenge. iron could be sold to car works in Sacra-m- e You may nnmo the date and we will be to? Brown Tbe shops there agreed to thereisfor the amount of $.500. Hoping I am take all we could make when wo ran the this satisfactory, Moat llospectfullv, works before. My iron now costs me $30 E. W. Kellky. a ton and it is a very poor quality too. Mr. Dalton when seen yesterday by a westnow with on are foot Negotiations Coi:.KK(iL reporter appeared frantic ern parties for the sale of the iron and I with tit tho prompt action of Wilunderstand the Central Pacific is watch- liams' joy backer in neoepting his proposiing this iron scheme with interest. tion. He has notified him that tho D. D. Jones The market in Washington and California is sure, as wo could money is ready and will bo cheerfully with the proprietors of the lay iron down there cheaper than they depoeited Atlus or any other responsible parties can get it by ship. Johnson It seems that all ive want the moment Mr. Kelly or his representanow is to formulate a plan. We 'are all tive produces tho necessary number of simoleous to cover it. It Williams' agreed on what should be done. friends means business, as they unRidg'ely To Brown, Have you all tho need not be the books aud records of theold experiment? doubtedly do, there delay in closing up the agreeBrown My son has and were he not slightest ment. necessarily detained would have been The promoters of the affair are depresent. it take place Mr. McWilliams stated that he had a sirous of having Feb. 2G, at Thursday evening, who from was message Mr.Pettengill, in Salt Lake City, saying parties down either the old Union opera house or the Novelty theater, nnd this will there are entnusiastio about the iron probably be the dato decided upon. take to are here and stock. willing plant Kesfler is at Butte and only awaits the The question of whether the location completion of negotiatiou to come to of the works should bo at the old site or Ogden. Mr. Jones elsewhere was suggested. In caso the Montana man bests Wilreplied that the men who put the money liams, he is very anxious for a go at into the enterprise should settle that for Hank Stewart, better known as Hugh themselves. a Sexton, also of Salt Lake, who Brown There is one among several twelve round draw with John fought P. Clow in works where the locatiug advantages at Kansas City and also kuockod out they are. In six or eight weeks the Cash, of New Orleans, in four rounds. works could be put in operation while Kessler is willing to "meet Sexton for it would take months to start up a new fifteen rounds or to a finish for any The old works would earn amount. plant. in to a tho time. Jim that for of Dalton, enough plant pay manager George Another gentleman took a similar Kossler, is a familiar figure in American view nnd pointed out the value of the snorting circles. He backed Ed water power also. against Dick Cutnmings which Mr. Maguire also thdught the works ended favor McKeown in of ten should be whore they are, the natural after hard rounds at place for factories, and there is nothing Winnipeg, aud also matched Capt. about the working of iron injurious to Jim Dalton against John P. Clow, health. late of Denver, in n draw fight in ChiMr.' Ridgely thought that a careful cago. He has also chaperoned such men collection of "facts should be made and as Dick Curamings, Ed. Smith, Prof. presented to the men of means in the Mike Haley and Patsy Cardiff. The match is creating much interest city for a start. The location is not so important. He had hoped that the men among lovers of the manly art, and the who have been looking the matter up Salt Lake boy, despite the notoriety for several months would be present gained by Kessler in his recent defeat of with their condensed statement of facts tho "Marine," has many warm admirers to show that the undertaking is feasible in this city who are willing to bolster up and profitable. The city should go in on their assertions that he can't be easily the principle of planting permanent downed by the Montana champion, with iron works here, ond the first thing to money. , , 2 USUAV. 19. TOLXIIIXGOniTAYEIK to l E3t to Mfj Xiud tv Ti!.e PLANS PEBFIICTED R E OITMSU THE KEEii EOTEL Am Kisla-Yfa- r Mrr. L.a lJ the Fiiuu- efcti-maU- e - man-34j"- of (Xrtuiuer The Chain nidt last nii'at io aJjurnl tsion to talk over the irua ork jrupuBitKm. Mr. DaTul Kvilub, the presiJect, Leiij Wet o Leg to sickoeta, and Mr. Sidney Steve&a, the vine preskleut, being JeUiueJ, Mr. II IL Ridely as elected to tlia oti motion of Mr. B. M. SLort. Mr. RiJely cUteJ o the meeting and adted the the secretary to rend the rt jiort of tie oomuiitLo) aKmtd to detriuioe the value and eoutlitwn of the old iron f urn-aoutv-aril- jr iurje 'l'L report of tLe committee m m aa follows: Report of the oomaiittt-- of the CLamW e of Commerce, appointed Feoruary li, VfJl, to determine the value of the iron plact ou Twenty tir6r street, Ihf-de- uVa are of the opim-- that the land, at a low estimate, is worth tij.UW, and with its water and track facilities will be worth double that amount in a short time, an it U a uatural site tor the loca- tion of manufactories. In fact, od of the members of this committee u willing to Rive f 100 for one acre of it. "We took a brick contractor, Sir. Calvert, to examine .the brick work of the and he found better and sounder brick ia it than can be purchased here today, and in a good state of preservation. "Mr. Holland examined the interior and found it in a perfectly good condition and ready for use. "The stack and ove- - cost t),000 when built and would cost $50,000 1 duplicate it now. So a very ouintrvutive estimate of its vulue would be l.15.000. "The machinery of the water power before using would have to be lined up. It is one hundred horse power and cost 7,000 for ditch, 118.000 for penstock, 90,000 for machinery, and a conservative estimate of its present value is 10,000, making a total present valuation of the eutire property of iGO.OOO. Respectfully Submitted, I. E. BiiOw.N, D. D. Jones, W'h. B. Hollan d. Mr. D. D. Jones read a telegram from the east Baying thnt a blast furnace of ten tons capacity would cost $50,000. This would be the latest improved, free on board in Pitisburg. Mr. I. E. Brown stated that the old furnaci could be easily made to run out fifteen tons per day. It i s now but eight foot bosh, but cou'.d be made fifteen, which would largely tucraase its " Mr. A. B. IrTTEKely called upon Johnwn, special committee lo estimate the cost of smelting iron from ore taken from the surrounding deposits. His , port was as follows: re-- icr. Johnson's bepokt. I have the honor to submit the following report as to the cost of smelting iron iron in Ogden from the ores contu-uoi.- 8 and available thereto. Some of the items are necessarily approximate, us nothing but an actual test can disclose the actual cost. In the main, the figures are sufficiently accurate to furnish a safe basis for your purpose, which h to determine upon tho odvisability of building reduction works in this city for handling the superior iron ores of the adjiicsut mountains. The iron ores in this vicinity are The chiefly hematite and specular. former ia the most valuable and is found in immense ledges or veins, foray feot wide. Mining is thus reduced to a minimum cost as the ore enn be taken out about as cheap as etone can be quarried under the most favorable condition. The ore is almost pure oxide of iron; in fact, eo free from deleterious elements that when assays have been handed to eastern iron smelters they havjuestioned the assays and expressed doubta as to the existence of such valuable ores in the world. Being free from phosphorus with only a slight trace of sulphur or 6ilica, and no tintanuin or zinc elements usually found in iron ores, our hematite requires no fluxing except time and sand and smelting is as simple in process as burning lime or making charcoal. This ore yields from 48 per cent, to 53 per cent, pure iron. The other class of ore3 the specular ore is also available. It contains a small per cent of sulphur, silica and phosphorus. This ore mny be used with the hematite in mixing charges for the blast, thus avoiding the expense of sand. While owing to tho elements mentioned it will not make good steel, it make9 a superior claps of iron for general utility. When the iron works of this city were in operation eight years ago, many disadvantages had to be contended with. The immense coal tields of Crested Butte, in Western Colorado, and of Utah, were not opened, and the cost of McConnel-vill- e coke was such as to exclude it altogether. Hence the fuel used was charcoal and it cost on an average of $16.90 for each ton of pig iron turned out. Ore cost $8 per ton delivered, whereas now it could be laid down at half that price and d those figures. Even possibly one-thir- SPECTACLES, lk u n BLUFF inter-mounta- at JopIIa, M a Lout and u best hutel ia iu Visaed Tod.it. A waa icuoaru-- J in ytlerJay' im of T CoMMHii llL, Mr-- r. W. A. Mc-Millen and A. X. Dealing, u( Joplin, Ma, j are in tbe city ia connectioa with the prcpueHi opening of the new Reed boteL For the part two days these gentlemen have been in confereoea with Mtvsrs. Reed, Bigelow and others of tbe IUd Hotel company, with the purpute of ae tliog the tniautur of the agreement which was entered into in a general way in the early part of January. At a late tour last night an under standing waa arrived at cocceroii'g all the points at iaue, aud an eight year lease is to be signed this morning. It ia the intent ioo of the leasee to open the hotel on April L or as near that date as poesibla Of courue an immentw amount of preliminary work is nwtvmary, both in the coniletin and the f uroUh-men- t of the building, but arrangements will be made to puen everything forward with the greatest pible despatch. are to bear the oott of The kst-ee- s furnishing the hotel, which undertaking contemplates the exjmnditure of $5,0Ui to .S0,l . fcvery one of the IjO rooms w ill be furnished in excellent style, and every department of the house will be regulated upon the plan of the beat modern hotels in the countrv. Ogden is to be congratulated tiiion having such a stitierb hotel as the Reed, and also upon the securing of two of the best hotel men in the country to manage it They have both been in the hotel business for aloug time Mr. Ileming for a quarter of a century and Mr. Mc- Millen during the past eight years. They are the proprietors of the Joplin hotel, Hi U a Lubdred koit f .r3 ofan J roM atJe as t!e TilE WULICTCOTIIT. . ti fmtu.try. Tbe Firrt Djiirirt Ckmrt was rttgtJZ' ar eitretuely pHiiar wm. aod tLis, natur- in tri J uk yetfterday, Tbe iciTiaeA work of tLe curt aa dircrteJ to tie als. La cut a dc..icj tfurw ia br.u in abott tb fcuoamt M. H. they late nam U Joba A. Taykir t al dfor ir pat Mr. MJM-i- ea t Miliar trial a to jury. taimself w a fur a tuuiberuf yocra wad Mafuici for tbe kcightoftie trip," and biaanuaint-an?- Lraaa A litters fur tbe defeodatiU. wita tl fraiertaty extecdt ail over Tbe fu&rwiBf jury was eo;panit41J: tie country. A. L. tA arJ SeaeiL M. H. weU'knowa It i a fact that a city BoxHb, Jr, J. tl Uorrock. LU largely K. U by tfc ge&erai public by H. E. browa. R N. M illiaM.SlUa, ita hoU-i- . wed knowa Mather. J n Iivml Juum UL L It i aia that ia tLia ihdI Cvde has kit beea Spaldic, Fred MeMeoer. coo deilrteot. Our really cuod one of thuee ProajoaUiry suite luj urival botei aoeommadaUobs are by no neA betseea ttotk oo&pexie Uud bae adequate to meet the deaiaada of a been up ao frrqwectly. size of a a Una, and, The other orders oif tbe court were au bustling ntv tbe MMucuenoe, tbe better bouaes are oftea follow: unable to aocoaimodate all tlie gMta Fred Turner tm. Sidney Sleveoa, ho apply for their kovpitality, and ootion of Kinibail k Ails; eteewttunu when a traveler La to gi to a poor bo- ordered stayed ten dava, Tr;ee e A CoiHiBitti- - lbil. -- jrei.tieuL.eu itii tiM tfjvejt atli t. Luf-d,r- e t - I.tm. jdd kx-ail- y kit-re- d l te! because all tbe'gtjud ones are tiHad, be is apt not to have a very good word fur the city which forced him intounsatiifar tory quarters. Tbe arrarigeaient detailed herein relieve Ogden of her embaraas-meb- t in thia mailer. We aball aoou have ooe of tbe best raravanaariea betweea Omaha and San Francien and the new Reed bote) will be another feature to refect credit and honor upon the Queen City. Benefit Concert. The Ogden Turn Verio will give a complimentary concert at the Union 0(era House on Sunday afternoon at 3 o clock, in the interest of Prof. Richard Fwera, recently of the Royal Opera at Munich. This will undoubtedly be a very interesting event. The ticketa w ill be 50 cents. Corporation Paper Filed. Sam Fkaxchkio, Feb. 18. Article of incorporation of the South San Francisco Land Improvement company were filed here with a capital of They will establish extensive stock yards. The principal stockholder are Swift and Morris, the big Chicago packers. Idaho Forwarduwr Company vs. FW- rneoi' Fund, North Bntoih MeromnU and Cocumefcial I'd toe lMurance ee; on moUun of L R. tipera fendauU were granted thirty data etay of executioo. J. A. Matbaie va. Southern Pact&r Railway oompany; on motion of Ugdaia. lines, caee utsoiweea at piainua a on Ogden City v. Frank Monroe; by sect and on nxrtion of J. N. Kimball, continued fer the term. ooaa-paoi- k Perfect Fit. We are baking a epecialty of chant Tailoring this epricg . Our I sample have iust arrived and we now prepared to take measures, and guarantee a fit. We tueao by tbw, if the garment does not fit, you need not. take it. Give ua a calL Respectfully, m Lota k Myi:, Proprietor of the Gohlen liigle, Washington avenue. To Soften the Skin. ti Ladiea whose akin ia aubject rougti neea w hen exposed to the air may refnetlr-th- e ditliculty by applying Wisdom1 Violet Cream. It restores the natural action of the skin and induces aoftnesn and elasticity. REMOVAL SALE OF W. H. Wright 2355 & Sons' Co. Washington Avenue. wmiiiiiinuiiMimiiimiiimniiuMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiuiin 4 Men's best quality VVoonsockct rubber boots, $2.70 per pair. Boy's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots. $2.00 per pair. Ladies' best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $1.50 per pair. Dry goods, shoes, hats, clothing and everything else at the same rate, which is cost, at the femoral Sale of l H. Hit u & Sons' i The sale lasts only till March ist, and until then everything goes AT COST FOR CASH. LADIES' SHOES, of which we carry the largest line in the city, are included in the SLAUGHTER SALE. Buy while you can save the retailer's profit, and come while the assortment lasts. At the rate goods are going now tire stock will be terribly broken up in two weeks- We urge you to make early purchases. You can now get a silk dress for a little advance on the price of a wool one. WHY NOT WEAR SILK? Mc-Keo- SPECTACLES, SILVERWARE, Wraps, baby cloaks, LACE CURTAINS, hosiery, notions, laces, mens shoes, etc., a very complete line- - Must go before March ist, and cash takes the goods- - imiimMiiuMiiiMiiihimiimiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiniitiimim W. H. WEIGHT & SONS COMPANY, 2855 Washington Avenue. JEWELRY, d Complete Line Solid Grold and iJ. Gr. RAINE &2488 COMPANY, Avenue. WATCHES, Silver-mounte- Spectacles Properly Fitted. Umbrellas Osxien, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. Washington - DIAMONDS. |