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Show IHUISIUY. fEMUWKY OCDKX DAIL I COMMKKCIAL: THE IEts. Yi . lMOOP.I BATTLE TTi3 Urv t,;rr.s La .! La J s-- r OUB MX'iCIUTiC EETTHEES OS OftiAMZlSti. ct&i'.-.ka- J a iVi'it r.et, Ure Kiix!tf k&o ative DELAY NO LONGER ! i Mm-- triel the or e mUJ lrbua kkloey Tea,IT Pi. to iU tnxrherrf ul! baar aita It T. Mie?. of tie Kicir MercasUU. of the unoary in avfvry ru Li g t tie PoicUyt-trr-yn oruia. it is suiipie, Je aoa ure; vital Call Hl fcy a Laire Si&Wr xuj:it, Jy UuVea aad rttort healthy Mr. E. P. Cook cxttuplaissof L4 rij if Our Etst Kluvi l uity to the organ it i ictMuUnl to operaus c atf-tto- jjj Si-a- j. -f 31 m Of course ereryo&e La baa tort cf political k'UBrii knew tLat tte of tLe rpuLljctn party in u; Ogdo U fu&d,ia mould bLort ord, tT tLe rclifctact cf tLa deiuorratie host fur tLe qjv ccuct wUiLti-o- warfare Lkb e as one of the gtvftt bi pcitk-a- l ujmjb the future. f Prouiiwat kwal deniooraU Lai their conviction that the formation of political p&rtix ia I't ib on t!ie Id line 4S ia uttur at the preu t lima. Bat, they ar, the re- dIicmj fumi publican! liar ttn by thir branch frf tr political family, an J to tha nieu:l-- r of tli other bur imrty eo.is.der that ia th Unj;ua2 ofG over Clfvelaml, ;t i a eniitKMi, and not a theory, th-- .t us." t for it, ptst two Java lher his beo J ihrui'.ht tt"e i:ty a rail f. a masa meeting at the Ft .U ral court nm, Sat iTilay evening, Thecall, with theeiguittart up to a lute hour last Di,'l.t, i re a f !1oah: The (vendition of political atT.iirg ia I ta ie. riu ry, especially in demand vim Odcn Citv, mot car ful conm!tratiua of all Democrats. Li.'al party ihiciiBS'ona wi:ii4h have for o ninny yeara engrocsod the of all irwonn inclined to actively participate ia o i'.iea are fast in trio disintegration of the old pilA t'.cal parties. lr jii, active and jwrnrineit Dem-v- i necessary to the crat c organization future welfare of the cit.v and territory. Therefore, we call uimmi all citizens of Ogden and Weber county who believe in the great principles of the national Democratic party to assemble at the Federal curt room at 7:30 o'clock on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 21st, 1811, to consider the best means to adopt to insure Huecew to the Ltiuocratio party in 0'den and I'tali. D. Evans, II. P. Henderson, C. H. Wheeler, R. W. Cross, J. P. Ledndge, J. Brinker, II. II. Henderson, Jeroe B. liarton, John G. Tyler, J. W. McXutt, llenrv II. Itolapp, H. W. Smith, J. D.'Hurd,. Otjden Hileg, W. L. Miiginius, Wu. Harcombe, K. A. Heed, T. J. Hudson, I K. Rhodes, T. A. Whalen, II. C.(iilbert, II. Whotetone, Snott Short, II. M. Bond, Val Gideon, John P. Cullorn, 11 W. Farris, H A. McDaniel, II. C. Bijtelow, C. B. Pash, Fred A. Shields, L. II. Mitchell, Alex. Loeh, A. A. Wercer, Thos. C. Foley, J. E. B illantynn, Sidney 1L Waddy, H. A. Lindley, R O. Wooley, jr., II. J.Vianey, C. W. Land is, J. F. O Connor, J..W. Dalton, John Magutrc, F W. McDaniel, J. J Sullivan, A. I). Hbakespenr, J. M. White, F. 11. Di?voto. A.Z.vvaurti, W. M. Hansen, Geo. K. Silks, Win. V. Jlolfnch, Samuol Ijong, C. II. Buschraan, T. W. Jon., A. Fohrinjrer, A. II. Pat-oMatt G. Siphon, C. Feh ringer, B. H. God lird, Shirley P. Ash, D. W. Ellis, J.S Pepr;, T. T. Brvan, a. i; . ley, R T. Hume, II. A. bjjith, W. 0. 15. Green, J. (j Anderson, C. F. Grant, Albert Bacon, John A. Proanoll, 0. W. Jones. Thos. McDarmott, J. M. Lanjfsdorf, J. L. Schaeffer, T. D. Johnson, F. R Onriotenson, Chas. Pascoe, R C. McKinney, A. C. Harris, Joe T. O'Connor, A. J. Weber, S. D. Coulbourn, R B. Shepard, Jas. P. Sprunt, Gea Dugan, 1. S. McCnully, Jno. S. Corlew, Jno. McManis, J. rf. Ormsby, Jno. D. Carnaban, J. D. II rrock, Tho. A. Cot.tinghatu C D.Tyree, T. R Fitzeerald, Ij. R Saunders, Wade II. Spenoer, Jno. F. A hern, C. M. Hotaling, E. S. Luty, Job. W. EJen, A. W. Davis. eot-frou- cin-ula- fr til st-u- a-i- a tra it BAJtUAIN HAYS t-- Monday ami J. Rt RolM-rtin- FBASK OGDO, UTAIL Makaoe MOXUOE. Twenty-thir- W, II. VOORHIES, Prop. WM. J. HARRISON'S Hciwitiomil. ilramatio lirninl double nntl piMyirty coMihinntion. how. JACK THE RIPPER ' will J'be most souea- rmpitiToly lie itrotluciMl. tiounl drama vr written. AM. J. GARRISON, wiisnt ioiml author and prBt't A. 15 NOVEL SPECIALTIES 20 - PRETTY GIRLS & 4 -- Li MARCH 1st. -- Grows Great Special Clearance Sale Miles' Serve and Liver Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' 1111s speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, sure! 50 doses, 25 ceuts. Samples free at iL A. Walker. Tie Putnam One-Pri- ce The Largest Confectionery Manufacturers in Utah AT- Clothing House, Dont Forget the Time or Place. Mm k ROBINSON o A Bv.pully. Slops Fulling Hair. Is a Preventive of Baldness. ; Factor v and Salesrooms, 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. 366 24th Street, Ogden, Utah. Kraiiicatcs DaudrufT. Grows Hair on HARDWARE CD CO Bald Heads. Is ail Exquisite Toilet Article. Burrows, Salt Lake, Glass Hair Importers and Jobbers. THE- i office every Saturday at Broom hotel, Ogden, for the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, litted, difficult cases solicited. eyes inserted." Cr, tab. Skookum ?oot fre- WHOLESALE GROCERS, TILL- -- throat and lungs. Spectacles accurately . WILL CONTINUE 20 s. to 1 p. m. GRANT AVE, OODKN, 0 15 Wealth! Washington Avenue, Ogdeq. imiuiiMiniiiimuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiim Sandfly Dinner from AT COST. St.. OEiien. branch 2473 OYSTER ASD SHORT ORDER HOUSE o is Wm. Harcombe, OIKA'X, NEAT, and Fifty Cent Popular Prices, Twenty-FivScats in Bozos Fifty Cents. Health 1 every thingbut the intrinsic worth 1 yourSown need or desire places I upon them. Choice tailor-madsuits and overcoats, fine furnish- ing7goods, hats, shoes, umbrellas and allKthe choice necessities re- - 1 quired by every front loin an are on our counters at 25 to 30 per cent. discount, including 'all our high- class goods.- - Do you want them! walteii jtiiAxo, rno. WHIPPLE. That's 1 German Restaurant, actor. MISS LILLY HAMILTON, tho bewitehinit wms and dance amst. Talented Vftcli artifts, JOE LYRON ond MAY BLANCHE. sorio-comi- c Amorica' singer, MISS Kl LA CON KLIN. Mim.tn'1 MnirneU. JOHN BALLET AND WILL KAVMU.M. Danhiug nonhrette, MISS LILLIAN CAHROLL. The bpRiitifnl nkirt, and Spanish darciTs :i EAKLK S1STKRS3. Qiwvn of pour and dnnc artist, MISS J i'ARL ARUINE. Last week of the popular nketcli nrtists Jiil DALTON AND CLARA BOVLE. The and rcllnri Bonn and dance artist, MISS L1LL1E MORRIS. I THE Week Commencing February 16th. 1 Avenue, near corner street, East Side. d 1 e Ogden Department Store TWO GREAT SHOWS IN ONE Dr. E. 0. West's 5'bt!ve asd Brain Treat ment, a Riinrantoed specitic for Hysteria, Dizziness. ConvijlsioiiK. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the. use of alcoliol or tobacco, Wakef ulueps. Mental Depression, Softenmn of tue Wrain resulting A. L. Faut, in insanity and leadinz to miocrv. decay and T. Maloney, death. Premature Old Ae, Barrenness, Loss of J. N. Faut, H. Markle, Tower in eitber sex. Involuntary Losses and E. W. Smith,' F. Moses, Spermatorrhoea caused by over exertion of the W. M. McGee, wr J. F. Con ley, i.atu Oram, contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, A. Wiikinson, W. A. Ewers, six boxes for $.".0u, sent by mail prepaid on or John Tiramons, S. W. Mav, receipt ofVVK price. (HTARANTEE SIX BOXES L.W . Shinn. To cure anv case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied witli $5.(io, we will Patronize the new Commfrciai, book send the purchaser ur written snarantee to refirsi-clas- s fund the money if the treatment does not efi'eet bindery, where you can get a cure, (iuarantees Issued only by H. A. work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. Walker. Drntnriet Kale Ant.. 3H Twenty-fourt- h 'Drs. Freeman bo mnclo a "CL'KA.11 UP" occasion Avith ns, with movinix prices on everything. For thesefew days you may revel in lnxuries and necessaries, stripped of . IB Mil Inich first Avill e 2102 Washington Ironi now until 1 There is nothing 'n a name, b'.it in a Art Needlework Materials. there is a bottle of Wudom'fc 2 dozen skeins imported arasene or world of saliKfactiou and pleasure b la Jietof taste and rerincment. It whitens Xo. 2 chenille, 25 cents. It skeins fast color wash Bilk, 5 cents. and be:iutirios the skin without the in balls marking cotton, 5 cents. 2 of use effects attend the that jurious silk per ball, 1W cents. Best knitting evimost cosmetics. visible be I only on all stamped discount 25 cent, per and a clear beautiful of is use dence its linens. healthful complexion. Every lady using it recommends it to her friends. These bargain sales will be continued every week at the Besore, quent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit of lying on the right Bids, short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of r.nkles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough, and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated lwxk on Heart Diseases, free at, II. A. Walker who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequalled New Heart Cure, and his Restorative Nervine, which cures nervousness, hadache. sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc, It contains no opiates. utaiimti!Hiiiu!iiuidiiiiiiiiu!iuiiiiiH:it:!iuituuiii!iiiniiit:iitni:;t:H:i;iiiiii:iiiuuimiiii!!tiiu!i Spit Achilles Perrin, J. G. Konnv, H. C. Hurd, F. W. Herri ngton, Dr. E. Thiele, Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most Offer. Exceptional to Thos. D. Dee, Win. Rush, C. Tndav. anil Feb. J. C. Solomon, J. M. Phillips, W. J. Bows, S. Cox, Ray L. Davis,' Ezra Farr, F. R Lasher, F. II. Lasher, Jos. Rees, J. S. Knowles, J. T. Johnson, Lew II. Beason. T. C. Morris, Jno. S owcroft, Wm. Harcombe's at m n, will have a uxi. upon with toured Chase m aoavsJescicj;. S-- J. JI VOKMK Miocie BUke of Siut L&k w tb Ed.tor Catholic Seotioel. her Peer. of Haiti frieiil. irut M. Mrs. T. Irving left kift evecicg for meek' ! ithfnQds and relative in Ler old Loa.e at Sjoux City, la. It U rumored that a eertna hardware fina of Silt Like have defied to and build a branch estj.bibhiueut at this one acd a id place. The idea prpe a eucasa beyond a dubt. It is urpriiin; how reI estate Las beea rhantfiog Lands here the pa.t few day. Tuer rere eleven 6al yester1 6 day. Six of t?iese r ere made by F. A. 17, Cook. Fire Poiuta has five rtorea erf general We will sell for two days only rnerchatidi, one tnft eiarkt dru fuloons. tore, two tonaurial shops, two blaokiiiuilh shops livery and feel wath boards, 20 cents, worth 3j barn, Unit and ehoe hop. harnra chop, two daat-- halls, a Unre luUitary eenta. Ti mirror, 2.1 cents, worth 40 cents. 4 a'tdciny, four physkiacs, one dentin Feather Duetere, 25 ceuts, aortb and a population of bve hundred inhabcents. itant. Sr.oe bruh. 3." cei.tfl, worth W cents. S'eel hamnier.i"nt nt. worth 00 cents. Mm, Wotiirn, Children, Covered a;haiuber paiL 'JO cents, worth !io r, matter ho All are afMicted, wnts. j0 no ha failed to cure you, an J oiattcr Leatherette waste basket, Zt cents, Jiovr roRipiicatetl your ailments may lx wv.rth 40 wr.ts. and consult the oldest and Uiosl skillTwo dot-- clothes pins, 5 cents. ful r;ioc;aht of the ii;e, who graduated in lSi:I, and has had nearly fji yeara NOTIONS. who ii! represent .he reliable medical Liehis uff Ir. iii"orpori.l.l .1 papers of good pins for S cents. at Broom Hotel, 4 Co, of San Frani-isen- , .1 pajiers of s:ifety pins for 5 cents. 1 5, and and Salt Clift 2 Feb llouue, 11 papers of carpet tacks for 5 cents. 27 '.H and Lake, Fch. It bunches of hair pins for 5 cents. 2 C'xtd slate pencils for 5 cents. the Sunday Commercial Sub- Iadnow. 2 thimbles for 5 cents. scrioe 1 quire of good wtitinsr paper, 5oenta. 25 good enveloics for 5 cents. ial itic Mrc rati Cltiirs. R 1'ie tliAKiii-u- t erfrri-o- e. rj-- TO Editor XctVnukk, aklf'y aol f.roraUy A aiaa City evuiK-iwrcC.Li.j .iii la Kns Mr. Aler IX-TE- VtwliV. CStilt dMj 189!. COMPANY. Is Free from all coloring matter. ( 7) ait mat t regi.'tertd.) s,'- Contaiu9 no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons It is an honest and meritorious preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. Mum Boot Hair Grower Co. NEW YORK, pof Sal by ait Druggist. I I fit 1F vJuvtI Lid O i 2345 Washington Avenue. |