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Show OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: THTRSDAY. FKBRl ARY 19, 1891. ,s OCO Sai Mniu atlte SOUTH STREET. rarhabcr - 4j mint I ariiiA , Garriases B a bV fav h. oum. aw IIMIWI AXl FINANCE IKUGS FROM THE SHif ! i lour a auui A 014 :uiv ia-C. a t't iMf awia vtr fcatt- - A batumd kxifaagold Mkr. weana;; I la .. js. 1 chin btard ttiat wM 8w oo tool of uakam, i ctJor pieiwl tra . -- nlay, gvang on tf thai . i , :.!( tiit WW luadiog torv to a trip around tl Horn t j B n tf . H KriMKi.,'. His gMt WW ntwith -i discoot aatfBd ia wme way w Miatflf alain H tbrjr ot issued with hU iiuui-iu- uj Copper' - 'rJ PiUTl 1112 U a Tit r MaW vrrniard ix ' brr. " aar aiBwirl asa by acaraa txl tift:t-wey- aw eiup. that." remarked a to the reteran. "Humph. " anortwl be of the rakea" MrbU- joo'rr a dg o' tiupa beard. w?n, uo, but i thotmiii" Oh, jou did." let t the WJ1. 1 thort yoo did. Will, that air he air . U enough fur her. I ,.;ain't a bit haniWune to ain't aayin' m mibuut r j- ' pawiai Hrror ate mod .! . tmm r it ; bar, feawm. f.uWbit1 ; ! - r1- Pawaaa Uin. tmut.lt." ru'itori prrewt bll druKVIM. unJ.f rx. Nfcr.tru Huit. paUet . Mranim i (Ua tarrb J Uttuedj alll j Timothy, ui IftM Top Wild i WHOLESALE J for an Incurable aafi ot atnrrh in the by the proprietor of Ir. ftagV au eenta, by druirtfurt. II 1 tr thooi, Lun-- u -- t, f t'ental aacka Sa.atiitaat . war H - a) tr DRUGGIST. a off i ia i , aar auanrat ait t lllalrlhuilat: Twil). Ht. MfN aarta. i. PocaleDo, Idaho Ogden, Utah. t on AdU'TS 00 "" huther I , a, ail 4 PI7 rv aataa.... tr J An R. r ? M fcl atlkaafw. r.rt. A CWf iatI uu, faniLig I M . f I i It V Iran if rrryt lunar.LAKJN I It I tUt.lt. Ad.lrraaal nu r. Ik MM t, ..... Mawaaw, t'lfaortuirwMUt p'rt'n Ketail prirwa art- nhoot H ,.. Win n Aaaaatii . 1 . lit. ...Irr, ha1nj.N.V.Iti.-a ft.ii- t..bat M a.f f t Uy aoaf tatHyoat ym f I Iff tjf "art, aa! u..B A P Mm all lira, am. la My ftri of m aMDwUr.fi-ta- jt vm1 pi aso II, per lb ,IOS. WALLACE Worn Liquor and Cigar Merclmntj aM II so lam par awi...... .... ilt-a- air'JplaW rfflafwWtyw 00 n W J M 1 8R0CIBS, t I ia 51 " Luperaa Paoocra. Hutter. Huttrr, L tab, COMPANY. MS I" S W td Co. FRED. J. KlESEL & ltt Timothy, tr'ht per t'a j DRUGGISTS. STV1.K FtOlRF.HF.All. ar- Hat. v. Furniture Boyle rtfcaaite.- i uUattdi ' KLr craJat ( ru aMU Kullod Oau. pf bbl llraii awl ribttrta t. . S 9 S I I ia : nad-U-y 1 fTV tints. 1 Fun. j fj lawi 1 "" t'ora. ebufipod jtuaranl. tbat it will do u't that it m MoaaavawM to, or u,..i.. ) paid tor it will be refutxkd. fir IS -! Karbr). t- a t Bartn. riKifped It iaviconats t it rurauve powera. tbe llrer, enrictif tt, hit 3 and- i.rom It thr only all tb boo.)' luocOona sold by Mri-aeit lunaf r,m,-ir. cL. 6siac. ( at w liTMuvc. No. HrU- Trt. yield j aull- - 1 Uarir). umiaa. No. ............. pwewt. - ' IVier- - ljr, No. tkaw, fcarard. prr Krjri- - ! crusty. arbuiM. AU HoiM, and aHMtr.'i ulrwata. U ! . daily by tiibw AV Armim. ZMi tw kt.l.it ia. ry f 1 "''' .1 Su-u- w.lprluce un Dr. . u : TIIK OI.K lmA - H Wbolaaale Pnoea t. hrt "Bprov,-ttwt- u Umoontr i i a mm mm m BMraea.aodand ia asTun.-. u. nib abr pttuav utIm.1 pKtun- - of urJI ana strctiata. Imoor-trr MrdwaJ Taw voadrrtui i.iv-urtd - fam4 at a rrocd fur auar 4ii.umpliuc wbua M rrallr no 'T a aekBOW4rd - remyly fatal matadt. wb- o Uara f. i itiM trrnt-la fair trial, tut ilao ... aod in t t.ir nil inag of Serofsikm. Ikjn and .1 M- i Tin. r.i.q First Shipment of the Season Just Received. 5 aw mam market ncNst - Rua-- J - -r MNT. 1 nar at, bet I ve Mi a wuz aahip tin Uavjr Crockett- l..uiuui au' im did Iiavnr.ua. All wu-bi.! what a the uaef Iimea m changtil an' bhip in h&ard an" Sooth atreet l changed. Tbere'a wore wrc, k along ban than anything elan. "What d ye think I seen tUouR here a while ago? Well, I went in one of thein junk chops where tber keeps all aorta of thins that tbejr picks up from old khips, an' driver uie ef tuar in that 1 abop wuzu't the lifcureuead of a lup Twin ull ailed in thirty year batteriH. an' broke, bnt I knew it at once. Well. I bought it, as' Tin goin'totakv it np to (Tnettyknt. where I live, an' keep it there. An" I ain't goin' voyagin" It through Hottth street any more. hulk my maktw me l like n mbUV With this the ancient one re-- , into a dtBM which he would not lap- .break. By f.ii uit aaai ia.i aixi amaM aaawaaa it. tnm n. kac!a Muwl w wkI pmi m ut bioud. r-A fur rrua nnrlit s mu!iptli!"i oaa of ot kuBirsk "Handaoin Trti-ran- rw ut' r i t Iik ip brU' itiimi fciix r m Wedding Goods, PHOTO PEAK ROlTE! INVITATIONS, In one rtwpect the old salt was rijjht South ttnet can show an nun li abundance of queer relics of vYTf'kt and & relics of brave men who have gone down to the sea in Shi within the last thirty rvrfuniiTy Hal VoUfft Arliflps, BaTTWBEK years or more. There are a numlier of CIGAKS AM) TOHACCO. UENVEU, t'OLOK.VIX) SPRINGS 4 PUEBLO ahops that keep all sorts of queer things aD on hand. They pick these things tip in PACIFIC COAST, SALT I.AKK CITY, a variety of ways, and there w a considompoumlod. Prwcriptiooa Carefully went iinU. UL''i and all uortherable sale for them. Coomerfial Publishing Co, 2104 Wash. Ave. VIA j, Ml ffaaaattwi aMawa There are figureheads, for instance. LEAI'VILLE. ASPEN and (iLEN- MAN1TOU. In the olden time every ship of any preWOOD SPKlNtiS. SCENERY tensions had a figurehead. Owners of EQUIPMENT UnfuriiaedOil. Uneqnallpd. vessels vied in their efforts to secure fine SPECIALTIES: S. iasiKiis, and the eiiterprir.ing gentlemen ami fiBTan, Wiim.aitAi.K Fine French Cardiep. who modatod tin representations of fair Home Made Tiillk. f IffisJ SOB nymphs, of trim midshipmen Through Putlman SI(viHn and Pullmac Pure Ice Cream. in.'ii Touriat can betwwn DaMtvaad Sim rtattflatW) a of itdmiralit in uniform did a right ThrouKh tho heart of the Rorkj Mount aiim the moat comfortable, the afwt, and the iretty business. A simple sort of scroll ntal routes. grandeat of all work nas taken the plana, of the dashing For ratee, descriiitirn pamohlet. etc.. call on Ave. and Twniy-tiftCorner K KKNYVORTHY, Washington J. address or the of fcrurcs general ai?cul. past. Santa Ee Kont.v Salt Lake Citjr. Ofcourte there ave exceptiouf". The H. (XLLBfiA. reners! !mf.aj?er, Colorado Ice Cream for par- Sprinire, Colo. lag !...;'.. .,h four master, the Fiilki.iml, Smt under Broom Hotel jflCity ir"nt. ties supplied at one UHAS. S. LEK, (fcucral pasnenser "si lias an excellently modeled representaiill notice. Denver, Colo. day's F tion of the Vdr Maid of Perth above her Linxs 11. Ht'invoKRER, Washanil aith .. ('or. sntwater. The clipper ship Seminole Finest Stock or Ulg Itlll Ave. has a Setninolo brave in lull war paint, and there are others. In the main, however, the old time figurehead has fallen lu tho Market. into desuetude. DEALEK IN in a before Pronoutiwd tliphest Jnst. off South street, shop ajffi U'lTVl! 1 which nautical instruments are sold, aWi " t't Trv it and aatisfy rWawMw there is the figure of a sailor that has Agricultural Tidently Men many and many a storm. & CO., He looks as though he had been ejfaaatd and shanghaied times beyond numlier. . Wajurons, Part, of his nose is gone, some one has Buggies, made a pot shot at one of bis eyes, but Road there is a jaunty, wicked leer upon his Of this city, are equal to face and an expression that says: "Here's a salt as has sailed, an' he F1SE PERFUMER and TOILET ARTICLES. the most famous in the Mowed to ye!'' world. The curative proplUPOETBD AND 00K8TO Wheels, Kmav of oen. domvar. of these waters are erties There are a couple of old figureheads Mills. and bathwonderful Ensrines most had have street that South on seen be to in them is most pleasvery hard experiences on land as well as ing on sea. One of these is an eftigy of Oen. ant. No case of rheumaOrders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Bolivar, mid was the figurehead of the tism or blood disease has Kifth St., Near Young, OSDEN Hani-warahip of that name. Wa?on Heavy Material, yet been found which Originally the effigy was so painted as to appear dressed in full naval uniform, could not be conquered ! Iron and Steel. nocked hat and all. At the time of the by careful treatment at of Liver draft riots the rioters, having nothing WE will r5' a abo reward for any these springs. Arrange BlackCon iniliiiastion. Baker Barbed Wire, Hilar Bintwolleadarhe, else to do at one time, stood across th Complaint orDjCostWmesa cannot cure with Weat'a stlpatlon rehave been made to ments He KB& him. fired at arc bullets direction street VrgeUhle UTrPUla,Wba the VcKCtabie, andstrictly nevei with They are iwcly Etc. smith ceived lull many a wound that day, but comvHed all Tools, have boTcs. Raymond and aJiia win, aattaraetlaa. Suirar Coated Larsre ho stands in his place still, stiff and contalalnK rtevrire of coinnerfeite 1'llls. ts cents, excursions stop Whitcomb UTAH. and Imitations. The jfcnclnc inamiractnrcd only by OGTJKX erect. SUB JOBS C WEST COMl'ANY, CHICAGO, ILL. here for at least one over Another flgUAOMd fared even worse wold by A. 1 W ALK I K. all Union Pacific and 1 tah. at the same hands. It was intended to Oadrti. day lrnKl(. overland tickets arc good represent Samuel Kimball, of Kennebec, Me., but it left the sea some forty years THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY for a ten days' stop over ago. It was then placed where it now the Springs. The at The to store. a to call attention stands, in Utah. Hall Finest Billiard draft rioters liad rare sport with it one HOTEL DEPARTMENT day. They tied a rope around its neck, lip Stairs Over Mailen's. dragged it here and there in wild glee. Then they made it the central figure of Is in competent hands, We have the larceBt Hall in OriIto anil use a bonfire. Just as it was lieing consumed first-clas- s Tables exclusthe Brunswick service may and the police came down and rescued it. ively. the had be at Springs It was repainted, and today, impassive US. COME AjSTD Come out and Hotel. and dignified, ft passes its time studying hnman nature as it is on Sonth street. try the baths. The MoI. G. But there are other curios to be found tor makes through trips in this locality besides figureheadn. from the Broom Hotel less is more or where one shop Stat THE BRUNSWICK, corner as per time table warlike articles e,au be fotnd, There ' yen em see ugly weapons taken from in this paper. Fare 30 Chinese and Malay pirates; you can find round the for cents trip "CHICAGO SHORT queer looking weapons taken from nalimits. the from city war Trunks. coast or the Rest African BepaviM the tives on Manufactures the to. OW Trunkj Taken in rromptb atteulel caawl crabs of the Patagonians at least you Vxclinnne. far and Delivered to Saatl Co. will be told they are. New York Mail all pnruuftbo city. ' CHICAGO KuNR&oppMAN and Express. St. No. 270 Twentj-lift- STANDARD (iTJAGE Programmes k STRATTON CARL UPMANN'S Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican hand-mad- e, Custom house Visiting C-I-G-A-R- CAKDS -S. WHOLK8VLK UKALKRy OK - F. B. HURLBUT, Mate XlS EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN f1v DRUGGIST, Brewing Company s Mi wan ee Beei BOTTLED. STOCK, BULK AND traiie-contl- h OGDEN'S inTr-rritor- 1 Great Sanitarium, fflptat J. W. McNIITT PKIGGISTS : THE nor springs, Carts. Buckboards, Turbine CIGARS. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction gua A. LOWE, TOILET ARTICLES GEO. Saw e, "OGDEN OFFICE." TO BE ADDRESSED TO DOR ALL CORRESPONDENCE anteed. J. KIESEL F. & CO THE OGDEN CRACKER (1 CC N CO I fcPOl tATED.) "Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKER of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear O. P. Box 268. THE ' OGDEN $500 Reward W. Ik CRACKER . rRICE, Manager, Ogata, CC Uta. . THE BKIHSW1CK BICHEY'S Wo carry the largest, most complete nod elegant stock of CASKETS est of THE h Milwaukee It is not akM tho composition which detenninrs the quality of a bell; vory innoh deiwudu upon its shape. over, the proportions tetMMtt its height, width aal thickness are all to be taken Th into contsiileratioii. dimensions, roughly stated, which are deemed to lie tha best for large bells, are of the diameter in thickness and twelve times the thickness u height. aaudtUila loniznMVictieenm.Tl'tt Aiuda, wot Icr in. t.v Anna at. Jn. linn. ioiio, ,'ni',. More- v k ,cilirpa,w,)l. V,hy h. iee, whrrevrr veil (rlanec are en,i!y eamlnr trern ti to 1 I em. voa IWtfT?. can ncnth. Veil Uri anil atari Ton. t un v,ora lu ,pair tiiua tlni". Hi won., ni ttf all i t'aflaia unknoan imoni tb'm. h NKW aWil..'!' MaWuuaraaaata ft aTaatattM. (W mn.t ll.tlallett'V '.,atot Tliff There are vacant public kanda in the United States amounting to 680,210,801 acres, exclnive of the undesirable domains in Akska. and not counting tho Indian reservations, some of which .no already falling into the general territory of the nation. e, rani ever t &IMI.n,l work nd li, a i,u tie lee are. K.Mi he-- f I'artlvfliaifrr. torUaatt, Maino 1 MMMMI 10 4 urtZii ! 4M niwMsfei&vn LoNiw".waawi wwawwn- -' an fiaM bT riucs :;r;- n i.l St. Paul THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY Is the ottiy line rnnninn Solid Vestibnlerl, tt Trams Daily am) Eiectric-liBhbetween Chteai.n and Ouiaha. cwnposetl of Mtujnificent Sleeping Cars and He flnegt nininff Cars in the World. Ste.im-heato- d tt EVERYTHING Is QfnrtcljferJ tileadinar for romeitv the UHmc. tionorrbQA Thaonlv aaie rente.iv fur or w hi tea I Dnacrlbe it antl feel sfe in recommeudinj it & FIRST-CLAS- Any Nrthet information as to Ratee of Fare, to., will be cheerfully furnished by ALEX MITCIU'XL Commercial Airent. T. F. POWKLIi, Travelinn aftnt. 1G1 8. Main Street, Salt Lake City. Transfer and FUNERAL FURNISHINGS bervices eoutltictetl at our Parlors when desired. Kmhal linni! of Ixitlies for shipment a specialty. KK'HEY'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS vv , t I11C8W. THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. "a? T" 1 Proudfit, & Co., The Hot Springs I'AHI.DI Funeral Directors and Kmbalmers. SEE III" lM)KHTAKIN(i BEO'S I J a Telephone & COM?" 2432 Washington Avenue. LIVERY & FEED STABLE Having purchased the entire Livery and Transfer business heretofore carried Martin Bro s, wo are prepared to receive orders for SINGLE AND DOUBLE DRIVING RIGS. PARTIES, MOVING OF BAGGAGE CARRIAGES FOR OPERA n by I AND MB OR FURNITURE, LADIES' CALLING CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. Ot:r EoardinsT antl Feeding Department will lie found Satisfactory in every respect Co., COREY BEO'S 3132 & COMPAJST Washington Avenue to do nil kinds of In I) R A YING. T UNCTION BAGGAGE AND 1 BO-- Furniture Moving No 362 ffith m dV. a Specialty. Tclephona 1 CITY MACHINE K. HOLLAND, VI Proprietor, Founder and Machinists 85 ?ent7-thir- d bet Wall ana Lincoln. ueaier in swam auginea xrouers, ntjnps, sic, 1 will furnish and erect Botlen, Heaters and Machinery by cor.t:sc and do my work n the bst mannrj macMne work and repairing promptly attended to u r'jop. |