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Show i OfJDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY. FEBKUAKY 19. HEMS IN' FIlEDOlTk WiEIii: GETS TUIEST IS AX IX MM IS-- ) MIES. Ea iUA. trtrd il S.4 Oer Iniet tf Frkr;kLaWarda, dan, hi UeUr-ffu- e tf in Way Natural Oa. tL -- ; r.tm i.fcw i Uam, Ai.-f-- u. Kiru. fctrli SHI A t a ! i , 1 'vrsTif t-- u-i Welu2-rUM- -- I . ( Suta STU Jettm IIueImIui tUTKt. Tni!-i,i- r M'tLSS, tra,--- real C)-r- riirBJ ; 111 akiihW Olm at t Grand Louse, AJli- - O 09 tnui $.(', t?rt UiU-Tr- t, a J. f-a- A.. McCulloch have a Snaps for you this week. e. K LOOK AT TIJEM! 10 i t II e Real Estate Transfers. Ileal estate transfers furnished by the Hendorsbot Abstract office, 114 Washington avenue, for Feb. 17, 1801: J. Dowell to R. Kennodv, lots 2, 3 and 4, block 3, and lot 12, block 2. Riverside; J. W. Hill to E. Iiogers,conUact) lota in University Place; JLTWO. D. Dohao ot al. to J. S. Keefe, lots 30 and 31, block 2, Prospect Heights; KjO. J. F. O'Connell to P. Fuccillo, lot 17, block 3, Riverview; SWO. J. H. Wilson to I. Berlin, (contract) block 10, Liwndale; 8150. Total VXm. "Loamed, Skilled and Capable r Fhy- - "Take it Before lireaktast." Because it will give you an appetite, ragulate tho bowels and cleanse the sys-t- e Dr. Henley's Engti of all impurities. lish Dandelion Tonic. Sold everywhere. IE SACKED HEART ACADEMY, Utah. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Is a boarding and day school CO Offden, f i to tho education of young and little girls. In addition to a thorough practical English course and type Latin, classes in are conducted writing and short-han- d after the latest approved methods. French and German are optional studies. Besides the elements of drawing which are taught in all the classes, private pupils in the studio receive instruction in crayon, pastel, painting in oil and water colors, on China sill:, satin and devoted Iftdies 01 book-keepin- SSI O mini velvet. In the musical department lessons are Riven in vocal music, and on piano, harp, cuitar, organ, violin, mandolin and smsim zither. Special classes m art, music, fancy work, etc., have been formed for ladies residing in the city. For further particulars apply to Sister Superior, Ogden. Utah. )2( 3" Mavor Fitler. of Phfladelnhin. cives all the fees he receives fir performing the marriage ceremony to charitable mostly to the Southern Home for Restitute Children, an institution in aiclt Mrs. Fitler feels great interest. pur-Pose- s, How is Yocr Liver? Needs toniDg 'P, of course. English Dandelion Tonic is a specitio for all such troubles. byH pur Will be Given Away, enterprising druggist H. A Walker, who carries tho rinest stock of poet no ST.- Mb TO TRADE! elear LtaJ iu Texas, Jea roiftjr. for - Irugs, perfumes, toilet articles, brushes, eponges, etc., is giving away a largo num-of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. He guarantees it to euro headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of snirits. tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is universally satisfactory. He also truaranteos Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous pr organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on erYous and Heart Diseases ' free, Monev to Loan ! t . I Mdmcy to loan on Diamonds. Watches, tfewt-lry- , etc. Unredeemed pledee trr .Bu1uV.U..nn t "f.l ni.il OiVt Tn .,.,1.. 1 j BUTCHERS. wr Ojtltn property. Call and aee me. L. II. MITCIIEL, 2106 Avftae. Widdiii Xi & he.'ttr, l"l u.irruMt.l,4 iu-iri- iit tA-- I tjt4oiinli tum Eurr. BatMu. F. FaiTX. ilfJm - fit), i.ini)iii him h Vf uiut.. itil l axtiui-4- i . ak-- a -ximettmjf. tlur tvl &W4 i ii iju'.'-- i rtm wuh 11 b tLeac turt iUu.Um ktAUowiimiw, r,iiMnirtrf-ai- ' and tuoth Sausage Works! -- its SHU). $500. Per acre. 21'4 irrw, near rnivorsity. W ill rut into ton iVfcn.t lota at &0 jk r lot. Ailjoiiiin tolil and soiling for each, liarnmu. UliHS with two Iioukos renting $18.00 Imu-ttul- NiHie bat fi rut clans properties bandied. Call and im ns. NOT Jr. M. and Soli ln4, St., Twenty-fourt- 0 it HOUSE, (... waj-ou- larr-hoi- e, iutiih-nieuts- e l-- wm. Grant elL-l- lt. Boston Meat Market i-1 UTAH. OGDEN. II. O'HAVKlt. M- - e Real Estate and Loans. CHOICE LOCATIONS in all part of the fity. GOOD BANCHES and Garden Tracts. NOB HILL PROPERTY SPECIALTY. No trouble to thaw property. Call and tee me No. 2414, Wash. Ave., . OGDKN, ' . UTAH. MARSHAL'S SALE. Hot Springs R y Ogden 1 TIME TABLE Kliza-Ix't'- i'ii:htj'-uii"on- w e to-w- 1 W. 1 Real Estate! 1 .3P 1 S - . . . to-w- it Addition number of Choice Lots are hoi-r- -' ! still unsold in no-n- this Favorite Locality, and are now offered for sale 'at M.TEAHEN Rol-er- PAINTING LOW PRICES and EASY TERMS, by It. P. HUNTER, SOLE AGENT, No. 2414 Washington Ave. l-- by thorn of n licalitic.n hiTFvar thrv tin. An cn An ihe work. Fur to letrurn. Vi ftarnUh rrr1bins. We trt ynu. No rUk. To ran your ir moTtrrint, or all your tim to ttt - work. '. blaU-iinJ Imngn n ondrvftii rjio tw-- f wmkel. ntirly nfWmn i if 'li totUt rarnitiii fnrrirk tud npwcrU-Viitl marr rt Wn ruii ftiruUh t 110: mt the nn. ::. Nofpflcetttf-Mitt- n hen. plaTrtftii nj tmU Ur:! MON EYI t j( - ainety-one- Lf BK. Vi U B. Krwr. TVputy t lerk. Uujiuit, Attorney for flaiatiff. MMt CWw. I. V. MARSHAL'S SALE. hn x 3-1- lu-ui-- u tuHfMn4 eight b'lnurvd . 1 a r,-- Real Estate. liii-- 5 !, lkl) d ovl or jiruritrrd ur f..r tjuuoi tit punjuse 4 1 in Mwonrlioa with railway of tii Mid (V'Mt uy li.nl ) ur tl Biaiulmauoe r or of auy n or LetlY tlMne All onion by am! or wins given protupt at to-tiohall at or aey time Uwafinr TelrtduiM 4&. I'. O. liox (C7. ui ur ua umxi or prorurt-it ii tl,e tltoiu.(T'iu ul belli ii" f.ir Ui purxe uf ur in ch.b tuliia DOKE. L. JOIIS WALSH. with the hue of laUwai mi ur hereafter to bs r ai.tr ucU-- by the Mild IV-t ity kailsay Cuuiuauy. it (ureOHur ur aHtb.ii. ur Ui KNTKKI'IflsK Biaiuieuauee aua ooerat ion uf tbe mid any part thereof ; aud alxi all the ear aid all other Hock or e.Ui.iiM-ti!- , all burem, liarun. noil., . mow I'low, caU.. btitrfit, , tltb Street, Next to Thoina Itroa. f uuiture and oitH-Uttum uf every kiud; all rod, rhaiiu aud ikM and all other material wliatw-ve- r t ity hoic Meat of all kind. Poultry, Tuh ami now uwne.1 or Miieie.l by .ai I Gam in season. We baadla none but vha Uailnay ( unii.aiiy, ur w hich oliall at any lime liereftr ba aruinnl t it. it ueotMoni and ehoiorst rHts. Satbfacti.o guaratiUwaL for tho iimi and Min. or diiimeil ntMl DcliverMl Knv. Our order wagoo will foruaein txniiierti.w villi or lortlieoiM-ation- , call for order if den red. uf uiid line of railFrench anil Eugluh oken. (iira u a trial. maintraaimt or way now or to be ctutrur1e.J by th aid Vd-- t liailway t'omiumy, it. iuivr r cor. 24th St., Ave. or or m.ikiih,ity hetln-ralile.rlertrie or lior, oilier rail w .on or uy part thereof. aim i tlieti:l.,wiuir ito4Tile I : etato.to-i- t A. . Wktbxkbi. H. L. Ilvu'u AU of block iMin Nob Kill A.l.liii..n i.,..,,l Otilen I ity, roufift lu of twruty-i- i t'll aiki aiMi ail me riirtil, prinl. c, ami rraiirliiw ahirh the aid Vdea City ihiilway t'oniimny now lioldu, aeiat itr In ei.tille.1 to, or ahirh it. or it uco-- irti or awiirri may lure after or bejome SCSAII, K1ND.H Ol-'-O-i of or tie cutit led to, alito revcuiia t.illn, and income of any and nil Fresh Meats, Fish, Ponltry aiul i uu nuet oi railway ur tun a.nel IVO' n I uy t'on.iiaiiy now or hereafter tn lieeou- Iiailway Game in Season. tnict-d- , the together with all and tenement, lierditamenU and aiurttiniiFe of tha remie afori'faid, or any of thnn, or any Order takeu at your door, and rvwhU d Hart thereof. to any part of tho city. l'KO.MlT Vtbieh aniil mortcace Indenture wan on the a Our Meat SHh day ot June A. 1)., lv,at the hour of II :M DKJJVKKY .ecialty. Waiton u a Market on wheel which rails at a. ni lihil for record in the ollico of the diwlx. in aud for Welier your honm so that yon mayselurt your own ( tah It run north of 23d SL on Wuhiiujtua Territory, and duly record. d iocount), good. book "L'' at Avenue and the Bench. i:ii to M hirlunive ; and paiK-WHKIlilAa. it ik in ni,l ilivul of lrt.( ,.m:M.l Tel. No. 1. U31 1 VnHhiniUm Av that in raw default rliall lie nuvle iu the of interest or auy of K.iiil boiubt, and mch default rhall eoutiiiue for thiity day, then the WMfN fOO prinripal of allot hi, I bond, if the tnilo n elnru, iiKn written iioih by kaid tnutee to the party of the llrxt )ail. Iineanuiu tho Oeden t ity Railway Company) fhall lieoniio and lie I. oor at once due and iiavnhle and o behl ami ft J v. iLV deemed for the puriMicoof forvloMiro and mle iu either of the metiuMhi horeuiliefora proviibnl, and for all other numour. And Wiir.HKAN, the Interest UMin ald Inindu due '5 A SPECIALTY. on me urt day of November lxu. is in default and imitaid. and uch ilefaidt ha eoiiiinued more tlmn tlnrty (lay, hi. d ihe truxtoa tirrenn tlerniiniiil him clectoil to the nriiicipa) all of the bouds ncrttred hv miiiI dend of iruil OGDEN CITY RAILWAY CO. of due and payable, and has r'ven writtim not ice of mch election to tho said Ogdou tUty liailway AND vonipaDy. ami VVhkrkah, it is further provided in uni.l deed & of trust that if the naid teden City llnilway i ompntty kiiiui lail to pay tho principal or part thereof, tip in i n t t ... no.. .... r. l...u.f AND wkich mny become dun on aaid boniln eocureiJ or intended to be aecured hy unid deetl of trurt HEALTH RESORT CO. at the time when uml at the phico where name may become duo and paynhln, according to tlio tenor and effect thereof or of the coupon thereto annexed and for thirty day thereafter, Between Twenty-fift- h Street and Hot then it shall he Inwfnl for thin tniHtca in it Springs, taking effect Thursday, discretion, personally or by it attorney, attjir nny. Ainiit or nirentii. to caiiKO tha itniil mort. January 'J2, 1891. aaifeil railway premiee or property, rilit and GOINO iNOKTIC niuirefi to re koki ny pulilie tiiictuiD at the front door of the count v court liooe of the Weber county in the Territory of I'tah and said B -in enid Osdcn City. firt iviu Dot !. thnn a --2. thirty day' notice of the time, term and place tr; i 09 9 m ft of meh Rule hy advertisement in ronie A. M. A. M. A. M. pul'ii.hed in said Oudon City. And A. M. A. M. A. M. Wiirueam, the haid uiterent attached 7715 6:50 7:02 7:05 TM to tho s.iiil bond, due by coupons their torms on the of November llnd, 7:50 8:02 8:14 and heinn the inter-eday 8:15 8:25 8:50 snid bouds due at that dale, are and 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:35 9:15 10:10 haveonto this time remained unpaid. 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:45 10 55 11:20 Now therefore, notice is hereby given that the 11:20 11:35 11:50 11:55 underpinned trustee in said inortteo or deed of trust mimed, will on 'Ihurduy the nth day of P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. I'. M. proceed to sell all the property P. M. marcu hen,iub.'fore anl in said niortirnim dwcrilied ut "i2:0r 12:30 public auction at thn front door of the county 12:30 12:45 1.00 1:05 1:15 1:40 court house, of Weber county, Territory of Utah, iu tho said cily of Oirden, between the 1:40 1:55 2:10 2:15 2:25 2:50 hours of ntno o'clock in the forenoon and live 2:50 3:05 3:20 3:25 3:35 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy 4:15 4:00 4:: 4:30 4:45 5:10 the ilebt secured by said mortgage and tho costs 5:10 5:25 5:40 5:45 5:55 6:20 of such snle.'t MoRTO AOK TRUST Co. 6:20 6:35 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:30 Kolano R. t onki.ik, Secy. R. L. 7:45 7:30 8:00 8:05 EnoiE, Atty. 8:15 8:40 8:55 8:40 9:10 9:15 9:50 10:00 10:12 10:24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Near per BURGITT. 11 Hua-Jaaua- hert-afti- 15u3T l tr XLV artaw. L- 'a SriXULTV. Reed Hotel Building, MARKET OGDEN. UTAH. 0.11. 11 an-t- l auil inrrrt.B-l- i "' ' "r tiiii at li, t. r'lia- tunm that IHeBdt.t tmrMMwt to tm It. K. lif,,,inr ... u vrlvrmni by turn ui t 1). K. hrwireuiw- -t .';' f nn - CF SAllAGE A By virtue of nn cr.wnlion i8ed out of the District Court of tho First Judicial District of the Territory of l"Uh. dated the l:th day of Febn'nry. 1!M, in a certain action wherein tl e Fir1 Naliouul hsmk of Ojjderi, a corporation, nn j.luiniii!, nvuicri'il a jiidinent against the .i Oinh'ii Cily K:iiivray Co., V. K. Swan and doine hucinoii undor .Swan, & W It. Swan of and namn and the Mylo Co., HoK'rt. lohiiiKou, ttfenlantB, for thesnmof four thoiand six hundred ami twenty-thrx- e hundredths dollars, lawful and money of the United States, with interest and cost 'hereon, I have levied upon tho following : doscrib d property, Lots 11, 12 and 13, in block 51 ; lota 4, 5. , 7, 12, 13 and 1. in block 53; lots 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 1 US, 17 and 1 iu block Mi; loU 5, B, 7, 8 and in block 57 ; lota 18. aud M, in block "4 ; lots 4, 5, 7 and K, in block 73; lot I I, 14.15.16. 17. IS and J. D: GILL. 2404 Walton Ave, OGDEN. 6, lit. in block 76; all in Nob Hill Annex Addition to Ouden City. Utah. Alxo lot U and 15. in block 13; lots 19, 20, 21 NOW IS THE TIME TO BOY and 22, in block 13 ; lots i" and 2li, in block 14; and lot 1. 2, .1, 4 and 5, in block 15; all in Nob Hill Addition to Ogdcn City, Utah. Said proierty was levied uinin under a writ of attachment on the 27th day of October, 1890, said attachment beinir issued out of tho above nnmcd court, and iu the above entitled action. Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the lt.li day of March. lfll . at 12 o'clock, noon of that day, at the tront door of the County Experience of the past three years Ji.is tanpht Court House in the county of Weber 1 will sell us that all property bonsht well at this season all the right, title and interest tliatthe snid 50 cent, least the Ogden City Railway company, at will profit of the year per bring W. R. ICliznbeth and Swan, Swan, during tho following winter. doinit hnsiness under the name and stylo of VV. Wo oiler for sale ihe following-choicproperty K. Swan & Co., and Robert Robinson, had on tho 27th dny of October, 1SW, of, in and to the at theso low prices : at described alxjvo GOING- - 8QUTII. public auction, property, Siity acres in section 10, overlooking the 100 00 for cash, liiwful money of the United States of city to iM mTh t3 the highest and best bidder, to sat' KM America, between feet on Twenty-fourt- h GCxMQ said execution and all costs. Lincoln and Wall Arenues. per foot.... 275 00 isfy El us H. "arsons, U. S. Marshal. Ba Uy B. A. Bowman, Deputy U. S. Mnishal. Lots on tho Bench 5lxi:X) foet eight blocks 300 00 Ogden City, Utah, February 17th, Wtl. from Washington AYenue A. M A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M Two, aero lots on Thirieth, noar the Tork 3200 00 7:17 7:05 7:30 Lots in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. . MARSHAL'S SALE. 8:00 , 8:10 7:40 8:15 8:27 8:40 Improved business property paying 12 of issned an out virtue execution of the By 23000 00 9:00 9:20 9:30 9:35 9:50 10:05 per cent, net, leased for 4 years District Court of the First Judicial District of 10:30 10:40 10:45 11:00 11:15 165x1 IS feet between Jackson and Qnincy . 1650 00 the Tertory of Utah, dated tho 13th day of 10:10 150 00 Lots in Mountain View Addition February, lnul, in a certain action wherein tho 11:20 11:40 11:50 11:55 Utah National Bank of Ogden. a corporation, Also 8x8 rod cornor on Twenty-fourtP. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. as plaintiff, recovered Judgment acaiitl W. R. P. M Wall Avenue property below real value. Snau and Elizabeth Swap, doing 12:10 12:25 22 acres near north Washington will business under the name and style of W. R. 1:00 subdivide. 105 1:20 1:35 Swan &(o., and Kolwrt Robinson, defendants, 12:30 12:50 for the sum of Six Thousand EUlit Hundred and 1:40 2:00 2:10 2:15 2:30 2:45 t Ton he lawful Ktatns. of United Dollars, money 3:10 2:50 3:20 2:25 If you will call on ns we will show and con and cost of suit taxed at Seventy-on- e 3:40 3:55 and fifty 4:20 4:30 4:00 vince yon there is money in buying now. 4:35 4:50 5:05 one hundredths dollars, ou the loth day of November. 1W0. 5:30 5:10 5:40 5:45 6:00 6:15 1 have levied tipen the following described 6:20 & 6:40 6:50 6:55 7:10 7:25 : property, 7:50 8:00 8:05 8:20 8:35 Lot 11, 12 stifl 13, in block 51: lots 4. 5, R, 7. 7:30 12. 13 and li. in Week 53 ; lota 10. It, 12, 13, 14. 15, 9:00 8:10 9:10 9:15 9:30 9:45 16, 17 aud IS, in block 56 ; lots :, P. 7. S and , iu 9:50 10:10 10:20 10:20 10:38 block .57 : lots IS, 13 and 20, in block 74 ; lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and (, in block 75; and lots 13, 14, 15. 16, 17. Trains will begin running at 8:00 a. tn. pi and 19, in block 76; all in Nob Hill Annex on Sundays. Addition to Ogdcn City, Utah. Also lot 11 and 15. in block 13: lots 1!), 20, 21 and 22, in block 13; lots 25 and 26. in block 14: and lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and 5, iu block 15, all in Nob Hill Addition to Ogdcn City. Utah. Said prierty wa levied npon under a writ In llr.nnrrlimfc aru' on the 27th day of October, 1S90, of attachment A I'l.'PM.i.ortest troni Jio iiniu.rv orsaid attachment lx in issued out of tho above named court and in the pboveenfitled action. ('jyifiilox l,)'i.n(itinenn"(,;er!C CNotice is hereby given that, on Wednesday the A .L Jjjt T'laisl 'SI j'ri.s. S . , 11th day of March, at 12 o'clock, of that day, at the front h or of the County Court home in the County of vVelr, I will sell nil tlia right, title aud intorest that the said defendants, W. R. Swan and Elizabeth Swan, doina business under the firm name end style of V. t R. Swan & Co., and Robinson, had on the 27th day of October, 1SKI, or, in anil to tho ROUSE AND SIGN nbove described property at (inhlie antion, for of lawful the Umicl to the cash, money States, highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and ail costs. ALSO Ei.ia H. Parsos, U. S. Marshal By B. A. Bowman. Deputy U. R. Marshal. PAPER HANGING and CALSOMINING. Ogden City. Utah, February 17tb, REED - jmdg- - r. hi $iiM flOPO. l- k Hit-n- : Choice Nob Hill lota, 50x1.17 to aller. On Twenty-fift- h street, SOxia toalley, oa honm can. cu t4fr,tlo bvde l'luaiij (rMtm , .ir,4-r- Ut i.ir-u.- 1 toubtuath t tl ti,,I ijI mix. r:i ik ulam 0 ul 'Bi (li lay .4 Jlnsnl iaiuI, bnuu.-b-t ler Foot of Twentieth St, o. (Member Heal Eatate EichaiiRe) Offera you the following proportie 4TiO. mtritiX 1 r-- t'om-Mui- WASHINGTON AVE. J. D. GILL ri ver of 1 u rai l i.-a- u x ALL KINDS iw airau iu cm etui vtar ai a ' uf tb ua IWeudut wt.K 1 M iiiu"ii Ul luunert .iui nd ul uu btill.ln J .1. .IliumUme( aivaue; lLeucw fsn.t la Jien awwiHi, lat tlo. i j rialm tj o'i. i:ih.I.1 .l..l..M UirumnMiili tw laMiy-ti't- h been duly kwwl Ui uattcwet (mrt, tiu fUiutid f. a v1m- U. laiiir atliiv iu N4 Hill A u M,4 Ul- - CMlUrTIIIUIl. ""- t ut. iheurc Mtuta ua Vijior i U Tut fuiib-- and falW Urtirnlara I uiterity l'lace, a. wrtl a aay aud ail tux o twreri Made t the nucaWvut a file Lwo. raiinwd. a brn l,er iitjrr.tnl by auuual. rattrt. A ad yua ee berwby autiBed if I tat yuaa ful Uk-Im Wtor or wtln-- r mm Lereaft ud auraer tue aid nuupUuit aaov ruttktrurted. o.aititjiol ur ufmul ly miJ a(4r tl i. , Uiutii a.il lki riuirei. I LNrVat'tty Kaiiaay Miiaiir, it. Himm meat aKaiut yoa for t Ik wa t f y.tt.ju, a4 mc a aaj all ana --uixular. tun ln.U. ruail- - vcvxm wan cwu Ul .'ill. tracks M!r'Utirmre, rati lai J or to itmlh) laid, .i.liujr. lurtaout. Iraria. ttrkira, way Mioer, (u.liM, ail tlw ml mt aa4 rwhu uf , fWtrr eiuijMueut, d)ua-t"'ltl Di.trirl oart td tmm -. litMiwu. car irn. deft- tb!ra, t in Judicial lilrirt, khoi. builduiirtt. itructiitK, k t auj f.w tlia TerrM.in U iaa4 I tab, la art Km, i r interest, raitrrt, rj4 tbi 11 b day of January, a aud nvihm lurw belociKut; or atetr ! year of our ljutimmm Io or CHICAGO MAKING OF -. itt)li.,onli K- -l u- -r I uy jkaiiaay a-- !- !- tl-.- vs-mh- muU iuy kJjr omi;. POOLE, Ileal Estate Dealers. iiru. 11 it HimMun or i iri j4.i4 riUaui4ix-d. ulf lUe uuruf Mrtvi 1 t or uy bam !. aojumxl. at,J uhHi lir.'Hf ra.iws Uyuu ml It t n-- t ret v4 1 Mnvt, at ijuim oar t!; I luua dcH.H uf OUDKX. UTAH. LAFKKXTZ w lii-lift- in Central City, Colo, cksar, to for OUi-- a property. 2 lota in Denver for oj ,'.! ''. IX Pmr 1 1 I Ittrirt (cMirt of J4inalMnitUu ierMury U I'ltii, t)tuluTOwit - Eoiuc, HaratiT. , Jvtm A. itefkl.t. rr-o- ,'.. br- -- j01.t. clttttr f ineuuibranoe iu Laramie, J. Wja, for O.'Jctn .njerty. trade by t- -a. tu. or wtora kbull at any bmft'r Meat, Poultry ami Fish Vtix trjiMi .j.r ImiI. uetjf nl ut rWr uf incumbrance io La Junta, C..l fur Odeu real estate or stock of villi u. CoxmIil 21 lot 'si.f. vt I U L-- uabfrtard bf yoa will ant iu mtif uW. tli. aud . , .UJ. I.. 40 k t ul lire in ,4 HtCi9 IXkrtllwn. i4 ! HhJ IM. tmttf tu&Iitli, a &.rputmitom rrrt4 ulciMjtj i ur U u- -t lorntury uf Ttaii mrm4 am f a inwef. w 1 JuLa A. Lww. Urfdaut. it'y t-uunu iuMt 4vjar arr rvwuHi u, mfwrnr ia Mm mm I br t 111 llx.l) '""1-M-4 yoa. by tt.e i ' ",f tklusi-i-?- , i Wiiait ln-r.- t u 1 uvin I wMTt of J iu AJ i im a. lAvferty. rxwl line ieniury .4 I jtah. a4 t ul r mal itiixi. mjti ail L.;rs, rljta, t i efmii. .'Li IrauctjMK. nut i'f'iun?. ay. mtuku, a) . 'fUiuii, U '.xm o 4 Mnrcjinvr tU fi--i umW lawMi, Imm vt Titt. """ 4 .1J 4 if Alb ' . : a iiiwe-ianiuiiK ntt oiiuint ail. r. if trnelwit of Tlt tMiLw. 1 au4 . WHiUU u.icl ur ucrb- i- t) u. IM W 'i 1 Ecrau. u SUMMONS. T.L?xii.ii.ecVk"i: .Uilaaj ITUi sii. Try h quiililied. a 40G Such is the term applied by all doctors who are not tmsieci uy envy, to ur. ljie-bi- g nitn street. & Co., of San Francisco. Incorpor $2500. 3S4 acrpa. Prior m ater rights. On mo ators or "Liiebig World Uispensary," ot tor line. Fine residence that city, Kansas City and Uutie Cily, $2250. 42x1(3 on Twenty-fourtlot. whose old contracting physician, and the most successful living specialist, will be $ 100. IVr Here.to Fino farm land; water ; in tracts suit. lit Broom II tel. Oiiden, Feb. 25 and 2(5, A BARGAIN.' Feed and irrist mill complete, on Clift House, Salt Lake, Feb. 27 and 28, Wain tsttret. One mile from P. O. on Motor line. for tho purpose of contracting with all desiring to be cured of chronic diseases $23,000. The best pas idr property in Oirden for an. omit iuvested, leased for 3 yearc. of the eye, ear, nose, throat, lungs, geni$ 500. Per foot. 25 fret, on Twenty-fourtorgnns, ueiormities, etc. stiwt business. that the Liebig International Surgical Institute is the only manufacI hsiTe a lartte lint of residence, f.trm and acre turer of Braces, Trusses, appliances and property, and handle nothing that 1 cannot see iipfxiratus for deformities, that visit money in for my customers. Am pleased to Utah quarterly. Many imitators but no show at all times. Trust only tho responsible and equals. X l Brainard, Robinson Uiouiii. t'boico Nob Hill corner. 105x137 to alley. $ 650. 41xl:V) to alley on Harmon near Twcnty- - d Choice business and residence property in all parts of Oden at prices that will astonish you. Vaui-Bruv- Or SALE. NOTICE deliv-ere- & Co. $1500. jua FOR SALE! CILUreemvelUCros. 1.2Vt acrec of Atl QuiiMry mt !kuJ h MARKETS. DEALERS Littistlf as raeti iUi ! . . . i V. -- fc u .1 I. a. iuiuii. .van1 .1 L HdtU rsii- , l 4 uebl ci it i that 1 La burked Lis opioktn by Sti 12 feet oa ka4ua moft. Otui tu v & W iBibtiQ in O.'deo realty some iixi. abd lli var r;th Mw Uirouah CoL W. II. Shaw, a bo is aa oM frieaJ of Mr. WarUVa. BttiiM- WasliinzVia amine, A ptitioa inrf! nxar oa tli ci-- . ill a) uir uuj i a for calling meeting of the rial e0uti BilcAM oa Grant -rr eeoa, prufiertr ruea at the ChamU-- of Comm re to nitfbt for the fjurpuae of orgaDiiug a I CHy funt lota in t'itjr View Xi litiuo, eacu. Iv'-tEsU'- Kxeianj;e in the city. l VjuO UD Many of the caaies of jirouiiLent brok- Curaeroa Ailam avt4iae fur Arn-acen in all dintriiu&f. 6igDJ U tb pitper, it i id th (immI Kamini in tH 11 ill 11 Vww anil proowy U are that a e l meeting will PfiMniet Hi bdiM VidiiMiu. Call anil examine t tii remit of the (eiiikia. Urt. l'r..tTtir iu ail aru ut the t ill at on bit OgJen DefvU fiie eoocerteJar-tinri(M to MUt uo. the part of the real eeiate n.eu. There are many thing that neml utienUoo -abk-- only an organizvl UtJy can hanJTit4 Washinirttia At Keed Hotd Koildinir. dle efficiently. lViJe the real etUte eichange may be made an factor in the upbuilding of the city. We few TheOg len Natural (Jaa company is work puasi-blns a iu rapidly piiihin The well it uow doa n .VJ feet and reached iii'lieatuina which show that ha bed rock can not be very niu.-l- i deeper. Yesterday the drill bored through two thin strata of coal which appeared to be of extra tine quality. There is no question as to the existence of mineral gas in this section. At 8x10 rods on Quincy, cerr 21th St, lirigbain, just north of here, one man $ 4o per rod ha a well which is only a 'driven well corner Jack21th Clxlll and about feet and feet, deep, but which ninety eon 6 1 recta shows a pressure of twenty live pounds 2,250 of go and has been in constant use for 47x132 feet on 23rd street COO nine months, burning two brick kilns Seventeen rods on corner Quincy and one lime kiln. 2U0 anil 'Jiiii streets, per rod Then there are other surface indications of gas which experts mho have Twenty-fiviu Ruve addition. lots eo rue from tho oil and gas country of between 21st and 22nd streets. the east pronounce as sure. The finding and easy terms. Cheap m o gut paying quantities means more Several houses to sell on small cash pay than the average man realizes for Ogden. ment, ana balance monthly or It is to be hoped that the near future will result in favorable discoveries. quarterly. Five houses to rent in good location. u REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. i!EAH HARD WOOD FINISHING ftnd A SPECIALTY. One door I43 MAIN ST. Jorlli of tin Koutz Oil and (ilass Comaauy. t Wel. Order uf Kale aaii Decree jf Foracloam. I'ader and t tinuiJ imw ..u of furer.ur out of tlio DutrMt, Court of the i irt Judicial HMrirt of the Teroa the Utk ritory of lull, County of day uf Kelr.iary, svi, iu th above rntilW etion. wnerem K.J. hpeticeriha aloeuiuml plaiuiifT. obtained a iudsiuent and iWm agaiiut Frank W. Sherwuoii and Martha J. MierwiMid, defendant, oa tba Fourtwsata day of February, said decree waa, oa tb sl, ofwhich Pourumith day Ki hrur. lvl, treoordwl Ml Jii.Umeut Ikaik "W of said court. - at uaaw lam eoiuniaiKled to sell All that certain lot. piece or parrel of land sia ate, lying and being id the citv of Ogden, of Mfolier and Ternuiry of Utah,aud particuLa-ri-f uescrioeu as loiuiws. A part of k.t nine (V). in block t fta). plat C, ' Oglen City snrvey, beiiiuiii at Uaa out heart corner of said t and running tlwaw right nut, thftttee north four rods, tlwmna east 4ghl riMb. thetin south four ro.U to ta nlaceof together whh all and unr-l- ar th teoetaent. bnriditanumt aud appurla aancea tiiereunto le'oim-inor iu any wit ap pertaining. l Notice hereby given that on Friday. Oa thirteen' h day of March, A, l. 1H 1. atllo clurk mam of that day. in front of the County Court honw. in t lie city of thrden, county of Weber. aul Territory of Utah, 1 will, in obedience tn said order of sale and decree ot foreclosure, sU the almve drri!ied property, or so mnrh thereof as mav he neceeaarv to saticfr tdaintifl'a judgment with interest thereou and cote, to I lie ingiiett and best li.l.ler for cash, lawful money of th I'liiteal State of America. r.i ias it. 1'abn, U. B. Haralial. V. 8. Marshal. Ry n. A. IIowmam. Ogdin. I'tnh. February lKlh. 11. iud dec t: forty-eigh- 1 wt LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern : Notice i hereby given that I, Charlc fcf. Ilrough, assignee under a deed of iiia.de and ilelivernl fi me on the SOtti day of n December, IMW, by tlie Priutiac and Publishing Cunipauy. will from this data to the 20th day of January, im. offer for sale and sell the following Ueerrihed personnl property oosveyed to me bysaid deed of assivnmmit i The entiro plant of the Ogden Daily Democrat newspaper, consistiisg f presses, type, paiwr, machinery, etc., etc., kt private sale; and if not old before said alt li day of January, 1NI1. 1 will on snid day sell said property at public sale to the highest bidder. Persons desiring to purchase any of said property can examine the same by applyiugto me at the Utah National iiutik of Ogdcu. Term of! svhi. cash on delivery of property. Ogdcn, Utah, January 3rd. PSI. Chaiu.m M. llBot'ott. Trustee. Above sale postponed to Feb. Ill, lt)l. Above sale iwwtponed to Feb. Kith IMPORTANT TO EVERY HAN, WHAN uewi-pa-i- iu, AM) CHILD IN Diseases of UTAH. IheEje, Eir, Nose. Throat, ' Chronic Diseases and Defcrmities. The old surgeon and examining physician of "The Liebig Surgical Institute anil World of Kansas City nnd Ban Francisco will visit Ogden and have oilices at the Hrnow hotel. Feb. 21 and as, nt Clift house, Knit Lake, Feb. 27 anil 3a, This will be a rare rhancw for the people of I'tnh to consult free widit.be oldest and most successful California specialist, who has had nearly fifty years sjiecial practice, having gradi a'ed in l.s4:i. Remeniher the ohf Terrritory of .TJlah, doctor will visit. Utah himself. Dr. Liebic Jk Weher, J tountyot ("o. of rian Francisco are the only reliable In the Probate Court of snid County. In tho matter of the estate of George A. Mitch- siiecinliMs from the largncitie who visit Utah quarterly, who treat all wasting and annoying ell, deceased. chronic diseases of men, women and children, Kstnte of tieorge A. Mitchell, deceased Notice is hereby given by tho undersigned and the only brace and deformity manufacwho visit Utah from San Franciec and administrator of the estate of (ieorge A. turers Mitchell, deceased, to tho creditors of, and Kansas City. all persons hiving claims against tiie said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten (Hi) months after tho first publication of tin's no! ice to the said adminis! trator at his otlice in the otl'oa of the County Recorder of Weber Comity, lilab, in the County Court house in Ogden City. Jon (1. Tti.eb, 2360 WaehinKton Avenue. Administrator of tho estate of George A. Mitchell. Dated. Ogden, Utah, Fob. 13th. 18D1. jAEVlt3-CosXI,I- : rat SUMMONS. Before D. Tame. Justica of the Peace for &id Ogden precinct. IfcKKlTOKY OF UTAH f Cot'KTT OP WeDKE. I Mrs. A. Richard, plaintiff, ya. Wm. Dwyer, defendant. Demand. $25.00. The People of Utah Territory rend greeting : To Win. Dwyer, defond ant: You are hereby directed to appear and answer before the Justice of the Peace above-nameat his otlice in Oirden Citv. in said Conntv. th. filed of within Plaintiff said herein, complaint nve days after service on yon of this summons if served on you in Ogden City, within ten days if served out of said City but in the County in which this action is brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhore. This act ion is brought to recover of yon the sura of 125.(10 alleged to be due Plaintiff from you as follows : For board aud room rent fur nisheil you by Plaintiff at your special instance ami request during lHKI. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Plaintiff's complaint now on lilo at my office, in this action. And you aro hereby notified that unless you do so appear and answer said complaint as above re inired. Plaintiff Will take judgment acitinFt you for the sum claimed by her, to-wi-t: $iri.(j0, interest and cost of suit. To tho Sheriff or any Constable of Weber Comity. Territory of Utah, Greeting: Make legal service and dne return hereof. Given nnder my hand this 5th day of January H. Tf.knes, J. Justice of the Peace for 2nd Ogdcn Precinct. A for Plaintiff. Wiiitb Whits, Attorneys A. freotiont, rails for minim? blanks, The Co.mmerciai. has printexl and hnsnn hnml for Palo thnfollntvincr: Nntieft of location of mining claim, proof of riuor penornitHi, power ot attorney to locale aud sail ami uiinin deed. Tn moot SHOP A J. Koenrer. Plaintiff. fraiilr W " wood and Martha J. (Sherwood, lkefeodaul. Court of the Kirsl Judicial la tn District of tu TernLfM-- tJ I'l.i. i '.u...t. --M ' Novelty Works Electric Wirinp; and Electric Supplies of all Kinds Locksmiths, Stencils Made, Rubber Stamp to order. IRON FENCING Model and Experimental Machinery to Order AU kinds of Novelty Repairing CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS l)?'' A A ft SA U U A TUAHJ c" ,d4 I ear to inrlrona Hmlltm.wh.R- -' UHiy IItc.I will .iKAinilMt tt d tuition tars lh.1 or.K.irryro,iAi .kirk ,ou No mtmry fur iw aulrn MKHMtnl u above. Kuil and unwnt. qulrkl ksnird. I bin oti. worker fnni Mirk dUtect or count., Inwa almulr uurlit n provld.d wilk mplo.mnil a nialw. who sr. mskiar o..r oeil a vrarrsrh It'a nf K W fc. C. AI.LK.V. Mulaie. dirr si lr lioa i m, Augusta, PJLBEQ' ONLY! m mJm. "Ut., TUT at i, u ,..M. -l vtvaai,. Oeasral and HsaVOUS 0EBAXIHt Weaknaatof Body and Kind, Effect rroraorx.xoeasesiaui!ior xountr, 11.. DllillOIIII oirriflir. 7r.9,v nir roll, Hntorod. r.uirtru-tHHflT.- t.nlaraa I'AUTHUr a4 |