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Show Rearing the Thrive Fields Bond War Hill Its Exceed To Quota Expects LI " $250,000 in WHEN Cash Sales Is Goal Set You' Civilians And Military All Are Signing up With sights aimed high, the Command Ogden Air Service at Hill Field on Monday of this week roared into an inmobilization of tensive military and civilian personnel in the nation's third war bond drive to "back the I all-o- I1 MM i 1 pi t I ut at-tac- k." . . civilian employes of Hill its many thousands of and Field soldiers set out to achieve three minimumnnngoals: In ifth Hales. i idk.) a . i ik ..... Ant nnvroll deductions. . iu vk nm pent Darticipation in the Payroll Reservation Plan. The six days from September 20 to September 26 is one of concentration or the cash sales bond drive. The period September 27 to October 2 has been designated for v Id 1 CS l mm .J? .T jtxi t ' sin I t ' S 'W ' 1 12 000 . i -- -- ' f i II t r i 1 "I I i WW. I concentration on the monthly payroll reservation plan. final results of the drive - rrkn..rrh AUUUgu to achieve a quarter of a million dollars in cash sales of bonds will f k announced until next week, here expect sales to go .officials Via w..Mrl f minimum croa.1. Purchase of even one $25.00 adwar bond this week by ditional ' .... norann nn the field will over the quota set. far sales bring We Keep 'Em Flying' all workers urstti Tf mi fhA onprclpa of ' TTioM solidlv behind the t Tj.ii war bond drive, the Air Servicel Command slogan "Keep m iy-(olfAa nn added significance a en omnlnvea not only repair. n ' maintain and . suddIv American are keennhfinv ninnps. but also of dollars nf th billions i needed to purchase the materials and supplies for America s ngnung MAM Under the general direction of Colonel Morris Berman, commandAir Serv-l- t. ing officer of the Ogden Col. Leonard P. Carter is in charge of Hill Field's "back the attack" war bona Mmnnttrn. Nino hundred Minute Men are MivB in nrrsonallv contacting each and every employe in every unit and section of Hill Field's nlanf Thpv are making a concentrated effort to have all pI nurchase at least one hnnd tnr rAsh. Each Minute Man is assigned to interview no more than 20 persons. " f f T Ste f 1 I . . Shorty Wolf, Hill Field CONGRATULATIONS, PLEASE v out in sp upuunih jwa ploye, togged Krid w an wnen are Xojo einpiue m st 5 -S- : z'-jkM-'- x T.. em- - "- IndinrntA the ttHft Xrus wax . . . ruur rau to minimum goal in ! svres to Dotcom tney top jrom , Stebbins ana ueorgia mww- - FU1T ! ch Jjft- . .. "h ' J H" I Immediate Delivery Either cash or checks may be used to buy the bonds. At four nmrtflTff ATiAV AAftth AAF Konil nf Hill F'folH nlaVA.fAt Tha ss war bond hnoths set ud at central Of 1 iTl SLrk Si IU11 locations on the fields bonds can the workers, takes part in rallies and demonstrations. Here shown on lis iiivuiie imnu yiniiuiiii be secured immediately. Attendants at the four boothsnova ronortod lone lines of work- Post Exchange. Thirty-tw- o em not been uncommon. Hill Fielders era throughout the day, men and are buying unstintingly. this bought of organization women patiently awaiting their ployes Renorts on the nroerress made bonds. of one 1425 least at worth to chance purchase are DIRECTS . . . Hill Field's enthusiastic war bond dplv" compiled and submitted daily. individuals on the The figures are then posted on of Lieutenant Colonel mniw bond to beat the axis. many Already Leonard F. Carter, shown ' Interest in the campaign has have dug into their savings a huge thermometer representing the field's campaign posters. His Is the Job of firs Wan stimulated with issuance by field accounts to purchase large de- war bonds sales, located on the cash bond sales goal, then of having at least 00 per the Supply Division of a challenge nomination bonds. Sales running front of the civilian nersnnnel man under the psy mnlnvu airaJ i ia . to nil other units on the field. into the thousands oi aouars nave Kulldinar Supply's boast that it would be the first to achieve 100 per rent! participation and that its emgreatploye would purchasewastheimmediest volume of bonds next ately takenIt un. Not until which rek will onbetheknown field wins the organisation Challenge. Throughout the week various sections and units are holding their own war bond rallies, in addition to general rallies of all the field's employes. Force band The 408th Army Air around the field. appears at rallies Hill Field's own popular variety how "Meet the . Gang," makes before scheduled presentations pro- various units with a special Ordthe house ' gram. At the clock nance section operates a display nf amiinmpnt. wi'h notations on each Item indicating how many are necessary ior n war bonds ' Minutp Mrn i -- .. NINE HUNDRED STRONG . . . Part of the thv i .... Colonel Cartel to. hear ned anve. M.nto Men J, war bona current no . ... . out . of the achieve i to i field u on the First unit ICllnvfr Plnnlnv.. , 100 per cent participation was me irscr( - , 'fMM t Jjjgf rf I - ,V fV1, |