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Show Qualifying in Hill Tourney Sktended Field-GM- SC A ask golfers Ffctfefced Second pcr, Get in Ogden Service League lore Time 0, 3 Farran Has D, gr .y.v. jft-.'."'- '::'":. vssnjsnjBsnBnsnfc. xi5PnpassunpnL. to Lead All a. sr Week-En- d A. ttionm - action on ugaen curtailed considerably J"iare nlav- & r-wow""' dn to the ' Grid Games A finals, ll first annual Air Service Command Inter-Dep- ac-jt- Se ot all-Hi- rVden iJSent was light and official Kldiers and W fromaU officers, requesting that we lis, al-ti- me for the pencil test," lltod Cftptain Carl S. Meager, officer. "Many golfers Cm unsble to get out last week IJ3 TitiU desire to enter the spe-ilfvi- Heading L.iifii over the week-en- d 0 D Farran of Branch 3, 6, 73 C tenant Smith, honors. Farran and came in with I wtn , a Giniri; Fie,ds 8oldier baseba11 team locals, left to right back row: Lieutenant Dick Pickens, Eddie Toth, lb; Lehmen, outfielders; George Verdonckt, 8b; Al Coffin, catcher; and Lieu! L01t,fOWLKen aittord outfielder; Forrest Stiltner, ss and pitcher; Fran E. Castellanetta, 2b; Ben France, catcher; James T. Fought, pitcher; Fran J. h JSrlM? I.?' Box Scores 36. Barton, depot em-'plo-ye, 39-3- 8, fa-tai- te, pre-tourn- ey Arsenal Og&ea Hill Field Army ABHOAl ABHOA Ellla, ss ..6 3 1 4P.E.Smith,l 4 2 2 0 Lambert,2b 8 10 liP.J.Smith.lb 4 2 6 0 xayonw, p o i a stutner,p-s- s 44 02 66 3 Vaughn, lb 5 4 14 0 Coffin, 0 T. Cook, If 6 3 2 0 Clifford, cf 4 0 1 0 Burnett, e 3 2 3 3 Verdonckt, 3 Clarke, rf .3 2 2 0 3b Bair, cf ...6 1 3 1 Lehman, rf 2 0112 1 0 i 3b in 94. i Captain Jim McAIvin, Ogden iftuntry club titlist, made the top 'the course Sjht with an eight over 3ntains Ted Bruno, Banks 0e H.ffh amitn, in. went out supply for the qualified easily (championship bracket by turning 77. Lieut. J. a score of the found Burton I as did a going a little Ifougb. SSgt Bill Wank. Burton Wed an 87 while Wank toured w. hn ue turned in a three over tor the 18 holes to tem-Gr- ik take over the lead for m Arsenal me was ware-C- ffANK HAS 84 1 TITTaTlTtnn who jjjedaliat 37 ces the list of those who .6201 rf Castellaneta ss-2- 3 0 2 1 4 0 1 b Toth,2b-rf-- 113 p Tanner, p ,.10 Taborn, c .10 Ferguson,2b 10 0 0 10 par 78. Total Wana-ak- er 47 19 27 15 Army Nine Downed By Arsenal in Overworked Yields 12 Buns in Five Innings as Laybourne Gives Up Eight Hits for Game; F. J. Smith, Ed Toth Triple .35 8 27 10 Totals was one and Went finalist in the Tedesco open s Salt Lake turned down the McKean's home is in Salt slight disappointment mistered when Dick McKean, if the best golfers in the state af-Ta- lake, and jirticipate ir. he cannot find time to because of transporta- - difficulties. A PRIZE nominal LIST entry fee of 1-- 3: 2-- 3. rp WEDNESDAY'S GAME Ok don Arsenal HUl Field Army- charged, which will cover ABHOA ABHOA green fees, qualifying round 4 113 e. Ellis, match 2b 4 1 4 3 and costs of r. If ..smlth 5 11 OILambert. play, From eight to sixteen low F. J. Smith, Laybourne.p lb ;....5 1 9 OlVaughn, lb 4 3 10 0 will qualify for the cham- Stiltner, p .4 2 2 lBurnett, e .4 0 8 1 Jp bracket, all play to be on Coffin, e .4 0112Clarke, rf cratch basis. All other flight Clifford, cf 3 0 O OT. Cook If .4 2 1 0 IBair, cf ...3 0 10 Verdonckt, V wM be at handicap. 4 2 1 2Anderson,3b 3 0 10 3b (Awards will be made to the Lehman, rf 4 O 2 0 Leland, ss. .1 0 0 0 dajist and runner-u- p in the qual-fta- g Castel laneta, ss 4 1 1 2 round, both scratch and Toth. 2b deter-ji ep (the latter being Totals 37 8 27 10 j Totals .33 7 27 12 by the established handicap Score by innings: the player) and to 300 000 001 the winner ... 3000 .4010 ..4103 si raoer-u- n btped that of each flirfat. iu 000 010- -2 Trna.Runs..:::::.oio It SdSummary: F. E. Smith, F. J. Morris Berman Stiltner. Casteuaneia, J!- -. .bUlDtnt e on hand to personnally Smith. stiltner. Toth. Lehman, Mt the Mixes. Anderson, Vaughan, Leland. Runs Lambert. AH .h"Vvic desiring to enter may do so e special services office in w gym, the AER office, Rm. Loslnn e pltcner C " to Camber to Vaughn. headquarters, or the Hll OUtS recreation office. Employe liner Burnett. Left or bases Jwwni. Corp. John H. Mead, who t 7. Arsenal 6. Stolen Army Umpires ssnsting Captain Menger with verdonckt. Cook. 2:15r"1? Plans, can be reached at Stanfield and Balilf. Time for further details. CoL Two-bas- e i "I a&Sj!!!K itrike-bourn- -- - ball-Co- ffin. i - Wt Wright Says hosier to Pmack Than Feller "mi Opening of New Library Oct. 1 about data A tentative opening recreational new 1 the for October the spe-cilibrary, was announced by Wright, former Service Office yesterday. Sox outfielder now streat the Air The over 1000 books already aff basic housed J""llnz- cento. , w near urccospura, ceived will be temporarilynew HpBob Felle' was an in Building 290, in the of area, pending completion will which """"y Dean. 'i building ajwov. hu troiio- - a new library area W'ight says, "but Chubby be part of the huge recreation side of the south the on ufi" lor me Because project thm. n 'nothing ball' and fools field. ms motion." al Chi-JVh- ite Force -- bar-rac- ks kieT" ! fjwder, Bike Star "ed in Action Canyon Trip Planned By Minnesota Club j"f Ball; Ruth May Go "n, ! 6-- 20-1- 9. Hard-chargin- 30-- 0. all-st- ar er 7-- (D-Pa- Governor Has Baer Bros. As 'Colonels' San Diego Tar Has Bo Molenda as New Grid Mentor 10-stri- two-for-fo- four-for-fiv- e. - Army Gives Miller Discharge; Hopes Rise at Irish Lair EXri oma n.... A.-- r. 14-1- Lieut. CI eon Hutchison, hand! ing the reins during the absence of Lieut. Dick Pickens, experienced managerial difficulties similar to those facing any new pilot. Called into the No. 1 position only a few days prior, Hutchison had little team acquaint himself with the STAGG WINS In conjunction with Kenesaw M. time to and it was not until the Amos Alonsso Stagg, football's players commisbaseball's high Landis, seventh that he found the aninning sioner, the War Department grand old man, saw what critics right mound performer. will be his best ever College nounced recently that two say In all fairness to Manager-pitchPacific team down the Alameda of major league teams will be sent Dale Laybourne of the Arsenal, (Calif.) Coast Guard Sen abroad to play exhibition games Lions, in the south Pacific and North however, it must be said here that 14-- 7. Pacific, possessing St. Marys was of his ninth 1942 African war theatres for the ben- Sunday's victory as marine the year over the slugging soldiers. college's wava. backfield efit of American troops. held to a 7 tie trainees, for a mild uprising in the in the final period when The teams will be selected by Except fifth inning Laybourne kept his until latePodesto's the after vauted passing officials baseball shortly Johnny well scattered. eight hits , attack began clicking. world series next month. STILTNER TIRED On the heels of a suggestion by runs were scored .) that All of the local Representative Weiss v the presence of Babe Ruth, base- in the first and fifth frames. ball's glamor boy of the roaring Singles by Fran E. Smith and George Verdonckt were responsible 20's, would provide soldiers overseas with the "biggest thrill they've for two runs in the initial canto, had since they left home," it was and the other trio of tallies came disclosed that the Bambino may go after F. J. Smith and Eddie Toth had tripled and Al Coffin and F. to North Africa with the teams. E. Smith poled out a brace of comRuth was unavailable for Max Baer are only. ment but it is understood that he bingles. Forrest Stiltner, whose fireball corporalsandin Buddy U. S. Army bat the has been approached on the sugweek ago kept Hill Field in the to Gov. Robert & Kerr of Okla gestion by the War Department title running, was apparently tired homa they're "colonels." The Gov HOMERS BABE THE over-wor- k from and gave, up 12 ernor recently named both boxers In a letter to Major General Alex- runs before he was yanked in the "colonels" on hi staff. ander D. Surles, public relations fifth. His relief, Tanner, yielded director for the War Department, three in two innings. Toth was Weiss wrote: "The addition of called in then from the outfield Babe Ruth's name would be a and pitched scoreless ball, but the His presence would be a damage had been inflicted. ; men in the Both Smiths and Coffin lead the great tonic to the battle fronts on armed forces Hill Fielders at the plate, each everywhere." George collecting Ruth's latest public appearance Vaughn topped the Arsenal batters of as Grounds Polo part was at SAN DIEGO, Sept.' 22 LieutenEvery man in which with a war bond rallyof during contributed at ant J. J. (Bo) Molenda, who starred the latter line-u- p four-bas- e old his he slammed one least one hit to the 18 hit assault the University of Michigan along hits Into the stands against that paved the way to the pen- at in the eariy 20' s with Benny Friedfabulous pitcher Johnson, nant. ir.it., man and Benny Oosterbaan, U. of for the Washington Senators a BASKETBALL NEXT M. imortals, has been named head decade ago. naval training The champs have been the league grid coach of the eleven. Molenda has also leaders since the start of the sea- station had 15 years of pro league footson when they won nine straight ball play. ball games to take undisputed of the round. first They leadership downed Hill Field army, their only real contenders, in a play-ofor the second round gonfalon. With the special services office SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 2- 2- having definitely ' announced that With a medical aiscnarge will be no football at Hill who Clete (Boots) Miller, star right there Field this year, most of the ball never got alongPoffenberger, well with last Dame's very of Notre players are planning on resting the Brooklyn Dodgers managefootball team, madefo!Ha aev- - several weeks and then, trading ment despite the fact that he . t, Tri.h h for gym shoes and could throw a high hard one, If in the spikes r"agJo,"'ing-wit- added out for the base basket getting better with Me turning irive to nortem - ball team. Practice is slated to marines along at Parris Island, & C ftrength to Frank Leahy's back- begin around October L He's just been made peefcee. Among the coming of planned by members shift chapter of the MmnesoU Holder. IT. nMwi i club is an excursion trip to Logan kilkdlll' chmPon In 1927, ion In the south- - CaAHnformer Minnesota residents it r. who working swing shift who are Cut Tu' In partic ipating in the action. th chapare urged to attend trip held ter meeting being the Southeast . r 7:30, in Charles r duu.n.8er. In addition to Recreation hall, Hillcrest U m leader, tant base op- E. Whiting, group field. 0ffir. charge of arrangements. i?Jn : Get is $2.00 Hill Field Army's baseball team, victim of transfers personnel throughout the season, was today to the 1943 Ogden Service league championship, lost the title rights to the Ogden Arsenal in the a playoff series, 15 to 5, last Sunday at John f Affleck park, Ogden. hits Toth, and Smith, Lehman. Three-bas- e changing F3. Lambert. hit J. Smith. Two-bas- e Runs batted in Ellis 2, Lambert 2, Lay- - runner-u- p bourne, Vaughn 2, Cook 2, Burnett, Clarke 2. Bair, Anderson 2, Stiltner, Clifford, F. having J. Smith, F. E. Smith. Winning pitcher Laybourne. Losing pitcher Stiltner. Runs second of Off Stiltner, 12 in 4 Tanner, 3 in Double plays Stiltner, unassisted 2 to Strikeouts Bair Laybourne Vaughn. 5, Stiltner 2, Tanner 2, Toth 1. Hit by by LayDourne, pitched ball Verdonckt Tanner. Passed ball Coffin. Wld nitcli Stolen bases Clarke, Coffin 2. Umpires Big-Tim- e Barney and Stan field. Time 2:12. E. 32-1- 200-pou- nd Championship Play Stiltner Score by innings: and Bob Clark and LieuJL Ogden Arsenal 026 051 100 15 Field Army Hill 200 030 000 5 to are Hutchison .3ea expected Summary: Runs Ellis 3, Laybourne 2, 'jsdify this week. Fred Budde, 2, Cook 2, Burnett ,2 Clarke 2, sdiine services employe, Anderson 2, F. E. Smith 2, F. J. Smith, may Vaughn Toth. Errors Ellis, Vaughn, F. Stiltner, made the title round with )tn (A d by an Impressive victory of Michigan over Camp Grant, civilian college teams last Saturday turned in better performances, on the whole, than did service teaim. Mighty Michigan opened its drive for the national collegiate football championship with an impressive 26-- 0 triumph over Camp Grant. A formidable combination of air and ground power turned the tirck. Camp Grant had only two scoring opportunities, muffing both. In another collegiate win Harold Whit's Tigers of Colorado college smashed through the touted Lowry Field, Colo., Bombers at Colorado Springs' Wash.zu.rn field to score 4 a victory in the season's opener before a crowd of 5400 fans. Beautiful passing by Jack Sieferling of the Tigers paved the way to victory over the dazed Bom bers. GREAT LAKES LOSES marine George Sutch, trainee scored all points for 2 Rochester as it eked out a victory over Yale before 14,000. The Eli clung to a 0 lead until the final period when Sutch caught fire going over on the 2nd play from Yale's two and later scoring the last touchdown aided by Roger Robinson, marine student. Paced by Alex Agase and Tony Butkovich, guard and fullback respectively, the Purdue Boilermakers opened their 194S season with tS-l- S win over Great Lake before a crowd of 2000 recruits. Last week Great Lakes nosed out the Fort Riley cavalrymen, g Duke Blue Devils smothered the Camp Le Jeuene, N. C, Marines, 40-- 0 before a crowd of 10,000. Duke scored in every, period. Randolph Field, lead by Glenn' of Tulsa Dobbs, U. and Lieutenant Walter Parker, defeated the Bryan army airfield High-lighte- iStended the qualifying round Sept 2d. WSunday, office has been deluged with naff 11 Round-U- p k Qualifying Rd. fr Jthe Wednesday Sept. 22, 1943 ..Lii iim sur-yea- rs ff Poffenberger Has Luck in Marines |