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Show frhis w ecik s juue saver WedWcfay ) - Sept. 22, 1943 - utM This good advice Is for your protection. Clip out ,oUow keeP aU and he So many sicknesses are assigned to the tropspread have a somewhat mjt mrauo v wmer ana xoocls that some method of killing the germs from the next man must be used. The most common 11 fwl4 visions of boa and most serious of the diseases - from your point of view are inI8". Il " 0rnnes. " The trop-in testinal j.tora w and ones dysentery, typhoid somewhere nnv one of and fever, and chol- 9 5r.M Bv Wwea r,-n- B tnlw" , likely para-typho- Ur rrro Tit r,y,u id Iq. and Hq. Squadron, OASC and Staff Sgt. Howard Bailey, sgt.-- f that everyone is eagerly looking VThe Good Conduct- ,modal major. Cpl. Leonard Scherer will forward to the next "blowout." The germs of all of these dis1,1, u! XVX be missed by the gang, as he transLet's hope it's soon.. eases come from the intestines of uiiiuiiuua service in tne 324th last week. Best to ferred the . fjpl. JS. B. Levme, some person who has the disease. Armv Aii j. was awaraea of luck in Len. new venture, Reporter, your of Since most the people use ..uueiS oi mis squadron last Word was received from Staff sewage for irrigating vegetable week by our commanding officer. Sgt. Silvio Monday, your former S68th Aviation Squadron gardens you run too great a risk Capt. William G. Boyd. who left for OCS several reporter, one of getting or more of the Carit. Rov K. Rodesch Is back weetvs aim on ai.ai.cu bunt, i on the agu, intestinal diseases by eating raw at the 368th The Vinvo rf ' acuiion inrew will appreciate very much hearing after a job again leave. During nis vegetables or fruits, unless they OCS. from friends at here his many ivr mat com was have thick skins which you can line chief, The Squadron bowling team leave the squadron Alfred W. Duna- . TSgt. C. HenderIn i manded James mi Lt. peel. In order to protect yourself era wsi, by takes the alleys tonight in the openweeK. ine reason . . . . ing festivities of this year's En- son, Jr, againstto tnese diseases it is neces- Alfred- is p i n aw 1waIaomj tiium n. me sterilize sary drinking water, U. b. Army. Lots at lurk Aifro listed Men's League. Representing solA good soldier is a well-fe- d and cook all vegetables. and don't forget to write and let tne squaaron wm oe layman wane-maWe like all dier. Chuck good Eddie Toth, Don't drink water or eat foods Rice, yours vuuw now ic leeis HKe to be a rrnlv nnd fine mn member who food, so this topic brings made from water, such as ice civilian again! "Doc" Williams who Tech. named that's Well in hasn't been yet. or ices which are pop cream, sold' ... week. uememDeri a has been Sgt. and keeping an tnis ior ... soldiering in native markets. Avoid eating rt uII, - ... t P I r. ... mm i bond now will provide us with in- the boys well fed all over the auuauLuu candies and other sweets which who also are t ui hi released are: come in the future. CdI. John country for about 25 years. are certain to have attracted flies SSgt. Williambeing Sergeant Williams has been first and are likely sources of infection. ... ji.. xvouens, P. Boyd, SSgt, Mead, Reporter. ogi. jjennis H sergeant of several organizations Since it is difficult to tell which viann, his vjpi. ij. j. KotlOWSki, Cpl 907th WAC Post Hd. Company streams or pools are infected, it during his military career butmess the iv,, xx. X?, XV1Ilove is ,i.i, real supervising is necessary to keep out of all iker, oPfc. ' Francis Soma of the bovs were enter M. Rochon and hall. You will find him just as of them unless they have been at an informal tained . . . to lsaaore other military in sorry siegel medical Do by approved authority. see you boys go, but know you will in the WAC day room Tuesday capable as heany in is the mess. He not eat uncooked fish or shell continue capacity to put your best efforts evpninfir. Danfiine1. srrnun sinpiner is college-bre- d and fish. forward in helping towards the and refreshments were enjoyed by His motto is: Live the life you Relatively small scratches and speedy termination of this war as mose attending. love and love the life you live. scrapes may become seriously in civilians. Tech. Sgt. Floyd E. Jackson, Ten WACs are actiner as "Min fected due to the combined heat Reporter. ute and moisture. A flier who bailed drive. Women" in the war bond Talkinc ahnilf nnrfieo ahnnf 1? out after his plane was disabled members these girls "Keep 'Em Just watch of this squadron headed scratched his knee. He applied by our first sergeant took off for Selling." iodine immediately after landing, some remote caffyon outside of Con era f iliat ions are in order to WWWWyWB(SJS. but did not use a sterile dressing. and indulged in some six the Then he spent nearly two months ugden following girls for promotions cent reDorts beer Der comine to the erade indicated: recovering from an infection which had to be operated on several in to this reporter vouches for the TS Helen Windham. Snecial time had by the boys Services; T75 Jewel Cook. Military times. Don't neglect even the smallest cut, which would be re and gals who were fortunate Personnel: T a Leiia Base to be along . , . umm umm! garded as insignificant at home, enough Operations; Cpl. Madra Conry, Base To summarize, these are some upl. tieien Diemmmg, Through rh nhl fnrnrshin nf Material; of the things you can do to help CdI. Base Material; Pfc. Edna Goheen, Paul R. Rusnik. boxinsr coach Personnel. yourself: of the Hill Field team, members Military REMEMBER THESE THINGS 01 tnis squadron are getting many Pfc. Juanita Maltos has returned it has from a furloueh in Los Angeles, 1. Eat only food pointers in self defense or raw vegetables or fruits which become a dailv occurrence for Calif. T5 Marie Calais and T5 these boxing sessions behind Bar Rosalie La Marca are on furlough have thick skins to peel. 5 and it . looks like Jr'aul at their homes in Louisiana. 2. Sterilize all drinking water. racks mav riroduce a real boxer for his S. Don't eat foods made from water, such as ice cream, ices team from amon? those that have Ts Jewel Cook ioined her hus or pop which are sold in native showed up for these pugilistic ses band. Thomas Charles Cook, for sions. in Salt markets. the week-en- d uity. .4. Avoid eating candies and Mr. Cook was sworn into the serv be There will Bowline other sweets which are certain ice September 20 at Phoenix, Ariz. this three teams representing to have attracted flies. A 5. Do not eat uncooked fish or squadron in the forthcoming bowlcertain sertreant did alright hell fish. pass, to LOVELY MARJORIE LORD herself on a three-da- y ing league. Heading these three by Use sterile dressings on all teams will be First Szt Irving J. Salt Lake City by coming back Provides the heart interest in wounds. Murphy, SSgt John J. Koden and with a rock almost too big to the new James Cagney hit SSert. Warren L. Larsen . . . from carry in her suit case. How goes "Johnny Comes Lately," which 7. Take every precaution rennrts it looks like this squadron it, Marie? will show at the Post theatre , gainst mosquitoes. this Sunday and Monday. Re,& Do everything possible to will be well represented with high so, watcn our We mv the bovs of the 93rd leased through United Artists, class keglers . abato the flies. smoke, competitors! Supply squadron know how to put this stirring drama marks the production a real dance. Thanks for a initial independent USO for Jimmie's brother, William That's all for now. See you next grand time, boys! 'or you. spells era. wWch u . to im however, you I w - v- T7i Wr" th streams, marshes comes down ps, and in the wet season. .r:.oJn water absorbs much wj.lZt- " - 13-d- ay r va-i-i--s releases it so mowiy Leu at night the atmosphere.nnl. The dense vegetaof most tropical characteristic ' ..roes to shut out breezes. flalimatization to tropical heat h..f " - easy encounterea sot - ;- linating excess ueow a Is due to the high n, well-prepar- . atmos- - V r-i- mosquitoes In tropics are tne greatest single r ' 10 tne inaiviuum ur, in to the squadron. Although Jfferent kinds of mosquitoes carr different diseases,- one species E found in every theatre. This transmits malaria, a disease tich can do more havoc than (whole army of. Japs. If you do 'i are very important from of view of danger to health and efficiency. They on filth, breed in garbage manure, .and because of their its, pick up millions of germs their feet or in their mouths deposit them on your food. . and this - by water and foods. Beenune these three methods of trans- - It is easy to see how a outfit can be infected al- at once. There is no vaccin-again- st dysenterv. It ia onlv dual precaution which will you free from it. Boa, le hi-lite- s: - ... Street h Twenty-fourt- h ... , I Street Cagney. has been olaced Tvf Snare-rib- s on detached service end Sgt. Dix Bells to has been transferred to neaaquar- - Wedding ana 4X2 nd AB Sqdn. terit dutv from Base Material January ' Ufainr Daniel L. Emond. Com- - is a fine job of taking over Ring doing will ring some bells Wedding has Pvt. Spare-rib'- s duties. nffi.r nf the 482nd. Miss Blanche for in time January Blackburn returned from Bngham General Clarence and Wilson suffered he has .. .. ADO u..niti where whose engagement has just been nvofiuH an extended illness. The squadron 93rd Depot Supply Squadron announced. welcomes the major oacK, wuj Both base security employes, week last of nieht u.. u Tuesday in wishing him a speeoy Miss Wilson is from Preston, Idahad the boys brnuirht something recovery. ho, and Mr. Blackburn comes from long hoped for but never expected Clawson, Utah. The couple plan onoaafil in the CUr- to see free beer in tne mess nan. a short honeymoon in uiawson, conducted This flow of amber fluid was the after which rent bond drive being all will make their 93rd's Minute setting for one of the i squad home in Salt they ih. anon! Leadinz Lake city. Fiannea ior tne the present time is Sgt ron Men at . .... norstrnoner as ne i Gibbs, squad fellows hy Lt Lloyd who ron been 'affectionately dubbed con adjutant the party was a and night success as everyone indulged day been busy has " h great in their favorite Drew laiinougn vincing the men tn WEDNESDAY-THURSDAwe understand the lemonade was 3 cSEPTEMBER War Rnnds. Sparking- almost untouched) and generally AlDood It" Tech "I was Sgt sales the in company relaxed congenial Kelseys Red Skelton vin S. Buetier, wno imi. of their buddies and officers. Eleanor Powell Something new was added by the Jimmy Dorsey and Orchestra of a contingent of WACs KdT Come on7 fellows, let'sall presence under FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 local detachment from the "The Phantom of the Opera" buy at least one Dona, command of Lt Nelle Jones. the Nelson Eddy the 48zna over m These feminine GI's gave a gen- Susan Foster . a oil.firiuAdron dance erally gay note to the entire proClaude Rains a huge success by eeriincH- was acclaimed SATURDAY ot tne proHiehliKht n .xx evenings aa rtBA xw.. - the Little ail wno aucnuiu. SEPTEMBER 25 of Sgt. Dan Bailey direction several the hL g Theatre last Friday ? mos- "Someone to Remember" " with our ownas Cpl. "Whity"master hundred o; tne mfn , Mabel Paige cicki impromptu acting masse to listen xo me ifu'"' furCraven John ceremonies. of the partners enjoy SUNDAY-MONDAtalented and gave troupers Several barracks nished day, civilian by the 7 SEPTEMBER the boys a real floor show. These the WACs, ana Come were own or Lately" two our "Johnny included Doys James Cagney "clou, refreshments Jim O'Riley who gave a' couple Grace George more SSt Hugh Fredley danced of his famous tap dances and ElmMarjorie Lord soldier pres er-Kajer who beat it out on his TUESDAY before "squeeze box." ent so the old theory "age SEPTEMBER 28 the commending irue. Short noias speeches still beauty" "Adventures of a Rookie" entire outfit were given by Lt this Col. extended Wally Brown of are executive Beschenbossel, Congratulations Alan Carney r--t . VreA Schmidt Jr., ficer of the 31st, and Capt Artnur wceK two ilver bars J. Landry Marguerite who CO the of 93rd, Murphy, WEDNESDAY told and introduced something also SEPTEMBER 29 about each of the officers, in the the Squadron, cnyw. Foot Forward" "Best soon come by a the gold leaf squadron. This was followed Lucille Ball of on First the Sgt. part squad-rn- n brief talk Virginia Weidler Efficiently conductingofthe1st gt. Sherrill Haywood who told a little James and Orchestra absence Harry in the the squadron's history. on furlough, are Sgt of Such s who all had was time by good teb acUng l.t gt, vjEfAAaT . S C1AJB, Club Room. , 8UN8PRMS Muetnc Party, Main BecwUoo Haft. THDBADAT, UEPTEMBKB 33KD 4 wi Daughters of Utah Ploneem, Weber County Chapter, Mala Recreatkwi Hall. TQ p.m. JUNIOR HOSTESS COUNCIL MEETING,' Club Room. Pm. ARMY AIR BASE "KEEP BM FLYING" ORCHESTRA ... 03 ' .- front Hill rield. General DanelnK. Main Recreation Hall. Orcheetra Broadcast over Station KLO, Courtesy Special Servie Section, Hill Field. FBIDAT. SEPTEMBER X4TH ..M P.m. HAYRACK RIDE, for Servicemen and Hoteses. Meet at USO. Pun and refreshments in the country on a bona-W- e p.m. , farm. i'S juo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SSTH BIRTHDAY PARTY for September. Presents, refreshments, floor show, dancing. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH m OO TO THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE, P m. Silhouettes by Charlotte McQrath. p.m MOVIE with Charles Boyer, "History U Made at Nnight," Jean Arthur. MOVIE SHORT, "A Modern' Aladin's Lamp.' MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH P.m. Happy Hula Hour. Hula Lessons for Servicemen and Host- Elolse Mathews, Instructor, Club Lounge. ''" P.m. Bowling Party. Meets at USO for Tickets, for Servicemen and Hostesses. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2STH Bf dinners Instructor, Stoker, Walter Dancing , Lessons. Club Lounge. t&TH WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER "Meet the Gang" Program, Truth and Consequences, War Bond Award, Variety Show, Dancing; for Servicemen and War Workers In This Area, Main Recreation Hall. P.m. . lw,B 1 OA P-- Wall Avenue USO Operated for Near Service Mea T 2660 Wall Avenue Workers isi War PiadaetiM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND "Stitch and Cfiatter." W. P. W. and Soldiers' Wive.Refrean-In- g Sweethearts and Wives of W. P. W. Relax. Sip a Pop and Read, Play Games or Enjoy the Kaaio. SEPTEMBER 23BD p.m. Treasura THURSDAY, Back Yard. A Hunt and Welner Roast In Clnb Treasure Chest Will Be Hidden for the Treasure-SeekerFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH a m"Mu'e Appreciation, 30 Bm 130 P.m. :00 s. :30 g;30 oo t Sm.oclaI Talent Oames. Hour. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH Awhile W. P. W. and Military Personnel. ?.c,alr on I; W. and Military Hour, W. Lunch. If you wish, and enjoy eating with your or friends In the Club Rooms. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER fTH 1:00 !" Hour. 10 45 I TO THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE. 2i30 2:0n S''!'.,nlojr Dinner at the Club. ?:00 S S"Wr,t Hom About the Week's Actlvltle. s Masters, Recordings. 8 no J,'",c T.Tea InPlratlon Club. :oo S'm ..5!n Vour Pavorlte Bonus." pm"Retreat." We enjoyed havlns; you.S7THCome 1Blt Monday. :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Chatter' War Production Worker (Women;. 00 D'1l,,,tcn Recordings. 7;30 SmZl0'0 30 SK.n.ster- -. Dane. of M3. VuMeJr Piper's 8 00 . P"'": i"9 H-Q- KFiS" :30 ti Qather-Aroun- d . Night. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TR "History la Mada At Night" informal Slug. rHi ,:30m .;30 w'ves. HlWWUVTmiBSj . CdL Sal ..on . W fftlM E-1- with explosive violence of a bomb wipe out- the effectiveness of juadron, or even a whole army. e two diseases are also car- - 1:2? er ... well-cook- ed . 448 get-togeth- rip-roari- ng unit Twenty-fourt- c. ... Flies of dysentery id may be carried in r. Dysentery can be spread a Heart Interest hhaM germs in L' i'lyiWHWIWI'WWW.'WWW almost cer- eet malaria. An epidemic mg the troops may wipe out squadron as an effective tac- point 1 well-manner- you will he alto I ) 1- doubt, Without J, y ed - evaporation or sweat, ana iu continued high temperature humidity at night, which difficult to jtes restful sleep !in. Several weens win oe rebefore you become acciima- . ed - humiaity wm uric wen-iiK- "J Ferrari, Reporter. in it - rs. t-- Post Movies Y 22-2- s- w - -- . i'"f Y " 26-2- -- John' J. Brown, ; |