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Show Overhaul Bwfo. 'etting General Suzy-QI- s ; J? Wednesday Sept. 22, 1943 f Training Unj w - ... Production Line fj Mechanics. Jewish Faith To Observe Its Holy Days In New Making possible of (mniZr ...tutUVn ni- structed in mechanics, tl" the chine shop and Encri, schools moved into a building laralj to house the new nrowf 7 ing to C. E. Larsen. TW., units of Post Participate """"M Operations section. Located immediately west tf Sacred Period Military personnel of Jewish of faith, through the n the Jewish communities oi and Salt Lake, have been asked to join in observing the High Holy days. Beginning at sundown September 29, continuing for three days, the services mark the start of the year 8704 in the Hebrew calendar. the Known as Rosh Hash-Onaservices open with a sacred period of prayer and worship, ending with Yom Klppur, the Day of Atonement, on October 9. Home hospitality and lodging are extended to all service men who so desire. If they like, they can be invited to a Jewish home to partake jn a "Erev Yom Tov" meal. Arrangements can be 3 school, the building will two production training Hnn for Wright engines, the o' Pratt Whitney engines. The training will covor . . plete operation of Engine IW from the- ilisgcumM.. Ql ji VISiOB the repair and rebuilding 0f engine, us wen as the study parts and accessories. ug-de- h, Enlisted personnel of """v-mui- I ht over-nig- . WSMiffl!:: 5v ' 'fl?SS5tt ""fft"1 PepSa SOLDIER MECHANICS . . . Under the watchful eyes in the career the second general overhaul VUlllw:uia . . u:iiinl,io. came mo.n. Soon the famous Ship Will week oy ne tiumeiuer comoac line or iuuiu "j DO ",: New Playground To Be Ready In Three Weeks He's Mechanical Wizard Z-- T i Jewish Base Headquarters. Hashanah extends from Wednesday, Sept. 29, to Friday, Oct. 1, Yom Kippur is from sundown Friday, Oct. 8, to sundown Saturday, Oct 9. The Base Headquarters announcement states that the passes will be issued for the purpose of attending services In the vicinity of Salt Lake City and Ogden only.. To facilitate departure and return of the men the passes may be timed to extend from noon Wednesday, Sept 29, until 8 a.ra. Saturday, Oct 2, and from noon Friday, Oct 8, to 8 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 10. by 4 29 30 Seven p. m. Nine a. m. L . . 8311 Hill Field WAC Service Ribbons Are to Be Issued Immediately upon completion of the work being done by Utilities, an athletic program including touch football, volley ball, badmin ton, and softball will be organized, Equipment to be used has been purchased by the Welfare council and will be available for use by all residents. Teams interested in participating in tournaments are invited to regis ter with Miss Cora Fuller, recre ational director in Employee Re lations branch, Civilian Person nel section. Suggestions for other activities to be planned may also be made here. Inventions Bring Recognition and To Staff Sergeant Nechanicky tion Britfa Sholom, Twenty-sevent- h and Grant, Ogden, are as follows: ber Athletic Program Is Planned By Hillcresters The Machine shop, under supervision of William Preece, vy. ha. (wrensun, is aiso a trait unit of Post schools. The sW 1.11., AV1.mA.1 nHJ uiFiitu aim at present ""jenrollment an of 30 trainee, additional unit has been set in the new location for the c pleting of all minor engine ren Replacing tne old policy I training all mechanics for gear repair work, the new plan I cently adopted provides condet and specialized training in m ... t? tV)Aa r9 vuua nunrlntfiAM was. vs wa ja uuuvtiuu vpcrou for each potential mechanic. i duty. Expected to be ready for use within three weeks, the Hillcrest playground site, located west of the men's area, underwent grading and clearing work during the past Service ribbons for Hill ? week and will be leveled and sur of the Women's Ar faced during the coming week, ae members been requisitioned have Corps cording to A. B. Asay, welfare Lieut Nelle L. Jones, comnur Relations executive. Employee ing officer of the 907th WACi branch. . , . Official monthly publication made by contacting Chaplain Karl THE ORDNANCE SERGEANT school in its August issue carried pictures and Ordnance the of Army OASC Hill Headquarters, Tubesing, imlA drawings of the latest device worked out by SSgt. Vit L. Field, or Victor Perlmutter, USO, the Slst ADG. Above, the sergeant displays his new Jewish Welfare Board, 205 E. First Nechanicky of cover which doubtless win soon ne aoopiea oy otner winch metal immediateSalt Lake City, South, outfits in the army. automotive ly. Scheduled services for Co njrre ra Orthodox-Septem- America's reauy assigned. - faith may be granted passes for the observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it has been announced Rosh sundown sundown Building traininsrv Soldiers Invited to In Schools Open New September seven p. m. October 1 Nine a. m. and seven p. m. October 8 Seven p. m, October 9 Nine a. m. Salt Lake City Congregation Monte Flore, 255 South Tlfird I company. It is expected that the riU will be presented to the at a special ceremony just ai as they arrive, Lieut Jones it J today. The ribbons represent a service medal which will not manufactured until after the i Authorized to wear the ribbt which is of rayon moire, of same size as other service ribr a moss green center with old f are tt edges at each end women who have served honos as enrolled or commissioned sr bers of WAAC and who quently enlist or are appoints! ! WAC. Cant. William Award of the ribbon ii t His Inventive genius is fastfthe group garage he has con- - B. Range Officer to be made at the A. authorized been has Kaas, C, designated structed oil racks and to Vit special SSgt. bringing recognition or acceptances Base to of in addition officer enlistment reone in useful Range un especially I Nechanicky of the 3lst Air tools, member of WAC Depot Group here at Hill Field. moving dual wheels without in- his other duties. Nechanicky invented a metal juring the grease retainers. winch cover which protects truck Sgt Nechanicky entered the winches and cables from rust and service March 12, 1942, coming to iec street: deterioration. "The Ordnance Ser- Hill Field within a week of his Orthodox: geant," a monthly journal pub- enlistment. His home is in SpoSeptember 29 Seven p. m. lished by the Army Ordnance kane, Wash., where his mother, 30 m. s and September Bight in its August issue Mrs. Helen Nechanicky resides at carried school, seven p. m. scale and drawings of tne 1425 West Montgomery avenue. October 1 Eight a. m. and seven pictures device. new Grew Up With Machinery m. p. Before entering the service he October 2 Nine a. m. and six When orders were issued to cover all truck winches, Sgt. Nech conducted. a body and fender shop p. m. fa Ip Jjsifislpsl October 9 Eight a. m. anicky, then maintenance chief of in Spokane that likewise specialized in frame 249 tackled and axle work. Reform Temple B'nai Israel, the job. the group garage, where he learned his me South Fourth East, Salt Lake. It was obvious to him that canvas Asked covers would not be satisfactory chanical skills, Sgt Nechanicky September 29 Eight p. m. because rain or melted snow would answered that he grew up with September 30 Ten a. ra. October Eight Ten a. m. and soon soak through them, causing the machinery on his father's wheat ranch out of Spokane. the steel cable to rust. As he saw eight p. m. He has likewise been an Idaho it, a metal cover was the only October 9 Eight a m. hard rock miner, a lumber jack. solution to the problem. "r Within an hour after returning and a heavy equipment operator ' ' from the base scrap pile with some and mechanic. In the 32nd ADG is a proverb which goes salvaged metal, Sgt. Nechanicky there "It it's broken. Set. Nick will had fashioned a waterproof metal cover comprised of two hinged fix it; if it's gone, Sgt. Nick will sections. It is easily put on and make a substitute." Curinln William H. MtKorden, T a K. E. Smith, Theodora Wherry, taken off; in fact, it takes but Harvey To Klrni IJratmant Lloyd H. Olbbs, minute to install or remove it. ,1th Kenneth B. Hutchinson, Richard F. Krue- - The cover fits closely around the W. er. flanges of the winch allowing no T Ktaff Hrrmtat John A. Carver. To Hrrnmnt Howard F. Dunfee. Jr. dirt or moisture to enter, thus I Morris I. Alter, Charles H. Miller, William preventing the pernicious action of JC. Slack. TRY OUT NOZZLE . . . Firemen H. II. Rmy (left) and To f'orporal Hershel L. Berry, Churles water on the cable. Miss LaRue U,M io Bnuwn worKing wiin tne new, B. Armstrong, Paul Y. Brown, LeMer I cover has re- visor of the Morf, former superv "-- .j TJJ Since winch the with recenuy machine Packard. Hubert C. Robnon, Madra A ceived formal bookkeeping which all have members of the denartment from recognition at Hill Field, became training. It throws a stream more than ISO feet in the sir ana Conry, Helen B. Fleming. Raymond B. j it is department Ftevenson, William P. Sutera, James E. "The Ordnance Sergeant," the bride of Thomas W. Perrins the position. men Watson. two in to of hold it auto weight other that many anticipated of Ogden at a ceremony Friday To Trrhnlrlan. 5lh Orade David . ..... r. Leo J. Beck. Jewel E. Cook, Leila motive units will soon be using his afternoon at the Salt Lake nres in i.n,iisibl( city j cinuera oiareme nowui ieid firefreacn le invention. xonnot W. Hourie, Helen J. Windham. hirfi L.D.S. 4kA. mmniataiii temple. Rites were conduct- aeparcment best) To Private Unit Claim Neal E. Allen ed by President Stephen L. Chip-ma- familiar with the Kdna L. Ooheen, Charles R. Hall, Charles Other Inventions of the immediately oecau workings "reJBij modern new "Multi-Versaaf. Helm, Joseph E. McDermott, Francis nozzle, uv.w. This isn't the only accomplish A. Qulnn, Phillip W. Rellly, Joseph V UP Miss Morf was a student at. We- three units of which have recent- o" 125 pounds Is built lente. ment of Sgt Nechanicky. He has ber . thrAIVfl OUl and ly been put in use here. of college t.tU Oggraduate " w" "i-ut- e. nozzie win-recently designed and installed a den high school, as is Mr. Instruction was handled by Drill of 760 allonfl per highly satisfactory air condition For the last year Mr. Perrins Master Ben Benton, it was anPrrin "Witn sucn Riverside Gardens ftt ing unit in the 31st Group Head has been attending Curtiss-Wriznounced by Chief W. C. Jensen, and a similar Off-Limi- ts of J quarters building Technical Institute in Glendale and members of the Ruled unit in the Group Training build department water over nw-- z r ana is now a member of have been taught the varied func-U- o on viu, the field and reach the Army Air Corns reservA f Riverside Gardens swimming lng. o' the device. not possible with our oWJ Even the mess sergeant has Polaris Flight Academy, pool was declared Chief Jensen revealed that the Lancaster, all for military used Sgt Nechanicky's creative i early this week Base. nozzle, which is fed two or at No. 1 station and The estab-o- f ingenuity in the construction of Immediately following the cere- tnree lines, throws a bystream personnel of this the in J of No. 2 staUon ' Uii"W1iBlocsted at the mouth dust pans, squeegees, butter cut mony Mr. and Mrs. Perri nit In. water for 250 feet horizontally and racks area." on the Canyon ters, and many other useful parted for Lancaster.' Where thou fno nv. road, Oeflrifc-- i .i--,. s es a neight or 150 feet ...:n t muiti-aui- y i. The aw wiit inuv gadgets for the mess im in. lueir iiumv, j i specifically designed to $760 each, official" 1 Theirs Is a Man's Job! - tiiipiiwiif ,,iL ..... 6000-ac- IIIIIBf re ti Promotions )mm plflp VrJul 'fss W r Thomas Perrins Weds LaRuc Morf uitra-moae- rn r, .... 1 I ... j n. l" ht "..'"..Inding ultra-mode- rn "Off-Limi- ts -- 1.-- L 11 i --- - |