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Show Wednesday Sept. 22, 1943 8 i TWarVfept. in Order Slows y GertrXfJL. Crente, M. i IOQfrU0(TQ!Xr(3 A Lt. Cicarelli Weds N Up Promotions OASC Squadron Men Get Medals Second Lieutenant Now Must Serve Minimum Six-Mon- .14 ? th Service in grade requirements of lieutenants have been second doubled before they are eligible for promotion to first lieutenants, the War Department has an fl nounced. In keeping with the tendency to slow up officer promotions, the War Department has ordered that K 1 y V 1 second lieutenants must hereafter serve a minimum of six montns before being eligible for promotion to the grade of first lieutenant. Previously, the time limu was three months. The new order states furthei that to become eligible for promotion to grades of major, captain, or first lieutenant, officers must have clearly demonstrated tneu by qualifications for promotions and actual occupation of a position performance of duties appropriate to the next higher grades for a period of at least three months. ri .M; riS y""i'w Base chapel was the scene of aworn by the matron of honor ud weddiner on Saturday, Sept the bride, her accessories wen J 18 when Lt. James R. Cicarelli brown, and her of corsage bride as his of Hill Field took j.ju luouier ui me DridegrooQ Gertrude Louise Cremer of in a black wool crm attired The ring single Wyo. ceremony was performed by Chap- with which she wore black tcS lain Karl A. Tubesing at S p.m. Lt Charles Houston served The bride, attended by Mrs. Ilene Loeske, wore a tailored suit best man. nrffv oW Ther-mopol- is, jJ The bridegroom, son soldier blue, with accessories of Ii of . - v. 4TK in is RArvi..i in brown. An orchid shoulder cor- auu xtuo. tr uvureui, An the in outfit. her quartermaster aqua corpg. L? sage completed blue wool crepe frock, gathered Col. Cicarelli is stationed at Fort' in front from neckline to hip line Francis E. Warren, Cheyeni requireThe minimum-servic- e was Jw ment may be waived in the case with bows of same material lieutenof second lieutenants, first ants and captains who have clearlj demonstrated by outstanding performance in actual combat their fitness for promotion. The new order parallels the restriction on promotions to grade: of lieutenant colonel and colonel ordered by the War Department in CoL WW Welcome for New Arrival as 'qmpfsisiissx pwmamimjilmmmi - . I X"' s " J CI. AWARDS ANNOUNCED , At iminvHun Mai oauurua iuwiuiiii Captain William G. Boyd, commanding officer of the Headquarter and Headquarters Squadron, OASC, announced the names of 63 men of the squadron who were awarded the Good Conduct medal in recognition of one year's meritorious service In the army. Above, he squadron; below, left to right, first Sergeant Irving J. Murphy, Lieut. Edward J. .Walsh, squadron adjutant, and Capt. Boyd. HA. ! X July. Name 43 as Auxiliary Civilian Personnel Fire Chiefs Meritorious Service Recognized Changes Told Name Major Benfro As Assistant In recognition of one year's meritorious service, 63 noncommissioned officers and enlisted men of Headquarters and Headquarters squadron, OASC, were awarded Good Conduct medals at an impressive ceremony last Saturday morning. 25-Ho-ur Fire Fighting auxiliary fire chiefs for OASC warehouses at Hill Field Department Chief been appointed this week, ac In a series of changes involving have to word from William cording Civilian Personnel branch officers, at the fire de instructor Bishel, Major Stewart C Campbell, chief partment of the Civilian Personnel section, These men and women and oth named Major Robert R. Renfro as his assistant chief. Major Ren ers yet to be appointed volunteer fro. who has been Employe Rela their services. They are shortly course of intions officer since last May, will to start a assume his new responsibilities in struction in fire fighting, use of the various types of extinguishers, addition to his other duties. Replacing Capt. H. Hoyt Free ladders, hose work, and fire pre man, who was ordered to Atlantic vention. They, will in turn familiar all workers in their warehouses City, New Jersey, this week, Lt ize K. A. Gaither was assigned, as with fire hazards and precautions chief of the Administrative branch. specifically outlined for Fire Pre Lt. Gaither was formerly control vention Week, Oct and civilian personnel officer at The new chiefs include Marion C. Clark, Reed Stanton, Huber Denver. Lowry John Daily, Capt E. T. DeMars, formerly Searle, Tom Otteson, chief of Organizational Planning Harry Geiger, Russell Mendenhall, branch of OASC Control section, B. J. Brody, Hugh Williams, Elwill replace Capt. William H. Ban wood Christenson, Andy Dannels, nard as Statistical officer in charge Jacob Bereman, Louis Erickson, of Statistics and Research branch Charles Hartley. Charles Heifferon, Theodore of Personnel. Capt Banhard has been made chief of the Control Bowers, Archie B. Tony, Vernon room branch of OASC Control. Macuonald, F. E. Anderson, My Formerly assistant officer in ron C. Cooper. Roy C. BushnelL charge of Payroll and Records David G. Cunningham, Ellis Hip-branch of Civilian Personnel, Lt weii, Daniel Turner. William S. Roberts, Ormond Sel E. E. Lederman has been named as head of that branch, according bert, Horace Darwin Vanse, to Major Campbell. Damon, F. B. Wooley, Isaac Tur man, Carl Butler, Kenneth Saylor, d At HiU Field ueien K. Millar, Anna Falkner, is First Lt. John A. Perrone who William Waterstadt, James Jensen, reported last week from Wash Fred Whittemore, George Brath ington, D. C, for duty. He has been waite, Samuel Pitt, Jasper Wood, assigned to OASC maintenance di G. Murdock, Eddie Knutson, and vision. Jim steeiman. e ... ROCKABYE BABY Is the name bestowed upon the of mare "Little Nannie Eddicoat, owned by Col. Paul W. Wott Above, Alice Cynthia and David Wolf, children of the colonel, si mire the newcomer, now eight days old and some 27 pounds Ugfetar than the dog. The colt is 24 inches high, weighs SI pounds. Bodobn Babysmd mother are stationed at the stables located west of ttt - El-wo- od first-ba- n dormitory New Elephant 25-ho- ur ter and Headquarters squadron, Bade the presentations,' assisted by Lt, Edward J. Walsh, squadron adjutant. Receiving the awards were: First Sgt. Irving.; J. Murphy, TSgta. Clayton A. Lawrence and Elwood L. Murray; SSgts. George I Allen, George B. Haynes, Max E. Koaof, Warren L. Larsen, Olsen, Earle A. Teeter, and William J. Williamson; Sgt James A. Brennen, Emmett P. Gallagher, William P. Gill, Howard E. Gora biner, Edward G. Herbert, George I Kinney, Lawrence J. Leary, Clarence A. Lemon. Dennis H. Mann, William P. Milbrath, WUbur It. Molt, Walter R. Moss, James K. Newby, Michael Stein, Glenn A. Wagner and Claude McGraw. Cpls. Sylvester L. Adessa, Philip Alamar, Clyde W. Birch, Ralph J. Carroll, Bernard M. Croteau, Fred O. Ehrhart, Jr., Salvatore Ferrari, Harvey L. Fortson, Charles J. Kotlowski, Charles E. Kuehn, Michael MacButch, Daniel J. Eugene L. Parker, William H. Poulter, Homer H. Romberger, Paul Ft. Rusnik, Francis E. Smith. Wayne R Smith, Arlo R. Stoner, Iseo Strauss, George M. Vangel, Harry O. Vickerman, Henry F. .Webber, and Frank Zozom. Pfca. Eugene G. Brown, Frank R. Gerbig, Lcland C, Grim, La verne G. Kauffman, William M. Lintz, Charles V. Miller, James A. Parks, Stanley J. Pickaiski, Joseph P. Ranter, Harvey F. Riniker, and Robert C Thomas. Pvts. Michael Dobda, and Maxwell M. Miller. W Course in Forty-thre- Capt. William O. Boyd, con Standing- officer of the Headquar- Mc-Evo- Start lr r Train Is " ,:, A 3-- 9. Completed tr v - ' j j 1 it Sub-Dep- ot, Newly-Arrive- y. Utah Sight-Seein-g Excursion Taken By 100 Hillcresters Including stops at Weber can-bran- ch, yon, Echo dam, Coalville, and the famous Park City silver mines, the y sightseeing excursion trip taken last Sunday by over 100 residents was termed a definite success. Under the direction of the recreation unit of Employe Relations all-da- Hill-cre- st THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday, Sept. 22 GI movies at Bane honpitaL Thursday, SepU 20 I'.HO show In Little theatre. S pm. Friday, Sept 24 Dance at Little theatre. Open te all soldiers, XVACm, and girls from civilian dormitories. ' Monday, Sep:. 27 Dance at Little theatre. Open to all Midlers, WACs, an 1 'r!s from civilian dormitories. Tuesday, Sept 28 Variety show, Little theatre, I pa. out-of-sta- While te trips. at Park City, "JJ 25 New Hostesses Join Ogden USO the weekly trips are de signed to acquaint the many residents of Hillciest with as much of Utah scenery and wonders as is possible in individual one-da- y WHILE UNDER CONSTRUCTION . . . The HlUfielder earners took this photo of the new elephant train. Now lt is compteM" facilities. To ready to supplement post trainees of the Machine shoptransportation and Engine Repair unite dMsee Nineteen additional cars will be made for Base Ordnance, to plans. were guests of officialssightseers of the Utah Parks mines and the famous Silver King corporation in personally conducted tours through the shafts and mills. Samples of the ore were presented to all present Trip planned for next Sunday will take Hillcresters through Logan canyon to Bear lake. Special arrangements are being made for dinner to be served to the group at Logan. Reservations may be made with the recreation ,,; tensions 8315 or 8318. or with the hostesses on duty in the dormu area. More good news for the service men was revealed this last week when 25 new hostesses were presented at a formal dance at the vgaen uso Center on 24th street. The girls have completed the required hostess course and now have their permanent membership cards. They were presented to the guests at the formal dance by Miss Esther Hume, director of the USO. The new hostesses are: riVa Ar.d lrene Baett, June Bennett, Ellen Helen er, Cooper, Coop- Hill Field Couple To Wed Today The marriage Charlene Whipple Martin K. Green, both MTs. Norm ft fn0"i ijggi employes, has been Mr. eiid Mrs. Charlei of Evansville, bride-to-b- e. Wis., . ke &! J S?1!chj, The ceremony will this evening, at the Congregational Darell Ogden, with Rev.ceremony. performing the will Jake Rahrbach man, while Betty Jo be maid of honor. Green and Miss Stf will act as bridesmaidCoanV Mrs. Whipple wM Margaret Dean, Mary Lou visor of music In rX,M,5,?e.r,u,t' ' j V dj Wf Hartvigsen, Patricia Claysen, Bethel Marker, Leah coupie win ;.n Maughan, Erma Nelson, Marie 2870 Harrison In Ogaen Lois Paul, Kathlyne Pyre, rHttt Nelson, 8cott. Marilyn New Malnteiianee Pri Sm,th' rI Smith, Arthell 8v- - A. C, who was rett and Virginia Trum? OASC Msintenaaf jfiTla' - I |