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Show Riders oi About the Field fleguiaiea nv Base Memo- In 5 Minutes Gone oral Al months on the Wednesday Sept. 22, 1943 Trims WACs In Quiz Show West to Wendover Houghton, who foreveX was master of ceremon es st yew Order weekly "Keep 'Em Two Runs in Big from the USO Center in has been transferred to a Conditions Ogden, Second service group at Wendover Corporal Houghton's wife, Pat nay's Clinches Victory Houghton, is a clerk in employe rethis issued were lations branch. regulations es,Tw, rnS in the seco"d inning TTfor all military personnel the Soldiers a victory v . Details for Action In the Night Flying-broadca- Personnel Inning sub-dep- ot 2-- 1 Change Rrst Sergeants SSgt provided for Ed Stoker, director of the "KeeD A baseball game? No. Just last Em Plyin" orchestra, has been v Mua Wednesday's Special Service Quiz porting personnel made acting first sergeant of the Show in the Little theatre, con408th AAF band. The former lBdfrom Ogden. ducted according to baseball acting Base rules. issued by topkick, TSgt. Ed Berry, was" Each, correct answer advanced fit directive a the to that states transferred 327th only man one base, while three incorDepot Repair quarters ' will Squadron. Sergeant Stoker was rect replies counted as three outs loading station in Ogden with OASC Special Service before and retired load-a side. the and street, it his transfer. The winning Soldier team of iteUon at Hill Field will be SSgt. Harry Lane, Pfc. Jimmy & civilian parking lot. Back From Vacation Following Roth, Pvt. Harold Pvt. eliminate not k a any vacation at her Min- Johnny Green and Nanold, OH does Pvt. William stops in Ogden nesota home, Miss Mary Lybarger, Arnold were given boxes Civilian personnel, and soldiers an employee of base Plans and of mixed nuts as prizes. at these bus stops. the jjQgjd Training, recently returned to her Books were the awards to the Jurtover the directive states: field duties. losing WAC team, and everyone received a copy of the Army Song gPt will be provided at these load-I From Idaho Miss Nona Book. ';Jn stations to facilitate Returns and to maintain order and Rose, veteran supply After the main show, four employe, is Wnllne. on the field after a happy were given to members ofprizes back the trans Personnel utilizing this furlough. Miss Rose spent part of audience who correctly answered ition will strictlyODey tne the leave with her parents at their questions. itions of the MPs. ranch in Idaho. Pfc. Doug Gordon was quiz "Upon arrival of the bus, master and coach for the Soldiers to form will be required while Dan Bailey did the Sgt. Promoted to word According o parallel lines to lacjjitate loaa-- i same chore for the WAC team just received by his parents, Dale of and to avoid confusion. ', Pfc. Norene Sparks, Pfc. Helen former mechanic Jost, "No person will be permitted to Leland B. in Fleming, Pvt. Edna L Goheen, has learner been Maintenance, ard the bus except xrom tnese Emma L. Robb, T5th Alice les and in proper turn. promoted from second lieutenant Cpl. A. Beeler and Pfc. Evelyn K. Glass. is lieutenant. to Lieut. Jost first in street the at "Loitering any A "slot machine" quiz is being ie at the bus loading station is in the army air forces and is asplanned for Sept. 29, in. which a signed to Lowry field, Denver. ictly forbidden. microphone will be taken down "Conduct which reflects dis- the audience, with varying it upon the military service at Four officers, for- into Transferred number of nickels awarded for the e loading stations or while on to Hill Field, AAB, merly assigned answers to the questions. bus will not be tolerated. have been transferred to the Air correct "Posted restrictions as to load- - Service Command replacement de capacity of each bus will be pot at Fresno, Calif. They are: ictly enforced. Capt. Harry J. White, First Lieut. "Military police will be detailed I. Breen, First Lieut. Gor ride each bus from nine p.m. Leopold D. Kage, and Second Lieut. don itil the last bus leaves Ogden John J. Beard. the purpose of maintaining t and discipline and to enforce Aone For a seven-da- y confer regulations of the bus com- ... ence, beginning tomorrow, at Patterson Field is Second Lt. Elbert "The state law prohibiting smok- - ni Tiiprman. Subject of the con on the buses will be strictly ference: Volunteer Work and breed. payroll machines to tne governDestruction or damage to any recommendations Badly Needed ment on standardizing such equip ." i oi tne bus is strictly . ment. For Red Cross wmuw. me tne tion specifically ed r : JSa mraxft&$K9 V 4l7-25- th two-wee- one-pou- 1 A " .XTOA 7 1 - per-inn- el , RC Classes Register Women Now r. . for-den- lormon Services or Hillcrest to answer Wived hv to the manv reanojtta ! huf n,;ii mm myiaju anaj ueo-J- m the enrlir rlno V.1 settlerg of this valley, accord- - --- -i Urabam director aLT weiiare "uiMjry v 1 Arrangements for ' and recrea- the services wmpieted by Thomas Clarke, of the Ogden stake ana Chaplain Karlhigh A. , OASC chief of ChanlnJn "r r 8ea"ule for nth Wng held each Sunday in the V creation nau is as fol- - wnonc Confession, nine--mass, mi ".Bible Study clasa, one p." m.; vcea, two p. m.; ZL vesper Sing, seven- m , - Special Swing Shift mows In Downtown Ogden Theatre THEATRE gm-IAD-- i,. x . 7, .o r Spec1! war mid-J- W bond show. The f a bond is adml"an6e. "Meet Seto!"C.from HIU FlekL BeTni W,ntertime," Sonja S"r and show, "Let-- ; oJHEN THEATRE f nf-- 11:45 and a.m. - 'Thea-2WIEU- M tb, fctu ,bond how- - Th,e ofj a war bond is r,,rom two-mon- Hill Field. th Mrs. La Verna Naval Furlough of Payroll and an employe Carr, visited last was Records branch, week by her navy husband. - First Lt. Thomas M. Assigned Lts. Harold Second Smith and W. Gold, James Q. Howy and Lynn witn are Roubidoux, the Maintenance Division, OAS, Hill Field. newly-arrive- d, Second Lieut y John G. Hazen is giving an eight-dacourse In aircraft recognition at the Army Air Base in Rapid To Rapid City Three-Fol- d Safety Program Is Launched for All OASC Announce Classroom Lectures, Visual Training Films and Training on Job to Be Used in Intensive Campaign A three-fol- City. Supervision Capt William P. Liddle is overseeing the removal of CCC buildings from Green River, job. Wyo., to HiH Field, a ' He left Sunday. - At safety training pro-cabl- ed . onstrated 'of visual training films and suggestive posters; and of training on the Job. This third phase of the train-- 1 ing program is most significant, Mr. Dyches said, as instructors and supervisors here bring home to in dividual workers suggestions of proper working habits that may readily result in the saving of lives and the avoidance of Weds V. Robbins Melvin L. Schwartz, an employe Civilian of administrative branch, Hill Personnel, is one of many savhis Fielders who has tapped week to this ings bank account bonds. purchase more war Mr. Schwartz purchased a $500 bond. He is also a regular purchaser of war bonds through the plan. Mr. a solemn Schwartz deduction Hill Field in to came liam W. ceremoay last Saturday Lt 1941, and has worked In the th a Hi. the F. Canny was presentedhiswifellow department Parting Gesture d gram was launched last week by the OASC safety branch which will bring to the attention of every worker the particular hazards of his Job, it was announced in the office of Captain R. R. Afflick. Ronald J. Dyches, safety engineer, said the program consists of illustrated classroom lectures where the right and wrong method of doing a particular task is dem- accidents. The whole program is vitally Important to every individual, as its accent is on his personal welfare. Said Mr. Dyches: "Accident casualties on the home in the Ogden Air Service front Two more Hill Field employes Command are just as crippling to reranks matrimonial joined the the total Job of defeating the axis cently when Gerald O. Stanger, as are casualties out on the fightshift foreman at plant equipment of ing front. When a worker is disand Varna E. Robbins, also plant equipment exchanged vows. by The ceremony was performedLDS Ogden Bishop Wright, ofthethehome of the First ward, at bridegroom's mother. Melvin L. Schwartz Buys $500 Bond 2 th. "bllvetorious" award by town Is Malad, Idaho. .He fareofficers in Flight Test as a for a home wife are now making their his and well gesture to his leaving street, Ogden. at borne Coral Gables hospital. , 641-ao- th Is like was provided "back-the-attac- k" Gerald O. Stanger 15-d- ay THEATRE "SsZ vii-rin- V .m. 'Inc'?Rl8lngSU,V"and iSt2 war en-rolle- es ... Of what combat warfare at Ogden last week by military installations in this area, who joined forces to put over a huge war bond rally. It was the first spectacle of its kind every arranged in Utah. M arrangements to con- i isaer-oa- y saint services each iday at eleven a. m. in the dor- y northwest recreation hall been lmnlto1 Tb servicea w vrill n.f int all residents with th fun. basis of the "Mormon" ital Hon Hillcrest, i women interested in Red All Fifteen enlisted To 482nd men of the Special Service section, Cross activities are urged to regfirst aid, OASC, have been transferred as ister now for classes in and staff a body to the 482nd AB squadron. home nur.sing, nutrition, Red Cross tT1i tVia direction of CaDt. Carl assistants, the Hill Field S. Menger, OASC Special Service office announces. Class rooms for the courses will officer, the men are: uiar-B. finished in two weeks and imuanson, >. be Sgt. Darryl F. William Set. imon. mediately upon their completion Scrt Oeorere M. Mortimer, instructors, who have already been KiTiiKrath ...4.. l " If 0" K. secured, will begin afternoon and Sgt. Walter R. Moss, Sgt John evening classes. A survey is now Nesvacil, Sgt. fiaroiam. xwuma, C. Squires, Sgt Peter being conducted througnout HillVirgil Sgt. nr Tnth rn1. Harvev L. Fortson, crest and the trailer area for in the courses. Twenty Cpl. Roy H. Vande Krol, Cpl. Henry members are needed to form a P. Webber, Fic. ianiey j. was pointed out. ski, Pfc. Charles V. Miller, CpL class, itneed for volunteers with The Harold T. Vik. such training in this area was uni Following a derlined by an appeal from the wrtxiA for women three-wee- k leave spent at his home dormitory infirmary and nurses is home with Latham nursing in Virginia, Chanes at Plant aid An acute need extraining. duties his at back ists for these workers and those Equipment branch. whn have had such training and Bur-rit- t, can assist in the infirmary are Hiram to Lowry Assigned asked to contact Mrs. Margaret been has a supply employe, in the Red Cross ornce. Bennett Denver, assigned to Lowry Field, blanks for the Red Registration in Austin, is home His for 30 days. rvnns classes may be obtained Colorado. from the hostess on duty in any of the recreation halls ot at the Back Helped Canning Season Red Cross office. a in Employe Relations after Mrs. Mary is furlough leave was Craven. Purpose of the porheaviest the to assist during tion of the canning season. GLIMPSE SOME L even for a day he is out of combat that day just the same as if he were a prisoner pf war or a dead soldier on the4' battle field. "Our responsibility doesn't end with the working day." Dyches concluded. "Take the case of Rufus Jay. He died maintaining his right of way. He was right dead right, but he's just as dead as though he were wrong! "The highways and driveways are for motor vehicles. Sidewalks are for pedestrians. When you walk on the highways you endanger your life and the safety of others. If it is absolutely necessary to walk on the highways, walk on the extreme left side, facing the oncoming traffic." The program is designed to constantly remind each employee that caution, alertness, and proper work habits are among the most vital elements in industrial operations. Planned to continue until each employee has been contacted, training meetings have thus been held for employees of base Ordinance, Quartermaster corps, Signal section. Medical supply, fire department, maintenance shoos, and post' schools, according to Mr. Dyches. Army Exchange Arranges for Overseas Christmas Shopping Tanks overseas 'may place their orders for Christmas presents with the Army Exchange and the service will mail thee presents to their families and friends at home, the War Department has announced. This practice follows a custom established last year which proved very satisfactory to all soldiers overseas, enecfally those in remote areas where purchasing facilities are limited. The Exchange Service has prepared a catalogue of Christmas gift suggestions and mailed them to overseas units, together with instructions. The catalogue lists the prices of items, practically all of which are under prevailing retail prices. Exchange officers overseas have been furnished with order blanks which are to be made available to soldiers. After the soldier has chosen the Item from the eatalogne, he will fill out the order blank, giving the name and address of the person to which ths gift is to be sent, and paying the Exchange officer for It. The officer will forward the order to thf t'fHd States where the Army Exchangs Serviea will purchase the gift, wrap it and nail H ; |