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Show tis crest Festival i a orms Arrive r I 5 Exhibits to Be Held in Autumn Setting ricia, wqaen, Utah Games, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1943 Victory Gardener Helps Food Drive M tor a HMcrest iau lesusuccess of the Aval the fair beld last July were "Si this week with the nam-- r and various committees .1 by Miss Cora Puller, director, Em- wo-fation- JTheld tof al i!u ' will . win. Rcorn stalks, autumn leaves llm and other signs of fall. accommodate residents shifts, the gala af-I- r open from 12 noon midnight, according to Miss Qiet to dl working will be fel 12 fcbers of the Minnesota and iUdo tate clubs have volun-to assit in sponsoring: the resisrat and various individual the ts have offered to help oncom-tteedecorating irk crews and Q s. recreation hall host--, Th will the building representa-also assist in the formu-in- plans and tending of Ei&ents c duty. g of desiring to assist or any ideas or could be used are Miss Fuller, exten- i.1 I Or any Oi we hvw;b ' to 8316, d A O'Brien Is ed By Army bm' If 53 5 i a vet reports Fort Doug' in the army. came to Hill FieM in mi, ana nas oeen Boer, supply. He has held Sept. iturday, k for induction 'O'Brien I to 25, rank in Warehouse ud 3, 47. genial O'Brien Is well known among Dotn the civilian and Italy population. Jibe Recreation Coordinated Jdief, V Be Colonel Lilburn D. Fator, Hill Field base commander, will be among the prominent speakers at a public reception and dedication of Robert H. Hinckley field, Og- aens new municipal airport, on the afternoon of Sunday, October 3, Among the other speakers named are Governor Herbert B. Maw, Major Joseph Bergin, director of the state aeronautical committee, Thomas Wolfe of Western Air Lines, Inc., Harvey Hancock of United Air Lines, and Robert H. EARL PARKER . . . Of HiU Field, employed in Test Section Hinckley, for whom the field is MRS. GRACE PARKER . . . Hill Engine JaJSrT "t6."106 Pvision, has done far more than work his daily named. Field's first woman member of warim? J He a cared for a victory garden, Dedicatory flights by the civilian the auxiliary military police, who and with his wife in the hospital, canned overlarge 500 quarts himself, air patrol and an inauguration has been on duty here approxiboth fruit and vegetables. Above, a view of his cellar with Mr. Parker flight by a Western Air Express mately five months, i. shown In viewing his handiwork with commendable pride. transport will be included on the her brand new uniform. AU memday's program. bers of the force will be wearing them In the next few days. Regular flight schedules by Western Air Lines are expected to begin October 15. Music for the dedication ceremonies will be provided by the Army Air Force band of Hill Earl Parker who lives at Grandview Acres near Hill 408th Field, under the direction of WO Field believes he holds the victory garden record for Melvin R. Kornmeyer, the Hill Cadets and the Bushnell hosNew uniforms for the women this area. He has 500 quarts of bottled fruits and vegetables Field pital band. members of the auxiliary military The Cadets are a quartet com"Tto back hi3 statement. have arrived, and Mrs. Grace police posed of Pfc. Bob Aupperle, Corp. Parker of Hooper, Utah, is the A very conscientious individual Bill Burns, Corp. Jim Brown, and first police woman to ' be fitted who works here at Engine Test, Corp. Sam Christensen. with the. navy blue. Parker is exuberant when he tells Of approximately 30 women emof what he has accomplished with on the auxiliary military ployed a small plot of ground at Grand force all have received unipolice Shows exHe is more view Acreage. forms, but a few do not have them uberant when he states that he altered and ready for use. did most of the bottling himself Mrs. Parker, in addition to beno small feat for a husband whose the first to wear the new uniing 'Meet Gang wife is in the hospital. Two Lieut. Colonels, form, was the first woman employed on the Hill Field civilian Doing their share in the third Parker states that last spring, Majors, police force. She began work here war loan drive, the talented mem- when all his neighbors were talk 19, 1943 and since that time April bers of the "Meet the Gang" cast ing about planting a victory gar Included in has been sharing police duties with will present stage shows at both den, he decided to go out and try the male members of the force. the Orpheum and Egyptian the- one for himself. He did, and made Thirty two new officers reported At present Mrs. Parker is staatres in Ogden Thursday night at it pay. to Ogden Air Service Command tioned at the civilian personnel to shows the special midnight He acquire a 30x200 foot plot headquarters this week, it has been building, but she has pulled clock-houboost sales of bonds. Col. Morris va announced by near Acreage and planted a and warehouse duties, and Everyone buying a war bond of riety of vegetables. Many of these been has stationed at various other any denomination will be admitted he canned for his own use; others Of the new arrivals there were posts throughout the field. All wotwo lieut. four colonels, majors, men on the force ar be sold. captains, nine first lieutenants to the same assignmentseaubjected Hill Field purchasers of war "Moreover, he has made the gar four as the lieutenants. bonds may go to any show in den pay for all the bottles, sugar, and 13 second men. Walwere: Cols. Lieut Reporting Ogden as guests of the theatres and everything essential to bottling, lace Honnold and Fredby asking for a free ticket when The 500 quarts have cost him noth erick Hallock Earle Edwards; Majors, Wilfrom the bonds they buy their ing but his labor. liam W. Andrews, Robert M. Shiplocal Minute Men. of the fact that ley, Jr., James F. Kahlenberg, and Parker is Those who have purchased he did mostproud of the canning him' Horace W. Pote; Captains Alex bonds this week may also obtain self and still worked his shift in William Talmant, Edgar Allen free tickets by presenting their Engine Test. He is also proud of C. Sigmon, and Robbond receipt at the office of Em- the fact that none of his canning ert M. Ralph Kahl. ployes Relations Branch, Civilian inhs sDoiled. In addition to his First Lieutenant: Richard MarPersonnel. rannine. he planted and weeded cus, Jacob A. Kahn, John Anthony the vegetables and did most of Perrone, Harry Anthony Garrison, to either show, according to Ford the house chores. Thomas Kenneth A. Gaither, Thomas Rose, producer and diis a Marion Smith, George Alexander the Since gardener victory rector of the variety show. native of Mississippi, he has Dotues Julo, Walter John Dolbee, Jr., RobFeature picture to be shown at of vegetables rare to this section. ert G. Carpenter. Second Lieutenants: George Ervin the Orpheum will be "Let's Face Among these are okr"a, egg plant, Tom Young Stephens, MatGiven, It," with Bob Hope, while "Winof squash. and some rare species tertime," with Sonja Henie, will In addition he has tomatoes, to- thew J. Miholick,' Richard Bren-to- n 1 ' head the entertainment at the mato juice, beets, peaches, pears, Holly, Lynn West Roubidoux, William Cal-liJames Howey, Quicy Egyptian theatre.. ,etc. plums, corn, turnips, pickles Peters, Allan Richard Lipow, 4 Allen M. Dillman, John G. ANNOUNCED ENGAGEMENT Harold Gold, Herman I Dances Two and Llewelyn Williams. Oil Garrigus, WAS annminPAii the 1AiAnfUr em Miss Tyler, of Nyle At gagement ploye of fayrou ana ofxwuuiu at To School Cpl. Morris Barat, open dance will be held 24 Filer, branch, to Lyle Spencer returned theAnLittle 324th Depot Repair squadron, to Lieut. CoL Edward. Sept. Theatre Friday, four-weIdaho. Miss Tyler just 27 for all Hill Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, for a Sept. and Monday, Individual the in to her work Lieut. Col. Frederick E. Edwards course of instruction in WACs, and girls spending her Field soldiers, is announced this week as the new fuel cells. dormitories. Earnings unit after her civilian the from home. leave in Idaho, also Intelligence Officer for Ogden Air Service Command. He succeeds Capt. William A. Wiltberger, who War Worker Here Raises His Own Food, Cans 500 Quarts Policewomen Step Out in Navy Blue Uniforms Ogden Theatres Aid Bond Sales 32 New Officers Arrive in Week Two Stage Are Arranged For Four Group of recrea-activities, coaplains assigned to the post meet wit hthe American Red ud the Army Emergency at the Base Chapel on the niday of each month, ac- f to a Base Headquarters uncement this week. All meet-are scheduled for nine am. Jw the coordination A welfare and relief QM Section eads J r On Sunday, Oct. 3 that sutMtnrisor "Trim" fYRrlon nr I repairable material and V Hill Field employe, -- Airport Opens handicraft bobby booths, game tables, fortune telling and will Include MUval tudy Ogden's Municipal large East 1 Col. Fator to Be Speaker At Dedication se Ber-ma- n. Intelligence Chief me-.- Mar-quan- d, i ' 'J I ' 1 er J 11 Planned Little Theatre Quarterrnaster Z n7cCh'cA "JC Hicks - , S72t regular army If" ,, ' fntr "e Uar h te'Af6 KlPiJ.!. ftient S He ha. been 7k:' vV Hi t!? heJeft California for Maine where h with ' - th Lions' Clubs of Ogden, Salt Lake Visit Hill Field r omcer tne past Warner fa- From N ek self-seali- ng rved In the Command, we colonel, his augnter are at temPorarily located in Og- - f" and rM; Chat-terle- y, Ueut. CoL Honnold Col Wallace H. Honnold luiitoVf 'I ?nd', 7r,I!A,r l Alr oHda, to force 2ieaictv0n h Jjjni i?!fSnent .TrnPOrt school completion Proceeded to back in Utah, he stated. on Y3 0 u J 0 Oo lb S3 officer. Colonel Herman, were over 100 member, ef the .w . . . Ana "ZT The group arrived nere at 11 cciock anu, OASO T" GUESTS OF Salt and 'JSELlThansars the supply warehouses. They then had their Ogden at th" Oncers' club, where they were told of the big job -"-""- -" Sltoe6 ,uncS being done Vhrme and member, of hi. .Uf f addrewed the gathering, remains as assistant intelligence officer. Col. Edwards came to Hill Field from the Training Command gunnery school at Kingman, Ariz. He entered the service during World War I as an aviation cadet in the Signal Section, earning his wings and commission as a first lieutenant Jan. 11 1918. A year later he was relieved from active duty. The colonel was on Air Corps, Reserve status until 1940 when he was called to active duty. In civilian life he has been a construction contractor, and for five years he was a special investigator for the state of California. Within a week the cvlonel expects his wife and son to jota him. They will be at home in Sunset Heights. |