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Show Is Of ten Wisdom of a Solomon - H. F. Inspected .C a it T ilflnn rA Wrsn rtt$m MA-tUJ ,ffln 6 By Manpower Wednesday Committeemen Sept. 22, 1943 f State Group Has Assumes Duties w"!? 'is 1 U -- i Conference With Depot Heads ' Rid a Ink? , lifted Here 'w ik Con: ins Trie Utah state committee for tho innervation of manpower in war industries made an inspection tour of OASC facilities at nm Field Tuesday with Capt Robert jo use Ration jsiport . R. Af flick, safety officer. f r personnel. ?dvUi Mac-Tagga- Ililllli and The committee also met in conference with Col. John S. chief of personnel and training division Maj. Stewart C. Campbell, chief of civilian personnel, and Capt. Afflick to discuss local safety problems and details of a training course to be offered supervisors and key rt, dau-t- J V& I Ititl The state committee is com7 boa posed of F. A.Girard, state chairoreoi man; Dr. William J. Cope, professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Utah, and I and Elmo E. Chappell, regional safety xiplini of Labor, STAFF SERGEANT JOHN A. consultant, U. S. Dept. fTerso aUoi . CARVER, JR. . . . Returned this and assistant to R. E. Donovan, ;riiian itAraonnel 1 the Counselinsr unit whm ction week to Hill Field after 18 regional safety director. n he,P' Counselor to" the months absence in charge-o"Upon The training courses are released . J:,Z,-- . n unidentified young lady who wants assistance on a matter of prtMi Bnnel iinwhcs New York regional office, Cisection. scene in the through the U. S. Dept. of Edu Counseling is a typical importance. This vilian Personnel division, for the cation, under the auspices of the opart 'and War. here When of The of Secretary university Labor, Dept. "No p before he was a civilian. Now in of Utah school of engineering has ird tl the army he has been designated been to conduct the ines am administrative assistant to Major coursesdesignated area. in this "Loitei Stewart C Campbell, chief of The supervisors who attend the at Civilian Personnel Section, Percourse of instruction do rictly sonnel and Training, OASC. themselves. to . so at no expense she was influ- - You can't keep me here if I "Condi (This is the first of a series pathetic interest In charge of the Secretary of On completion of the work they dit u; w .encea wie articles to appear in ,"toll, of certificates awarded are la deWar's regional office at Hill Field various on uispiayiuB janitress. HILLFIELDER courses the Last vear bus cence she is studying hard to be-- ever, in the opinion of cou from June, 1941, to February, 1942, were offered at the university and nartments of the field, explain come literate, jmss "Postt i"" Keeping 'Em Honest John A. Carver, Jr., returned here at Weber college, but it is hoped ing their part in the "Keep 'Em cap the ing her own time to help the girl of con Ogden of a Another program Flying" of example number in khaki last week as administrathat if a sufficient whose present ambition is to rictly ne Service (Jommana, was Air a reason provided by ing "Hilifa tive assistant to the chief of Ci- applicants can be signed up at Editor.) qualify as a messenger. "It is a ored worker. He explained be classes may the interested Hill Field, watch her ride to real thrill servilian Personnel with a staff was about to be inducted BtU tl Are you unhappy at your progress, and have a part in it," he given here on the field. his to leave wanted marry geant's rating. the she said. work? friend. "She's pregnant," he Since his departure, SSgt, Carvwr ai Given Reasons "and I want to marry her Is your supervisor blind to Many er, Jr., has been in charge of the and varied are the rea- I go in the army." He was Many New York regional office. Civilian sons, real and invented, to ac- granted an immediate set your talents? Personnel division, for the office Then there was the colored separation and the covetso Do you want leave you complish of availability" who wanted a separation ed "statement of Secretary of War, which covcan marry your boy friend? which is demanded of an individu- plaining, "Ahs tired." Pressed ered 12 northeastern states. He under further information she voln seeking was also field office manager in If these questions or any of a al War teered that her supervisor regulations. Manpower are bothering Baltimore, Md. thousand others been Persons seekinz may confusing his personal separation Miss Ruth O'Connor, who sucto the them take Counseling you, nouns. She explained, "He alwi no are if ceeded Carver as manager of the longer wnere qualify they unit in Civilian .Personnel Problem to we's needed on Being gonna do this," or their go says Hill Field office, has since become present job: r you'll find sympathetic and com Joi or do a to essential a more for tnat, we re not Mrs. Carver and will probably regonna and job, persons petent willing "comnelline nersonal reason." It Then be stands ready arouna ana Met By Plans turn to make her home in the to help. 'or heavy liftin.' vicinity. There, under the watchful eye was explained by Marvin C John- -- me do all the and Bays, I mad adminisA graduate of Brigham Young finally got Of Transportation of Major Robert R. Renfro, em- son, Employe Relations l we's not urea, we ain't relations officer, scores of utiiur. university specializing in political ploye tired and rse While numerous employes whose mind - shattering wrinkles are science and public administration, "Many girls come to us," one nothin,' but I'se was madet tin'." he is the son of John A. Carver, regular drivers have Sunday off, ironed out each day, dispositions counselor said, "stating they are the Adjustment and the lad; U S. attorney for the district of either have to bring the family smoothed and a safety valve pro supervisor Idaho. He has also taken graduate car to work that day or ride the vided for pent-u- p today. employed haoDily emotions. w.nAn;n. . , CW VV19V1UU VwoViM T vUIU lvIllilSi w work in law and public adminis- bus, hundreds - of almost empty eager The waiting room in - this emo A given reason must be verified, , Anotner iaay w vwatr Afl Unfa tration at several outstanding col- - cars are being driven to and from tional "clearing house" is nearly lepres and universities. the field on Sundays, according always crowded with persons Then in makinir out their annii- - hundred miles, was employed, - Carver, Jr., completed his to Laura T. Schiff, supervisor of whose hearts and minds are filled SSgt caieu, nvinni anvi no-nousing basic training at Greensboro, N. rationing and transportation units to overflowing and who "just have until she found that day vC, before assignment to Hill Field. of Employe Relations branch. ulations forbid doers. Each coun to tell someone." "One empty seat robs one war a week she haunted the "Sometimes we can help and ln unit nlMriinc for helD. U worker of vital transportation," sometimes we can't," explained stated Mrs. Schiff, "and also Marlow V. Wootton, counseling di Frances J. Martin to a headache that seemed impost means that in order for one more rector, who reviews the findings to solve as sne Areiuwu OUt r, VM Wed Sgt. Schaerer worker to get to work the public of individual counselors prelimin tk. animal F transportation systems must be ary to making a final recom however, and sne found, J October 2 is the date Frances further overloaded." ductive worker here. mendation. "So far as taking any J. Martin and 1st Sgt. H. G. SchaerSunday drivers may list any direct action is concerned that is These are only a few j er have chosen for their marriage existing vacaney with the trans not our function. We make an cation for a - counselors mt statement 01 avail- - I in the base chapel. The occasion portation unit and receive the investigation to the of the presented WMC. to aaaressea complaint, the at aoiuty names of employes residing in will be a full military wedding with . 71 dv. Some are r or request and formu their neighborhood who are de- grievance Chaplain Joseph MacCarroll late a recommendation. Any action and sometimes find them hesitant have LZi sirous of locating Sunday rides. is taken Col. Leonard P. Carter, They 'hem and haw' and explain morous side. by method of Another of Schaerer 880th the this Guard Sgt. reducing chief of Civilian Personnel for the that the date. really hasn't been Squadron has been stationed at needless waste of gasoline and OASC." "" Jhm set, that the folks must first be Hill Field for sixteen months. His rubber is to participate in a driv consulted and so on ad infinitum. Plained, "to assist niJ home town is Chicago, 111. Miss ers' pool with each driver taking Needs Job Plus Solomon An efficient counselor must be A few pertinent questions reveal adjusting his or SJV Martin, who formerly resided in turns in driving: the others to and ms. their story occupational proble Carmel, Calif., has been employed from work, explained Mrs. Schiff. at once a with what is suspected-t- hat a hoax designed to get them be acompli.hed by theK sotp on the field for seventeen months. Complete arrangements for both the patience of Job and the wis is of getting Prior to resigning in preparation they shame- - Pfdifnt groups and drivers' dom of Solomon. Too often, the a separation-whi- ch chest transfer or n for her forthcoming marriage she pools may be made in the trans load dropped on his or her shoul- facedly admit" was a secretary in OASC Special portation unit, located in Civilian ders calls for even greater wisdom, Wanted to Leave State or turned cervices. Personnel section, extension 237. understanding and resource. 8 no One girl related that she had particularly As an example: been keeninsr comnanv with a man minimum, -- it.ki. in la needeon Last week a man and found he was married. m.. munuinn are per0? went blind on the job. A medical She just also learned, the counselor I iong experience in advisory") examination showed loss of sieht was that nert. I are to have fOf nervously informed, reauired was due to advanced years. Living "frionrl'." . ... . wftS k .un..fl w a tk. LISSS UUIBL attlsl in the Hillcrest dormitories, lack for her to name her Ull knowledge in a divorce and backoround j ing mends or relatives, Miss Viva action, if nothing more violent In various occupy qurements Oldroyd, welfare worker attached She demanded immediate lenaraI - itllfltEA.seekinc O"'. . " WEtlKIMDAV, REPTEMRKR 22 to the Counseling unit, located a i sp 7.30 p.m. "Meet the Gang", Kast Wing Kecreation Hll, Dormitory tion, that she wanted to get out counselors a to son in the east, arranged trans of the state. Her reason m mn. I guimed Area. J iiri a 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Meeting (Oticuaalon of Some International Prob... . una AM .u.-- .j Traveler' "i portation m" through tl compeiiins" and senara-- 1 I m.. AA..u.llnar lem). N. W. Recreation Halt, Dormitory Area,. . vw o rosier and took him to the train where Hn. : TH1KM1AY. SEPTEMBER 23 wvit Kianuru. tl xiaw- I eludes James care was provided. 7i30 p.m. Colorado Club Meeting N. W. Kecreation Hall, Dormitory An On the swing shift one night Anderson. O. Sherman Area. A young veteran of the nresent a woman called 7:30 p.m. Minnesota Club Meeting 8. E. Recreation Hall, Dormitory from Ogden nugh C Bennion, Mrs. M . t war, employed here as a civilian Area. i rvste. nan '" tiu.w money, Camilie fell to a woricer, victim KEPTEMHER dis24 FRIDAY, mental She explained that she had been 7:30 p.m. Special Program N. W. Kecreation Hall, Dormitory Area. order. He was without funds and sinbrihk and Blanche! earner 8:15 p.m. Hlllcrester Dance at the Post. ciiicu in eveninar. tne to appealed the Counseling unit SU NDAY, HEPTEMRER 26 for help. Arrangements were made gone on a "binge" with her 10:O0 a.m. Catholic Services N. W. Kecreation Hall, Dormitory Area. that she was arrested 10:O0 a.m. Educational Tour See Hostess in S. 10. and N. W. Reciur ma transportation and admis husband, for insobriety and he had dereation Halls for Details Leave Dorm Gate. to sion ort L,yons hospital in serted her. Needless 10:0O a.m. Minnesota Club Excursion, Logan Canyon. to say, ball Joins Marine woioraao. ll.OO a.m. L. D. 8. Church Services N. W. Recreation Hall, Dormiwas not money Tn Frances Beryl Ui.. wiuiuvu h rnro l a , tory Area. forthcoming. "iioo -rftt 1 :00 p.m. Bible Class N. W. Recreation Hatl, Dormitory Area. aw cierK-t- the assistant Indian visiting 18 of counseling who girl U' most 2:O0 p.m. Protestant Church Services N. W. Recreation Hall, spent the MM2 unit loined durinsr Mihas hnMi JI working of her life in an orphanage and present a Area. re9f!7n women's so- from pass came here as a mechanic their S:30 p.m. Motion Picture Show East Wing Recreation Hall, Dormicorps ) learner pervisor. Without tory Area. pass they I awaiting call to Failing in her work, investigation must I 10:30 p.m. Motion Picture Show East Wing Recreation Hall, Dormi. on Rover, New call thi rAa,.n u.ovmsvu iiihi ne was unable to One tory Area. woman on finding that her Zl 0a Miss Fuller i read or write. Embarrai MONDAY, HEPTEMRER ST ,i reasons I 7:30 p.m. USO Industrial Night USO Ogden, Utah. for were ashamed of tttt; not chapter, Theta separation the deficiency she at cornpelhng" countered :15 p.m. Hllleresters Oo Dancing on Post. of l first insisted on separation. with the sorority, : and i S -TUESDAY, HEPTEMRER -us--. uni-Well, I know how Boise Business :30 p.m. Bowling School, Mapteway Howling Alley, Ogdan, Ulan. Through Miss Oldroyd sym- - ueciaration, can get out- -I ll have " I Idaho. Her horn . baby :w . . f 3t f y Hill Field Counseling Unit Operates As Clearing House for Individual Problems - 96-ho- ur -- pro-fio.ien- ev. Sunday Rides Solved By Drivers' Pool Is I I a. . I Cw - 7- I BV . I ,j 1 heart-rendin- g, llel 'SSLmSmi " father-confess- or - ride-shari- ng - t,-- Hill Field Civilian Recreation Calendar I WCSkB BS aW aWlm&. oiut-re- u ' 17inAa -- nu..jt. Dor-mito- I J Off |