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Show THE Page Eight TIMES-NEW- Nephi News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harris of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephensen Provo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dalby and Mrs. Frank Harris. visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenard Stephensen, Spring-vill- e. The Levan Lady Lions held their regular meeting last Thursday evening at the City Hall. The evening was spent arranging baskets of Christmas candy which were distributed to widows, wid- (SOB. LEGE off southern vim Actor we know says he's in a play that should be on a menu Tather than the stage. The script is a turkey if ever there was one, and it's stuffed with jokes that are old chestnuts. days, you can scarcely rpHESE hear "Jingle Bells" for the jangle of the cash registers. Some look forward to an holiday season, while Cedar City at The individual name CSU is a not merely a . . . num- ber in a crowd. YOU will have an opportunity to engage in activities and explore others prefer eggnog. COAL NEPHI JEWELRY 5T J A LARGE, .A GIANT ot FAMILY 69 H m tenet You "--or -"- WtCHASf SIZE HALO SHAMPOO OO S- YOU II HALO SS JISPLAY I 79 SHAMPOO J K U E T A- -t u JS J FEATURED AT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER -WITH THE PEXCO LABEL these 8 Your Number Qm Furniture Buy SAY- Shiny New Quarter) (A WMtN FREDDIE FUDD AND WE'LL SEND YOU MOUSE Tlife best in lump, nut and slack. Come get your own and save. We will load and weigh your truck Don't be a dud at our yard, or enjoy our prompt, Don't wallt in the mud! clean delivery service. L. OWANE Park in Johnsons Hard-su- r Tl DWELL, 545 South 1st East, faced Store Side Parking Lot! Phone 578W. Nephi, Utah LET US SOLVE YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS for ANY OCCASION Write Director Royden C. Braithwaite NOW for further information about next BOX M quarter registration. WHOLESALE RETAIL OFFER M16VJJY COLGATE DENTAL CREAM mm . HALO Get Acquainted LIFELIKE n, & or i 1 Send tnr YOOf . ' - j 1957 19. vCi - -(. p, Man-eglso- PA LM O II E I. n, ed new frontiers which will expand and develop your talent and ability. CO tC AT FOR SALE and elder- nd Branch of Utah State University CARD OF THANKS We extend to our friends and relatives our sincere thanks and appreciation for your kindnesses the and sympathy following death of our mother and sister. Especially do we thank those who participated in any way at the services, and for the beautiful floral tributes to her. Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reid and family Miss Etta Sidwell 10 acres North Meadow land. Write Don Jones, Members present included Mrs. Peach City Apts, No. 38, Brigham Louise Taylor, Mrs. Bessie Jack-ma- City or see Leon Howard, Mrs. Eva Stephensen, Mrs. Anna Shepherd, Mrs. Bessie Pay-struMrs. Verna Gardner, Mrs. EXCELLENT, efficient and ecoJessie Ann Wood, Mrs. Irene nomical, that's Blue Lustre carMangels on, Mrs. Marie Wood, Mrs pet and upholstery cleaner. Chapman Furniture, Nephi. Edna Hanson, Mrs. Reba Mrs. Florene Taylor, Mrs. Vivian Mangelson, Mrs. Virginia Howard, Mrs. Virgil Ghristensen, Mrs. Cora Wankier and Mrs. Pauline Mangelson. owers, the home-bouly folks of Levan. December Thursday, NEPHI. UTAH S. brilliant new 1958 1 ft i '0? Vfcy world's America'! Greatest Folding furniture Value! Givet You Extra Space and Convenience for Work or Ptoyt Sett Up Intlanlly Wherever, Whenever You Need HI fitJI finest Quality I a rich beautiful 1 S5 Set $4975 $13.95 Come in and see our beautiful new line of Samson Folding Furniture with baked enamel finish . . . electrically-weldetubular d steel construction . . . smart, table top, chair seats and backs ... in your choice of six glamorous decorator colors! Matching Chain, $8.95 each Fivo-Pio- chip-resista- At lew Ai vinyl-covere- $35.75 ' I & jiL r I j-- 3 n i like you've never enjoyed before! d Selt c -- rr TWO SVa" SPEAKERS for LANE CHESTS START at 49 95 See our outstanding collection each superbly styled and crafted Lane Each is by world-famolock with and equipped key, and with written moth - protection guarantee up to $1,000 on Deluxe models CONTINENTAL" Exterior in Blond Oak: also avaiUhl in nrl in mahogany, in Seafoam. Pearl Grav or Cordovan Walnut. Spacious drawer in base. Regular 104.95 NOW Q 8 finest automatic 4 speeds The Nocturne plus 16? 3 rpm teen 1", twelve tire unit shuts nn;n Model AP9B. Plays S3lA, 45, 78 rpm talking book speed records. Plays four10", ten 12 records automatically. Enoff after last record. Automatic' needle cartridge. Automatic Bass Boost. Tone control. Water and scuff resistant Durastron e Blue. AC only. covering in Two-Ton- Q Radio throughout the entire year by lightening her household duties . . "Gift" her a Hoover!! CITATION Reg. 138.95 Special Reg 79.95 LIKE TO K K TAKE 89.95 - Special 59.Q5 LIFE EASY? easiest I . tr A VARIETY OF ALL TYPES OF CHAIRS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES with NEW natural tranquilizer Calilounger wailing for yaw at - J Phonograph 4t 1 1 ""' :'"Jl - 4 SPEEDS The Serenade Model A550. Plays 33 Ms. 45. 78. and 162i rDtn records. Plays fourteen 7. twelve 10", ten 12 records automatically. Dual Needle Cartridge. Tone Control. Long: Distance Zenith AM chassis. Built-i- n Wavemagnet AM antenna. 45 rpm spindle included. In Mahogany or Blue and Gray colors. A AC only. Sg3 il' WE HAVE A LARGE ft 7 fl AUTOMATIC - LAniX f. the sound reproduction in a portable phonograph Make her Christmas Gift "longer hours of leisure" i ' I Most Useful Furniture Of All Dtux Toblo Other (ft' 8 DELUXE Five-Piec- e H r ' The Pied Piper Model AP7F. 2 front firing speakers for "big set" sound. Plays 1", 10, 12" records manually at 33" i, 45, 78, 16h' rpm. Dual Needle Car- AS LOW AS 7 Q5 i - AC only. CHILDRENS FURNITURE Tables and Chairs - R R R R - Doll Buggies Hi Chairs Rockers Cribs jr&s f kk nrj rmi w?r ra. r a arr ka.r ia V .9. fr:" : Jk &stfk ) 7' & ? controls. kit 2995 11 I tridge. Separate volume and tone The Music Maker Model AP6. Plays 7", 10", 12" records manually at 33' . 4". 78, ltis rpm. Dual Needle Cartridge. Separate volume and tone controls. Built-i- n 45 rpm spindle. In Red and White, Brown and Tan, Blue and Grav. , spindl only. !1 :- two-ton- fx automatic 4 speeds The Bandbox-Mn- rlpt AP8J. Plavs 335, 45, 78, 16?i rpm records. Plays fourteen 7", twelve 10", ten IS" records automatically. Entire set 14 turns off after last records. Automatic same speed 10" and 12" record intermix. Dual Needle Cartridge. Tone and volume controls. In at vnarcoai ana cream.. V 995 'A AC only. Built-i- n e 45 rpm Oreen. AC 3995 m " fjT.1. - J-'Z- -' L:"! J v.5, 1 tft-- 'IkJ i l - CiV;h7 1 . ... STURDY ROCKING ft HORSES IN SEVERAL MODELS ' C no money down easy terms r Carpets! W' knai sr, i w?,' risa r r w. r v rfr r & n?' A-- & .. ii.iiyjj UT |