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Show Universal KicrofilrtLng Corp. 1Z1 FierDorrt Avfinue Saltt Lake cityy Utah Holiday Games National Award Winkek On Slate for djSfr 19 . Wasps Team Single Copy, 10c The JHS gym will be site of three holiday week basketball games and the people of this area will have opportunity to see some of the best basketball teams in the state play the Wasps. On Dec. 21 the highly ranked Dixie Flyers will be here and the Wasps will be playing their best game in an effort to avenge their defeat at the hands of the Dixie team last Friday. On Dec. 26 the Payson Lions will play the Juab Wasps. defeated the Payson Wasps last year and this year's Juab players that played in that game are eager to even the standing against the Lions. On January 3 the League games for Region 9 will begin and the Juab Wasps will entertain the always dangerous Gunison Bulldogs. 8his will be the first league encounter for both teams and it Will be one that the Wasps must win. Season ticket sales have geen brisk and school officials urge basketball fans to get their tickets now to be assured of seating for the year's games. The support of the people of this area is invited. 9, 1 957 at Volume 48, Number 51 CFkllAn r a nr i i JPhlt and a i r. w Karl Dee ...... to nght: Nelson Jones, Ostler prince. king: "S ler Belsl" Is Carolyn Warner, oueanr Rayola theme of Friday evening affair. Senior Ball Royalty Announced The Juab High School Senior Ball will be held on Friday, December 20. The theme chosen by the Senior Class s "Silver Bells" and decorations of the gymnasium will be centered around this them. Reigning as "King" will foe Nelson Jones; with Carolyn Warner as "Queen". Princess and Prince for the afair are Rayola Russell and Karl Ostler. The floor show will be held at 10:30 with all Seniors participating. Acting as chairman of the decoration committee are Sonia Brown and Dennis Pay. In of the floor show are Launacharge Garrett and Rayola Russell. Richard Sudweeks nad Karl Ostler were in charge of the assembly held Wed Club Installs 2 New Members Times-New- s nesday, December 18. The dance will be held in the High school gymnasium at 9 p. m., and it will be Officers and members of the Senior Class extend an invitation to the general public to attend this dance. Senior Class Reporter, Launa semi-form- pre-holid- ay Garrett. T Nevada Officers For Murder Trial G. Ray Burtenshaw, Juab County agent for the past seven years was named president of me Utah Association of County Agricultural Agents. He succeeds Ray A. Thatcher, former Morgan County Agent who is now on leave of absence doing graduate work at the University of California at Davis. Mr. Burtenshaw from the San Juan High graduated .School, Bland-in- g and attended Divio Tnn College He received a B. S. de gree in agronomy at Utah State University in 1940. The new association president worked with the Soil Conservation Service in Carbon and Tm. ery Counties from 1939 to 1940 ttuu wiui me Agricultural Adjustment Administration in San Juan and Grand Counties from 1940 to He TOined me PMMUnnn Service as Weber County assist ant agent in y44 and became Pi ute agent the following vear. and during his service at Junction he aiso served as Bishop of the Junction ward. He has been Juab County Agent since March of ft' f k W id I I L G. Ray BurteJnshaw . . Heads County Agents' Organization An order was to have been issued Wednesday releasing two Juab County prisoners to Nevada authorities, according to Sheriff Raymond A. Jackson, who late Wednesday returned home after a day cf search for me weapons used in two murders in Nevada. Transferred to me Utah County Jail at Provo last B"riday, for security reasons were Raymond Wallace Shuman, 23, of Oaklawn, Illinois and Melvin Lee Rowland, 23 of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Both are AWOL from the Navy at San Diego and were arrested near me state line at 3 ajn. Utah-Neva- I n ' da afternoon-a- ll Friday after an night search in me edsolate Western Utah county. Nevada authorities Wednesday" filed murder charges against the two men charging the death with shooting in the head of Vernon Stallard, 30, Sparks Nevada truck driver. Stallard had apparently stopped to aid me two men. Authorities also located near Baker me body of Frank L. Mack-li- 1 n of Las Vegas, who is also thought to be one of the duo's vict- f i 1950. Issued jAtoctaboH Duo Released to Juab County's Agricultural Agent, and Home Derrn-ma- t Agent each was honored by their iraewijive organizations during the annual conference of me Utah State University Extension Service on the campus at Logan last week. Kussell, prmcess 49-4- December Juab Agent Is New Head of Association . In their three-gam- e series last week end, Juab dropped games to Richfield and Dixie, and won over a tough Hurricane five. The Wildcats of Richfield put on a terrific shooting exhibition to hand the Wasps a 6 defeat. The Wasps inability from the foul line proved to be their downfall. ine uixie-- j uao game was a "very poor" game and from the Wasps standpoint, it was their "worst" game of the season. The game with Hurricane was well played, and tight, with the score changing hands nine times. The bank board play of the Juab team was the "difference" as the Wasps won 52-5The defensive weakness and shooting are the major factors that the coaching staff is working on before the league opener on Nephi Juab County, Utah Thursday, 57 ' AiatiatuU CditoMnt ims. Juab and Millard Countv nenee Utah Highway officers, and Nevada officers joined patrol in the search fo rthe two men last Fri day alter John Erhard, Havre, Montana made is way to Lynndyl to report that me two mrn haH robbed him of his car, and money and had forced him out of the car near Champlain, north of Lynndyl. The men were bound over to the Fifth District Court, and until the other developments arose were to have faced trial here.they He and Mrs. Burtenshaw, the former Miss Jessie Savage of have five sons and Mrs. Velyn Stevens . . Juab Next Tuesday Morning He is second counselordaughters. Home Agent officer of group in the Juab Stake presidency, and is an active member of the Garden club. iNexit week's issue of The January 3. Times-New-s Mrs. Stevens was elected vice Unemployment Checks to will be published David L. Bailey and Kenneth .T president of the Utah Associatfor distribution on Tuesearly, LEVAN The School Levan ion of Home Agents during the Be Issued Here Sperry were installed as memThe issue will will morning. a Christmas program convention. Today Fowkes Funeral Held at bers of the Nephi Kiwanis Club day a Greeting issue, in mepresent pe primarily Ward on December Chapel at me regular meeting held on dlt was announced today. 19, at 7:30 p. Representatives of the Utah Mona Ward Wednesday Wednesday of last week, it was Club reporters are urged to m. lhursday evening, State Department of Employment reported Tuesday. The program "Li vine Christmas Alumni Assembly Set security wui be in Nephi this Mr. Bailey is associated in the nave ineir material to office on Satur Carols" is under me direction of Funeral services were conductmorning (Thursday) to Drocess e Company and Mr. day, if possible, and the office the faculty. For 1:30 pm Friday claims for unemployment compened Wednesday at Mona for John The oast includes: is Sperry manager of the Juab will be open, until 6 p.m. Satur- Mother, Linda Willam sation. Leonard Fowkes. 74, who died ae uounty Father, Company. Both Those who have filed in recent News his residence at Starr Saturday are sonsAbstract Graduates of Juab Hich Srfmnl Wankier; Bob.. Alan Dalbv: of former members of day. win oe and advertising Jack Rhea Charles Adolph Mangelson, 87, Poulsen and Jim, John and its predecessor, Nephi High weeks should call at the City Hall died Sue, wpy accepted: Monday night of a heart ailment. the club. at the family residence in between 9 a. m. and 12 noon. All as as we can take it, probnate Mr. Fowkes was born at Nephi are Morgan. invited School, to in the join J arrett was speaker at ably up to 3 p. m. Residents of those filing for their first claims Levan last Thursday. Funeral was Nov. 9, 1883, to John and Lucy me Robert the annual Alumna Immediately profollowing be to assembly ciud meeting, giving a resume the East Juab conducted Monday. Bond Fowkes. He married Maude of his County area are gram, Santa Claus will greet the held at the Auditorium Friday at should call at the City Hall at recent LDS mission tn invited to Mr. Mangelson was born July 5, 1 pan. 1:30 p m, it was announced their and present them to items young Hoyt June 2, 1909 in the Salt Western Canada, and phone people today telling of the respective correspondents The service will continue each 1870 at Brigham City, to Charles treat. Lake Temple. He was a rancher contusions mere. by Keith Worth inston. nresident Fredrick and Eliza Nielspn Man or me Alumni association. and farmer at Starr for the past at 200, Mrs. James Thursday until further notice. It was announced that the an. R.oe Uibson at gelson. He married Emma Niel The 46 years. Mona Central Mr School or Nenhi at Stanley Worth 0485J1, announced ington that ula Kiwanis Kid's party for the or Miss Olive sen Jan. 4, 1899 at the" Manti Survivors include his widow, one cnuaren, Taylor at Levan 'wm present tneir annual Christ prizes wui be given to the eldest Temple. He was an Elder in the grandchildren and in- 0496R4 as early mas on as Alumni Fridav son, Earl; three daughters: Mrs. vited guests, program member present, and to Sunday Deadline for evening possible. LDS church and active in Levan was to be held Nephi items also December Lucille Holladay of New York, on Monday at 7:30 be 20, tne me class may p.m. in the phoned having highest numward. Survivors are his widow, me Juab Mrs. Blanch Sloward, Magna, Mrs All Kiwanis evening. December 23 10 jl school oer week end. ot auditorium. The High its members present. during Santa Yisifs three sons and three daughters: members are urged tneme is "Christmas Around the Olive Stanley of Orem; 19 grand- to be in attendance The program will consist of Jaycees Thanks for your cooperation! Mrs. Karl D. Zaugg, with their World". Each class varied children and four great grandwill act out numbers Officials of the Neohi Junior Mrs. Karl M. Newton, Clearfield; Austin M. some ways Christmas is observed children. Also surviving are two guests. Chamber of Commerce have set Mangelson, Salt Lake City; Glen in 11 different countries. brothers: Heber and T. G. FowMrs. Ida Sanders of Ogden is Open House Attended C. a deadline of Sunday, 5 p. m. Mangelson, Provo, Mrs. James Mrs. Anderson's ctoud will tell four sisters: Mrs. Mayme visiting in kes; for their "Christmas Evening P. Christensen and Vern MangelNephi with her son in us how Christmas is celebrated in Nephi Contralto Member "Santa Salisbury, Mrs. Lucy Parkin, and law and daughter, son of Levan, 28 grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Claus visits". This dead Mrs. LaVere Haynes, all of Ne- Sam By Large Number Sunday Palestine today. The Fourth Of New Chorus Group line is necessary so that Santa's 11 great grandchildren, Hayes, and with her son three sischildren in Miss Black phi and Mrs. Ella Tolley, of Rig-b- aaugnter in law, Mr. and and grade route can be mapped out and ters and two brothers. Mrs, Idaho. a : win , i Glade Sanders. aiiig vjemian .. . Hn.: riavMULK UlKTli 1MI CI i lift TrWlf n NEW YORK CITY ck.rr The the various mothers o fthe com National Chorus an of America an munity given definite time arwas written. Mr. Old wight" 17iv ii in. mn """ . . was ,rrerauy' of tv nounce dthis week that Miss Anna rangements for me groups to be us wiu ys take nf m,. ba . morgan to Belgium to their Christmas fes Julia Hoyt of Nephi, Utah, had assembled. rlw Ton Sunday, where Those wishing the over 250 frino been appointed ui-.- j to understudy visits of Santa Claus may call CXtend in contralto soloist new the f vocal ivities be reviewed , ftl116! by Mr. ensemble. eiuiwr oi me iouowmg Jaycees: i10"01 uple, Mr. Ferre's class and me colorful aiiu ivirs. o. ti. JUOd. Miss Hoyt i a daughter of Bert Gore at 606; Maurice TolHvol in TtQl .;n i I j C. Judge Two the couple four d- - Mr! and Mrs ,111 L. Hoyt of ley, 447M; Don Beck at 630 or n: Mrs. Morean.' and Rmhert t. Dean Shaw at 560J . iNepni. A suggested minimum of 10 g've ..PH. Judd of OomDton. CWMnT- ,T"T. "!u. Regarded as one of me most cmiaren their families were able to is asked by Jaycee of in recent important undertakings musical history, the National ficials for the visits. Mrs. Gadd's graae; U?L. , japan, a. Tw hm ,oe Chorus of America is comDosed of -' BracKen Db : fkwvera l ", T il . .. ot me finest professional chor ul Mr. e Jones Mexico, rZ. Llvrt ttViKo al voices in me country. Widely Hoyts Fly to New York onosen rrom me states and ter 1(J,UJUl Broueh of Netihi ritories, the new grout) is soon- - For Christmas Vacation wux cornconclusion a be . ln.e . W?JZ tT" Eliasn nt sored by the United States Brew340 voices sing- ers Foundation. Mrs. Morgan and "2lavorae carols. luur v. . .TiiHH Judge and Mrs. Will L. Hovt me i oiiaimienis in Now in constant rehearsal, the and Miss Marsha Hoyt assisted Marv charge, by chorus is preparing for a national were daughter, Mar. t scheduled to leave Salt Lake as a tour concert t i attraction. bajor SST Services Scheduled at Thursday morning by Msis Hoyt is at present Utah's City for a Christmas vacation plane with . r airs, juaa s three : topcme new in " singrepresentative family members in the East. Their Iva Millward of Las .Vrnfi w LM wwiiMiVWl amr(AV jDHna ing society. include attendance at a "a. J She is a graduate of the Brte- - plans presentation of "Bach's Christmas Vernon LaVard Snow . . to ham at Young Provo University, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Fowkes . . Wed 60 years, to be honored Oratorio" at New York Citv on practice law ihere. and has at studied School Juillard evening, where their ent. also Mr. Elvason and Mr. Sav- of Music in New York City, the Thursday Miss Harder. Anna Julia daughter, Hoyt Joins EkaAyn Anderson iviannes school and at Tanele will Mr. Mrs. Heber 1. Fowkes T1 name ln Payson Tues- 1. sing me contralto role. Capt Manv anA Honored calls wood in Massachusetts. She a has neart ent. M. Mrs. and C. Mrs. HarOlsen will were host ibeen a soloist with the Mannes the family at Alexandria, Va. on In Practice of Law fTOm id Park of and Juillard orchestras, has sune Christmas and on Golden Wedding Anniversary and Mrs. Judd of San Lorenzo. California Judge .... .. with the American Concert Soc ' Announcement has been made we Place son of the coutile.. iioyt ana daughter will go to VU the Center Ballet a.o iety, chor ri viix" 'if Tiimav City rrm vi londa for the by of r their wedding Attorney EksAyn Anderson J A familv d nner w hoW, The family of Mr. and Mrs. .wheer they lived until ia 4",, us, church choirs and chorus son William on December 28. UIllu services. that Attorney Vernon IjiVapH j Xivi r"v .iiiirt i . nun Heber J. Fowkes will honor them wnen tney moved to Nephi. They at tvwre iivHjiKj vju iV groups. ii Snow is now associated with him on their Golden Wedding anniver at xen cniidren, December 18 for the immedUfo in the general practice of law. iJiujy v, " and members relatives In wnmn are suu 11 vine' family Mr. Snow, a graduate of the News Briefs sary on December 21, Saturday, John W. oFwkes, Lions Club Hears First Salt Lake C4ty: observance of the exact wedding Nephi Services Mona at of Utah accounting and University Friday at the Mona Ward hall at 7:30 Gerald V .dniimih. date. iZ.' r law school, is a member Mrs. J .. Walter Paxman w of the Bank Officer Security For Mrs. Byron fvans Utah State Bar association. iirfU guest of her daughter. Mm He marriod December 18, 1907 in the Mrs. Ralph (Alice) will be in Nephi the fore part i UK ran on iaturday when sait Lake Temple. Funeral Here Nuys, services will for held ; they be Leonard Mrs. Reid California; ofifoer Jacob, trust Alex Funeral for of each week, it was announced. attended me Junior Chamfhof Mr. Fowkes was born at Ne (Melba) Cowan, Mona ward chapel Fridav at 1 the First Security Bank was the Mrs A native of Cardston, Alberta, phi February 26, 1882, a son of Marvin (Bessie) Layton; . m. . . -. cuumtu for ivioxnMrs. J i MerenHa Catherine at the December 12 meet- Canada, Mr Snow Park, Grand speaker vul OI rown relatives iers ana Daughters Christmas Evans 71 who died served in John and Lucy Bond Fowkes. Mrs. Coulee Dam, 'T ofthe at the ing Lions club held LDS Brazilian mission. Hethe Sunday Nephi Fowkes was bom Julv 24. IRSfi nt Mrs. Spencer Washington; and and friends here for the services luncheon held at me Aviati is i,,k family residence ln Mona. at the Snak Shak cafe. VV. unmarried. (Mabel) Kay, of Wednesday for Mrs. Susie in Salt Lake City The luncheon Nephi. a daughter of John Reuben Mona. They also Friends may call at Anderson Hanson, chairman of the Roy Reid were Mr. M Mr. club's and Anderson tables vat. and Mr were Snow will and Susan Tolley Downs. attractively decorated Funeral Home Thursday evening, Finance Committee, was in First Lieutenant Tanner, Marjorie, Gayle and Reid with gold and charge occupy the office here formerly Mr. Fowkes fulfilled a mission grandchildren: copper Christmas and at the chapel from 11 a.m. un- of the program. John W. Carter, El Paso, Texas of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. trees. occupied by the late P. N. AnderIdaho; for the Church of Jesus Christ of and Mrs Lynn til time of services. Other visitors for the evening son, Chase Ellsworth Hansen nt Rait who practiced law in Nephi Latter-da- y A special program was preSaints to the Southern of Nephi. They (Kathryn) Mrs. Evans was born at CVvaKor. were members of the - City; Mr and Mrs. Frank Tranthave 29 rrand35 Springville States. He worked in the Sunday children and four years for the pared prior to his death two event. Dr. k 9ugust 12, 1886 to John Y. and and Edgemont Lions Clubs. great grand- er of Murray; Mrs. Roy Bachelor School and M.I.A., in the Mona children. years ago. T. Fowler gave the Julia Johnson Jasperaon. Married Rulon vice iu Broadhead, miss joie Bachelor of Salt Christmas message. A Ward. He also served as a memAll and relatives are group of Byron Evans June 27. loin in of the club, took chargepresident of the Mrs. Roy Blackett and daught-e- r ber of the Juab Stake High Coun- invited friends .i0ty; Mrs Evelyn Monroe songs were given by the Junior Salt Lake City. to attend. They respect- and Mrs Survivors are in the absence of PresidEst el la Chipman of Pro- Camber of Commerce Men's ner meeting Mrs. Vivian Searles and' two cil, and both Mr. and Mrs. Fowk- fully request no A. ent nuszand, Mrs. Mr. vo; gifts. Dean Winn. oig daughter: and Mrs. James E. Reid chorus, of which Duane C. es have served as ordinance workMr. and Mrs. LaMar children, Lucille s The Hill of Joins The clubSs Hedley Reno, their Ann, Gregry, Kevin and Darcey husband of Nevada; Christmas program Blackett and two children, all of ers in the Manti Temple. Corrine, was the sons: many friends and relatives In and wenaen, York Ladies jnpw and night will be held at Salt Lake City spent Sunday in Spanish Fork, Mrs. James D...M r ., m itxtvo: Shortly after their marriage extending best wishes on this also Js president jMuaiu Green and rMs. Roger Peterson ih Brand. KA V llafe rr rwtr.nmiw. oe : club. Christmas favors They viisted with Mrs. they moved to a farm at Starr weer children and 8 great grandchild- - was announced at the meeting.' An Nephi. of Ephralm. Florence Beat and son Bruce, and given to the mothers. rcn. out standi ncra nmnrnm with J. Earl Greenhalgh. f " ' . . i lak, r.ln,L) pioiuicu. 0. To Be Schools Slate Xmas Programs Hy-ru- Services Held for Levan Resident Bailey-McOun- y, LI id . - j,;r ?to J early-evenin- rwl 0 "mSS . - I JT SSJSf cSffiaRwepri telam, rZiA Saturday rvnw ?' I i,. ... hLTt w . r''a alusi" tobe s'e- Dr. - fu fit I L ShT i Roiv A- g f MTtST , ST and - ! --1 i. ... T .u Fen-wic- Times-New- con-dictp- r- Mr-JU- . I -- , f |