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Show f THE Page Six Delinquent Tax List for Juab County for 1957 TIMES-NEW- S. Beg. at NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk 3 and 4, T. 13 S., R. 1 E., S. L. 26, Plat B.. Nephi Townsite Sla M., th. W. 5 rds., N. 18 rds.. 23 214 Iks.. E. 5 rds.. S. 18 rds. 23 Iks. vey, th. E. 212 ft. to a 95160 Ac. .... $8.53 ft W. of the NE. cor. of Lot to beg. Cont 2 3., tli. S. 214.5 ft. to a Edgar K. Haas, Carrie A. Haas, L. to S. line of N. Yi of said Lot 3, th. W. 73 ft. th. N. 107.25 .... $79.69 ... ft. to beg Loa John P. Langenbacker and Kis-zak S. Langenbacker care of Lou of corner Beg. at NE. Lot 4. Blk. 37. Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. I ras., W. 13 rds. N. 7 rds.. E. 13 rds. $1,005.24 to bee. Earl Carter, Harriet te E. Car Com. 7 rds ter. Joint Tenants S. from the NE. corner of Lot 4, Blk. 37, Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e Survey, th, W. 6Vi rds., th. rds. th. N. 40 S. 40 ft., th. E. 6 ft. to beg Earl Carter. Harriett E. Car ter. Joint Tenants Beg. 7 rds. S. and 7 rds. W. of NE. corner Lot 4, Blk. 37, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 3 rds. W. 6 rds. N. 3 rds.. E. fa rds. to beg. Joint Tenants Beg. an established rock cor. at the SW. cor. of the SE. 14 of the SE. 14 of Sec. 21, T. 10 S., R. 1 E., SLM., th. running N. lyoi ft, th. E. 2640 ft., th. S 2640 ft th. E 1444 ft.to the W.bdy line of RR RofW. th. following curve off sd. R.ofW. S ly to a pt 4090 ft. E. and 2068 ft. S. of the Kendall, 3396 ft. N. of pt pt of lot December Thursday, NEPHI. UTAH 1957 19, 'along E. side of railroad R. of ft N. of N. side of Belliston W. 87.57 rds., E. 11.57 rds., S. Lane and on the W. side of U. 1315' E. 16 rds., S. 71.36 rds., S. Highway 91, which pt. is the W. 16.5 rds. to beg. Cont. 8.77 NE. cor. of Grantees' property, $18.28 and also which pt. is approx. 587.6 Ac. Com. 20 ft S. and 16 rds. 9 Iks E. of NW. Don Carlos Boswell rds. E. and 11 rds. 2214 Iks. S. cor. of SW. 14 of Sec. 9, T. 13 S., of the NW. corner of SE. 14 of R. 1 E-- S.L.M., th. N. along W. Sec 32, T. 12 S., R. 1 E., S. L. side of sd. highway 29 ft., th. M., th. S. 16 rds. 414 Iks. E. 41 W. 220.4 ft., th. S. 29 ft. to NW. rds N 16 rds. 4tt Iks., W. 41 cor of Grantees' property, th. E. rds. to beg. Cont 4 23160 Ac. 220.4 ft. along N. line of Grantees' $4.28 property to W. line of sd. highand place of beg. Cont. in Don Carlos Boswell, Fontella way 1.04 acres $133.78 M. Boswell, Joint Tenants Beg. all State of Utah care of Arlean 20 rds. E. and 52 rds. S. of the All NW. corner oft he SE. V of Sec. Vickers Barrett14 14 interest of the SW. 14 32, T. 12 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M., of the SW. th. E. 41 rds., S. 17 rds., W. of Sec. 4, T. 13S, R. 2 E, S. L. $10.50 41 rds., N. 17 rds. to Beg. Cont. M. Cont 40 Ac State of Utah care of Arlene 4 57160 Ac $11.28 Vickers Barrett 14 interest D. C. Boswell, Fontella M. Bos Com. S. of Sec 5, Com. 48 T. 13 at R. E.2 corner well, joint tenants E., S. L. M., th. rds. 1814 Iks. S. of the NW. cor. N. 80 S, W. 32 rds. 1314 Iks. ner of the SE. 14 of Sec. 32, T. S. 27" rds., W. 36 rds. N. 66" W. 7 12 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M., th. E. rds. N. 25" W. 8 rds. N. 52" W. ia rds., 17 Iks.. S. 20 rds. 24 Iks 27 S. 73 rds. 10 Iks. E. 80 W. 19 rds. 14 Iks.. N. 20 rds rds. rds. to beg. Cont. 35 Ac. $5.06 1814 Iks. to bee. Cont. 2 89160 State of Utah care of Arliean : Ac $2.53 Vickers 14 interest D. C. Boswell. Fontella M. Bos The N. I2Barrett, of NE. hi of Sec. the well, Joint Tenants Beg. 48 8, T. 13 S., R. 2 E., S.L.M. Cont. rds. 1814 Iks. S. of the NE. cor 80 Ac $1.56 ner of the SW. of Sec. 32, T. 12 of Utah care of Arliean S., R. 1 E.. S. L. M.. th. W. 20 V. State 14 All of interest ras. 8 iKs.. s. 20 rds. 614 Iks., the Barrett of the NW. 14 of Sec. N. E. 20 rds. 11 Iks.. N. 20 rds. 9, 13 T. 2 L. M. S. R. E., 12 Iks., to beg. Cont. 2 63160 Cont. 80 S., Ac $2.53 Ac $2.33 James C. Aaeard. Reva A. En JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT 3, Joint Tenants ft. W. of the SE. cor. Beg. at 14 cor th. W. 212 ft, th. N. 214.05 ft ner between Sees. 3 and 4. Two, to beg $3,736.20 13 S., R. 1 ., S.L.M. th. S. 8 I the rds. 9 Iks., W. 10 rds. 2 Iks., N. S. George Harold Park undersigned Mabel D. Christison, of Lots 1 and 2. Blk. 28, Plat B, 8 rds 3 Iks. E. 10 rds. to Beg County Treasurer of Juab County ....$1.20 place of beg., th. W. 2770 ft., th. Nephi Townsite Survey .... $44.00 hereby give public notice that the Robert K. Anderson and Donna N. 2068.5 ft., th. W. 1320 ft. to following named persons are deBOOK N. 14 Anderson, Joint Tenats the place of beg. includes parcel linquent in the payment of genTOWN of Lot 4, Blk. 28. Plat B, Nephi in sec. , T. 10 S., R. 1 E., eral and all special or other taxes John B. Anderson All of Lot S.L.M Towsite Survey $697.02 to the amount set opposite their $143.12 Blk. 11, Plat A. Levan Town- John L. Fowkes and L. Earl Clarence C. ' Cowan, Eudee I 3, respective names on the property site $33.42 Survey Fowkes 8 and All Lots reference of at Tenants 7, 6, being hereby indicated, Cowan, Joint Beg. Elinor P. Johnson. Life Estate. 9 and the SW. 14 of the NE. Yl. made to the assessment roll for NE. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 29, Plat the respective amounts which go B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. care of Eugene J. and Mary Daley of Sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., All of S.L.M. Cont. 229.70 Ac. $17.89 to make up the whole amount of W. 13 rds., th. S. 60 ft., th. E. 13 Aagard, Joint Tenants John L. Fowkes $73.07 Lot 4, Blk. 14. Plat A. Levan Beg. at NE. delinquent taxes nereinarter set rds., th. N. 60 ft. to beg Townsite $32.42 corner of the SE. 14 of the NW. Survey forth, and the same ia hereby David E. Salisbury, Ida W. Sal1. Carter and Zella H. of Sec. 4. T. 11 S.. R. 1 E.. ueraid made a part ot this notice. ..... $21.05 isbury, Joint Tenants, care of Carter, Joint Tenants Unless said delinquent taxes, toBeg. at S. L. M.. th. W. 24 rds. 9tt ft. at NE. Col cor, lard Beg. Emry svw. corner or Lot 2, Blk. 16, to E. side of State and Countv Keith S. Scott Beg. at SE of Lot gether with costs and penalty, are Blk. 4, Plat C, Nephi Plat .4, Levan A Survey, oRad, th. SW'ly following E. side paid before tTJday, the loth day cor. of Lot 1. Blk. 42, Plat Townsite Survey, th. S. 116.5 ft th. N.A, 17514 ft.,Townsite E. 13 rds.. S. 01 said road of January, 1958, I shall, pursuant Nephi .Townsite Survey, th. W. to a to the N. line of 98 ft. N. of SE. cor. 17514 ft. W. 13 rds. point to 73 73 N. E. th. 115 ft., to Section Utah Code tt of sd. Lot 4, th. W. 155 ft, N James ft., th. beg. 91.76 the SW. 14 of the SW. 14 of 115 S. ft. to $65.25 All of th. Annotated 1953, sell the said real beg 4, T. 11 S.; R. 1 E., S.L.M., ft to a pt. 107.25 ft, S. of Lot 4, Blk. 23.Morgan A. Levan Sec. Jennie L. Warren, care of Paul 9.25 th. E. 101 rds. lYt ft. to NE. cor property upon which taxes are a line ol sd. Lot 4, th. E. 47.75 Townsite Survey. Plat N. W. E. 71 S. of Also ft. 614 Smith to man Beg. lien ner of the SE. 14 of the SW. 14. Juab County, in the beg. ft. th N. 107.25 ft. to N. line ras. or in w. of Lot 3 th. N. 160 rds. to beg. Cont. 70 ner prescribed by law, for such Cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 47, Plat A of sd. lot 4, th. E. 107.25 ft. to Blk. 23, Plat A. corner E. th. Levan Townsite Townsite and Survey, taxes, penalty costs, except- Nephi . $106.94 $67.96 Survey, th. E. 614 rds. th. S. 12 ac. jyi. or 1. Less 8 ing only such property as is held 71.5 ft., th. N. 151 ft., th. W. beg John L. Fowkes All of lot 2. rds., Ida C. Sanders Beg. at NE. to W. 614 151 th. 71.5 S. ft. 12 th. $69.46 N. rds. th the a beg under by ft, County prior corner ot sec. , T. 11 S., R. 1. Blk. 15, Plat C. Nephi Townsite rds. to Robert M. Sperry $47.00 Beg. 129 beg preliminary tax sale. S. L. M., th. S. 20 rds. W. $94.12 Sherwood. Laura Nell E., Said sale will be made on Fri- ft. N. of the SW. corner of Lot Survey Stanley 120 rds., S. 20 rds.. W. 40 rds.. 136 Sherwood, Joint Tenants John J. Williams Beg. Town 2. Com. Blk 50, Plat 10th of A, the Nephi day day January, in and 112.5 E. of SW at NW. corner of Lot 3. Blk. 23. N. 40 rds., E. 160 rds. to betr. 1958. site Survey, th. E. 88.5 ft. M. or it. Cont. 2 5Ac. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 17, Plat C, Plat $30.92 A, Levan Townsite Survey, Dated this 13th day of Decem- L., th. N. 40.5 ft. to a pt. 43 tt John 1. . Bee. at NW. Nephi lownsite Survey, th. E. tn. 12 rds.. th. corner of Fowkes th. S. ras., S. of N. line of Lot 2, W. 88.5 90 ty2 ber, 1957. Sec. 9, T. 11 S., R. 1 to a pt. which is 12 ft W. 6V4 rds.. th. N. 12 rds. to and Arvard J. Aagard ft. to W. line of Lot 2, S. 40.5 W. tt. BOOK "C" (Signed) of E. t,., a. Lt. m., tn. S. 326.25 ft., th. gland of sd. Lot 3, th. beg Com. 40 rds. W. from the SE $19.24 N. 78.5 ft. line $45.73 MABEL D. CIIRJSTISON, ft. to beg M. Brown, Mildred C. 200.35 E. ft. to Douglas center of to N. line of the sd corner of high Sec. R. T. 12 29, Worwood W. of Lot way, th. N. 2239' E. 353.15 S., Treasurer of Juab County Robert Winn Beg. 5 rds. W. Lot Joint Tenants Beg. at a th. W. ft. to a pt. 2, Gay 3E. S. L. th. N. 240 rds. W. Brown, Blk. 28, Plat A. Levan Town- - ft. Utah of SE. corner of Lot 1, Blk. 51 which3., is 112.5 90 (Seal) 55 rds. 16 Iks. N. of the SF. th. W. 335.5 ft. to beg. Cont. isu ras., s.M.,240 pt. ft. E. of NW. E. rds. 120 rds. site Survey Date of Publication: Dec. 19, 1957 Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, cor. of sd. Lot $72.65 2 Ac $50.36 to beg. Cont. 180 Ac. An undiv corner of the SE. 14 of Sec 1, 3, th. S. 78.5 ft Virl Worwood, Oneita B. Wor th. W. 57.5 ft., N. 9 rds., E. to 13 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M., ti. L. Fowkes and L. Earl ided John $3.01 beg 13 interest each .... $14.00 T. of Fowkes E. 57.5 ft., S. 9 rds. to beg wood, Joint Tenants BOOK "A", NEPHI CITY $7.22 W. 97 rds. 17 Iks., N. 71 rds. E. i8 All of olts 1, 2 3 4 S. L. Mae Keneth James Aaeard. Conrad Arvard Wright. Lot Blk. 28. A. 2, Levan 5, 6. All of the S. Plat Frank G. Peterson, Verla T. Lily Painter Com at SE. corrds. 5 Iks M. or L. to a pt. :5 of NW.'l4! Joint Tenants The lownsite Survey Wright, $101.31 the NE. 14 of the SW. Y of Sec. Andrew J. Aagard, Annie Reva rds. S. of the NW. corner of ner of Lot 2, Blk 1, Plat A, Nephi Peterson, Joint Tenants care of South said of Lot 21. 3. Blk 13 Plat All of Aagard the of SW. D. Ballow M Tillie Townsite Survey, th. W. 13 rds., John M. Ludlow Sr., Beg. at NE. Henry R. 1 E., S. L. M. Uie sec 10, T. 11 r. iv c r q tj; SE. 14 th S. 1 rd. 18 Iks., E. 6 All of Cont. 400.40S., Ac th. N. 12 Vi rds., th E. 13 rds., corner of Lot 4, Blk. 51, Plat C, Nephi Townsite Survey $70.97 Ballow, Life Tenants 18 rds. 1 S. Iks. 7 rd. $31.11 S. L. M.. Cont. 160 Ac. XlnAMci. Iks., W. Alexander Park. Miriam H, Lot 1, Blk. 29. Plat A. Levan tn. s. rds. to beg 2 rds., S. 2 rds. E. 2 rds. S. 66 $47.51 A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. Park, Joint Tenants Leon Newton 14 ed 13 interest NW. Edgar care Leon of 12.44 each Townsite 56.73 W. lOO 60. W tt., th. Survey ueorge C. Sperry of the SE. 14 of Sec. 16, T. 11 Beg. at N. tt, th. N. rds. M. or L. to a pt. 6 rds. 18 Boulter The S. Y of Lot James Conrad Aaeard A E. Cor of Lot 4, Blk. 2, Plat A, ft. to the N. line of said Lot 4, ardBlk. Doyle W. Beard and Ella Faye S., R. 1 E., S. L. M. Cont. 40 Andrew Iks., E. of place of beg. th. W. Tow-sit- e 3, 34, Plat J. C, Nephi 100 Annie Reva 126 E. th. ft. to Aagard, Tenants Joint $6.01 Beard, beg Beg. 6 rds. 18 Iks. to Ac Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S $12.83 beg. Description $35.48 ot Survey Lots All 3 4, w. and P. 2, 214.5 ft. to S. line of sd. Lot 4, cor. Aagara ot 1. Blk. P. of Lot rt SE Burton, Lilly May Wright, Gerald Newton, Ross Newton the SE. 14 of the SW V. r.f includes parcel in Sec. 6, T. 13 Dell Steele of Lot 30, Plat A, Levan Townsite Sur The N. th. W. 114.5 ft. th. N. 214.5 ft, Kate P. Burton, Eva P. Jones, 1 and S. Newton Earl R. S. 115 L. M. Cont. 46 E., rds Blk. Beg. C. 3, 34, Plat o". 1. Nephi Town- vey, th W. 88.5 ft., M. or L., to 20 Iks. N. of K. 3 E., S. L. M. 66160 N. 14 of th. E. 114.5 ft to beg $49.28 care of Alan Ostler Ac the SW. corner 160 Acres. S., Undivided site $99.56 $56.83 Survey F lorence W. V4 Lot Blk. inter of 13 th. N. sd: 6 4, Plat 13 Howard A, 55, Lt, Beg. Nephi of the SW. 14 of Sec. 29, T. 11 est eacn Franklin P. Greenhalgh, ClarH. Johnson E. of rds. bdry. smsq M. or L. to N. bdry of sd. S., R. 1 rds. N. of SE. corner of Lot 1, Townsite Survey $101.94 E. Urnn 14 of Lot 2, Blk. 36, Plat C, E., S. L. M., th. E. All of the James C. Aaeard Rwa A A ence Greenhalgh Kate Ingram Wolf Blk. 7, Plat A, Nephi Townsite All of Lot, th. E. 88.5 ft.. M. or L. to 13 52 rds. 12 Iks., th. SW. 1S. NW. 14 of the NE. 14 of Sec ana lownsite Survey .... $37.59 Ji.ng.iana, Arvard J. a Aaeard N. 13 due of S. th. pt. Beg., Survey, th. W. 282 ft., N. 3 113 Lot 2, Blk. 59, Plat A, Nephi iNepru 8 rds. 23 Iks., th. W.N. 13 52 rds .' The SE14 of SE v. 21, T. 13 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M., Bee-- , at iNadine u. Johnson M. or L. to beg rds. E. 282 ft., S. 3 113 rds. to Townsite Survey $8.39 12 Iks., th. N. 8 rds. 23 Iks. to T. 12 $29.77 SW. corner of Lot 2, Blk. 36, rds. S.. R. 3 E S t. ivt aA Cont. 40 Ac $4 67 Lois L. Olsen G. M. Worwood NE. at Beg. 84.5 ft. oeg. ... Beg. $48.11 Jont. 3.55 Ac Thomas P. Kendall and Ada $21.98 fvures. An undivided 13 interest Lester H. Belliston, Leona P. S. of the NE. corner of Lot 4, Plat C. of Nephi Townsite Sur- cor. of Lot 1. Blk. 38. Plat A. beg. B. Kendall, Joint Tenants Earl Newton, Gerald Newton v?1 th. E. 107.25 to SE. cor. Levan l ownsite Beg. $3.11 th. S. 56 and Belliston, Joint Tenants Beg. Blk. 59, Plat A, Nephi Townsite vey,W. 14 of said ft. rds. S. of NE. comer of Ross Newton uunes . Aagard, Keva A. En- 67 23 Lot 2, th. N. tt. th. W. 105 It.Survey, Beg. 115 rds at NW. corner Lot 3, Blk. 17, Survey, th. W. 13 rds., S. 65 ft., of S. 2 ft., th. 20 th. 14 of Sec. 26, T. 13 NE. Iks. N. of bo W. SE. R 1 th. and 107.25 corner S., ft. of to W. J. Arvard SE. gland asrari W. 21 ft., th. N. 58 ft., th. E. Y4. Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 13 rds., th. N. 65 ft. to line It.,ot W., S.L.M., th. W. 160 rds., th. Sec. 30, T. 11 S.. R. 1 E.. S 13 interest each said Lot 2, th. S. 60 ft. 126 All of the S. th. E. 6 rds. S. 13 rds., W. 6 rds., beg to $9.92 $6.37 beg 56 13 rds., th. E. 160 rds., L. M., th. N. 78 W. 52 rds., S. to. beg 01 the SE. 14, the N. $31.57 N. 13 rds. to beg 84.50 Rebecca Grant All of Lot 1, 332' Beg. at Morgan W. Lunt Y2 of the W. 156.75 ft, th. S. 78 Frank L. Tollev and Lamranp Blk. SE. 14, the S. Yz of the th. N. 56 13 rds. to beg. $116.09 Arnold Brough, Ida B. Brough, NE. corner of Lot 3, Blk. 59, Townsite Levan Plat 42, A, James Conrad Aagard, Arvard E. 52 rds. 12 Iks., N. 166.75 ft to NE. 14, the SE. M. of the tmw u Bee. S. Joint Tenants of Lot flax A, Nepm lownsite Survey, H. Tolley, Joint Tenatsn $27.92 Survey Also beg and the NE. 14 of the SW. hi of Andrew J. and Annie Reva beg. Cont. 3.17 ac. 4, Blk. 19, Plat A, Nephi Town- - th. W. 6.5 rds. th. S. 8 23 rds., 60 rds. 2 Iks. E. ad 49 rds. 1 lk. All of 3. Lot Rebecca Grant of SW.14 of Sec.l, T13S. N.. ot SW. cor. of SE. Keo. Blk. ins. in. and 78"W. ow. w, 1. 12 S., K. 3 E., S. L. R. 4 xxj site Survey 42, Plat A, Levan Townsite 56 $43.60 th. E. 6.5 rds., th. N. 8 23 rds. W., S. L. M. Cont. 80 Ac. T. 12 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M., rds. from SE. corner of S.E m. jont. 280 Ac 21.78 An Reese Painter, Fred L. Painter to beg $57.13 32, $6.08 Survey undivided 13 interest each in N. 4 rds. 5 Iks. th. E. 19 rds. Com. at a pt 6 rds. 1214 Iks. Elmer Hill. Ruth A. Hill J. Gayle Yorgason. Cleve P. th. H. Carter and Zella Car of Sec. 30, T. II S., R. 1 E., S. Ree above tn. . 4 rds. 5 Iks., th. W 19 ter,Gerald m.- in. w. $3 11 ivi., S. of NE. corner ft., th. at the 14 corner between sees. 3 of Lot 4, Blk. Johnson All of Lot l.. Joint Tenants r 1 Olir Beg. 50 ft. S. of NW. rds. to C "The Se!" 14 of x w. io Aagard beg $45.85 n., in. S. IS E. ana 21, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Sur- corner of Lot 3, Blk. 61, Plat A, 1: 13 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M xuRe7 Blk. Town- Plat 42, Levan A, the 14 NE. of Sec. 11, T. 13 S., 179 ft. M. or L. to railroad R nf th. N. 18 rds. 23 Iks v. Laftlar C. and De On G. Pax-ma- n site Survey vey, th. W. 13 rds., th S. 85 78 Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. si rrf $54.13 W., th. N. 444' E. 160 ft M. or S. 18 rds. 23 Iks., W. 31 rds. to R. 4 W., S. L. M., Cont. 40 Ac! ft., th E. 13 rds., th. N. 85 78 165 ft., th. S. 28 ft., th. W. 165 Tax Joint Tenants care of Realty A. P. Poder Peter at Beg. Service $1.56 ft. to beg Beg. at SW. cor-e- r NW. corner of Lot 3, Blk. 45. L. to beg. Cont. 0.68 Ac Total beg. Cont. 3 107160 Ac. $14.19 353.42 $695.52 ft. th. N. 28 ft. to beg James Conrad Aacrarvl An,owi of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Plat D, Ne- Plat Lizzie B. Pace $3.11 tt. naas, Carrie A. Haas, Andrew Bee'. Com. a rd. Modernage Electric Co. A, Levan Townsite Survey, Acreage 3.85 Ac jvugar J. Aaeard Gerald Newton. Ross Newton tivmix lejianis N. of the SW. Cor. of Lot 3, 20 ft. S. of NW. corner of Lot phi Townsite Survey, th. N. 1.5 thence S. 71.5 ft., thence E. 13 ties, at the Vl Undivided 13 interest Blk. 27, Plat A, Nephi Townsite 3, Blk. 61, Plat A, Nephi Town- - rds., th. E. 13 rds., to E. line rds., thence N. 71.5 ft., thence and Earl Newton Beg. 86 rds. corner between Sees. 3 and 4. Aagard each in the sd. Lot 3, th. S. 6.5 rds. th. W. 13 20 Iks. N. of SE. corner of I. 13 S., R. 1 E., S. L. The NE. following: Survey, th. E. 13 rds. to E line site Surey, th. S. 30 ft, th. E. of to rds. $10.71 th. beg M., me V4, of Sec. 11, T. 7 SE& of Sec. 30 T. 11 S, R, line of sd. of sd Lot 3, th. N. 5Yt rds. to 165 ft, th. N. 30 ft., th. W. 165 W. 13 rds., to W. E. 51 rds. 9 Iks., S. 3 rds. W. 5 13 All of Clarence Paystrup R. 4 W., S. L. M. Cont. S, th. N. 5 rds. to N. line of the S.Vi of sd. Lot ft. to beg $111.26 1 and 2, Blk. 48. Plat A, S. L. M., th. N. 78W. 1170.3 ft rds. S. 17 rds. 12 Iks s 7 40 Ac. $2.41 Blk, Peter Deon Rosequistbeg.and Ger-aldi- Lots 3, th. W. 13 rds. to the W. line Levan .... $132.57 to countour of reservoir, th. N. W. 34 rds., 8 Iks., N. 18 rds., to Hyrum Haynes care of Angus Townsite A Survey James Conrad C Rosquist Joint Tenants of sd. Lot 3., th. S. 5 ft rds. to Haynes tt., th. S. 78E. 1160 uenLei- - 01 aiton, 5. 8o" w. 6 rds. Andrew Orlean Edna Larson care of ft. M. 318 Beg. 16 rds. 22 Iks. J. Aagard, Annie Reva Com. at NE. corner of Lot 3, or 318 th. S. L., M. . ft. 3 or place of beg N. 6 $9.92 S. of NE. corner Lot 4, Blk. 1, 4 Iks., of All Larson rds. Lot 2, L. to Iks., W. 6 Aagard undivided Blk. 5, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Parley L. E. Whittington interest beg. Railroad R. of W. de rds. 5 Iks.. N. 8 rds. 9 lk tn Beg. at Plat B, Nephi Townsite each in the following: 13 site Survey, th. S. 5 rds., th. W. Blk. 49, Plat A, Levan Townsite ducted. Cont. 8 Ac of the NE Corner of Lot 4, Blk. 27, th. W. 26 rds., N. 6 213 Survey, $4.86 o Jiii.. E. OUAOV AC. Al. or I. NW. k and the W. All rds., $16.79 Survey 13 14 Ross L. Newton and Alice R. of the rds., th. N. 5 rds., th. E. 13 Plat A, of Nephi Townsite Sur- 26 rds., S. 6 213 rds. to place All of Theda Pierce Chase 14 of Sec. $32.08 SW. rds. 13 to T. 12, S R beg vey, th. S. 70 ft., th. W. 152 ft., of beg $23.15 lot 2, Blk. 2, Plat B, Levan Newton, Joint Tenants Beg. 48 $21.95 Edgar K. Haas and Parrio A 4 W., S. L. M. Cont. Eva Linton Nielson 240 Ac. $9.33 rds. S. and 37 ft. W. of the N4 Haas, th. N. 70 ft. to N. line of said David Glen Belliston and Eve-lyn- e Beg. at Townsite Survey Joint Tenants $41.81 corner a at Beg. NW. corner of sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 of Lot 3, Blk. 6, Plat Lot 4, th. E. 152 ft. to beg. An Belliston, Joint Tenants rds. 9 Iks. E anrl a rHc All of Theda Pierce Chase pt of51 NW. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT a. .l,. jyi., th. E. 214.5 ft., S. S. undivided interest $364.45 N. 14 of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 10, D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. Lot 3, Blk. 2, Plat B, Levan Town-sit- e corner of SW. V. nf BOOK "D" 96.5 ft. to a 439 ft. to N. side of A Dulhlic see o., Ray D. Fowkes pt. which is 118 Beg. at NE Piat B, Nephi Townsite Survey ft. W. of 1 K. $6.66 ia a., i. Survey E., S.L.M. Elizabeth Mav or Cor. of Lot 4, Blk 27, Plat A, road corner of said Lot th. W. 214.5 street, ft. vv. to o Kae G. Tunbridge ras. ui. at $35.18 3. th. S. NE s. 17 rds. 12 Beg. and Inex McClure Johnson care of W. 107.25 ft., th. W. 96.5 SW. cor. of Lot fence, th. N. along said N. 75E. 5 rds. 12 Iks. N. 16 Iks., Nephi Townsite Survey, th S. 70 Nephi Processing Plant, Inc. 2, Blk. 7, Plat fencebdy rds. Johnson The SE. 14 439 ft. to beg. Cont. 2.16 Ac. M. or L. to ft., th. W 152 ft., th. N. 70 ft. to All of Lot 2, Blk. 11, Plat B, th. N. 107.25 ft. to beg $33.68 B, Levan Townsite th. Cont. 83160 o fthe SE beg. of Sec. 18, T. 14 S N. line of sd. lot 4, th. E. 152 Nephi Townsite Survey .... $15.64 37 ft. on W. side of this parcel ac Nephi Processing Plant All N. 116 ft, th. E. 133Survey, S. th. snss Rft., 1 E., S. L. M. Cont. 40 Ac' of Lot 4, Blk. 12, Plat D, Nephi 116 ft. to beg. An undivided Yt inis locaieq. in Mona city limits Nephi Processing Plant, Inc. xAigar is., iiaas and Carrie A. ft, th. W. 133 ft. to beg. terest . $369.54 All of lot 3, Blk. 11, Plat B, Townsite Survey. Also Beg. at $29.56 iriaas, joint Tenants 03 $13 8 Eric "p. ' Thomm' " Beg a pt. 112 ft. E. of NW. corner Clarence Foote 14 interest in Nephi Townsite Warren Newton 14 interest rds. 9 Iks. S. of NE. corner' G. M. Worwood" 116 ft. Survey .... $99.83 of of the NW. corner of the SE. Y4, of Lot 3, Blk. 12, Plat D, Nephi N. of SW. cor. of LotBeg! the following. Beg. at SE. corner V. W. Tunbridge, Velma S. SW. 14 at corner" of NE. of or sec. 4, T. 13 S.. R. 2, Blk 7, Beg. of Lot 1, Blk. 29, Plat A, Nephi Joint Tenants ,th. S. 214.5 ft Plat B, Levan Townsite Survey, Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S. 1 E. S.L.M., th. E. 6 rds. 5 Survey at Townsite Beg. Townsite Survey, th. N. 150 ft., NE. corner of Lot 4, Blk. 11, M. or L., to the S. line of sd. th. N. 98.5 ft. M. or L. to NW. So80ids- - K 24 rds- - N. 80 rds! jvi., in. 2y rds. N. 1214 Iks., S. 6 ss-4 Iks. W. rds. to beg. Cont 12 Ac. W. 92 ft., S. 150 ft., E. 92 ft. to Plat B, Nephi Townsite Surey, Lot 3, th. E. 102.5 ft. M. or L. Cor. of sd. Lot 2, th. E. 31 rds. rds., E. 51 rds., N. 3814 rds. W. 16 rds. rds. 7 7 N. 19 Iks., rds. S14 "Q $14.43 th. S. 126.25 ft, th. W. 13 rds. to the SE. cor. of sd. lot 3, th. M. or. L. to NE. cor. of Lot 1, W. 80 rds. S. 51 rds. to bee. '2 Iks "us., iu rds. tn Erick P. Thomosnn Fred J. CSiapman, Maurice B. to W. line of said lot 4, th. N. N. 214.5 ft. M. or L. to the NE. of sd. blk. 7, th. S. 25W. 13.5 21 140160 Ac $17.69 vxwit. ioy160 Ac .$0.78 of toe NW.6cor. Chapman Earl Newton 14 interest Beg 8 rds. 16 ft. 126.25 ft. to NW. corner of Lot 4 cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. W. 102.5 rds., M. or L. to SE. cor. of sd. John U Hall care of Lee Olsen of Pw4 j?1 of Sec. 5 inches N. of SW. cor. of Lot 2, th. E. 13 rds. to beg 19, T. 14 S Bee. at SW $62.24 Lot 1, th. W. 349.56 ft M. or L. of Warren Newton 66 rds. W. of the SE. $43.00 ft,M-- , or, U to teg Beg. M. Wilkey Blk. 29, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Verl W. Tunbridge and Velma 69 ft to A pt. 133 ft. E. of pt of cor. of NE. 14 of Sec. 32 T. 11 cor. oi ine iNE. 14 of the SW. Beg. S. of NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 13, ISS- - to. S. 29 rds. 3 ft Survey, th. N. 34 ft. 4.84 in. th. S. Tunbridge, Joint Tenants E., S. L. M., th. E. 29 3' T-- 13 sth ?il ""to-1 beg., th. N. 116 ft, th. W. 133 S., K.N.1 12 , th. N. 81 rds. io E. 117.25 ft., M. or L. to W. Beg. at a point on the E line Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey rds.. E. 51 rds.. N. SLM, th. N. 66 rds. -M. or E., rds., to ft. $10.13 L. beg line of that certain land conveyed of Lot 4, Blk. 11, Plat B, Nephi th. E 122.5 ft th. S. 105 ft th! to Pla of 38(4 rds. W. 80 rds., S. 51 rds. to the N bank of Salt tv. bee CarH. Gerald S. Zella i?'7" Carter, Jont. Tv.,vu to Nephi City on or about Oct. Townsite Survey, which is 126.25 E. 92 ft. to E. line of sd. Lot ter, Joint Tenants to oeg. uont. 21 140160 Ac. WUy along the N. bank of Salt 44 rds. Beg. 15, 1941 for an alley, th. S. 17 ft. S. of the NE. corner of said 3, th. S. 40.5 ft. to SE. cor. of 11 ft. W. of SE. corner of N. Y2 12.91 Creek 183 th. S. 40 ft. to 9i2Lan.eil?ement aoss the N. 30' E. 36.1 ft.. M. or L. along the Lot 4, th. S. 141.876 ft along the Lot 3, th. W. 214.5 ft to SW. of SE. James E. Piatt and Helen Piatt uie o. oanKft,or salt Creek., M Sec. 30, T. 14 S., R. 1. th ajid a continuation of sd. 2 W. line of said land conveyed to E. line of said Blk. 11 to SE. cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. N. 145.5 ft. E., Beg. 2203.25 ft SWly 403 ft M. or iTto a pt rds. Easement S.L.M., th. W. 26 rds., N. 12 Joint Tenants from w Nephi City, to a point due E. of cor. of N. U of Lot 1, said Blk. to place of beg N. 535.5 and which E. is SW. from 1023 $73.77 rds 6 ft., E. 26 rds., S. 12 rds. ft ft. F. nnri m of to the NE. co-r-! of the Nephd Processing Plant 14 Beg., th. W. 128 ft. M. or L. to 11. th. W. 13 rds. to the SW. cor. of SE. of 655 Sec. 11 E. ft. T. 3 32, ft. to beg. Cont. 2 4160 Ac. from the SW. cor. or Beg S., .. 1 beg. Also beg. at a point on the cor. of the N. 1 of said Lot 1, at NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 13! 5. Lt. M., th. E. 2104.5 the NW. 14 of the SW. V. of a uescriDea tract, and an easement $35.02 N. line of Lot 2, Blk. 29, Plat th. N. 141.875 ft. along the W. IJatD' NePhi Townsite Survey. sd NE 420.75 N. th. sec. th. W. 2105.5 ft., th. 3, Gerald W Carter Com. at a ft, SW'ly 370 ft. M. or 7 01 so. sec. 19 $2139 E- A, Nephi Townsite Survey, which line of said Lot 1 and 4, to a 6,9 ft- 41214 ft. S. of NW. corner ft., th. S. 436.75 ft. to beg. Cont. .. io a pi. winch is E. 899 ft th ft., pt. James E S 105 ft. th. E. 92 ft. to E. line is 127.75 ft. M. or L. E. of the point 126.25 ft S. of NW. corSW. Y of NW. 14 Sec 32, 19.64 Acres M. or L. Subject to and N. 437 E. 374 ft. from 211 rds. S. W. line of said Blk. 29, th. E. ner of said Lot 4, th. E. 13 rds. of sd. lot 3, th. N. 174 ft. to NE of the NW. corT. 14 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. R. of W. along the N. side of me ow. cor. ox the NW. 14 of ner of sec. 31 from T id tV , 33.25 ft., th. S. 25"W. 51.5 ft. to beg f Lot. 3, th. W. 214.5 S. 172 said parcel of land $71.67 9r$6.92 the SW. 14 of sd. sec 3 th s. S- L- - M- - th. E.' ii th. E. 300 N. th. ft ft, M. or L. to the E. line of said Elmont Carter and Lucille G. It. to beg 30 S55 33 172 th. W. 300 ft. to beg. James E. Piatt care of Ross 437' W. 374 ft to the S. line rds. W. 40 rds M 40 10 Eva P. Tuttle land conveyed to CornTat SE. Cont. ft.,1 A., 30 square rds. $36.18 Newton 2203.25 ft. N. of the NW. 14 of the SW. 14 of com. 714 City, on Carter, Joint Tenants - Beg. at Beg. ...:..! ac or about Oct. 15,Nephi 1941, for an SE. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 14, Plat corner Lot 1, Blk. 15, Plat D, from SW. cor. of SE. 14 of Sv sd. Sec 3, th. E. 652 ft. M. or Dorothy Aileen Voorhees alley, th II. 14W. 48 ft. M. or B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. Nephi Townsite Survey th N 32, T. 11 S.. R. 1 E.. SLM L. to the SOOK "A" of Beg. Cont 11 L. along said E. line of said land W. 214.5 ft, to SW. cor. of sd. K4& fV' ,W- ft- - & 214 ft: th running E. 535.5 ft., th. N. acres, M. place or L MONA TOWN .... $12 83 436.75 ft. th. W. 435.5 ft., th. S. conveyed to Nephi City, to beg. Lot 1, th. N. 214.5 ft to NW. cor. beg $45 Douglas M. Brown, Mildred C T. K S., R. 1 E., S. UL ec. 11 Mayer, Jewell D. May- 436.75 Willis Bryan and Norma Bryan4i er,George of sd. Lot 1, th. E. 94.5 ft, M. $133 I. M. Cont. ft. to lb-Brown ' Cont. Bee. 5.36. 91 rri T. J. 67 Ac. Lot corner beg. ; SE. at Beg. Grant P. Sperry, Nellav J. or L. to a point 120 ft. W. of Joint Tenants Com. 7 rds S 1. Blk. 2, Plat A, Mona Townsite M. or L. Subject to roadway along of the SE. corner of tha mw ia Voorheef '!! "Aen from NE. cor. the NE. corner of Lot 3' of sd lot 1, th. S. 100 Sperry Beg. at SE. cor. of Lot th. VV. 70 ft., N. Ill ft, trie in. siae 01 saia parcel of land 1, Blk. 31, Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e ft, th. E. 120 ft, th. S. 114.5 ft. Blk. 15. Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, interest in toUowT E. 70 ft, S. Ill ft. to beg. $54.16 of. o ros. ui. $14.03 iKs., W 52 .... $61.64 Survey, th. S. 124 rds., th. W. of Sec. 15. Survey, th. W. 13 rds. to M. or L to beg y4 J SW. Nila N. Summers 5 Ha-- . N. 21 rds. 12 Bwr. t All of Lots Virgil J. Swasey E. A SW. cor. of said Lot 1, th. N. NS. L. M. Cont' John S Ingram, Mae T. In12 2 and 3, Blk. 9, Plat A, Mona SE. Corner of NW. Yt. of sec. 4 52 rds. 5 Iks., S. 10 rds. Iks., "kth. E. 7 Iks. 7 rds. M. or L. to center of Salt gram, Joint Tenants 13 rds. to All Blk. beg $39 69 Townsite Survey $40.42 T. 12 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M., th! to beg. Cont 7 Ac $38 70 Dorothy"" Aiieen ""Voorhees Creek, th. E'ly following center 17, Plat B, Nephi Townsite SurArchie George J. Michael Lunt and Tno Earl Newton All of Lot 1, S. 60 rds. to a pt.. th. W. 106.67 Worthdngton care of Salt Creek to a pt. 7 rds. 10 ry of Fred J. Chapman $116.89 All Blk. 1, Plat B, Mona Townsite rds to a pt., th. N. 60 rds. to a of 17 rds6 Iks. N. Iks. N. of place of beg, th. S Delia J. Pay Blk. 22, Piat D, Nepni Survey N. 4 of Lot Lot 3 Iks. E. of the ofENW. $15.09 pt., th. E. 106.67 rds. to beg. 7 rds. 10 Iks. to place of beg. 3. Blk. 20, Plat B, Nephi Town-sit- e lownsiteB- Survey $40 59 Ross Newton All of Lot 4, Cont 40 ac G $25.67 of Sec. SE. Y. of NW V4 Nance etai care' of Lois Blk. 1, Plat B, Mona Townsite $46.71 Survey $37.29 n Petra K. Warner care of Mrs. 8 T Canon Creek, Russell H. Stuart and Russell H M. Scot torn Carter Virginia Thompson Beg. at NE. cor- - Survey Beg at the NE. W. 52 rds. 5 Iks., th. N. 69 rds.. $4.31 Petra Olsen 01 Lot 4- - B'k- - 25. Kay Stuart and Keith M. Barnes, N. 1, of Lot 1. Blk. 21, Plat B, E?r. cor. of SW. 14 of NE 14 Sec. 5, X Daniel Warner All of Lot L2, 124 or ' Acres M. or L. - t the Beg. 6.5 rds. S. of Nephi Townsite Survey $100.73 Vat,.D' Nephi Townsite Blk. 4, Plat C, Mona Townsite n. o., n. i n.., o. l.. jvi., tn. W. W. unfurl1- Georee w tt0 NW. cor. of Lot 3. Blk 36, Plat Dorothy Aileen Clark B. Memmott and lone D. th. W. 13 rds. M. or L. Survey 160 rds.. S. 60 rds.. E. 160 rds mon prooertv. th s ion to W .u $26.14 Survey A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th Menwnott, Joint Tenants Tn S. 70 ft, th.' 16 N. interest 60 rds. to '1Ci0f Cont. Verlael Beg S. 60 ac. A Marie Edith beg. Keyte, S. 52 ft., th. E. 174 ft., th. N. 52 148 ft. W. of SE, Cor. of Lot 1. LNE .H... SW. 14 of NE EfVnceine, rds. M. or I. to E. line Keyte, Joint Tenants v.' , S $18.08 All of to bee. 21 W. 174 ft. to beg Cont $354.83 Blk. 22, Plat B, Nephi Townsite of lot 4, th. N. 70 ft to beg $44.80 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Blk. 5, Plat Ross L. Newton Bee. 8 rrU ac. ai. or L. S7o os Keith II. Cole and Richard C. Survey, th. W. 66.5 Clarence H. and Lenna E Pay C, Mom Townsite ft., th. N. N. of the SE. corner of the SW. Greenhaltrh rank o. t r $61.68 Survey Lunt an undividxi All of Lot 3, Blk. 26. Plat D, int. each 13 rds., th. E. 13 rds. to E. line of Sec. 31 T. 11 S.. R. 1 E.. rds. 10 Iks. E. nfTh S. la of Lot Swasey Beg. at SE. cor. of Lot 2, Blk. of sd. Lot 1, th. S. 107.25 ft, th. Nephi Townsite Survey .... $11757 4, Floyd L. S. M.. th. E. 30 rds., S. 8 of the SW. 14 of Sec 8, T. 13 Blk. 8, Plat C, Mona Townsite Cont. 200 Acres M! or I S. 37, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Sur- W. 148 ft, th. S. 107.25 ft. to Andy Lee Anderson and Bettie Survey $19.40 ros., k.- 5 rds, 5 Iks., S. 18 rds , R7 iVE VS oV- - M- - to. N. 8 rds vey, th. W. 12 ft., th. N. 107.25 K ' $74.57 S. Anderson, Joint Tenants 16 W. 5 Ross 195 rds. Iks., All Newton 30 34 rds. N. E. xViu Iks., VV."" ?272 15 Beg. Euijene rds. Iks N. to S 23 ft. line of S. V4 of sd. of Lot 2 Blk. 27, Plat D., Nephi Plant. Inc. 26 rds., 16 Iks. E. 160 rds. ' XT n7T ?,U l toe 5 Iks., W. 34 rds 15 of SW. comer SE rds of Sec. to Nephi 31, 14 NW. Lot 2, th. E. 12 ft. to NE cor. Beg. at S.Processing and lk E. Cor. of Lot 2, Blk. Towsite Survey 11 N. 14 Cont. 32 V T. 1 W the 66160 Ac. Descriprds. 13 Iks. to beg. S., R. $i)62 E., S.L.M., th. N. beg. NE. 11 n7 of S. Vt of sd. Lot 2, th. S. 107.25 26, Plat B, Nephi Townsite SurAnnie Anderson care of Joseph 8 rds., th. E. 38 th. 5 W. tion includes parcel in Sec. 6, T ft. to beg in Sec. $76.68 ey, th. running W. 84.5 ft, th. And-soAll of Lot 4, BUt. of S. 8 rds., W. rds., 12 R. M S., 37 rds. 15 Iks $31.50 1E.S.L John W. Crawforth, Tora Craw- N. 13 rds., th. E. 100 ft., th. S. 30, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Sur-v- y M. or L. to ' Don Carlos Boswell The SW. beg. Cont. 1 144160 Beg. 107 Can.t- 5 Ac forth, Joint Tenants Beg. at 13 rds., th. W. 15.5 ft. to beg. rds. 9 Ac Iks. 12 E. $37.29 and rds. A. Albert 714 $5.39 Vl fiorharf SW. cor. of N. Vi of Lot 2 1 K. s., Thomas L. Sperry. Thehni" SperW. Cont. 40 Ac $37 $9.62 William Larkin Dewitt Bef. Iks. N. of SW. corner of SE. 4 Gerhart Beg on W. side of u! Blk. 37, Plat A ,of Nephi Town-sit- e James E. Morgan UAM 3 and 4. Blk. 44. at the NW. corner of Nephi Processing Plant, Inc. of Sec. 29, T. 12 S., R. 1 E., S. S. ry Com Lot Blk. 3, 91 a at 42 Hhway N. at SW. cor. th. of 67.25 D. rds. Lot 2, Blk. Survey, ft., th. Beg. Nepni Townsite Survey 16, Plat A, Mona Townsite Sur- L. M., E. 314 ft. N. 1173 ft, W. 4 Iks. S. and 1fi rv!v.... pt k E. 13 rds. to E. line of sd. Lot 26. Plat B, Nephi Townsite Surw UU. iu.. th. N. 16 rds., E. 11 rds., S. Jitvu., 5. liwi it to beg. Cont . ? toe 2, th. S. 67.25 ft., th. W. 13 rds. vey, th. N. 214.5 ft., to the NW. James La Mont Snm a $62,22 vey, 16 rds., W. 11 rds. to beg. Cont. 8 46 Ac 14 $30.33 a' See to beg 30.37 corner of sd. Lot 2, th. E. 130 Twms Lot 2. 104 Ac Don Carlos Boswell ' $7.01 IW on 1. E.. St.M i. MUton K. Shaw Bee. at NW ft., th. S. 211.5 ft. to the S. line Blk. 46, J.,nt pint D, Nephi Townsite " of what Is called fide .12 corner of Lot 3. Rlk .17 Pint of sd. Lot 2.. th. W. 130 ft. to ston Iks. N. of the SW. corner of the 5109.58 BOOK "B" Iks-- , th. N. 100 A, Nephi Townsite Survey, thJthe place of beg "a Moan"Elmer Hill, Ruth - A. Hill $19.24 of SE JUAB 12 S Sec. 29 T. SCHOOL DISTRICT K o ft, 9 lira -" u ui. o. lu.zo 11, M. or; "tv'H iTTOnsiiig t'lam, me toe NES. L. M., th. N. 30" E. ft. to beg. Also Bg at 14 corner between tecs. Thomaa P. Kendall and Ada B. 1 H beg. at a pt Sec. 36, 14 S., R. Pursuant to Section Utah Code Annotated 1953, , -- 9, j-i- n tt tt ,yt Aae-ard-S.- ya -- ly 1 IE ne l-- k. - Tun-bridg- e, w rw w A rvu u 1 ave X,,dithes m.., 1-- Jr 's - J &IW:.1E,'SL. ji - L ilH- Hedl6 Ti - - aU'gec' i"i 'I S - vu" 75lLe cixLJ F!-- 11 - hntAcO rU LrL-- j S,"y " - i ?ntP13J VN," 2'r WA? - rftti |