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Show December Thursday, 19, 1957 THE NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- IGNORANT ICHABOD Santa Claus to be At Ray's Cafe Rocket Room SAYS saved money on merchandise out of town, but I bought brands I no- should have know from mer- chants I know. Johnson's feature Premium Quality ISA barnd with a guarantee! money-bac- k special plates for children) be tween 5 and 8 o'clock on these two nights for a big treat. As an added treat for the kid dies, Santa will pose for pictures desired by parents. Make this oc memorable casion and enjoy Ray's Cafe dehcious food at the same time. MEN'S GARMENTS of The Toggery patterns GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT NEPHI JEWELRY for yourself why wise people call the Central Utah Insurance Co., First Security Bank Bldg., with their insurance problems and why each of these satisfied clients FOR SALE Girl's bicycle in Will 26" size good condition sell very reasonable Doris Ann Harmon, Phone 61Z itirilKIWMWiMMMBMMMBMMMMM the careful and economical way we handle their protection. They all know they can BANK on us to write in such a way their insurance they'll never be calling, a claims agent a ROBBER! another in the series of articles concerning the Ladies Clulbs of Nephi. Next is week The Lit-a-Lu- re Club By Grace Ostler, Reporter Variette Club Early in the year 1948, a group of young ladies got together and organized a club. The purpose of the club was to be a social club, and to study, read, and keep up on the happenings in the world, and a variety of other things interesting to these ladies. It wasn t until a year later that a name was chosen for the group. Each member was asked to suggest a name, and from these the club chose Variette. This name, suggested by Verna Wright, was very appropriate because it is avriety that we strive for in this It was at this time also that some of the were made and were added to in 1954. Officers of the club for this year are Chairman, Florence Kendall; ice chairman, Mildred Sher wood; secretary and treasurer, Marba Stuart and reporter, Grace by-La- are likely to I rove expensive PHOTO TIMES-NEW- w Mrs. Florence BY Kendall, chairman; k!k JlJ K I h j house-to-hou- Mem-mot- - hard-surfac- ed FANCY MLmtf"'""' mtrJlfH S fK 24 4jNo. Jf I Ml 25c 2V2 yc ! If DAIRY PRODUCTS AT ALL NEPHI GROCERY STORES. AND IN MONA AT KAY'S MARKET )A BEEF 12 OZ CAN ffUMIT Si -2 CocktailSl Aif J r oai ouoscans I 4ft tnr lC r!' M No. 2 cans mKss- .89 --3- Vw :Y1 )3f - v " 3 w H M $k --s "3 cans 1 AC. BISQUICIC LIMIT 1 PKGS Flousr 10LBOIC mml.95JL 1PC s?ffi.. 25 LB BAG V cans Kpurity cookies KnQcn.nRFMES 1 For I V Cranberry Sauce N0.30J S iGA ALL PURPOSE l OCEAN SPRAY . . . mm m S PURE nl ib-- uic iCHOC. CHIPS etc cL n AS A YEAR LONG GIFT TO MISSIONARIES STUDENTS rrrr irITmrf APPLES OR 2f0RH9' Oil UJ iviliJi) ORANGES IS FILLERS CRACKER JACK - CANDY CANES - NUTS - GUM -- LIFE SAVERS yS SOCK- - TENDER PLUMP HEN OR TOM i i YAMS 7,DSW$ Golden! ROASTING OR FRYING HAMS CHICICENS LOWEST MARKET PRICES PICTSWEET FROZEN FOODS ORANGE JUICE 6 cans 93c STRAWBERRIES 5 pkgs LOOM 3 Dkas 89fiSfi FISH STICKS CUDIMD rxln lOrtVi DDCJinCn wiiiiiiiii -- uiilhulu prvy Prices Effective December 20, 21,23 and 24th, 1957! Shop Early! n HARD SURFACED STORE SIDE PARKING at the Starting of the Subscription s and ALE . . ,Jkdr&3tyfc '4 H iTOKHY (or yourself if you're not now a subscriber) 96 South Main Qa lezzl V'32 PKGS FLAVORS flAIIC CORNFn D kjj & tail) or w. . Wf. tyj Lpkg'ilC J ..... PGA CORN AVAILABLE Gift Card Sent in Your Name M $a OZ CANS ASSORTED stream niiiiinnn UUUy SJ LZLJUL! " Ne9"bor!" av "la 'oys ' ,ms 9'or'ous season mako us roaliza wftQt grand world this is... with lriendship and loyalty among all men. Because each passing year brings fuller appreciation ' the bnds 'orgel hy pleasant associations, the Yuletide message brings sincere good wishes 'or a verY Me"y Christmas ... and a Happy New Year... hom your friendlylGA Food Stores. J.Xi' tiuHrHiiui BEANS3 PEAS or CUT BEANS qun&fy .jouVa aim of ! V ' inn paiinvimini tiiiuLc flifi ?Y;-- i&i' '" 11 1 10 DELICIOUS NEWLYWEDS BEER m: M MINCE MEAT-- 9 JELLO FRIENDS RELATIVES A little more than one hundred years ago, pioneers in Utah dreamed of a western steel industry. Today their dream has become a reality, with huge plants in Utah, California, and Colorado pouring out thousands of tons of finished steel each year. And supplying much of the iron ore for their giant blast furnaces are the mines and miners of Iron County, Utah. Iron County is rich in scenery, too, as well as in mineral deposits. Here are found Cedar Breaks National Monument, Navajo Lake, and the Dixie National Forest. Cedar City, county seat of Iron County, is the home of the College of Southern Utah and the cultural center of the area. Throughout this expanding county, the United States Brewers Foundation clean, constantly encourages the maintenance ofale are wholesome conditions wherever beer and enjoyed. ' Wmv f nt runrftvi VsMruUmMrxiv Saluie to IRON COUNTY Western 9teel ' tsVjmTS SA 7 BORDEN NONE SUCH & . Jri iWVr&WW Affs MCr jUBBY Send . . . Ore Supplier for mm' M I 'AmMmmMmAm 'JA Last year the iHN.' A'.!"'"' . m StIIII IftI Mgl mlS 14 5'- W club members contributed other useable clothing, and it was re ported that every article of clothing was placed in homes where it was very much appreciated. Last year the club took on a standing project of aid to the Elementary school library, to buy needed library hooks. Although our Club is not fed erated, we think it is one of the finest in Nephi. Ostler. Other club members, in to those above are: Betty Erma Carter, Gwen Chap man, Marcue Jackson, Norma Jenkins, LaRae Jarrett, LaRae t, Kendall, Jean Linton, Joyce Aleene Olpin, Beth Ostler, Florence Ostler, Maxine Parkin, Deon Paxman, Vera Paxman, The lima Reed, Marjorie Stetner, Helen Worthington, and Verna SAVING SAM SAYS I Wright. save money not stamps at The current year's program thus Johnson's ,and park free in included has the far opening meeting in September, at which their convenient new members were elected; a dis- store-sid- e parking lot. cussion of Christmas Gift suggestions by Verna Wright and Grace Ostler; novel ways of cake decorating, by Florence Kendall. On Thursday night the group will foe guests at the home of Norma Jenkins where the Christmas Pot Lucky party will be held, with games under direction of Beth Ostler and Aleene Olpin. In January, Deon Paxman will be hostess with a discussion of Art and Ceramics in charge of Marba Stuart. Betty Belliston will be hostess to the February 20 meeting of the club, and "Adance in Medicine" is the topic, with Mildred Sherwood in charge. A. discussion of personal grooming is scheduled for the March 20 meeting, with Helen Worthington as hostess and Maxine Parkin in charge of the program topic. A book review will feature the April 17 meeting at the home of Vera ' jft Bel-listo- n, Every dollar you spend for vitamins and other medicines should be an investment. You have a right to expect' dividends in improved health. Keep this in mind when a migratory vendor attempts to interest you in his line of vitamins. Chances are that he'll toss in a reference to "economy." Remember that vitamins contribute to your health only if they are properly formulated and offer full potency. It is actually expensive to take "cheap" vitamins if you have to take three times as many to get results. Let us fill your vitamin needs from our completely and competently stocked pharmaceutical department. a n. Paxman, with LaRae Jarrett in charge. The club election and closing social will be held at a meeting on May 15, with Jean Linton as hostess. Retiring will be the party commit tee. One couples' party features the summer season. This club has had many fine They have contributed projects. to the Juab County Hospital two foot stools, one chrome stool, and one rocking chair. A project for seeral years was that of making up a layette for the County wel- fare department. & 1 Allan Gibson Topic Variety Adds to Interest of Club club. ligratory vitamins 1 CLUB OFFICERS Mrs. Marba Stuart, secetary; and Mrs. Mildred Sherwood VARIETTE This PRAISES ll ,rrr" Mrs. Grace Ostler, reporter; J WQ 1 as JUDGE SAVE IN NEPHI advertisement Santa Claus, in full dress for his duties ahead, will spend two hours on Monday evening, and on Tuesday evening at Ray's Cafe Rocket Room where we will be i glad to meet the kiddies of this area. Bring the children out for dinner (we'll be sure to have off-bra- body likes it! 8 SHOP Monday, Tuesday Eves. ( I Five Page A NEPHI. UTAH 56 EAST CENTER AND CURING SMOKING COMPLETE Phone 196 fmJ 8 8 WAfcallff PHONE 57 SERVICE Owned And Operated |