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Show Thursday, December 19, 1957 1 W., S. L. M. Cont. 10 Ac. $15.56 THE TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH Page Seven a pt. on S. bdy line of Lot 25, ner of lot 61, Blk. 4, Plat B, th. N. 7030' E. 69.93 ft., th. S. of Lot 21, th. N. 6938 E 100 of North Extension Zulu, Valley E. Yz of Sec. 8, T. 12 S.. R. 3 at N. 52J04' E. 20.65 ft from Eureka City Survey, the N. 78 15 "45' E. 81.17 ft to beg 66.33 ft. to beg .$13.74 & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. lot W., S. L. M., Cont. 160 Acres the SW. corner, N. 25 49 W. 43' E. 69.90 ft, S. 2258' E. 23 Mac Bigler and B. C. Jamison Riley A. Tallant and Januita 231, from corner number 10 of $6.08 85.9 ft., N. 6043' E. 31.74 ft., ft, th. W'ly 79 ft. M. or L. to All of Lot 17, Blk. 7, Plat Tallant, Joint Tenants Beg at said Lot 231, N. 526' W. 705.52 James Conrad. Arvard Andrew S. 3641 E. 79.23 ft, S. 5204 line of the Alley at a pt. 48 B, Eureka City Survey .... $5.70 NW. corner of Lot 21, Blk. 3, ft. S. 5631 W. 83 ft., S. 4836' J., and Annie Reva The W. 47.68 ft to beg. Also beg. at ft. S. of NW. corner of said lot. Harold T. Morgan. W. F. Mor Plat C, Eureka City Survey, th. W. 56.5 ft., S. 5006' W. 112.4 tt. Yz ot the NW. Vi,Aagard E. Yz ot SW. the SW. corner of Lot 25, Blk. th. along the E. line of said gan All of Lot 3, Blk. 8, Plat N. 6938' E. 137.43 ft, th. S'ly ft. to beg. and SE. corner of Y of Sec. 8, 12 S., R. 3 W., S. 1, Plat A, Eureka City Survey, alley 48 ft. to beg $4.36 163 ft. M. or L. to S. bdy line premises, S. 50"06' W. 34.85 ft., L. M., 160 Acres. $12.40 B, Eureka City Survey An undivided th. N. 5204' E. 20.64 ft, th. N. Harold Thomas Morgan Bee. at SW. Beg. of Lot 21, th. S. 6902' W. 164.03 S. &y"3U' W. 16.25 ft., N. 4534' 13 interest each Mary Potts $6.08 2549' W. 85.4 ft., th. S. 6043' comer of Lot 64, Blk 4, Plat at SE. corner of Lot 4, Blk. 8, ft. to SW. corner of Lot 21, th. N. W. 43.7 ft.. N. 5126' E. 61 ft.. A. Reva England, James C. and W. 31.8 ft. from which the NE. B, Eureka Townsite Survey, th. PUt B, Eureka City Survey, th. 1521' W. 163.37 ft to beg. $3.35 S. 3225 E. 45.15 ft to Other Arvard J. Aagard, an undivided beg. corner of Lot 28, Blk. 1, Plat A, N. 6548' E. 48 ft. to pt., th. N. S. 6627' W. 101.52 ft, N 2014' Edna Miller and Ada Peay wise Known as Lot 38, Blk. 3, 13 interest each All of the Eureka City Survey, bears S. 56 1453' W. 116.8 ft. to N. bdy. W. 90 ft. M. or L.. to N. bdy line All of Lots 12 and 13 of Sub. of flat rJ, Kureka City Survey. $8.38 NW. Yi. of Sec. 17, T. 12 S., 54' W. 49.4 ft., th. S. 2757" E. line of Lot 64, th. S. 7021' W. of said lot 4, N. 6350E. 103.91 Lot 1, Blk. 1, Plat D, Eureka $1.56 Mrs. Albert Tuckett Com. at R. 3 W., S. L. M., Cont. 160 Ac. Marin us Johnson The SW. 90.3 ft., th. N. 5204' E. 9.34 ft. 61.84 ft. to NW. corner of lot 64, ft, S. 19 11" E. 94.46 ft. to beg. City Survey $6.70 comer number 1, which bears N. $6.08 Vi NW. of T. to beg, Sec. 11. U of the $13.06 th. S. 1249'W. 64.50 ft. to cor$33.50 John Edwin Hill and Kathlyn and dist. 213.61 ft. from George E. Prince care of E. A. 14 S., R. 8 W..S.L.M., Cont. 40 Harold T. Morgan and W. F. ner of Lot 64. th. S. 2034' E. Lena Mae and J. H. Franks All of Lot the discovery monument of North Alder Hill, Joint Tenants The WVi of the SE. Y Ac $1.56 Morgan Beg. at the SW. cor- 8.65 ft. to corner of Lot 64, th. N. W. Yz of Lot 10, Blk. 8, Plat B, 17 of Sub. of ot 1, Blk. 1, Plat Extension Zulu, Valley & Ridge of Sec. 14, T. 13 S., R. 18 W.. Blanche May Johnson $32.83 D, Eureka City Survey. Also all Aiming flam, U. S. Lot 231, th. fa.lM. Cont. 80 Ac Beg. ner of Lot 3, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eur- 6459' E. 30.55 ft. to corner of Eureka City Survey $45 98 at the SW. corner of the SE. Yt. eka City Survey, th. N. 84 11' E. Lot 64, th. S. 2403' E. 60.43 ft James Henry Franks. Lena Mae E ly part of Lot 16 of Sub. of N. 2034' W. 65 ft. to corner num old v. ParKer. Jauruta Par liar of Sec. 3, T. 15 S., R. 1 W., along S. line of said Lot 3, 54.5 to beg Beg. on N. bdy line Lot 1, Blk. 1, Plat D, Eureka ber 2, th. N. 6926' E. 95 ft. to ker $14.41 Franks The SW. quarter of SE S. L. M., th. N. 126 rds., E. 45 ft. N. 3530' W. 13.5 ft., N. 7220' George Hyde and Margaret of Lot 11, Blk. 8, Plat B., Eureka City Survey described as Beg. at corner number 3, th. S. 20' 34' A ana the h.. Yz of the SW. Y 10'W. 23 46 43.9 S. N. E. 16.8 W. Lot E. th. of rds 56.2 ft., th. S. 30 W. 13.8 ft.. of Sec. 30, T. 13 S., R. 19 W., 16, said rds., ft., 2830' rds., All of Lot City Survey, at a pt. S. 728' SE'ly corner Hyde, Joint Tenants S. 80 rds., W. 69V2 rds. to beg. ft., S. 8320' W. 21.4 ft. N.7220' 73, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka City W. 48 ft. from NE. corner there N. 1047' W. 100 ft.. S. 7913' th. S. 6926' W. 84.3 ft to bee. S.L.M., Also the following: Beg. 100 S. E. Cont. 47 70160 Ac th. S. side $3.69 W. 4 ft. M. or L. to an inter Survey 27.5 line to Otherwise E. known as Tract D, Blk. at a pt. tt. mm tt. trom W. 1047' ft., $12.40 of, sec. ft, parallel Lots 13, 14, section with the W. line of said Pratt Osborne George W. Leatham and Iris 60 ft., th E. parallel to N. side N. 7913' E. 27.5 ft. to pt. of a, fiat i. Eureka City Survey comer between Sees. 30, T. 13 S., $12.73 15, 34, 35 and 36 of Sec. 6, T. Lot 3, th. S. 1236' E. along W. N. Leatham, Joint Tenants 10.44 All line 48 ft, th. S. 21014E. 93.338 bee K. 19 W., S. L. M., and Sec. 25. $ 16 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M. Less line ot said Lot 3, 63.5 ft to beg. of Lots 87 and 88. Blk. 4, Plat B, tt, th. S. 66"32'W. 23.7 ft, th. Norman Larraoee ana ateua Neno Schena and Shdrlev Schena T. 13 S., R. 20 W., S. L M., th. Com. S. S. E. 4.69 acres for state highway over 23.64 Joint $3.69 Eureka City Survey th. Tenants Tenants 2136' Com. Joint a at ft., pt. N. 28u15' W. 415 ft, th. N. 67" $22.78 Larrabee, All of Lot 5. Etta Hickman lots 13 and 14 $7.78 Alma S. Boswell, Celia H. Bos 7715' W. 37.51 ft., th. N. 20 at SK. corner of the Franke Lot on S. end line from which corner 30' E. 863.7 ft., th. S. 687.7 ft., on No. 27' ft. 50 M W. Lots 39 and Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- well, Joint Tenants W. 175.70 Last Chance N. th. 4, Pratt Osborne th. 728' W. Claim, E'ly The ft th. D. 620 ft. to beg. Cont. 8.84 adjoining Mining $3.35 line ot Lot VA B1K. 1, flat v. u. s. Lot 261, bears N. 8258' E. Ac. 54, of Sec. 6, T. 16 S., R. 1 W., vey. Subject to right of Rail- of Lot 1, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka E. 10.37 ft. to beg Total Acreage, 128.84 Ac. Sheldon R. Kirkham, Lavon C. Eureka City Survey, th. N. to Rio 55.71 ft., S. 8258' W. 106.9 ft., S. L. M. Sont. 80 Acres less 7 road Co., to maintain tunnel un City Survey ' $11.06 $61.29 acres for county road. Total derneath the surface of saad lot. All Grande Railroad, parallel with fc,. N. 7145 W. 26 ft., N. 1150' Mrs. Theresa Viertel care of V. Kirkham, Joint Tenants Sheldon Warren Skinner care of $19.43 H. and Amy Bates, Joint Tenants of Lot 28, Blk. 8, Plat B, Eureka side lone th. SW'ly to NW. cor E. 32 ft, S. 8306' E. 125.7 ft, S. Harold V. Parker and Juanita $2.92 acreage 73 acres Sterlin R. Laird and Georgia Lots 34 and Pratt Osborn of SE NW Beg. at a pt. N. 5518' E. City Survey. Perpetual easement ner. th. S. on W'ly line to pt of 222' E. 12.1 ft. to beg. Otherwise Parker All of 58 ft. from the NW. corner of adjoining Lot 26, Blk. 8, Plat B., 'beg. Conveying the W. 50 ft. of kown as Lot 2. Blk. 1. Plat F. quarter of sec 30,quarter 35 of sec. 7, T. 16 S., R. 1 W., H. Laird, Joint Tenants T 13 S, R. 19 $16.75 Eureka City Survey S.L.M. Cont 80 Acres $3.11 Lot 20. Blk. 2. Plat A. Eureka Lot 2, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City for right of trespass .... ....$17.76 said lot 12 $27.S1 W., S. L. M., Cont. 40 ac. $1.52 Com. at Alliene Farren and Frances Wilbert Gay Baum Theda Pierce Chase $15.75 Survey, th. N. 5518' E. 60.31 ft., The iJE. City Survey Heber u. Fields or Vera a. Ivan Hale Lots 7 and 10, Vi of Sec. 9, T. Vi of the NE. H. F. Gear All of Lot 22. th. S'ly 61.83 ft. M. or L. to S. Fields Beg. at a pt. which W. Yz of SE. Yi. of Sec. 3, Twp. Beg. at a pt S. 1020' a pt. S. 7954' W. 55 ft. from1 Ewell bears N. 5858' W. 193.9 ft. from 14 S., R. 18 W., S. L. M. Cont. 16 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M. Cont. Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- bdy line of Lot 2, th. S. 6321' E. 66 ft. from NE. corner of Lot the SE. corner of Lot 17, Blk. 40 Ac Last Chance 160 Ac $1.01 W. 62.31 ft., th. N. 2804' W. 1, Blk 9, Plat B, Eureka City Sur- Jlat D, Eureka City Survey, th. corner number 4, $1.56 vey $6.08 corH. F. Gear Mining Claim. U. S. Lot. 261. th. That Dart of Lot 43 ft to beg Theda Pierce Chase The S. Nathan L. Hale Lots 6, 11, $18.09 vey, th. S. 1020E. 33 ft., S. S. 7954' W. 54.96 ft. to SW. S. 40 N. of said lot 210' 440' E. ft. th. S. 8713' E. EVa of SW. of the SE. Y of Sec. 9, T. 23, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City of Sec. 3, Twp. 14 Harold L. Fox. La Rue Fox, 85 13' W. 53 ft M. or L, to ner 85.59 16 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M. Cont. Survey, Beg. at the SW. corner Joint Tenants ft., th. N. 543' E. 37.85 104.8 ft., th. N. 0215' E. 41.9 S., R. 18 W., S. L. M. Cont. 160 All of Lot 4, W. line of said lot, N. 638' W. W. 61.45 N. N. E. th. 8821' W. 107.6 ft. to Ac 7428' ft., th. ft., 80 Ac $18.67 of Lot 22, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka Blk 5, Plat B, Eureka City Sur- 33 ft., N. 85W E., 53 ft. M. or ft., th. $83.32 The SW. City Survey, th. N." 5428' E. vey Theda Pierce Chase H. V. Parker, Juanita Parker, $8.38 S'lv about 130 ft. to beg. $10.39 beg. Otherwise known as Lot 4. $20.10 L to beg C. Blk. Wanda and W. 1, Sanderson Plat F, Eureka City of the SW. Untune Grill and all of Lot 23.61 tt. to corner of Lot 23, th Gladys H. Kay Joint Tenants The SE. Yi. of Beg. at the Oris Beg. at SE. All of vey Joint Tenants 5 of Sec. 10, T. 16 S., R. 1 W.. S. 4014'E. 76.52 ft. to SW corner corner of Lot 6, Blk. 5, Plat B., NW. comer of Lot 1, Blk 9, Plat $ 19.10 the SW. of Sec. 15, T. 14 S.. Tom Eureka Blk S. of 24.33 1, W. Plat D, lot 23, th. City 6207' S. L. M., Cont. 81.79 Ac. Less Judge andor Cleo Judge R. 18 W., S. L. M. Cont. 40 Ac. Eureka Survey, th. S. 64 B, Eureka City Survey, th. N. Lot 21, uom at a pt which is N. 9' Undivided !t.n.ub Cont. ft. to pt., th 3.16 Ac. for County Road. 4028' W. 35.9 ft. 25 W. City 47.3 ft. th. N. 2546' 8513' E. 49.53 ft., th. S. 10 Survey 23 interest $2.09 20' 513.5 a W. at Russell M. to Bertha or L. ft distant from cor H. V. Parker, Juanita Parker, pt. Beg. 78.63 Ac $8.38 W. 42.5 ft., th. N. 6821' E. 20' E. 33 ft, th. S. 8513' W. $18.28 beg 340 E. 4. ner S. Last Min number bears Chance 2456' ft which Sterlin Laird, Georgia Laird, 51.7 ft., th. S. 18E. 39.37 ft to 53 ft. to W'ly side line of said Theda Pierce Chase Joint Tenants Beg. The E. Yz of the from NW. corner of Lot ing Claim, U. S. Lot 261, th. N. NW. Yt. and the NE. All of Lot 24, beg 132 Ft. S., and 175 ft. W. of the Joint Tenants of the $11.39 lot, th. N. 6 28' W. 28.9 tt., th. distant 209 2. Eureka 8105' W. D. N. 5. Plat Blk. th. 916' ft., City Yt. Vi corner between Sees. 3 and Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City Surof Sec. 22, T. 14 S., R. 18 SW. Vaughn Clements and Maumne N. 739' E. 6.33 ft. to beg. $1.34 Mt 57 E. 51 S. E. N. and th 204.5 E. 7139' 1 8104 S. M 16 L. $18.43 Clements, Joint Tenants 10, T. vey ft, S., R. Heber D. Fields and. Susan Survey, W., Lot 8 W., S. L. M., Cont. 120 Ac. Un The W. Vz of Lot 6, ft to place of beg., th. N. 7139' ft, th. S. 418 W. 40.8 ft to divided 23 interest th. N. 276 ft,. W. 158 ft., S. Sterlin R. Laird and Georgia E. of Sub. of Lot 19, Blk. 5, Plat Fields $4.75 All of Lot B, Eureka City Survey .... $11.73 Bok. 9, Plat B, Eureka City Sur E. 57 ft., th. S. 2456' W. 100 .beg. Otherwise kown as Lot 10, 276 ft., E. 158 ft. to beg. Cont. Laird, Joint Tenants H. V. Parker, Juanita Parker. N. Blk. th. W. 57 S. Plat 1, 7139' Eureka ft., F, Blk. 1 Ac Plat Yz 25, Eureka 2, $0.78 A, City Joint Tenants of The S. 5i.bS ft., City James Beck and Jean Beck, vey $11.06 vey W. 100 ft to beg $38.19 the SW. $4.02 Joint Tenants The Survey Theda Pierce Chase and the NE. Vi of the Heber D. Fields, Susan Fields Lot 9 of Sub. Martin J. Ellen D. Fennell, Yt. Henry Larson care of Mary SW. Sterlin R. Laird .and Georgia E. of Lot 19, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka of Sec. 28, T. 14 S.. NW. Vi of the NW. Y of Sec. 10, The E. Yz of Lot 6, Blk 9, tMzaoeth Bidcuecome Eden Beg. R. 18 W., S. L. M. Cont. 120 Ac. All of Lot City Survey T. 16 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M., Also Laird, Joint Tenants Eureka City Survey Fennell and John V. Fennell $18.43 Plat B, com. 8 rds. S., of the NE. cor 31, Blk. 2. Plat A, Eureka City 27.36 $13.74 Com. at SW. corer of Lot 23, at a pt. N. 1058' W. 460.3 ft. and Undivided 23 interest is. 64 AS Anna Morgan Beg. 2"10'W 3 ft and N. 8115W $13.74 W. 133 ft. from NE. corner of H. V. Parker, Juanita Parker, ner of the NW. Yt of Sec. 10, Survey Frederick A. Johnson, Jeannine Blk. 8, Plat B, Eureka City Sur- N. Sterlin Laird and Georgia Laird, Lot 20, Blk. 5, Plat B., Eureka Johnson, Joint Tenats All of vev. which Dt. is on the E'ly side 120 ft. from comer number 4 Joint Tenants T. 16 S., R. 1 W., S.L.M., th. S. The NW. Yi. of All of the W. Vz City Survey, S. 26 36' E. 135 Lot 11, Blk. 9. Plat B, Eureka line of North Extension Zulu, Val- - Last Chance Mining Claim, U. S. the NW. of Sec. 33, T. 14 S.. 72 rds., W. 80 rds., N. 72 rds., Joint Tenants E. 80 rds. to beg. Total Acreage of Lot 33. Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka ft., S. 6348'W. 82.07 ft., N. 20 City Survey $35.51 ley & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 261, th. N. 820 E. 54.55 ft. R. 18 W. S. L. M. Cont. 40 Ac. $9.05 14' W. 85 ft.. N. 6248' W. 65 76 Ac. Less 0.41 Ac. for County City Survey Neo Schena and Shirley Schena, Lot. 231, at intersection of N'ly S. 8105' E. 100.1 ft. S. 725'- Undivided 23 interest .... .... $0.95 Lawrence Fothenngham, Marie ft. N. 2014' W. 47.71 ft.. N. 64 Joint Tenants All of Lot 14, hdv. line of Main St.. th. S. 62 W. 51.8 ft. to pt of bee. OtherMarinus Johnson and Thora Road. Remaining Acreage 75.59 SE. Vi of SE. Yt of Ac 16.42 Blk. 9, Plat B, Eureka City Sur- 2Q'W. 36.5 ft., th. N. 2530' W. wise kown as Lot 18. Blk. 1. Plat Williams $26.64 Fotheringham, Joint Tenants 33' E. 154.45 ft. to beg of S. Yz and N. Yz The All of Lot 34, Blk. 2, Plat A, $1.68 91.8 ft., th. N. 488' E. 40 ft, F, Eureka City Survey .... $10.72 Sec. 14, S. Theda Pierce Chase Harold T. Morgan and W. F. vey Of SW. Yt. of Sec. 13, E. Yz of NE. 8.38 Morgan Lee A. Bird, Elna M. Bird, Joint th. S. 2530' E. 96 ft, th. S. 5" NW. Vi of the NW. Vi and all Eureka City Survey S. 6348' W. 48 Beg. TINTIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Yi. of Sec. 23 and E. Yz NW. Yi. All ft from SE. corner of Lot 20, Tenants Com. at SE. corner of 26' E. 5.4 ft., to beg. Otherwise Elizabeth A. Phizacklea of Lot 1, of Sec. 15, T. 16 S., BOOK "F" and E. Yz of SW. M of Sec. 24, R. 1 W., S.LJVL, Cont. 80.46 Ac. of Lot 37, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City Sur Lot 1, Blk 1, Plat C, Eureka City known as Lot 10. Blk 1. Plat E. Lauretta Parsons Lot 6, Blk. N. Yz of NE. Yt. and E. Yz of NW. $26.13 $13.40 vey, th. S. 63 "48' W. 85 ft., th Survey, th. N. 210'W. 106.96 ft., Eureka City Survey Less 3.16 Ac. for County Road City Survey Juan Medina and Mary A. Med- - A, Robinson Towniste, Mammoth Vi of Sec. 25, all in Twp. 14 S., R. Nettie Taylor Dittmer care of N. 2636' W. 136.35 ft., th. N. th. S. 7938' W. 165.285 ft., th. S., Total Acreage 77.30 Ac $10.31 $6.08 8 W., S. L. M., Cont. 1,080 Ac. That part City Sburvey All of Lot 38, 6433' E. 85 ft., th. S. 26 4520'E. 12.37 ft., th. S. 5947' ina. Joint Tenants Vesta Pierce Crawford and Al Glenn Cherry Jose A. Royfoal. Marilou M Roy- E. Eureka ice Pierce Willardsen $23.75 $1.68 E. 46.35 fit., th. S. 6423' E. 45.29 of Lot 18. Blk. 1. Plat as Beg. at Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- 36'W. 136.35 ft. to beg Yz baL undivided Lots int. each .$11.39 beg. at a pt. N. 9 50' W. 5.73 Chs., th, vey Ludean O. Sax care of Harold ft., th. S. 6918' E. 45.20 ft., th. City Survey Described ana lown-xo, jbik. a, KOttinson from which comer number ia All of Lot 7, Sorensen BOOK "H" Mrs. Joan King S. 8540' W. 10.70 chs. from SE. Beg. at a comer of S. 7122'E. 35.12 ft., to beg. Cont. a pt. North Extension Zulu, Valley site. Mammoth City Survey $10.45 ASSESSMENTS BY THE STATE $35.51 cor. of SW. Yi, of SE. Vi of Sec. Blk. 3, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- Lot 22, Blk. 5 Plat B, Eureka 0.213 Ac. M. or L. Jennave E. The U. Lot S. Houghton Also 98 ft. S'ly from the City Survey, at N. 2442' W. TAX COMMISSION John Castleton and Floris P. & Ridge Mining Claim, 25, T. 16 S., R. 1 W., S. L. M., vey. ii. L.ana all oi Lot iz. IN JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT Com. at a pt. N. 52 231. bears N. 74"40' E. 11.3 ft.. i- or th. running N. 8730' W. 5.92 SE. corner of Lot 7, Blk. 3, Plat 68.89 ft from SE. comer of said Castleton O. Blk S. S. Mammoth I, W. 53.9 Plat United States Gypsum Co. 13 00' E. 1.85 chs., A, Eureka City Survey, th. Wly Lot 22, th. N. 63 "48' E. 8 ft. to E. and distant about 295 ft. from th.S. 7440' ft, th. chs., th $5.70 MaqFarland No. 1 and 4, Little ty survey th. S. 82 15' E. 1.35 chs., th. N, 57 ft., N'ly 98 ft., to SW. corner corner, th. N. 24042' W. 5 ft. the W'ly corner of Lot 1, Blk. 1, 51 W. 3.2 ft., th. S. 29 E. 44 ft, Neola of Lot 48.5 All E. to N. 8, Stephens 8850' E. Doctor Lodes, Survey No. 6823 ft, 8720 E. 4.30 chs., th. S. 3 of said Lot 7. th. along S. line of to corner, th. S. 6448' W. 8 ft. Plat C; Eureka City Survey, th. th. 40' W. 2.15 chs. to a pt. of beg. said Lot 7, E'ly to beg. Lying to corner, th. S. 2442 E. 5 ft. to N. 7953' E. 104.25 ft., th. S. 7 side of Lot 18, th. N. 750' W. B1K. J, O. S. L. Plat, Mammoth lying in Sec. 22, 23, 26, 27, T. 15.6 N. D. $4.56 41.2 404' th. on City Survey ft, 12 S., R. 1 E.. S. L. M. Cont. ft., the W. W. C Mill- beg. Also all of Lot 23, Blk. 5, 20' E 243.45 ft. to Gemini Branch Cont. 1.06 Ac. M. or L $0.19 and being David Larson care of Sterling 59.176 with a R. of W. Ac. Juaib Gypsum Lot 37, $9.72 Plat B, The NE. site Elden H. Williams Eureka City Survey of D. & R. G. Railroad, th. N. to beg. Together E. n L. and June 18 Joint Lot Davis, $13.07 m Lots 4. 5, fa and 7. Sec. D. care 40.18 of Runnels Vi of the NW. Yl of Sec. 19, T. ft., th. N. 75 through Rodney Lymg $21.78 7251" W. All of Lot 3, Blk. L Rob-A- . 3, T. 13 S., R. 1 E., S. L. M., S. Locke, Agent care of F. ants 16 S., R. 2 W., S. L. M. Cont. Richard W. Hore and Janice W. Wiiford K. Redmond and Mary 56' W. 53.66 ft, th. N. 7904' W. Johnson All of Lot 23, Blk. inson Townsite, Mammoth City Cont. 16.391 Ac. $15.01 40 Ac Beg. at SE. Redmond, Joint Tenants $2.33 Hore, Joint Tenants Beg. 16.57 ft., th. N. 1028' W. 197.7 $3.99 $43.22 1, Plat E, Eureka City Survey, Survey Chester Memmott, Esther H. corner of Lot 9, Blk. 3, Plat A, at SW. comer of Lot 22, Blk. 5, ft. to beg . wneeiocK ere ot Blk. Lot uik. BY Lot THE and that ASSESSMENTS 91, 4, Zi, 29 S. STATE th. E. The Eureka City Survey, part Plat B, Eureka City Survey, th. Thomas Memmott, Joint Tenants Judge and Cleo Plat B. Eureka Citv Survev de- - D, Middletown. Mammoth Citv TAX COMMISSION Com. at N. Yz of the NE. Y. of Sec. 31, 59' E. 9 ft. M. or L. to comer of N. 6348 E. 51.33 ft., to SE. cor- Judge, Joint Tenants $6.27 N TINTIC SCHOOL DISTRICT as Com at comer number Survey scribed S on of th. of Blk. N. fence and line Lot 10, beg. place T. 16 S., R. 2 W., S.L.M., Cont. bdy ner, th. N. 2442' W. 135.02 ft. pt. Emma Wheeler Lot 27, Blk. W. O. Ash care of M. E. Mc- 80 Ac $18.67 2959' E. 26 ft., S. 60" W. 114 to EN comer, th. S. 6433' W. 1, Plat C.,' Eureka City Survey, 9, North Extension Zulu, Valley 13, Silver City Survey..... $0.38 Carrty West Tintic Mining Chester Memmott, Esther H. ft., N. 3506' W. 64.40 ft., to 53.47 ft. to NW. corner, th. S. th. N. 7954' E. 55 ft., from NW'ly & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. 231, Emma Wheeler E. 80 ft. of District V2 interest in McKin- All of SW. corner of said Lot 9, N, 2537 E. 135.65 ft to beg. $20.44 corner of said lot N. 7954" E. 45 th. S. 526' E. 79.93 ft., th. S. Memmott, Joint Tenants 75.42 ft., th S. 7147' Lot 28, Blk. 13, Silver City Sur- - lay, Sur. No. 5318, 5.048 Ac. the SE. Yi., The S. Yz of the 3506' W. 7.90 ft., N. 6445 E, Gertrude P. Thomas Beg. ft., th. S. 504' E. 112.4 ft. to 1832' E. Vi. int. in S. 7214M. W. vey $0.57 (Yz int. in 5,048 Ac. NE. Vi, th E. Yz of the W. Yz 73 ft.. S. 2859' E. 40.40 ft, N, at NW. corner Lot 26, Blk. 5, S'ly bdy. line of lot 10, th. S. W. 17.56 ft, th. Kathaleen E. Rowley Lots 3 Myrtle, Surv. No. 5318, 10.096 W. 54.2 and All of Lot 4, of Sec. 31, 60" E. 51 ft. M. or L. to beg. Ly Plat B. Eureka City Survey, th. 7841' W. 45 ft, th. N. 504' W. 32.35 ft.,N. th. N. 2102' int. in 10.096 Ac) $0.99 4731' E. 42.5 ft., th. and 4, Blk. 22, Silver City Survey Ac. $17.42 ft., th. T. 16 S., R. 2 W., S. L. M., Oont ing and being on the W. W. C. N. 7437' E. 135.42 ft., S. 12 18" 113.35 ft. to beg -- . Yi. Interest in $4.37 William John Bate, Norma A, N. 5512 E. 14.1 ft ,th. N. 5 .... $13.40 E. 34.5 ft.. S. 68 43' W. 60 ft.. Lyle E. Davis 439.95 Ac $34.22 Millsite. Lot. No. 163-H. The W. Waverly, Waverly No. 1 and No. $536 Clay Cummings Beg. at a pt. on N'ly bdy 26' W. 79.93 ft. to beg Chester Memmott, Esther H. Mark L. Taylor and Bernice G. W. 20 ft., SW. parallel to N. bdy Bate Yz Sec. 10, T. 10 S., 2, Richmond, Jumbo and Jumbo All of line lot 26, 53 ft.. N. 18"39' W. line of Lot 10, Blk 1. Plat C, Floyd Evans and Marie Evans, R- - 3of SE. The Taylor, Joint Tenants Memmott, Joint Tenants Com. at a pt. W., S.LM. Cont 80 Ac. $6.08 Extension, Sur. No. 3251, 110.55 NW. Yi., W. Yz of SW. Vi of Sec. Lot 3, Block 4, Flat A, tureKa 25.5 ft to beg $32.83 Eureka City Survey, being 14 ft Joint Tenants Gilbert Smell, Helen Snell, Joint Ac. int. in 110.55 Ac.) Spring $12.06 Marion Russell care of Ralph S. 7954' W. of NE comer of which bears. S. 1521' E. and Tenants 32, T. 16 S., R. 2 W., S.L.M., City Survey The N.Yz of the SE. Creek Mining District Yi. inter $18.67 Emory Pintarella care of Mil W. and Elaine R. Taylor, Joint Lot 10, S. 1143' E. 110.65 ft 183.3 ft. from comer number 3, Cont 240 Ac Yt., NE. Y of the SW. the est in Carnival. Sur. No. 5047. M. or L. to pt. on S. bdy line North Extension Zulu, Valley & All of the N. Yz SW. lie B. Pascaul Tenants Beg. at SE. corner of Clyde Overson hi SW. and the of 20.354 Acres (Vi int. in 20.354 Ac.) of the NE. Lot 10, S. 7841' W. 60.76 Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot. Y. Sec. 27, Twp. 14 S., Range 4W. of Lot 1, Blk 6, Plat A, Eureka of lot 27, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka 15, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., S. L. $6.19 $1139 City Survey, th. N. 1048' W. ft. M. or L., th. N. 5W. 112.6 231, th. S. 236 W. 37.6 ft, th. Sec. Cont. 80 Ac .$2.72 City Survey 160 ac M., $33.44 M. E7McCarty "Mckinley, ( Yz Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell and NW. 63.74 ft., th S. 74"28' W. to a ft. to a pt. on N'ly bdy line of S. 8953' W. 76.15 ft., th. N. Clyde. Overson Utah of care N. of Margaret int.) Lot No. 5318 5.048 Acres. (Vi W. 35.2 ft., th. 8740' State Lot 2 of Sec. 21, T. 14 S., R. 4. All of Lot 2. Blk. 6. Plat A. Eur pt on W. side line of said Lot, lot I 10, N. 7954' E. 47.6 ft. M. 1054' All of the N. Yt int. in 5.048 ac.) Myrtle (Yt. int.) Otherwise Webb, Equity to beg $15.75 E. 84.6 ft. to beg. $19.10 th. S. 1839' W. 63.03 ft., th. or W., SLM. Cont. 199.64 Acres. eka City Survey iSec. 11 of T. 3 W.. S. L. Lot. 5318, 10.096 Acres. (Yt. int. 2. R. 3, S., Plat E. known as Lot 16. Blk. Heber Cushings, Naomi All ot Lot N. 7437' E. 135.42 ft to beg. Alvin Greenhalgh $3.89 $5.89 in 10.096 Ac $61.98 M., Cont 317.52 Ac $0.99 Joint Tenants That part Eureka City Survey 8, Blk. 6, Plat A, Eureka City $12.73 Mrs. Joye McRae Bennion and Mid Vale Mining Co., care of Thelda William Eastwood or , bik. l, jfiats c. and iTaot of and Lot 7, that M. All Isabel of BOOK "E" Christensen part Survey, b S. and NW. Lots 3, 4, 5, That Southern Exploration Co. Oph-iBlk. 6. Plat A, Eureka City sur Lot 34, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka D, Eureka City Survey, described Eastwood, Joint Tenants EUREKA CITY of Lot 30, Blk. 2, Plat E, and N. Yz SW. Yt. of Section 1, Wonder of the Hills, Wedge, All inter- vey, Com. at NW. corner of said City Survey $24.46 as follows. From SW. corner of part Tony Echevarrieta uom. :rt n. w.. as 11 v I Kmreka described eyuwi. i. Tip Top, Copper Chief, Missing Ellis Sanderson, Charlotte R. Lot 1, Blk 1, Plat C, Eureka est in the following. Beg. at the Lot 7. th. N. &4"4' U. 48 It., $214.54 Link, Rattler, Survey No. 5399, N. 4527' E. 47.2 follows: A frontage facing- 325.25 acres NW. corner of Lot 4, Blk. 1, th. SE. 98.9 ft. about 42 ft. from Sanderson, Joint Tenants Beg. Cityth.Survey, S. Sheldon Cora corat SE. W. R SE. of bee. at UPRR 122.665 Acres. Beg. W. 22.41 ft to Howard, Survey Plat A, Eureka City Survey, th. SW. corner of said Lots 7 and at NE. comer of Lot 35. Blk. 5. ft, of S. 7629' NW. hi. ot NW of 37-and Howard M. S Survey beg., Th. N. 1010' W.1 ner of Lot 30 and extending in corner of 11 N. 6627' E. 53.77 ft. to pt., th. 8. th 42 ft. M. or L. S. 5432' Plat B., 7ureka City Survey, th. pt. ., .. 1 S. W.. a I. 42 25.66 ft. th. it. Kec. Acres. 147 direction N'lv Detroit Mining M. i. Wlv it or L., th. S. 7622' S. 24 14' E. 224.68 ft. to pt., W. to SW. corner of said Lots 7 S. 1631' E. 71.63 ft., th. S. 63 W. ft. First Chance, Clara B., E. 34 ft., th. E'ly 42 ft., th. S'ly 34 M., th. S. 8040' W. 32.75 chs., District ft, N.th. S. E. 63.76 th. S. 5829' W. 48.48 ft. to pt and 8. th. N. 3807' W. 98.95 ft, 48' W. 74.17 ft, th. N. 22o40 146.6763.76 th. ft to beg. Also beg. at the SE. N. 3231' E. 49.77 chs., S. 71 Survey 4875, 25.358 Acres $32.98 7629' $23.50 W. 79 ft, th. N. 6848' E. 81.75 ft, th. N. 2705' D. 8.03 ft to pt, to beg Walter Frank Morgan West $19.43 corner of Lot 30, Blk. 2, Plat E. 5.38 chs., S. 30 E. 14.21 chs., .. $25.13 ft to pt. of beg Merle Corcoran care oi weno ft to beg. th. N. 2535' W. 223.51 ft. to beg. Inm.il ens. to Beg. uont, Tintic Mining District Charles Kay, Mildred Kay E, Eureka Townsite Survey, th. p- i o All of Lots 1 and 2, 15 Madiliene Lars en, Max E. Lar- $114.57 Schena Ac Includes parcels in Sec. terest in: Lockheed, Lockheed No. Wilson" Lee" All of Lot Beg. at a pt. which bears S. 79 nunrrirter N. 4737' E. 10 ft., th. 69.29 All of Lot 10, Blk. 7. Plat A. Eureka City Sur sen, Joint Tenants S., R. 16 W., and Sec. 1 and Lockheed No. 2, Survey No. $25.45 3, Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka City 25' W. 75 ft. from SE. corner N. 4234' W. 50.85 ft., th. S. 6, T. 11 Blk. 1, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- vey of Lot 2, blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka 4737' W. 10 ft. th. S. 4234' 12, T. 11 S., R. 17 W., S. L. M. 7189, Located in Sec. 28, T. 11 S., care ot W. Vin Gordon iinaer $26.80 $13.07 Survey vey $22.80 R. 5 W., S. L. M. Less Excluded 50.85 ft to beg $36.85 Com at a pt City Survey, th. S. 7925' W. 75 E. Bima James McNeil Federal Sav. & cent J. and Rebecca M. MontoyaYz Prudential Don C. Sheldon Com. S. 89 Ground. 49.427 Acres. (15 int. in Com. at Carter Bate All of the W. on E'ly side line of Lot 8, Blk ft, th. N. 1105' W. 100 ft, th. Loan care of Tony Echevarieta Joint Tenants N. 7925' E. 75 ft, th. S. 11" corner number 10, North Exten-- 58' W. 4.37 chs. from the NE. 49.427 Acres) $1.86 . All of Lot 13. Blk. 1. Plat A, of Lot 4. Blk: 7. Plat A. Eureka 6, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, 05' or,, y Orlando Munding care of EdE. 100 ft to beg. This land s ion Zulu, Valley & Ridge Mining wr. cm urie oc. y oi $10.72 220 ft. from SE corner of said $172.86 City Survey Eureka City Survey iaec. 1. i. 11 ., tt. 1 W.. . mund B. Moon II. S. IjC 231. th. N. 5" North Tintic Anna L. KaiiaoacKa care or Ar lot 8, th. along E'ly side line of is alsoYt described as Lot 5. and nam. Milka Bogdan Beg. at SE. Part of Natof Lot 6, Blk. G., E. Park 26' W. 856.3 ft., th. S. 6349' W. L. M., th. S. 8958' W. 15.30 chs., Mining District Beg. 17 ft said Lot 8. N. 6'w W. SO ft. Wly corner of Lot 21, Blk 1, Plat A, nold Kallabacka 7.39 chs., th. S. 8940 E. ional Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sur$28.14 104.6 ft. th. S. 5741 W. 137 J5 th. S. W. from SE. corner S. 8225' 100 ft, S. 650 E. 50 Sub Eureka Citv Survev. tn. in . zy N. 22 52' Blk chs. th. N. 7.39 chs. M. or vey No. 7128, described as folEllen D Fennell, Martin J. and ft. th. S. 32E. 76.3 ft, th. N. 7, Plat A, Eureka ft., N. 8225'E 100 ft to beg. 08' E. 42.12 ft., th. S. 6034' W. of Lot 17, to 5850' E. 31.8 ft., th. S. 3150'E. L. . beg. Cont. 15 acres M. or lows: Beg. at the NE. corner of to W, W. $15.75 John V. Fennell, Joint Tenants 97.93 ft. to pt., th. S. 2540 W. City Survey, S. - V 20 ft. th. N. 5850 E. 15 ft, L. Lot corner of NW. Buckeye Mining Claim, whence at 3, w Beg. James Ferris and Phyllis P. line of said Lot, in. &1.28 ft. to ot. th. XM. S. Sheldon Beg. 2.13 the quarter sec. corner between City Sur- th. N, 3241 W 97.2 ft., th. S. w"3--Cora The W. Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka 100.88 ft M. or L. to beg. $16.75 73.22 ft to NW. comer. N. 66 Ferris, Joint Tenants . m c. miner j Sections 28 and 33, T. 9 S., R. " of Lot 10, vey, th. S. 1052' E. 211.94 ft, N. 57 "41 W. 46 ft. to beg. Otherwise SE. That 33' E. 103.55 ft, N. 14' AT E. 50 ft. of the W. of SE. Sec 1, T. 11 ofinj. Agnes Shea O'Conner W,. S. L. M., S. 89 deg. 55 24.57 ft. S. 22" 52' W. 55.6S ft Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka City Sur 79025' E. 77 ft, M. or L. N. 10 known as Lot 15, Blk 3, Plat E, 1, Plat Blk. and 5 of Lots 21, 11 o. w., part in., in. o Min. W. 681.7 ft. and corner num$14.41 5., jv ft M. or L. to N. bdy Eureka City Survey $11.06 vey $7.37 42' W. 212 W. 21 3.25 71 E. 30' S. E. chs., A, Eureka City Survey, Beg. at to beg 13 bers Oim. at 76.83 ft. to beg. Miw Survey No. 7128, Marvin Petersen and Shirley S. 7918' Clarence W. and Lavern Potts - rds., N. 71 W. 7.50 chs., N. 30' W. National No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and the NE. comer of Lot zi, bik. i, Bauer Extencorner North number 10, R. easement of for to 3 Blk. 9. of Subject All Lot Petersen, Joint Tenants Beg. at Plat A. Eureka City Survev, th Plat $43.89 sion Zulu, Valley & Ridge Mining 21 13 rds., S. 71E. 4.25 chs. to No. 6 Lodes bears S. 30 deg. 17 City .... B, Eureka City Survey $938 a pt 50 ft N. 6254' E. of NW. W to EurekaRobinson S. 29019 E. 73.03 ft. to pt., th. N. Claim, U. S. Lot 231, th. N. 526' beg. Cont 4 Ac. Includes parcel Min. W. 130.2 Ft, and th. S. 7 or J. Robert Betty Potts and Blk. W. Lavern corner of Lot 10, 6, Plat B, Clarence S. W. 12.57 ft to pt, th 10 w., a. Deg. 14 Min W. 1500.0 Ft to SE. W. 956.3 ft., th. S. 6627 W. "n ec. o, 1. 11 of Lot Robinson That 10, 10. Blk. Lot 3, part of All N. E. 62"54' Eureka City Survey, L. M S. 3005' E. 75.36 ft to pt, th. Bauer $8.36 corner, Th. N. 79 deg. 16 Min. W. comer land 34.55 NE. to of Surft., Blk. Eureka Plat C, 2, City 28 10' 38.12 S. Eureka line E. to S. $1.68 ft., City Survey S. 6034' W. 36.51 ft. to pt, th, Plat B, Russell Christensen Est care of 600.0 Ft. to SW. comer, th. N. 7 S. 2526 E. th. herein 11 Lots described, as known 1, 2, 9, vey, of care S. W. Harold to of said Lot 3820' 10, Ella Donnelly N. 2455' W. 154.77 ft. to pt., th. All or tne Deg. 14 Min. E. 1500.0 Ft. to ft., th. S. 6457' W. 7 ft, th. txttui j. unnstensen All of Lot 11, is IK. 3 a pt. 50 ft E. of W. bdy line of and " 12, Blk. J, East Park Sub. 73.5 of SE. N. 6627 E. 36.2 ft to bee $76.04 Jamison of Sec. 12, T. NW. Comer, th. S. 79 Deg. 16 N. 1342 W. 20.6 ft., th. S. 6434 SW. $78.39 .... lot B. to said Eureka 10, $12.40 beg City Survey N'ly That part of Plat W., S.IM. Cont 40 Min. E. 600.0 Ft. to NE. corner J. E. O'Connor Frederick A. Johnson and Jean-nin- e W. 24 ft, th. N. 2526 W. 52 11 S., R. 17 the I. R. Davis E. 33 ft. of Lot ........ .. .... $45.90 W. rd. thereof. to the place of Beg. Exclusive of Lots 5 and 21, Blk. 1, Plat A, th. N. 6434' E 26.45 ft M. or Ac., exceptTenants Joint Johnson, ft, N, N. Esther Blk. Eureka B, 10, Plat 6, Nielsen, Peter City That $1.52 its conflict with Lot No. 281-Eureka Citv Survev. Bee. at w L. to beg. Otherwise known as Blk. Lot of Plat 10, 2, at part Tenants $10.05 Joint Beg. Survey. of Iron Cloud lode and expressly ex NE. Stewart Sheldon corner of Lot 21, Blk. 1, Plat A, Nielson, 19. Blk. 3, Plat E, Eureka Lot known Eureka C, Survey, City fcUK Marion of and Joint Lot corner Z4, Nash, Floyd of Sec. 12, T. 11 S., cluding however the portion of Eureka Citv Survey, th. IN. b SW. B. Eureka $88.11 the SE. Sub. E. Park Survey Blk. as Lot City 10, J., corner NW. at th Tenants Survey, Beg. City 50" E. 71.3 ft., N. 2549' W. 51.28 Plat n. 11 w ., o.ixm., urn. w ac. said uucKeye Claim within the David and Mary Uarbett $12.06 $8.17 limits of Lot. No. 281-M. or L. to pt, on Nly side S. 85' 45' E. 55.15 ft, N. 30' of Lot 14, Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka Iron Com. at corner number 1, North ft M. leathern at Beg Raymond 56.85 W. N. th. E. N. 47.43 6542' W. 724(y ft., City Survey, A. James Aagard The SE. Cloud lode. Containing 20.60 Ac w, line of Lot 21. th. S. 8.5 ft. S., 1929' E from Extension Zulu, Valley & Ridge a pt. 81.60 32 E. S. 52.24 to W. S. ft.. 166' ft., 343' tjeg. It ft, SWly or raec. a, 1. res 01 tne sw. on said N'ly side line of Lot 21 Min me Claim, U. S. Lot 231, th. $3.31 $9.72 to W. side line Lot 14, said Blk., SE. corner of Lot 11, Blk. 2, Plat 12 S.. R. 3 W.. S. L. M. Cont. a distance of 71.3 ft M. or l.., Glen Silver City Water Co. care of C, Eureka City Survey, th. S. 74" N. 635 W. 763.3 ft., th. N. 64 32 N. W. Reva Larson and and Lar Plat 258' L Survey. ... .. $1.52 Leo Green S. 2549' E. 48.48 ft to be. Redemption. Re N. 20 18' W. 108 32 E. 196 ft, th. N. 475 W. 37.5 40 Acres All of Lot ft to beg. $29.82 05" W. 74.4 ft, 45 : .. James C Aagard, Reva A. $1.67 son, Joint Tenants th. N. 4430E. 40.5 ft. to demption No. 2 and 3, Sur. No. S. N. ft., Tl'Tfy 75E. ft., 4 4. B. All ft, Eureka Carl of Lots 5. Blk. Plat City Gallaway Melvin Eatoueh and Ellen E. comer of land herein de- - gland. Arvard J Aagard 13 Int. 37ttt, 61.8U7 AC $46.90 and Wly 5 ft. of Lot 13, all In E. 43 ft.. S. 1929' E. 87.5 ft. All of Survey SE. of NW. M, Lots Ea tough, Joint Tenants Tintic Gold Mining Co. Diamond $19.43 scribed, th. N. 4430 E. 60.4 ft, Each to , beg SurA. Blk. and Eureka 7, Blume Plat B, Kenneth Betty City Lot 24, Blk. 1, Plat A, Eureka A. Diamond, and Rose Durfee care th. N. 40 19 W. 52 ft., th. S. 47 1 and 2, All of the S. Yz of NE. Group Mining Claims com. Wesley All N. 120 of Also of ft. Tenants Joint vey. Blume, All of W. of Emerald and Ruby Cons. Lot No. of SE. IV W. 31.6 ft., th. S. 47,41' it l of Riley A and Juanfta Tallant City Survey, except the N. entire cor. B. 4. SE. Lot Blk of Plat 60. 12, 7, Blk. Eureka Plat Sec. T. 12 S.. 3 W. Cont. 224, 44.43 Ac of said lot, running the $24 59 6 by 25 ft in B, Eureka City Survey, th. S. Bee. at N. E. corner of Lot 31 ft., th. S. 42 19 E. 54 ft. to. 279.245, acres ... R. Tintic Undine Mining Co The width of the N. end of said lot City Survey, except $10.64 Also known as Lot 31, Blk Eureka Blk beg. C, Plat 3, 21, City to Anahel W. deeded line sd. of to 7114' lot corner NE. Wly $15.41 James C Aagard. Reva A. En North 1920th of Beatrice D. 12. 60.71 ft., th. N. 1602' W. Survey, th. S. 2610' E. 161.05 ft., 3. Plat E. Eureka Citv Survev $15.08 Moonev . That part Jos. E. O'Connor $10.05 gland, Arvard J. Aagard 13 int Lode, Sur. No. 4308. 4.904 Ac (19 14.50 th. S. 6902 W. 104 ft., th. N'ly . Ned C. AUiiwon John J. Farren, AUiene Farren, 22.65 ft. th. N. 79'07-Wof Lots 5 and 25. Blk. 1. Plat All of the W. Vi of the 20 of 4.904 Ac) $0.91 All surface each 163 ft M. or L. to N. bdy line 10 N. 21' th. E. 56.23 at ow NW. ft., Tenants Beg. Joint ft, A, Eureka City Survey, Beg. at ,' Duke Page The N. Yz of the SW. V. E. Yz of the SE. Vi, NW. Y of the SE. Vi of Sec. 11, T. 14 S., R. 8. W., S. L. M. $,7.78 The NE. Vi of Duke Page the SE. Yi., S. Yz of the NE. Yi., of the NW. NE. SE. , of the NE. Yi., of Sec. 14, T. 14 7.78 S., R. 8 W., S. L. M Mar in us Johnson The SE. Yt. Vi of Sec. 10, 14 S., of the NE. R. 8 W., S. L. M. Cont. 40 Ac. iy-16'- Yt. 17.-th- . Yt. n, Yt. Yt. Sur-245- , 6' Yi. Yi. 7, - i--ot -- - ' Ten-Joh- B E.-V- 4 Cush-ing- s, , 42-fo- r, ot A 37-B- lO-l- - to l 15-3- 59-2- 0- &- - 50-3- 3' . - -- A A En-S- lt |