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Show THE Page Four Annual Christmas Party . . . The Delphic Literary Club held their annual Christmas party on Friday, December 13 at the Snak Shak Cafe. After the dinner the group went to the home of Ellen Bowles for games and for exchange of Christmas gifts. The club officers reported that all of the Christmas decorations were sold at the two sales, one at Ralph Market and the second at Allen's Cash store last Saturday. Club officers and members extend their thanks to all who supported the project. The committee for the party consisted of Ellen Bowles, chair- - at Home of Mrs. Cotton "CHOOSE YE THIS DAY" Z?y m -- I ' Emma Marr Petersen Here is a delightfully different approach to the problems of youth, particularly those of college age. It reveals the problems faced by young people in reconciling philosophy, science, and worldliness with religious truths. An excellent aid to youth on such matters as marriage, word of wisdom, recreation, segregation, and inter - racial marriages. .,.u Hie lovely modern home of Mrs. John Cotton was the scene of the annual Christmas dinner party of the Ladies Literary Club on MonThe house day, December 16. was beautifully decorated with a 1 Yuletide motif. Dinner was the Christmas tree and the table was lighted by a unique evergreen and candle center piece. The evening was spent visiting, playing Bingo and exchanging gifts. The following members attended: Mrs. John Cotton, Mrs. J. W. Berwick, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, .Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. J. L. BeUis-trMrs. J. G. Irons. Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. Donald Eyre, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. T. H. Burton Mrs. John Robertson, Miss Mabel Sperry and Mrs. W. W. Stephen- by jf.c 4f.e. jf.c- this book. CHRISTENSEN'S, INC., 45 North Main St., Nephi, Utah - 20 OZ 3 pkgs Q7c 1 f PILLSBURY FLOUR SEGO MILK - - TALL CANS 4 tall cans ioc SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING -- 10c Off Dea- l- JlbQ4c LIRRYS CREAM STYI E CORN - - 3ftl tinci for No. VA tins DEL MONTE PUMPKIN Each - 10 pound bags, Each ffi "Morrel" Brand Each CHOICE LEAN GROUND BEEF COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE - Lean, Sliced, Der SLAB BACON - - Tod Grade UNIT LAUNDRY 35 trARfl Delicious YRITP1K TtVJ 2 pounds Tasty, 2 lb Q()c Q9C Dound Cfc OZ PKG Farh nminH NIAGARA LAUNDRY STARCH - - 12 0Z LUMBER JACK SYRUP- - - 24 OZ SIZE PUREX HOUSEHOLD BLEACH - - QUART g,. U KRAFT HARD WHITE STAR TUNA - Solid OIL pack r?itti: V u rr act 1 i f1 HEADQUARTERS - ARE AT NEPHI JEWELRY J I 1 7 ff M. "o St o lc --Q- -- Vi SIZE TIN AVOCADOES 3 53 ft cunrMD Each pound tins, Each al 6 PK9S 09 C pkg port TILLSBURY PANCAKE MIX 4 lb packages MJB COFFEE DATES 1 - Each 49 pound tin pound package, each 1 8 Okc 8 21C WHITE KING CLEANSER New Decorator Can - - 2 for Iftc CAKE MIXES BISQUICK PINEAPPLE flic X nkn - fnr jf r"3Large pkgs each JUICE 46 OZ TIN - Me 13 If j 43c 9 "A Beev Kocasf SQc 13c 39c - - 10c DOZ !oin IAC lb Jo Millldi (eirfrca good) lb. 49( 8 UfCUIUI If 1 11(115 IUI or Half HAMS - HORMEL - "THE BEST PER LB JC Large Meaty Slices - pound -FRESH SLICED HALIBUT 47c ROASTING CHICKENS - MEAT TYPE - LB 3Qc 8 u "--- ft ft ft IQC use P. LARGE DELICIOUS APPLES per pound 10c CRANBERRIES - - per pound - 25c YAMS - Golden centers - - per lb IQC CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 cans 43c SHURFINE SHORTENING - 33c 31c n7 FROZEN PEAS FROZEN SHRIMP - - jqc -- - - - jqc iqc Bottle uart ORANGE JUICE- - Regular cans FROZEN 7 cans 1. FROZEN FRYERS - Large pk 1.09 FROZEN APPLE OR CHERRY 59c per pound TACK per pound FRESH GRAPE FRUIT m wr "FRIENDLY SERVICE" V f Oranges bai iru 20 ft PURITY CHRISTMAS ANIMALS WYLERS ASSORTED SOUP MIX 5? 80 to package -- - Buy now for Holiday NAPKINS nTJfiWT7M s. lb. box CHERRY 1 d O3QC0UI RJ1 9 G old boy I BOXED CHOCOLATES 3 lb 1.Q9 MIXED CANDY - - 3 pounds 1.05 ft LOOSE MIXED CHOCOLATES turkey: SALAD-COOKIN- five-si- x ... - - fresh per lb - IQC MIXED NUTS - - No Peanuts lb 3$c PEANUTS - Fancy - 114 pound 45c V '4 just or seven year See Roy E. Gibson at right for Times-New- Boy's bicycle in small size LEMONS I - - 303 tins - Each - - 25c STARCH-1- 2 FOR SALE good condition OF CHRISTMAS Aii r . AT 1PM - AT JPM - AT 5 PM SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR COMPLETE DETAILS J9 -.- - - They're : WILL BE AWARDED TUES DAY AT OUR NEW STORE- - ft TURKEYS - - 6rade Hens - per lb - - - 43c TURKEYS " " C Grade Hens, per lb 39c BOASTING CHICKENS ige Red lb 39c CANNED PICNICS - Morrell Pride 4 lb CANNED HAMS - Perfect Gift". HUME YAMS NEPHI CITY CORPORATION R. W. Christiansen, Recorder - HAMS - - TURKEYS BOX CANDY 11 OZ ROYALTY MANDRIN ORANGES 2 for 3gc BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIX - Yhite, Yellow I 1957 other funds for capital r il Devils Food n, NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Mi ic iwwehv eiven that the public meeting for the considera tion of and adoption 01 tne nvyiu City Budget for the calendar year km will h hld m.at onthe Nephi Monday, City Hall at 8 p. December SO, lx(. Of special notice is the proposal for the setting aside of a sum of $20,000.00 in the budget toward the construction of a municipal Public's intrest swimming pool. in this proposal, or against it, will determine whether this proposal will be incorporated in the budget or whether the $20,000.00 will be distributed through the several 19, Handmade purse LOST on leather with shoulder strap Wed. Dec. 11 at First Ward Primary. Finder please return to Terry Miller or phone 409NW I L man, Elaine Bowles, Donna An derson, Eileen Bailey, Iris Ferre and Erma Barton. Members present included Mrs. Don Barton, Mrs. Glen Wilson, Mrs. Eugene E. Wilkey, Mrs. Ru-lo- n Sowby, Mrs. Arthur Jensen Mrs. Dee Kendall, Mrs. Dale M. Worwood, Mrs. Keith Bailey, Mrs. Kent Linton, Mrs. Sherl Ferre, Mrs. Allen Ostler, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Dean Worth ing-toAnderson, Mrs. Earl Bowles, Mrs. Clarence Greenhalgh, Mrs. Eldon Bowles, and a special guest, Mrs. Ivan Watts. SLEIGH LOADS 15 m If you liked "For Time or Eternity?" you'll like $200 served December Thursday, NEPHI, UTAH S, Snak Shak Cafe Scene of Delphic Christmas Dinner Members Enjoy Dinner, For The Youth TIMES-NEW- S 11 7 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6 Nephi, Utah 5 A k |