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Show Thursday, December 19, THE 957 The Chalice Literary Club met Carter's Cafe on December 12 for their annual Christmas party. The group enjoyed a delicious dinner. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games and telling jokes. Prizes were given to winners of the games and members of the club exchanged gifts. Present were Adele Jackson, Thel-m- a Read, Ardys Tidwell, DeOn Paxman, Rula Gowers, Fay Green- halgh, Alene Sperry, Madge Barbara Jones, Meree Sells, Garvene Garrett, Marjone Green-halgBeth Jarrett, Betty Motes, Jean Johnson and Corrine Jen Beauty Salon he Yu,eide round f parties with 4 pice new liair style flared and swirled to make you a "Star" attraction. The ALL NEW BRECK PERMANENT WAVE (with its built in hair conditioning makes your crowning glory glow with holiday glamour WLSiME Utt-eso- Individualized hair cuttin and styling makes the most of lovely you. All permanents include hair cut, shampoo and set. Special rates Tuesdays and Wednesdays. n, h, kins. CALL 63W or come to 78 SOUTH MAIN MADGE OTTESON, Owner and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Garrett an nounce the birth of a son on November 22. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson of Payson, and Mrs. Hazel Garrett of Nephi. Great gradmothers are Mrs. Martha Johnson of Ogden and Mrs. Mary Morgan of Levan. Operator 5)fTtW Mrs. Delos Garrett and son Brian visited in Levan Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Garrett and family of Springville spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. Dellis Painter. OFF ON ALL The Fort Wall Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Delta Wilkey on Friday, December 14. Following a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, Christmas carols were sung iby the group ond Virginia and Andy Ostler gave two vocal duets. Beth Ostler was in charge of the games, and Mary Scott gave the lesson "Pioneer Christ- mases . ianla Claus presented gifts to the two oldest members of the camp, Mrs. Emma Mem mott and Mrs. Nellie Orme. lira SELECTION IS STILL QUITE COMPLETE $48 North Main Mona News LEVAN Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Winter of Salt Lake City spent the weekend in Levan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Brad- shaw of Cedar Citv visited on Sunday at the home of Miss Olive Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan of Brigham City were guests last Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wankier. Ensign N. Gregg Taylor is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Taylor. He is enroute from Chase Field, Bee-vill- e, Texas, to Key West, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Dalby, Mrs. Emma Dalby, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dalby attended the presentation of the "Messiah" at Snow College Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ballow spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of Chicken Creek camp enjoyed a Christmas party last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Viola Shepherd. The rooms were decorated with Christmas colors. The lesson for the regular meet-in- e was given by Thelana Jack- man. Games were played and Christmas gifts were exchanged after which lunch was served to Mrs. Cora Wankier, Mrs. Thelma Jackman, Mrs. Gertrude Shepherd, Mrs. Mae Mrs. Nina Morgan, Wankier, Mrs. Leah Bosh, Mrs. Nellie Nielsen, Mrs. Bessie Pay-struMrs. Leona Mangelson, Mrs Anna Mrs. Leora Christensen, Mrs. Edna Sherwood, Shepherd, Mrs. Emma Dalby, and the hostess, Mrs. Viola Shepherd. p, SHIP NOTICES. Consult Juab AND PROBATE Mrs. Harry Foote plans to leave Clerk or respective soon to spend the winter in Provo signers for additional Informawith her son in law and daughter, tion. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gease. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Floyd C. Lunt, deceas Mr. and Mrs. William Paxman ed.Estate Creditors will present claims entertained at a birthday dinner with vouchers to the undersigned Sunday in honor of Arthur Trant- at 711 Newhouse Building, Salt on his er, birthday anniversary. City, Utah, on or before the Present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lake day of Feibruary, A. D. 1958. Tranter of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. 13th Cowan Lunt, Administ Lucille Alma Tranter of Midvale, Mr. ratrix of the Estate of Floyd C. and Mrs. Edward Pay of Salt Lunt, deceased. Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and Vernon L. Tranter and the host and hostess, EksAyn Snow, Attorneys for Admx. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paxman. 711 Newhouse Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Steele and Salt Lake City, Utah 'baby of Santaquin were dinner guests on Sunday at the home Dates of publication: December of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett. 12, 19, 26 1957. and January 2, Nephi, The occasion was Mr. Steele's 1958 in The Times-New- s, Utah. birthday anniversary. GUARDIAN-Count- CO. E Page Three About NEPHI NEWS Xuivs Vol Its in STYLE AND FASHION BAILEY-McCUN- NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Phone 21, Nephi f Officers and teachers of the Nephi Third Ward Primary enjoyed a Christmas party Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett. A turkey dinner was served to 19. The evening was spent in playing bingo, and gifts were exchanged. y Mr. and Mrs. Wells K Ellert-so- n are the parents of twin sons, born December 10 at the Pay-so- n Hospital. Baby Clyde weighed 5 lbs 8 oz, and his brother. Clinton weighed 5 lbs 1V ozs. Waiting at home to welcome the twins are brothers John and Larry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John R. Straub of San Diego California and Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. the family. The Special Interest Class of the Mona Ward held an enjoyable Fireside Chat and Christinas program Sunday evening after Sacrament meeting in the Relief Society room. The reading "The Miracle of Zarahelma" was given by Mrs. Verda Oliver with music iby music directors Melba Jones andw Isola Seamons. The beau tiful story "The Other Wise Man" was told by Melba Jones. Santa Claus arrived with refreshments for all. JML Live and Farm Better . . . Electrically CO. UTAH POWER A LIGHT BUY FROM YOUR DEALER I NOW THAT SHE KNOWS WHAT TO DO SHE MAKES HIM DO IT. - V HO & , -- -. - ) f I VI I I I SHE KNOWS HER STUFF, THOUGH, SUES DIRECTING HIM TO IS M "A Li 1U X PAINTER MOTOR CO. V . TO GET ONE OP THEIR FINE USED CARS THEY HAVE .THE BEST a S J - III II SIZES Also the new -- 14-INCH S tires. k Corns NOW 20 00 ONLY $30 00 VALUES -4 ONLY S2500 VALUES-NOWjJg.O- O 3 ONLY 2i75 VALUES NOW jg.00 Ota All raw 1 IV Includes the Popular Car Coats 1 LOT JACKETS Warmly Inter-lined-ONL- Q00 25 o LADIES PLISSE NIGHT GOWNS - I forJjg 1 REGULAR OR WALTZ LENGTH Assorted Pastel Colors; Extra Special q Y wis P.M. FRIDAY AMBER GOLD SANFORIZED PRINTED FLANNELS Design - Assorted and Color- Patterns Yd m DEPARTMENT STGREF $ SPECIAL AT s- flf&e W GOOD SELECTION OF TOYS AND DOLLS NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED TO 5 BEST VALUES S Mylar or Lurex Gold Thread REPLENISH STOCK - - PRICED RIGHT! sizes available in new 1 I 1111 Si CMlekefiis SATURDAY & MONDAY NIGHTS POPULAR II msm (dies 8 MOST OF THE f$ DRUG COMPANY! INEPHI :'V--.if:.-V5r- 5 SNOW CAPS J 3.70 Under the Tree! MDIE IN CHARLIE REGRETS THE DAY HE LET HIS WIFE LEARN TO DRIVE ,0 Gift Wrapped for You to Slip Jt a Takes the work out of her washday J8? 49 AND BOYS In MENS COATS lot AAA ibveb nd Mrs. Elizabeth F. Hassell celebrated her 84th birthday anniversary on Sunday at the home of her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley. Those who called to wish her many happy returns of the day included her sister, Mrs. Gem Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Thays Stanley, Carolyn and Norman Stanley of Santaquin, Thays Bray of Lehi, Daryl and John Stanley of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Stanley and children and Mrs. Don Yates and children. Telephone messages were received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassell of Price, Mr. and Mrs. David Eagar and Mr. and Mrs. Wiltford Larson of Orem. Gifts and letters came from other members of 13 . The Levan Lady Lions held their regular meeting last Thursday evening at the City Hall. The evening was spent arranging baskets of Christmas candy which were distributed to widows, widowers, the home-bouand elder ly folks of Levan. x, stock-waterin- ... an ' n, -- gift she will really appreciate The Levan Ward Primary child-- , ed of games and dancing. The ren enjoyed a Christmas party on children presented gifts they had Refresh-Hal- l. Monday at the Ward Amusement made to their mothers. The entertainment consist-- 1 ments were served. Nebo Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their regular meeting and annual Christmas party at the Relief Soc iety llall on Friday evening. Joy The Neilsen, captain, presided. lesson "Stories of Long Ago" was A delic given by Erma Keyte. ious luncheon was served by the Those camp officers. enjoying the party were Captain Joy Neil-seNorma Kay, Geneva Moly-neuMadge Newton, Ina Kay, Erma Keyte, Agnes Myers, Syr-eld- a Newton, Rose Neilsen, Ruby Summers and Elena Stanley. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Hazel V. Neilsen, de ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Law office of Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main St., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 30th day of January, A. D. 1958. Paul W. Neilsen, Administrator of the Estate of Hazel V, Neilsen, Deceased. nvmr A and Social News Items The Mona Ward Primary held their annual Christmas rrocram on Monday afternoon. A number on the program was given by representatives from each class. Santa Claus met the children at of the the door with a treat for all. The ML NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice is hereby given that Samuel Mclntyre Investment Co. Dates of publication: November bv Rov A MoTntvrv ProcirJont 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 1957 504 Mclntyre Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed with the WREATHS CHRISTMAS for m rtj. a request lor an your front door otace or for use at jmgineer, extension of time from the cemetery Nephi Floral, call 5, 1957 to December 5, 1959, in 329W. wmcn 10 maxe ana submit Proof of 5051 Appropriation of Water under Application No. 13182 for the ap- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERpropriation of 1 sec ft. of under- IOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANground water in .Tiiah Pumtv AGEMENT, Land Office, Salt State of Utah, to ho hkpH tnr ir Lake City, Utah. November 12, g rigation and pur- 1957. Notice is hereby given that Okleberry of Goshen, Utah, It Is represented that approxi- Roy on October 30, 1957, filed applicahas been expendmately $2,500.00 Utah 020127, under Section ed on construction of works. It is 8tion, of the Grazing Act, as estimated it will cost approxima- amended, Taylor to select All Sec 6, T. to $1,000.00 mrnnloto mn. 12 S., R. 2 WV, S.LAI., Utah, tely struction and submit Proof of containing 561.06 acres, in ex Appropriation. change for All Sea 2, T 12 S., Protests resisting the granting R. 3 W., S.L.M.. Utah: containing of said request, with reasons there- 641 acres. This notice is for the for "must be In affidavit form purpose of allowing all persons with extra copy, and filed with the selected land or havine jiate iaigoneer, 403 State claiming bona fide objections to such Catritol. Salt rstv TTtah nn ing application an opportunity to file or before January 18, 1958. their protests or other objections neanng wm oe held on this m the Land Office, Salt Lake City, 15 reauest for extension mf Hmo vo. Utah, together with evidence that fore the State Engineer, at the a copy of such protest or objection Courthouse in Nephi, has been served upon the applic County Utah, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. on ant, within 30 days from the date 1958. Protestants of the first publication of this February 17, may aDDear at th tiMrimr notice. Ernest E. House, Manager. adduce testimony in support of uieir proiesiSi Dates of publication: Nov. 28: Wayne D. Criddle, December 5, 12 and 17. 1957, in STATE ENGINEER The Times-New- s. Nephi. Utah. Published in Tie TlmM.Vaun J NeohL Utah, from Divwrihop December 19, 1957. x Levan Local I - ! ALWAYS... EDS 66 sU'lll.g.iiiiif MSB3W fit vf)cr-- f a -- SERVICE Second South Main ft u U uu wi |