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Show THE Page Two TIMES-NEW- S, Nephi Local and Social News Items Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Camp .Birch, and their partners, ty"on Friday, December 13 at the home of Mrs. Twila. Winn, A pot luck dinner was served buffet style of about 30. The group join- ed in singing Christmas songs, and Mrs. Ada Johnson gave a pioneer -'in charge of the program. Fol- preserrtatio Ephrann last Suday. Mjss Cecil lowing the program those present Gowers was a member ot the enjoyed playing games. The Messiah is an anchorus. David Carter, son of Mr. and nual presentation of Snow College with .the cooperation of the people Mrs. Lee Carter, underwent an appendicitis operation last week at of Ephraim. He the Juab County hospital. to his and returned home Monday SET PRIMARY 8TAKE DANCE is reported to be getting along FOR DECEMBER 27th fine. All children of Primary Age in Juab Stake are invited to attend Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox on Friday, Thursday and Friday in Salt spent a Christmas Dance Lake December 27th at 4 p.nx at the City. They visited with their son d Ward hall. in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crane, of Salt Lake their Circle and The Friendly and with their son and City, Christmasparty daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. partners held a on Wednesday evening, December Edward D. Cox at Bountiful. 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner. Games, music and Mrs. George Crane and children a Christinas dinner were enjoyed Cindy and Barry arrived in Neby Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley, phi Saturday from Fort Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mr. Colorado to spend the holidays and Mrs. Harry Black, Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane. Mrs. A. J. Bowers, Mrs. Wanda George will join his family later Burridge, Mrs. Lucille Lurut and for Christmas. the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foote of Frank Warner. Provo visited Sunday with his Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eyre had brother and sister in law, Mr. and as tneir guests weanesaay ana Mrs. Chester Foote. They also atThursday of last week, Mr. Eyre's tended the Golden Wedding recmother, Mrs. Hazel tyre of Bea- eption held Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd. ver. Miss Roberta Boston, and her guest, Miss Rea Olson of Jerome, Idaho spent the week end at the Home of Miss Bostons parents. Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston. The young ladies are students at the B. Y. U. at Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Bumell Gowers SWT EDITOfclAt NATIONAL 'm! Published every Thursday at Nephl, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Six months, $2.25. Subscripion rates: One year $4.00; in advance. are Advertising rates payable Subscriptions on request. A. Publishers B. Editor-Manag- er Office: 96 South Main Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Roy . Gibson . Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah MOTHERHOOD... First-Secon- - A Partnership With God! Compiled by Harold Lundstrom 1 Here is a delightfully inspiring book that demands reading by every wife and mother. Thia authoritative volume contains the words of the General Authorities and editorials choice - - Thursday, NEPHI, UTAH Mrs. V. M. Foote will leave on months visit Saturday for a two with her son in Corvallis, Oregon and daughter in law, Dr. and and with Mrs Wilson, H. Foote, 1 Mor Mr ner toT (Elizabeth) and their daughter Patricia, The famiiy of Mr. and Mrs." A. v ' Gadd met last week at the u rJ Tf ami Mrs. Victor E. The occasion was Gadd at provo. c V. Gadd on his birthday anniversary. Those pre 19, r CARD OF THANKS Officers of the First Ward Relief Society would like to thank all those who supported their Christmas Bazaar last .Friday. It was a complete success, and that as a result they will be able to meet their building fund assess ment. They also would like to thank Mr. Oldroyd's and Mr. Ferre's students for the square dance they put on, and also all others who took part on the program. FOR RENT Apartment Kendall completely furnished or 413J 344 apartments phone 1 it v v w. Greetings Holiday for success wishes best ...and and happiness this coming qear. Serving qou has been a real pleasure... thank qou. Standard Oil Company of California D. G. BOSVELL PHONE NEPHI, UTAH 83 40TF . from the Relief Society Magazine and the Children's Friend which deal with chastity, how to dress to confrom to LDS standards, courtship and marriage, wifehood, responsibilities of motherhood, and many other pertinent topics. 50 CHRISTENSEH'S, INC., 45 North Main St., Nephl Utah ' GIVE AN APRON for Christmas IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Waist aprons and whole aprons Repossssed portable typewriters priced at $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 Take over euky. Write: Credit Mrs. Leonard Linton, 225 South Manager, 332 West Center, Provo. 4th East, Phone 402W. np 4950 Raw-leig- h WANTED AT ONCE dealer in Juab County Write: Rawleigh's Dept. UTL-151- R, Denver, Colorado. 1 the delux Monarch Range BUY with the chrome 1 FINEST 11 f SADDLE P I KING Genuine Western Style Jeans . . . T' iiiiii in t-.- for 25 faster heating and for 1 cent more get a dining room set Chapman Furniture Co. n7f?7 liAls THE oven - Snug k Legs V& L Key Saddle King Jeans have the authentic western cut. They fit low on the hips and hug the legs. Cut from rugged 14 oz Sanforized Denim . . designed to fit smootiy. and ease built right in. 32 VAT DYED The i Nation's finest They won't shrink or fade! jj.lvy League pants, sizes 6 to 18 yrs iee I hey Today! 335 4.75 m A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS ... Mi v II 4 M - M Tveytudei needs a REMIN GTON ri la I Qtricttit&t PORTABLE Ths Portable with the features that students negd and want I Makes homework easier to write, easier to read, helps students get up to 381 better grades. BUY NOW and you .will Jet? I 1 $TJ A WEEK U BUYS IT! receive a Stainless Steel Quite-rite- r We invite you to see "LEAVE IT TO BEAVER" on your Its a great comedy. You'll love it. WESTERN SHIRTS j$WE M Thermal-Kn- it Underwear fabric new artic MNavys . .the non-alerg- big selection J5 The Carl Raymond Gray scholarship, sponsored by the Union Pacific Railroad, was established in 1921 to recognize worthy efforts of farm youth, and to encourage them to prepare for their future in the field of agriculture throughout the Union Pacific West. TV This scholarship plan, inaugurated when Mr. Gray was president of the railroad, has been continued every year since, and today it is ardently supported by President A. E. Stoddard. .. . SPORT O' NORTH' SHIRTS with long slaves HAVE 'KING Union Pacific has awarded scholarships to 793 Utah farm students, totaling over $62,OOOI 24-pie- or Otfice-rite- r. each Knife, Fork and Spoon set You can order it for "Under the Tree" delivery or we wiil furnish a gift certificate so the recipient may select his own! See us today for Xmax Gifts. with of ckesi sox aj in latest pattern. Moth .QUID Counties served by the Railroad in eleven'western states are eligible for the award. One is offered to students of Vocational Agriculture and one to members of Clubs in each 1 I l'.Xi In counties in and Club, Vocational 164 qualify, county. qualify. Agriculture 4-- reated. Comfortable in WILSON CUSHION SOLE & th.fN J2iero or mild weather. Only ATHIFTir SOY $M.OO for shirt and I drawers lete and those who wear ins4 A wonderful gift for the out- - sulated boots and shoe' Mads for real foot comfort!!! -- fr BARTER CLEANERS & Thus Union Pacific is helping to develop beyond the call of transportation service western ap iculture by encouragement to the youth of Western America. 5PORT5MAN 5UPPLY PHONE 280 1 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET NEPHI. UTAH H 1 In Utah. 70 ? selections have been made, with payments totaling over $62,000. Many award winners report that the scholarship provided the necessary encouragement for them to enter college. esse"" HJbuIo3Tj iPskcp" 957 t: Hal Mr family of Provo; rv.n v Oarid and fam- ily of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J Frandsen (Marjorie) and family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Victor John Oald and their family. r.add and his family were the Twenty' only ones not present three enjoyed the occasion. c,aAA and h iirc December Rail D rrc3 |