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Show Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winn A force of twelve men arrived came down from Salt Lake Sun here yesterday morning from the day to visit for a few days with north to begin work on the new relatives and old friends. telephone Hue which is to connect ; Local Notes. I Lfgal b'aoks of all kinds for sale at this office. 1 50,000 to loan at C interest.-- T. C, Winn. Need the same remedy as grown up The Utter find refreshment people. this city with Levan. We are inMrs. Adelbert Cazier went to formed that work will be pushed Lewiston, Montana, Wednesday rapidly nntil the line is complet to spend a few days with her ed. Ice For sJale Edward Ken tail. Free Delivery. husband at the railroad camp. per cent. and invigoration at our Jacob Coleman,after spending a month's vacation with his mother and friends of this place, returned Wednesday afternoon to resume his labors as general manager of the College Journal of the Stanford University. Mr. Coleman la taking a law coure at the;; university and win complete m two more years. The early morning passenger train due here at 6:85 o'clock was nearly seven hours lato Monday It. 0. L- - Jorgeneen f Levan on account of a washout south of was in town yesterday. Juab, Ice for sale at regular market President Paxman and Mayor price. Hezakiah Carter. Grace went to Salt Lake City Monday to attend a special meetAt a recent mass meeting of L. A. Bailey Sr. went to ing of the Mammoth Reservoir the citizens of Ephraim the city Eureka Saturday afternoon. Company. council were authorized to conGood pasturage at reasonable Mrs. Gus J. Henriod and Mrs. tract with the Fountain Green Co. Mill& rates. Nephi Mfg. W. J. Shimmin came over trta Big Spring Power Co., for the Eureka Wednesday to attend the least number of lights, at the room 3 A Rent. For eood funeral of their brother John R. lowest price and shortest time in which they would be willing to house. Apply to T. W. Miller. Hickman. build a line to Ephraim. Fish Fresh from the coast Mrs. W.J. Adams, after spendThe contest which was every Friday, at the City Meat ing several days with her mother, to haveboxing taken place at Eureka on Market. Mrs. Martha Schofield, returned next Monday between Tommy afternoon to her home Markham of Mammoth and Louie Tuesday All kinds of choice vegetables in Eureka. Long of California has been called at prices to suit your pocket book. off because of a notice served on Fred Sorenson. When jou want a phytic that is mild the promoters by Sheriff Dan and gentle, easv to take and oertaln to An elegant line of flowers and acl, always use Chamberlain's Stomach Cronin. to the effect that there tiouse plants at regular prices. and Liver Tablets. For Sale by all will be no more prize fights in J uab County. Drujrgiala. Fred Sorenson. William Morgan went to BingCounty Commissioner McCune ham Wednesday to assist in was a north-bounpassenger bringing the body of his brother-in-law- , Tuesday afternoon. J. R Hickman, to this Mr. and Mrs. George Sudbury place for burial. arevisiting relatives in Salt Lake Mrs. Mary L. Morgan is again City for a few days. Soliciting orders for the Salt Lake Knitting works and hopes New potatoes for sale 50 cents her many, friends .will .reserve per bushel 25 cents per J bush- their orders for her. el John S. Painter. A marriage license was grant Plenty of choice new potatoes ed Monday by County Clerk at 1 cent per pound or 60 cents Andrews to Mr. Frederic Peter per bushel. Fred Sorenson. Lawrtzen and Miss Josephine Frost, both of Ephraim. Miss Lucile Clinton of Provo is in Nephi spending a few weeks J. M. Whitmore is nursing a with her friend Miss Delia Whit-mor- sore hand, the result of the tip of the middle tinger being biten off by a colt which he had roped and Frank Smith was called sud- thrown to brand. Price Advodenly to Picabo, Idaho, Tuesday cate. on account of the death of his Senator and Mrs. Ceorge C. mother. Whitmore. accompanied by Miss Tillie Barton of Salt Lake City, Get your Ice Cream, Cakes. Candies and everything kept in left Monday afternoon for a three an at weeks' outing on Mr.Whitmore's d e. Confectionery Batchelor Bros. up-to-da- te Albert Wood, who has been enjoying a month's vacation in town left Tuesday for Payson, from where he will proceed to the sheep camp to take up his labors with the bard again. Fretful, Thirsty Children Tired, DA TOWJOTAIIHa So do not overlook the Children, as soda water just suits their taste. Sparks Bros., Leading Pharmacists The Boys Have It. According to the school census of the two Nephi wards, just completed, the boys have the best of the girls by twenty three. Following is the score: North ward 209 girls, 207 boys. South ward. 175 girls, 200 boys. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes revolts in death. Tbuaa mere scratch, insignificant cute or pnnj boils have paid tha deaib penalty. It ia wiae to have Buck , Cbaaiherlaio'f recommended Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. cent bottle and I bought a twenty-fivfriend e after taking three doses of it wad cured. I consider it tbe best rem in edy the world for bowel complaints. eo-tli- ely len's Arnioa Salve ever handy. It's ths For sale by All Druggists. bast Salve on earth nod will prevent fatality, when Burn, Sorts, Ulcers and Pllaa threaten. Only SSo. at all Drug- Itdy Mountain Be gists. An Interesting Party. An interesting party was givEnoch Burton, architect for en on last Friday evening at the Grace Bros., returned Wednes- home of Mrs. Herbert Burton in day morning from Moab, Grand honor of her 55th birthday. Nearly sixty relatives were County, where he went to bid on a new proposed court house for present. Mrs. Burton is the that county. Upon opening the mother of fourteen children, elevbids Grace Bros, had the lowest en of which were present, two figures; but the county commiss- being dead and one daughter. ioners decided that the plans and Mrs. Richard Skillicorn at De specifications called for.. a more Lemar, Nevada. Others present Teleph one - tompany, Residence rates 11.60 per month within one mile of Central office. Tbe company is assembling to extend line to Faro-wa- n, Cedar City, St. George, Fillmore, Seipio, and intermediate ma-mater- ial point a. Also contemplate a line to Levan and Juab connecting wltb tbe system at Nepalhop to make Nephi an important eenter. Toll ratee are for J minutes time Pax- - arid up Known to be tbe cheapest ia were: Pres. and Mrs J.W. man, Bishop and Mrs. T. II. G. Parkes, Bishop and Mrs. W. H. Pettegrew, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bhaw, Mesdames Henry Forrest, Jonh S. Cowan and Hariet Brough The evening was very pleasant $10,000. ly spent. Dancing was indulged A party of fivo of our most in and a splendid literary and rendered prominent and charming belles musical program most the interesting set out lato Fridav afternoon to Probably on tho was view the mammoth grain fields of jnumbcr in the Samuel rendition of Shw Grace Bros., situated on the old some of his time favorite ridge between this city and A songs. sumptuous pic-niand when only a short was and served highly enjoyed from tiwn thpv fo? l.Ji ttl1 Present- wrong road and proceeded io'? travel many miles until darkness Mra. Mollie Allen, of South Fork Ky., compelled them to return home ahe baa prevented attacks , of ssys without viewing the beauti- cholera morbus by taking Chamberranch at Sunnyside. ful wheat. We would suggest lain's Stomach and Liver" Tablets when The Misses Bertha and Sadie that in the future, parties of ahe felt an attaok coming on. Such are usually caused by lodigeat-tanntMidgly are here from Salt Lake young ladies going on extended Jsttaek ! Ion and Tablets are just what it tbe this week the guest of their sislike this should consult; needed to cleanse tbe stomach and ter. Mrs. W. It. Furner. The former is one of the popular of which Mr. Barton Brough is itUekl of bilious col may be prevent clerksof Walker Bro's. big store J manager, and secure the service Jed In the Mine way, Tor Bait by all and is spending her vacation. 'of a "competent guide." j Drugglata, expensive building than they were able to pay for, so all the bids were rejected and Mr. Burton employed to furnish them with plans and specifications for a building to cost not exceeding the United States. Telephone rentals average a bent a other towns of tbe same alae everywhere, and are Just about enffieieat to pay looal expenses Company de-peo- ds en fee for profit. PETE VALLEY RAILWAY SAN" Pram Le-va- n, c dis-tn.no.- ft a Chas. Foote DKALKKS F.o.jraodOraio, Location Notices at this office. Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Perhaps a Life Saved. "A short time ago I va taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I had not gotten relief." says John J. Tattoo, a leading citizen of Palton, AU. "A ' Sons, 1 General Merclinnflio re, Croekcry and (J Tinware. Dress Goods aoi TnrbminjM, Silki, Uoderweir, clothing ao Mcr,.e ,oJ Iioy,. jal len, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, flo:iy. etc., etc. ooooaoeooooo Best Goods at Lowest Prices. One Price to Prompt Delivery at all times. all New Train Service.' In Effect Mov. tia, 1900. Yaiae Ben Dally eaeeplBnnJay as ic we. Oetag Seata. Mo.t Daily liters fcu HhU IS.s f.S ' t Ar. ' Aw. MerMl bri ateail f ' lw Fol- None UJtm at e lajSMi aVS tJgfmm Tee Company reserve Ike rtg Iron tfeUUmeeardatpteasnm. . t.Wmm t te vary rEnoDoXS Hnvaaoar, ; Pre, A Oea'J Manager, BeJiLnheOtty, B.B. JLna, weai aO,r,a F. Agent, Meat! |