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Show - On the 1st of July the State of Excursion Ohio was for the first time out of North, Saturday August 15th, 1903. THE HEPHI RECORD' J. 10, 1887. W. L. COOK, V. EWINO Proprietors and Publishers. PabUshed every Friday at Nephi City, Utah. Lwun TERMS: Senator Hoar continue to bo Ona Year........ 50c. eloquently pathetic about strangling Six Mouths 23c, Orieutal republics. Three Months It is curiout that some people with tbe heads (tutored at the Post Office at Nephl City, Utah audhairof sage and the physimatter. as ognomy of Benjamin Franklin never get rid of their eophomorical Samuel Newhouse is making freshness. Whoever heard ofO. business for Beaver county. 11. that was not a sham, a shame At present he Is engaged in con- and a mask for Oriental diaabol ism? structing a line of water pipes e from Wah Wah Springs to It has been demonstrated by figtown site near his famous be saved to Cactus group of copper mines, ures that millious can of introduction at a cost of $200,000. And be- the public by the sides a large concentrator and business methods and up to date a smelter, wh ch are planned machinery iu the immense public for the same place. He had hU printing office iti Wabhington. But similar saving can be made in at architect on the ground last week aleast a hundred other government arranging preliminary plans for offices. a large hotel to be equipped with a library, natatorium. club rooms The Kansas school board has etc; also a large boarding house for the employees of the company thrown obstacles in tie way of the and two dozen brick cottages for marriage of seven thousand' lady tbe use of families are to be erect-ed- , taoheri. Shore sighted Kausw and possibly a hospital, evidently wishes to continue the Newhouse is situated about six i n porta tion of harvest band, ignor miles northwe-- t of Frisco, and log provision for home production. that the Frisco branch of the San When Senator Hopkins of IlliPedro will be extended to this summer is not ques- nois and Senator Hoar of MassachuMr. Newhouse has setts will recommend negroes for the tioned. the money and all he has to do is Supreme Court of the Uuited States Co say that it shall be done and and for (he Cabinet, the world will the town of Nowhouse will be cease proclaiming the hypocrisy of made the best mining camp in the Republican party. $100 . Preston Oxford New-hous- e Utah. There is mora than one way to avoid an argument with Mother - The Rio Grande Western board Jones and her army. President of directors have authorized the Roosevelt's way seems to hare been extending of the Marys vale to get up i a the night and gtllop branch to the groat iron mines of miles from Mother Jone& Iron county,' and the preliminary forty work hasalready begun. This is objective. jgoodnews not only for Iron counRepresentative Baker of New ty but all Southern Utah, for it York, has shown tho d or to a R.R. means that these great iron de- Co. that attempted to bribe him posits are at last to be worked with a p83. Notwithstanding every and that thousands of men will be member of Congress is piM mileage mployed there in the iron and many of them accepts paese-- from coal miues. The San Pedro's railroads. main line is already within twenty miles of the iron mines, and that Thcrn ia reason to believe that a they will have a branch extend Ioig btep iu the right dirccti on Ims leg into the co.il and iron tields becu Ukeu by the Bureau of Imrjoes without saying. migration in providing ruedicil inimmigrant spection of would-bembark fir before this country. Cable Commercial they Pacific The Company liave announced that Secretary of Agriculture Vilsn Hs entire system from San Fran-isc- o to Manila is now opened for use J to bo knowu Ad ,,Tam Jim". 3inco coma of his recent predictions public business. Tho rate from for the future of agriculture in this Ban Francisco to Honolulu will ho reduced from 50 cents per country Lais Mug referred to by word to 33 cents a word. Other various editors as ,:3unoy Jim". rates per word from S in Fran-iscFVrei is blowing some of bar unarc: To Midway Islands GO desirable citizens from the mouths euts; Guam, 85 cents; Lizon, of cannon. Ofooura, Kngland i $1.03; Chinatl.19; Japan, ?1 41; fearfully tliocked at such cruelty. Formosa $1.21. It is a long time biae the days of tbe Sepoy rcWiii'm. s e o Manager Farinh of tho MajesIt may sound hke a tru'em slid tic Mining Company at Mllford is to .tU whether but it soliciting bids for contracts to appropriate to Uke this advico to haul ore from tb corapiny'a may lo will . The quant- h art or etomach that it is not ad mines to vi sable to or drink nnl.--s hunity of ore to bo hiub.H.l cither to gry or thirsty. ihs smelter or t tho railroad i Ore hundred tors day. Tlio An eruption of old Ml. Vcsnvius nil tho will bo kaul way from on July 22d,and isfcending about four to tn mila. llids began forth a stream of Uva most bo in not htrr than tho feet wido and threo feettwenty deep llth inst. which is flowing in tho direction itsr-mclter- p-a- t pr In inaugurating an inf l?gtif n Kanfts is cot to be pitied for Wk and the Adoption of ofhsrvv&t l ands when the state methods in tho Gvrnin"nt brattthoritiea aanonnco that they wiil President Koowvelt ieves that heo4nnotharta!ijtLig tako fitps to prevent marriages unt o which deserves among their 7,009 "young lady In the 1 tochers". mvive. tqfUte I'Hnt-tjgOtli- c, irr ... .... Kirutiua..... OontTM 6t. Pobtoand, Main a, Oct. IT, 1001. I consider Win of Card a I superior to an doctor' medietas I eror weed sad t know ur hereof I apeak. I suffered (or nine month with suppressed d menatrulioa which completely ma. Pal nit won Id ahoot through aave I would my back and sides and blii idin heaxlaohea. My limbs "would well up and I would feel so weak 1 oould not stand up. I naturally felt disooaragod for I seemed to be beyond tbe help of physicians, but Win of d to roe. I Cardui oama aa m felt a change for the better wituiu a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruatsd without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wino of Cardul Is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its gooa qualities. 10 00 Rtjxburg Ood-sen- St Anthony. 10 40 Market Lake 0 80 10 95 Dubois 4 25 4 75 5 95 12 45 Bpncr Salmon City. 25.00 Minidoka . . . 9.55 Sboshone .... 12 25 1415 Uailey rtallevue . . 13.90 Ketcbutu.. 14.75 Nampa.... 18.70 Mountain Home Butter and j.uage, rork, Voal. Mutton, on nana. Beet, Cheese always Jas. Olinso, NKFHl 7.95 AmericanFalls 9 95 1- -4 '.nuiii.i proa-trats- 9 50 Illgby IcCaiu:uon lUncroft ... 7.15 Soda Spring 7.80 Monlpeiier.. 9 00 New-hous- of Pompeii. 3 80 .. 4.2 Franklin... 4.25 M Becoat-clai- ...... Uiohraond in FEMALE WEAKNESS 641 CHASE I I ... I debt in forty years. According For the above excursion the fol to the New York Sun, the addi tion of Ohio to the number of owing rates are authorized from states free of debt brings up the Salt Lake Oily to points named total to six, the other five states below: nrlhaiu....$2 35 PoCAtelto t 6.90 having no outstanding debts be Oollinston.. 3 15 Ulackfoot.. 7 90 ing Illinois, .Iowa, Nebraska, Afeudon.... 3 55 MHckay 12 00 New Jersy and West Virginia. Stuithfleld. 3 10 Idaho Path. 8 90 ftweaaor to "The Baalim" stabUnhed Friday Jane 1 : Treat war, Portland Bsoaoialo Loacus I Periodical headaches tell of weakness. Wine ot Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Remember that Cardui now. headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. la 14 50 Bol8) City.... 17 50 18.40 Ontario Caldwell... 17.05 19 10 Payette ... 18.53 Werner 20.00 La0rabde,O 25 00 Huntington Limit 15 day. Other points named 30 daya. . Rates from points south of Salt Lake on 8. P. L. A. and S. L. will be one way rate added to above V rates. I a THE L0MAX BAllBElt SHOP Two doors South of P. O. S Shaving. and shampooing don in first class style. Hair-Cutti- ng b3CrCCSCiCCCC orw i -- Take with Cramps. Wm. Kirmte, a member of the bridge gang' working near Little- port was taken suddenly ill Thurs day night, with cramps and a kind of cholera. . Hi ease was so severe that he had to have the members of the orew wait upon him and Mr. Gilford was called and consulted. lie told them he had a medicine in the form of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought would help him Livery and Feed I Bus meet all tral II I IIHStable. II II ll Sao Pedro, Los Angeles and H. D. GOLDSBROUGH Manager. Oatlcr A Allnn's Yard. Uaio Street. Salt Lake Railroad. Agent for the celebrated Kemmerer Coal. out and accordingly several doses were administered with the result that the fellow was able to be a-round next day. The incident speaks quite highly of Mr. Gifford.s medicines. Elkader, Iowa, Argus. This remedy never fails. Keep it in your home, it may save life. For tale by All DruggiaU. Try it, and you will use no other. LOCAL TIME CARD, la effect July 1st- - 1903. Train arrive and depart at varti us Stations fcwnnwnniFnwirnttmTtfifnwTTwnfinwa latlr aa follows West bound. Stations. pauuauuumiiiunuuuauumUuuuM Bas feeuod -- r Lvfj arS.ISa-06pa 7.30am Slapm 7.44 am ....Murray..-- 9 17 aai MSpm .Slpm 8 It pin H.Cnam ...mudj .... 9 Oi msu S.M pio 6 4o pm 806am ..Oraprr... S.fcT am 4 68 pis r in pn SSaam am 4 3S pm LebIJa u .w Leal 4.41am Amer'o Fork 4.44 am Pleas'tOroT 7 0S pm T.ISpm 7.33 pm I II aa Excursion Rates Portland and 8- , IHia tllpa Kips at tn Seattle Portland Spkaoe i'raius mum ut iuaa rua dally stoarr Sua-DiSalt Laxe C!ty $3G 50 31 50 31.M) J. A. COT rrtELL, Agent, NeLi Kate I fr(-putttH poulh of b'alt E.W. O P. AT. A. Lake on the S. I. L. A. and S. I, Kaii I a .. city. Cts. will le one faro fjr round trip added to above rats. Official dates and Limit": Selling Agents 'ciif. will fell tickets Angant 2nd to 15, Myor t H. Orarr f T. A. ol4 to limited October 10, inclusive, J. W. Olpla ,.. John Ooopr 1903, for the going trip, with final Couacll. A. II. Pubm return limit of October 13, 1903. I Jamc 3 C3 C3I J02N HENDRICKSON, Prcpr. (Successor to J. R. B4heltL) lvm am i it p.a am 4 15 pa 9 loam Vroto 7ii aia StM pm to Seattle. T4tpm r x pa I itim Spriuyvillo 7.41am S IS pm pm 9.Z1 am Spanlnb rork 7.SA am ) 37 pa. am l. pa raysoa.. 7.?.ai am IBM ...Ssntaquln iH.upm I 4.40 Spokane. I 17 pm It pm 6.49 am lu.lSam ....Mods.... III pm 10 M 4" am 6 14 Ar a pm Nrplii Op For the th annual session Of 10 ISpm Af i Trans-Minfiiss-ip- pi L 9 ,w am Commercial ConJ" I(Ar .W am IU.M pm L 12 IN pm LeamlBjrtou 4.06 am Seattle. Washington, Aug- gress f IS am ... .Oanta. . .. S.ISam X.M 18-2am Ciear Lal.e I 3A 1003. For the above I unt 1. 6 Mam ArlMii-- L .M pm 7. 10 pm am Lr ford f Ar named occasion the following Males 9 Ml am .... Lunc .... 7.3 i pic 11 film ....Urada .... S.1S and conditions are authorized: pm I !A pm ..Oaliralea 3 30 pm to Arr.ve to to Rile from U 8 .14 S.IS ta flie City Liquor Store A choice line of Wines 3 an! Liqaors, Imported aa4 Doraesf ic Cigars Furuily travl iocpecirulty Soln ajeniH far itcl. famous "lied Tcp Uvb Whiakev.' feifTTnflnfyrfnTTnTTrfffr?fHTF?TTn!trTnTT3i ra ..THE. Oit-tsr- r, CITY BARBER SHOP. Directory. UarrcU Jr. Albert Soa-- Marshal Pats A prliivritM nfliai ftil remiittof tinharatl itln intra oraanft Dizzme. Lrr nd roniplaint riut th ink t fit a City AtVrory frnm over folic M7lHtraM MuprrlolaSet lUckHCfx'. Strirl Water Muprrlatcodeat Cuit'f, tlion. NV Pound latoo All Dru;?-ijU- t. . acd drat elass vork. Three doom North of Tost Office. Wm. l I - 0?or 2.000 lovd German pan Trirr Awwr hioH to Sunt Walter huitl l foli ark PiU James Head Thorn aa Carver Cmmorrrn,,..,. (lefOTirr t'ccraao f iU T. L. CQUHTT. arrk select from. They ara at 5 cents each. Fr'd Mra. UU4 Kfpcr all. Tnpy Try thm. trai-nrit- Mr, typhis Tfswlatc r cima Dr. Ktna'd IMIs tHc pit a end to it srorntl txit thorniiijh, OaljilC. Ousrsntfrxl by Cooflfou Pnp. b itrcordr a Eod to It All. N. A. KEILSOX, . - rr2 'cCun! Thomai H:i.ton Usi J. HwHI W.C. Abdrvw A Weak Indigestion is often eanAd by otsr An mlncnt authorltr aay mlng. K U. Harcnant. the barn done tbu exced that from m. D the excl to tie of Alcohol. Eat all loro tbe g'Kxl food you w ant but or r t don't bona the stomach. A wrsk stomfcxb rrmj refuse to dijrm what you p.io a coed distant like C IT, ltra 1 hen you iryr.f Ktidol, which dlsts four food riWU 3orcDfon. Hupf rltitndrl f 'cko.,!. Cl.rKii.,,.n out the sujmach aid. '1 his rest yQ PRECINCT. the hfpf)me t,nlc Krxlol conttLa Cholera Infantum. Jn of f I' health. Dif t!n?unnt'Bsv j. h. coepr C'on rcitre i Con ih i! if rrora nine? This h 00. Aur.j tj. orKodol quickly rHieree the feel Uii Osrj.rr-rlilfi'ful&ia, and tloatinsf from (;lir, Ci ilfa und 0ISTRIC1. h:rh eorne tfopie suffer after ratal. mm tn'n f)irrhf(t U"mfAy cnfrl lUtr.-- i Ja!t;-rir- vJi Jadlrtal Illatrlrt Absolutely cures Inditfestion. ii:h at- !!'. Tri iinirr.nn ucc--KoJol nature's TonlCa IdH lt. w-- of tli! firi4Hjy in 1Ici!' IMatrict AUfTh'f- rifik Jmllfttal DaWrrrAOn ,ril-tJoshua of twp c'nilainf4 in ri!-- Jrn lm frt) f,4 - Klfrklh "HU hrritt AUirnef - . D. n. rir i'mt.lv lrl'.V r-- cd ,(- - !t 4 IH-tr- l.t l mAdit h recom lr riKjr'tsis m hrt(r lj ItoowD. I'r favorite b aiu All fsWr- H4uatorlal Illctrlcl Oora C. VlhiUnnrf Mt RprantatUcTblrtntlt rKirl-- t Crr8 Aaa a fra4t,y Hrs.4 ft.HUs of - Tor Cure a Cold in One Day Tcza ixixauve urorao quinine Tablets. a SSfrCfa TtU 1&i2tunt&' nil Sri . fcC3s oM le 13 moorls. s i; kUd st tbi mammsmmw Cbtm Crif la Two tym on every box. 25c, |