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Show wno sat en t'ie hallowed steps of ih STJ1UCK nouses. pj ivKe,i in the autumn DEAD I1Y !I ATL Oiled with water and trees and shrubn one side was n barrownvtn with a At bery stripped of foliage. Many, winload of walnuts, and beside the barrow dows were broken. 7ne crops in the n woman with a blar-iFEARFUL STORM SWEEPS OVER country surrounding were destroyed. fringe and a chequered sawl thrown NORTHERN COLORADO. over ner neau. Hne was cracking wal Hail lay on the ground in many places nuts and picking them out of the shell? to a depth of two feet. tnrowlng out a remark occasionally to Great The damage In and around Lafay--a rougn man in a rabbit-ski- n Chunks of Ice Fall, Killing cao. with ette is estimated at $200,000. straps under the knees of his corduroy in Corrals and Injuring Cat-ti- e Sheep trousers, who stood puf'ing a black clav In m southern Colorado the railfall ia r and Horses. wun nis naCK aualnst the wall was heavy, approaching the proporWhat the cause of the quarrel was, or tions of a cloudburst In several placet. ... , . 1. T"lftnlla widi snarp sarcasm from the woman's . rtt luo Birui wuicn pre Railroad traffic was lips pricked suddenly through that thick vailed stopped on the DOYLE-along the eastern slope of the Rio skin may never be known, but suddenly Grande for some time washhe man took h,a P'Pe In hl left hand. itocky mountains in Colorado and outs. The Santa Fe was by If T a WM also leanod sericertlncaXd '"'ward. nd deliberately struck southern Wyoming Wednesday night ?e,,the,,8Wab faC Wilh hls r'ffht' 11 snow the aCrM fXcolo affected. ously it to have been much more Be ..nfu!?. .rS' or.X am mtaken." was a slap rather than a blow. h..t th- They keen the vere than at first reported. In some woman a gave Trestle Gave Way Under Train. sharp cry and cowered ters In this eating house," said Westma-co"- sections the barrow up the hail fall was unprecewith against her han.' "We ll go and look him out." A to her cheek. dented. In the neighborhood of Gree stormcloudburst and terriflo electrical They did so. but the medical rolls con"You occurred west of Pueblo, Colo. Infernal villain!" cried the Ad1 tained no such name as that of Dr. ley and Eaton, in the northern part A his stick. miral, "You anO raising brute great .volume of water is coming Proudle, of Bread street. IllrtW, of Colorado, chunks of ice, down measuring Arkansas river and the Denver TVetty vlllJany this!" cried the Ad- blackguard!" "Gam!' growled the rough, with In some instances ten Inches In lencth. JNTERNATinw PM.tf ASSOCIATION miral, thumping his chest. "A dummy & Rio Grande railroad was washed Intonation of a savage. fell, and the doctor and a vamped up disease. Well, "Garn rasping (CHAPTER XIII. Continced). damage wrought was Im out-lout o' this or I'll one or two places east of FlorHe took a we've tried the "Well, well, we must go by averages mense. rogues. Westmacott! Let were Btruck dead la ence, forward Sheep with step in but uplifted hand, us see delaying trains. Shortly after of course. Shall we say two I man." what we can do with your honest an Instant down came cut number three the corrals and cattle and horses 4 as Rio Grande passenger should think that you have ayears? o'clock, full two upon Ms wrist, and cut number nve were severely injured. Farm houses train No. 15 was going over the Founyears before you." across his thigh, and cut number one and barns were wrecked and crops tain "In two years your pension would' CHAPTER XIV. full In the center of his rabbit-ski- n river bridge at Little Buttes, tho cap. bring you In 1,600. Now I will do my It was not a heavy stick, but It was utterly wiped out of existence. trestle gave way. The engine was very best for you, Admiral! I will adKASTWAItD OU! strong enough to leave a good red weal Near Greeley a man named John vance you 2,000 and you can make over into the water and buried plunged R, M'ADAM, of the wherever It fell. The rough yelled with eon was severely bruised and to me your pension for your life. It ren' and rushed out of vslght. In, pain, both with completely firm of McAdam & hitting Engineer Is pure speculation on my dered unconscious by the hail. The If you hands, and kicking with his d part was and a Fireman Llllis were in Squire, 41 Upghea highly I lose my money. boots, but the Admiral had still a quick damage cannot bo estimated In that If polished man who foot the water for fifteen minutes. They the doctor's prophecy Is correct I shall and a true eye, so that he bounded nectlon, but will reach dwelt a behind hightill be out of pocket. thousands of If vou live a. lit backwards and managed to keep afloat by hanging on a sideways, still raining ly polished table in tle longer, then I may see my money dollars. shower of blows to anhis upon small pieces of timber and debris.- savage the neatest and gain. It Is the very best X'c&n do for Near Lafayette, Colo., there were tagonist. Suddenly, however, a pair of of offices. snuggest Finally they succeeded in reaching you." arms closed around his nec k, and glanc- two storms, the second He wus white-haire- d the following "Then you wish to buy my pension?" the cab of the engine, which had been and amiable, with ing backwards he caught a glimpse or first within fifteen minutes and with "Yes, for two thousand down." the black coarse fringe of the woman knocked oft the bridge but was not deep-line-d aquiline wuum ne nan nernenaea. "And If I live for twenty years?" "I've got greater severity. The streets of the under the water. All the passenger face, was addicted him!" "Oh, In that case of course my specushe shrieked. "I'll 'old Mm. Now, town were flooded, cellars to low bows, and partially cars remained on the track. lation would be more successful. But self at as though' Just de- Bill, knock the tripe out of him!" Her you have heard the doctor's opinion." was as as a strong man's, and her scending Into one, or Just recovering grip "Would you advance the money In- himself. wrist pressed like an Iron bar upon the He wore a HIDDEN PICTURE PUZZLE. stock, stantly V took snuff, and adorned his conversa- Admiral's throat. He made a desper"You should have a thousand at once. tion with little effort to disengage himself, but the scraps from the classics: ate The other thousand I should expect you most that he could do was to swing her dear "My sir." he. said when he had to take In furniture." listened to the story, "any friend of round, so as to place her between his 'in furniture?" Mrs. Westmacott's Is a friend of mine. adversary and himself. As it proved, it "Yes, Admiral. We shall do you a Try a pinch. I wonder that you should was the very best thing that he could "beautiful houseful at that sum. It Is have gone to this man Metaxa. His have done. The rough, the custom of my clients to take half advertisement Is enough to condemn and maddened by the blows which he In furniture." him. Habet foenum In cornu. They are had received, struck out with all his unThe Admiral sat in dire perplexity, all gainly strength, Just as his partner's rogues." lie had come out to get money, and to "The doctor was a rogue, too.' I didn't head swung around In front of him. ro back without any, to be powerless to like the look of him at the time." There was a notse like that of a stone help when hla boy needed every shilling "Arcades ambo. But now we must hitting a wall, a deep groan, her grasp to ave him from disaster; that would see what we can do for you. Of course relaxed, and she dropped a dead weight be very bitter to him. On the other what Metaxa said was the pavement, while the Admiral right. upon hand. It was so much that he surren- The pension Is In Itself perfectly no security at sprang back and raised his stick once more, dered, and so little that he revived. all, unless It were either for attack or deby a, fense. ready were Neither Utile, and yet something. Would it me assurance whichaccompanied however, Inbe an not be better than going back empty-hande- come In Itself. It is would for at that moment there was a scatterno good whatHe saw the yellow backed ever." ing of the crowd, and two police concheque-boo- k stables, burly and helmeted. pushed His clients' faces fell. upon the table. The their way through the rabble. At thmoneylender opened It and dipped his "But there In the of them the rough took to hi pen Into tl:e Ink. !! the rwni You mlht fight rt, i an(1 wa Instantly screened "Shall I f,ll it up?" sajd he. h',ls' Speculative Investors occasionally deal ' "I think. Admiral." remarked West- In such things. I ive one client a v,w by a vel1 ot hln frlend9 and neighmacott, "that we had better have a lit- sporting man. who would be very likely tle walk and some luncheon before we to take it up If we could agree upon "I have ben assaulted." panted the Admiral. "This woman was attacked settle this raittcr." terms. Of course, I must follow I haJ to defend her." "Oh. we may as well do It at once. It example by sending for a doctor. and "This Is Bermi ndsey Sal." said one be absurd to postpone It now," . would Kor the second time ra the Admiral Metaxa spoke with some heat, and his punched and tanned ami llafenerf in police officer, tending over the berag- shawl and dirty yes glinted angrily from between bis This time, there could be no ' K'd hMp of narrow lids at the imperturbable question Of however, "She's got It hot this time." the auatiflratlons of that , skirt. w a "hortlsh man. thick, with Charles. The Admiral was simple In doctor, a n "I,e Fellow of the Col- money matters, but he had seen much lege of Surgeons, and his report was as a .V?"rd " ft'-Ah thalB R1ck k1of men and had learned to read them, favorable as the other's had been ad- up four times for beating her. He's lie eiw that venomous glance, and saw verse. too that Intense eagerness was peeping done ,ht Job now- - ,r 1 wTe 'ou "He has the heart and chest of a man about lnM "ort ,tl1" lhe!r own out from beneath the careless air which of forty." said he. "I can recommend 1 wou,1 tba agent had assumed. his life as one of the best of his age i mt1' fflr- "Do 5"ou ,blnk lhHt a mn wn "You're quite right. Wesmacott." said that, I have ever examined." he. "We'll have a little walk before we "That's well." said Mr. McAdam ' lh Qun'" commission will stand by "r"rnan truck?" cried the ettle It." making a note of the doctor's remarks! and Find the Worshiper at the Wayside Shrine. "But I may not be here this afterthe Admiral disbursed a second m'ral Indignantly. as sir. But noon." Just you like, I "Tour guinea. understand. Is price. "Then we must choose another day." five thousand pounds. I can communl- - 'ou'v your watch. I see." SAVAGERY OF RUSSIANS. closed by a double cordon, the Cob-sastch'" He clapped Ms hand t "nut why not settle It now?" rate with Mr. Elberry. my client. anJ j "M" rode through them, striking "Because I prefer not." said the Ad- let you know whether he cares to touch b,s wlfi,(,'f- The chain was hanging Two Thousand Workmen are down Ridden and and left with heavy whips, the the miral shortly. watch gone, front, right the matter. Meanwhile you can leave fallen men being trampled under the Down by Cossacks. Very well. But remember that my your pension papers here, and I will! He parsed his hand over his forehead, offer Is only for "l oud not have losf that watch for It Is off unless give you a recHpt for them." Accounts of strikes in southern Rus- horse's feet. you take It at once." ylhlng." said he. "No money could "Very well. I should like the money sia continue to come In, and some of Bells Ring for New Pope, U was flrtn me by th "Let It be off. then." j replace It. soon." i Mp" our There's my fee." cried the doctor. African after company Is I tho detail are almost too horrible "That am, retaining the crui"- why During one full hour In Rome' "How much?" !t h" "n Inscription." papers. If I can see Mr. Elberrr to- xor publication. A correspondent, Thursday morning there seemed to be "A guinea," The policeman shrugged Ms shoulders, we may let you have a cheque to- The Admiral threw a round and a day writing from KikaHocfr, gays: The nothing but vibrating sounds, so penefrom meddling." sail he. morrow. No" j "u Try another pinch. "What shIUIng upon the table. "Come. you give me if i tell yer itrlkcrs, on the wholo. hare preserved trating were the strokes of the bells I am Well, good-byhappv to said he. and they walked to- have been of service." very t Is?" said a sharp-fare- d boy exemplary order, but Ibis has not of. about COO churches Mr. McAdam which, all ringmor, th crowd. "Will you gimme a gether from the room. bowed them out. for he was a very saved them from savage attacks, di- ing together, "I don't like It," said Charle. whn busy man, and they found themselves absorbed all other rected by General Arzcnleff, governor noises. The ringing was la honor of they found themselves In the street once In the street once more with lighter "Certainly." more; "I don't profess to be a very hearts thsn when tl.ey had left It. i of Odessa. "Well, where'i the quid?" the election of rius X a welcomj, 1 np Admirsi bsrp chap, but this Is a trifle too thin. took a sovereign from Westmacott. I sm sure I am "Well, of men who Groups assembled last unique of Its kind and ordered by What did he want to go out and very much obliged to you." said the his pocket, "Here It Is." to the doctor for? And how veryspeak con"Then eres the ticker!" The boy Saturday with the Intention of hold- Cardinal Resphtgl, vicar of Rome, Admiral. '"Vou have stood by me venient this tale of a weak heart was! when I was the better for a little help, pointed to the clenched band of th- - ing a moetlnj were driven into a solid who Issued special Instructions thereI believe they are a couple of rogues. for I'm clean out of my soundings senseieM woman. A glimmer of gold mass by 600 Cossacks, backed by two for. All the churches contemporat ana in league with ech other." sharks. But I've shone out from between the fingers, and neously celebrated masses for the ' among thene city "A shark and a flh " said ih something to do now which Is more In on opening them up. there wss the Ad- lines of Infantry with fixed bayonets. event, tho intoning of the Oremus Admiral. my own line, and I need not trouble miral' chronometer. This interesting About 2,000 strikers being thus en combining with the harmony. Til tell you what I propos. sir. you Victim had throttled her protector with any more." 'There' a lawyer named McAdam who "Oh, It Is no trouble. I have nothing one hand, while she robbed him with the WESTERN RAILROAD SOON TO 4eea iy aont'a business. He Is a very to ds. I never have HAVE IN USE THE LARGEST to do. other. kooest Mlow. and lives at the other side I don't suppose I couldanything EVER CONSTRUCTED. The Admiral left bis with th do It Jf I had. f Poultry. We'll g- over to him to- I should be delighted to come with you, policeman, satisfied that the woman A Western railroad has Just re- the total weight of engine being 211.. was only stunned, not dad. and then gether and have Ms opinion about the sir. If I can be of any us." two new express passenger 00 pounds, a tad the total ceived wfcole matter." "No, no, my lad. Tou go home again. set off upon his way onre mote, th weight of "How far Is It to Ms placer It would be kind of you. though, if poorer perhaps In bis faith In human nglnea. They are th Urgest and the ecglre ard tender Is about 374,-00- 0 mile at least, "Ob. can naye a you would look In at number one when I T,t"'"". but In very good spirits none the most powerful ever built There Is pounds. The tender, which has b." to equal capacity of 1.40) gallons of water and you get back and tell my wife that all's less. He walked with dilated nostrils nothing in the world "A mile? Then we shall If there Is well with me. and that Ml be back In and clenched hands, all glowirg and them. t toes of coal. Is the largest yet built. any truth In what tha' swab of a doc- an hour or so." tingling with the excitement of the comTha cylinders are 22 Itches In diaThe boiler Is of the straight type V tor asld. Corn, my boy, and clsp on sll tt "All right, sir. I'll tell her." bat, and warmed with the thought that meter by 28 Inches 70 ladies In diameter, with 321 and the stroke; drlvlrg all. and see who can stsy the longest." was need, rslsed his hat and strode away he could still, when beels are to laches In diameter, and Then the sober denlrens of the heart to the westward, while the Admiral, tubes 20 feet In length. The take his own part In a street brawl in of business London saw a singular after a hurried lunch, bent his steps spite cf bis three-scor- e snd odd years. " . um-.ip- r a 1 Qy A.CONAN dlrer-tnrie- a in th-dee- p, a iron-sho- half-coc- k, high-buckl- ed ; half-blind- ed ' d? - I fr-.n- ! Me-tax- a's Td well-know- - b' ! ''" bdn Ad-whi- le J i ks - to-da- y. ! West-Biacott- ." 11 e. hr j"17' EN-CIN- eddrs - to-da- se y West-maoo- thr : from their tight a they returnedroad-wa- lunch-eon- s. the dodging among cb sr4 carts, ran a weather- vtained elderly man. with wide flapping black hot, and homely suit of tweeds. With etbowi braced back, hands clenched near Ms armpits, and chest protruded, be scudded along, white clos at his beels lumbered a larrt-llmlteheavy, yellow muslached young man, who seemed to feel the exercise a good deal more than Ms senior. On they until they pulled dashed, helter-skelteup panting at th office where the lawyer of the Westmacofla was to te found. "There now!" cried the Admiral In triumph. "What dye think of that? eh?" Nothing wrong In tb engine-room- , "Tou sem nt enough, sir." Down y, d. r, towards the east. It was a long walk, but the old seaman swung along at a rousing pace, leaving street after street behind Mm. The great business places dwindled flown Into commonplace shops and dwellings, which decreased and Wim more stunted. even as the folk who filled them did. until he was In the evil places of the esstern end. It wss a land of huge, dark houses and of garish a land, t"o, where lift movss irregularly snd where adventures are to be gained as the Admiral was to learn to his cost. He wsa hurrying flown one of the d long, nurew, lanes between the double lines of crouching. 4 is beveled women and of dirty children dp gin-shop- s, stone-flajrge- 2,i-iBC- (to as tr. rul iosTirs. rrw tara. ((reaper's Krenper, of Fouth nend, Ind., retiring township trustee, upon casting up his accounts found himself t;,rw) short, and, without waiting for a reexamination, and nearly crazy with excitement, be notified some of h!s bondsmen, and there was the mischief to pay. Tbe deputy county auditor found Kreuper toying with a reciter and 11 n!(th disfraried. and tbe deputy snt him home and f In aa expert. A h 1 - t--. r i, ' , --M t i r:i - ;r V"V the working sfesm pressure Is f w av ntWJa m -- - r I i II x i cry feet lorg by C fet wide, at the frcst and 6 4 whea, a inches de?p at the Sack. There ar drivlrg ?02 fet of heating surface la slll wheels and a trailer teneath the fire t'ie firebox. 2J4? square feet in the dmoTs;rafed that not only w is there bo shortage, but that box. The total weight oa the driving tubes and IS square feet la the fire- wheels Is 141.700 potiads. On tbe front t.ric iubs, masirg a total of 4,07 balance was doe to Mr.kreuser. truck the weight is 36,200 pounds, ard square feet of heating surface. Tl 41 Roo fvTM. p the trallltg Inch. poBBdi to the Is carried on twelve forward truck, six The 211 ec-gin- e firebox Is f"ft de-- 9 fe-e-t coi-neef- vb' y, |