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Show TOM HORN'S LATEST IN WAR. MAY RESULT POPE PIUS X CROWNED. NEWS SUMMARY. Were Present to Witnesf Mabel McKlnley has left the 6tage Rite. the Magnificent for good, owing to the objections of Russia Demands Punishment of Mur- MAKES DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO o! her father and husband. derers of Consul. BREAK JAIL. The ceremony of the coronation COOK, Pobllhr A TroprUtor SWIKO basi in the exemSunday the demanded took Rumors that an attempt had been The czar has Plus X place murtne in of not the UTAH. St. Peter's " only present made upon the life of King Alfonso NEPHI. plary punlshmenl He and a Companion Overpower Jailer Mica of Monau at wun consul iu ana Russian to of the derer of Spain is denied orflclally. the princes, and Make Their Escape, Only the this with week associated was killed last who .by and Bplendor astic Be Recaptured. Newt Faris, of Kansas City, ThiloUTAH STATE NEWS. Turkish gens d'armes, but of all the most magnificent rite in the Roman drunk, attacked his wife with a chair: ' military and civil officials In any way when she shot him through the heart condemned murderer Catholic church. the Tom Horn, the of dean the crime. the for Macchl, Cardinal As soon be lighted responsible Springville will Willie Nickell, the ranch lad who A sail boat having on board sfx The assassination of the Russian of placed the triple cardinal deacons, last with electricity. two ago years' men capsized between Vallejo ana consul at Monastir, M. Rostkovoskl, was assassinated on the head of the venerable crown electric the Big to on Sunday, four being la have McCloud, light, Is the second murder of a Russian month, and Jim Ephralm of seventy thou Benlcla, Cal., the city council bolng "empowered to consul In Macedonia within a few Horn county desperado, who is al- pontiff, the throng within the drowned. Ben Minnick, sand persons gathered make all arrangements. murdered to have inleged The prospect seems favorable for a, created intense months, and has cathedral burst into unrestrained aci . and , i t ii chopnman. Pete San of The commissioners which may eventually spread dignation In St. Petersburg. eattle- - clamatlons. the choir intoned a hymn strike, county last week raised the tax levy mines in the Cripple Creek,. the made the all Rome to to the of by report According of triumph, and the bells , nav. fnr escaped 8.1 " mills. 7.G to XI mills U til iuciv from viv official now In charge of the Russian Colo., district. rang out a Joyous peal. Thomas-Arthur- , Ro The Salt Lake board of education consulate at Monastir, the murderer from the Laramie county, Wyoming, the A posse Is searching for is years since It morning, at 8:30 o'clock Sunday fall The consul asked has decided to abolish corporal pun is a who,' it is charged, assassiand Europe assisted at such a but were recaptured near the Jail mans lshment in the public schools. his name because, in defiance of intoCollins at Straight Andrew In St. Peter's nated within a few minutes after ' they function as was held not In did was asleep. the children school structions, the are latter 15,987 There The great basilica, popularly Ky., while day. him. The thereupon reached the outside. Salt Lake City,, according to the cen full, By the explosion of a nitro glycerine McCloud was slightly wounded in supposed never to have been quite emsus Just completed, 7.8C8 boys and fired several shots, mortally wounding The was badly was overflowing with humanity. magazine at Bluff ton, Ind., threo ' the consul In the head and hip. The the left thigh, and Horn 8.119 girls." the propployes were blown to pieces, on the head and neck by the Papal throne, owing to a bewildering was of horse drawing the carriage in which beaten of $20,000. and red Thirteen carloads of residents of silver, Sherupwards mixture loss gold, being erty was riding received two men that captured him. Under altar. As, Butte and other Montana towns camo the consul iff R. A. Proctor was. beaten up by erected in front of the high The rush of Jews from Russia to fired at were also shots and bullets ceremo on custom to these Into Salt Lake on Sunday on their to During the contrary is hut rincnarnrina tVa attending America is increasing. the coachman. no were there galler annual excursion. occasions to twelve famsoundnious ten was from alarm of July Russians are very much incensed duty. A general fire bore more of its nor month for the land of The town of Huntsville became an over the affair, and unless full repar ed, which brought thousands of peo- lea. the basilica Ruslsa dally mal aspect. On the altar, which was ilies left at and news week, .last the and sii Incorporated city the free. Hmssed tn white, stood the famous ation is made, trouble is sure to fol ple into the streets, the election' all the officials elected low. candlesticks and a magnifi that Horn had escaped spread like Mrs. John Scott of Pittsburg is the stand' were Republicans. wildfire. Men and boys hurried to the cent crucifix. All the availablewas dl mother of triplets, born last week. space within the cathedral HURRICANE AT MARTINIQUE." The date of the State Teachers' asjail with rifles and pistols and Joined ing into sections by wooden bar They will be named Theodore Rooseviried Horn outlaws. from Septhe of been hns In the sociation changed Cleveland and Alic pursuit rlers, which to a certain extent kept velt, Grover tember "0 to October G to 8. the placo Hundreds of Houses Unroofed and was captured by Theodore Aldrlch, the vast crowd in order. Roosevelt. Much Damage Done. ' of who fired several shots at the mur meeting being Salt Lake City. Five persons were knocked senseSWEPT BY TIDAL WAVES. The island of Martinique was swept derer. Horn was exhausted, dui re"'A. E. Wakcman, a Salt Lake clerk, less by lightning, several buildihg' on ceived a terrible beating at the hands was arrested last week on the charge by a hurricane of great violence A Number of South Sea Islands Ap were burned and chimneys, trees anc was ten of Aldrlch. McCloiid was trailed to a of embezzlement, lie was caught In Sunday night Us duration pear Doomed to Destruction. fences were' leveled by a storm ar severe barn and compelled to surrender. Isl the act through the agency of. marked hours, and it was especially seem the would that ninety It MHhawaka, Ind. . during two hours at Fort de France, Attempts were made to get the pris- ands known variously as the Low coins. ... deSheriff L. M. Williamson of De destruction. much a where it caused oners away from the officers, but are .Vhiie:" following the circus parado o or Tuamotu proup. unroofed termined stand by the latter and the nrvhinelatro Soto county, Mississippi, la dead of houses were Hundreds Howclls to be reclaimed by the Pa in Salt Lake City. Rob-- rt destined of a pistol duel with Counwere result vessels and several men badly influence of the conservative presaling one of wheels the foot one under ocean. clflc got Surveyor Moody. The men quardamaged. No fatalltes. however, have Horn has been cf the mounted cages, the member been reported. The streets are en- vented mob violence. months to over - Last January they were swept by a ty over politics. reled planning for several from , bejng badly crushed. cumbered with debris from the tiled power Jailer Proctor at feeding time flood composed of high waves Governor Mickey of Nebraska has the roofs and the roads are impassable on iu the morning, and Sunday morning the ocean and the lesser ones from W. J. Bryan one of the enclosed lagoons, and in consequence appointed for an accomplice for Mrs. llodo, account of fallen trees, which were lit- the two arrived. delegates from Nebraska to the opportunity inhabitants were not believiug that the murdered erally torn up by the roots. Several Horn asked Proctor to bring a cup of nearly 600 of the National Farmers' Congress at Niagaier Ryan without assistance, althoush towns on the island suffered. St. Ma- water, and as i officer opened the drowned and property to the value of ara Falls, Sept 22. $500,000 was destroyed. And now, six she' declares she did. rie, Carbet, St. Jospeh and Francois. door of the corridor of the cage in A dispatch from Salonica says M. months later, fierce gales from the a northwesterly conEdward Anthony, employed by the The 6torm moved in were McCloud which Horn and and killed southwest and southeast have again Monastir, has been shot Salt Lake street car company, met direction. reconsul fined, they threw their weight against the whom Turk a caused great surging crests to sweep by death on Sunday, being crushed beand It Desprang the door, pushed open Inover some of the islands. So far only proved for failure to salute blm. tween two cars while (engaged in hl3 Colorado Miners Have; Secured out upon the Jailor and bore him to four persons are believed to have tails of the assassination are lacking. junction. duties as a car cleaner!"; the floor. perished, but the fear is great that A masked man entered a saloon on A Georgetown, Colo., special says Aftor a terrible struggle with Proc when all the Islands are heard offrom Word was received "'m Los Anfathe main street of Tucson, Arizona, Frank Owers has issued an tor, In which McCloud 'was shot in there may be a distressing list geles last week that tho contracts Judge talities. one day last week, walked up to the member of suffered the thigh, the two men escaped ffona had;been awarded for the construction Injunction, against every Excelsior steamer The rebank and relieved the dealer of Citizens' Protective league, the series of faro in of the Salt Lake route between Cal- - the Jail only to be recaptured. the much during damage in$700 gold coin, making his escape. straining them in any way frcm ientes and Daggett, Cal. gales, while the was on her trip from In a fire In a dwelling at Ronkon-kamTahiti to the Marquesas group. terfering with the eighteen members HUMBERTS ON TRIAL. The board of directors of tho Rio of the Idaho wero islands Tuamotu of the Three L. I., occupied by Commander Springs Miners' union, GrahfiftWtstern has authorized tbcj who were driven out of the town Just under water to such an extent that D. C. Stuart of the navy, a pervant Much Wrought Up the inhabitants had to climb cocoanut extension of the Marysvale branch to after the blowing up of the compressor Parisians Very Swindlers. Noted Over trees for safety. Houses and stores, was burned to death and another sePre-Iron of county. tho Iron deposits ImmeMoon of the Sun and. mine. and finally the cocoanut trees riously injured by leaping from a winThe notorious Humbert family on copra limlnary work was begun last week. diately after the issuance of the temwere destroyed, while the inhabitants dow. It. is son of Mr. and porary restraining order attorneys Saturday faced a Judge and Jury to had a close call to death. The of the of During the funeral services over the Islands meet the the most of perpetratcharge having thought Mrs. John K. Madscn of ML Pleiaant. j representing the eighteen miners and storm. Waldeck-Rous-rearemains of E. Kaulfus, at La Crosse,. ed what group were visited by the while playing with matches sot'' its j federation of Miners ofWis., the floor of one of the rooms described as "the greatest swinON FINANCE. clothing on fire and was so severe.y fered crjmina complaints against the ROOSEVELT gave way, precipitating about thirty-fiv- e Investigating burned that death resulted in a few members of . the Citizens' Protective dle of" ther century." persons Into the cellar. Several Ilagirtrate Le.ydet In May decided to Tells Senators Millard and . Heyburn hours. league of Idaho Springs. Warrants 'conunlt-Thereswere husher hurt, but nonei. seriously. is Neded. Measure Humbert, d, Money Bertha Sorenko7i"of Mt .pleasant ' against each of them were issu.-In a fight between deputy United . Instructed to band. Frederick, and her brothers. To Senators Millard and Heyburn was thrown from a buggy last week and the sheriff for trial Toman and Enil deD'Aurlgnac. States his marshals, and a gang of outPresident Roosevelt has stated while driving along a rough road, her start at once to Georgetown to appear use on of the of, chaYST the took 'place in the Osage that forgery, at laws, sire respecting financial legislation collar and breast lones being broken, j Leforc Judse Owcrs. He and documents one outlaw was killed, another swindling. fjrgfd the approaching session of congress. Nation, while she sustained other severe in- t Sensational C;fve-l. Nortterni Montana diFr.iEred the ca3 against Eva Hum-br)- 1 and Wiley Haines, wounded Senator Millard agreed with the seriously Mario and wounded. (Thercna'K . , me a . hi a marshal, fatally deputy ieci'Taj juoge inram ivnowies, president as to the dealrablity of i -icere were a numoer oi peoj.c. m court, has cited United States CwrnDu)rnac Cc' clster). . John W. Bookwalter, of Fpring!l':ld, more elastic system of currency than which has followed C'lLI'c rolssloner II. J. Mclli cf Havre. Mcnt.. h was is a candidate for United States but positive one, the and In present Utah, the southern counties f r ihn rn tt an In t h a rrtirt A ft it th fot tunes of the family since the to to succeed Senator Hanna, Itself senator, MO ought the . . . that government of . a distance even from Arizona, , d7-of Its social brilliancy is again was niftdo Saturannouncement is This of dollar f behind currency be every tcclr. of miles, for the sole purpose wrought up. the chief InterIntently chairman of Its Gerber. value of no by so Harvey day that question sued, the circus. voked, and the hearing cf the 'case est centering In "La Grande Theresa." ever would be rai ed. committee. Five" the "Big organizing Charles B. Markland. manager of premises to be cne cf ihe most sen- who has I'rrr.iKed to produce at this is' vilgovIn that the He belief that reveral It reported tho Conklin sampling works, wis sational afTalrs In recent years. Th trhl the mysterious Amorlem mil- ernmentexpressed bends In sufficient quantity lages of the vilayet of Okhrlda the found In his rooms In Salt Lake City cafe is a peculiar one. in view cf the lionaires, the brothers Crawford, on now are outstanding to afford a basis a" United ono day lant week hovering between t f act that MHH'i atf- cot who rhe haflH her Ftory of an for currency Issues. He said be would Bulgarians have risen against their life and death as the result of a dof o States commlasictor, tut hn a Justl-- e of J20,0iojOO, which she put favor "the right kind of a measure" Turkish neighbors and have maHsv f Inelasticity of tha cred them. A Iiulgarlan band 1,400 with suicidal of morphine tak'-of the peace of Havre township, are to forward as the security for the loans looking to the greater some of th was rure but currency, tent, bcauoe of ill health ani busi- be Investigated. It Is alleged Moll! ac- - rhe obtained, amounting to about 10,- - measures recently proposed would not strong Is threatening the bridge at t ness troubles. He will recover. Lagrove. ccpted money for dismissal of celes- OCO.fiOO. be acceptable to the country. Tho police have not been able to Tho pflic are in seirch of a wo- tials charged with forgery. Carolina Race War. King Ptter Is Terrorized. discover the slightest tra"o of Wil,' " man who has boon plying a peculiar King Peter of Servia is being openly Serious troubles between negroes liam S. Allen of Boston, who loft that Whitecaprers In Washington. avocation in Salt Lako City. She is It bis said. A raroe to man named Walla terr'ri;;ed entourage. by and whites Is threatened at Henrietta, city with a shortage of fSO.000 in tho Ray would call upon a woman and tell h"r Mof t officials of tho court who on from present Monday Walla, Wah., the location of one of the largest cot- accounts of the preachers aid fund cf she cou!d repair her "switth" at Hadliy in were or to swear Cut to warrants for station party proceeded actinlly low prico?i. She would ton mills In North Carolina. Two tie-- I the M. E. church, of which ho was tlie arid Alexander murder of bad he King who, harvesters fill terse and hair stated, the victim's back groes were cut on Friday night and treasurer. him. Acrcrdirg to his Cue n Dragi appear V have strongly one of them will die. The cause of to rcturu It. A number of women "whit erg Convict James Roberts, one of the were thus victimize!. story, Ray was aeruseJ by the thresh objected to th? appointment of Colonel the trouble was the alleged disturbing band of fugitives from tho Folsom a LerchJanin, the Servian attache at of a colored Philip CafFidy, a ftranger In SaU Ing crew with having attempted meeting by whites and prison, was captured at Davlsvllle, Lake City, was picked up by a po- criminal assault on the reck, who I? Constantinople, to the post of court the cursing of a white boy by a negro. Cal., Wednesday. He was dre'ssed as liceman and sentenced to ten days an elderly woman. The crew tied him marshal. The official Gazette con- An armed crowd of negroes was dis- a tramp and carried a roll of blankets. for drunkenness. It now appears the he alleges, to a header wagon, at tiifbt tained the appointment, but shortly persed by the extra force of policemen He was the publication all copies of the on recognized while trying to man was delirious from Illness snd taking turns about, br rsewhipped him aiter duty, but more trouble is expected purchase food. were called In by the police. Gazette his chances of recovery are very then rolled him raked In a tar weed, The Servian government is arrangWindstorm In Kansas. Woman Makes a Long Jump Without and finally ran Mm cut of the camp. umall. . . A heavy wind and rainstorm passed ing to pay the debts of the late King Serious Consequences. Fred I Thomas, a pharmacist emFeud Results in Murder. out of Kate Walsh, 25 years old, has tried over Plttsbnrg, Kans., and viclnty, Alexander and Quewn Draga p'oyed In a Sprlngviile drugstore, was As a remit of a neighboring feud to amount debts The estates. their found dead In bed one morninj last William Cocper and hia son, Jme-Coope- r, to end her life by Jumping from the Saturday, wrecking many small min of value the and the aggregate Killing one person ana 180,000 week. It appears he had taken some are dead, and Sam Barrett se sixth floor of an apartment In West ers houses. The surplus wil! is estates $140,000. 31 mine At others. several had which medicine to relieve pain, wounded. The parties werr Sixteenth etreet, New York City. Injuring terely heirs. to the affected his heart and caused his farmers living nar Oleta. Woodward There is a cistern at the bottom of of the Central Coal St Coke company go small honse were deSimon Booker and wife we-- e murtwenty-thredeath. and bad bkod ha? the ai shaft, and the woman plunged molished and abo-i- t Oklahoma, county, were others thirty dered near Winchester, Tenn., and Mrs. Gilbert McClurg I the win- existed for over a year. The part'e through the boards which covered It, blown from their foundations or rolled burned. It is believed the" ode d ISO car-liefor the best ner of the prize over on their sides. At mine 27 of the their home met at a public well, and In the a! sad into the water. The police oi a vj on Irrigation offered by the board of tercatlon young Cooper shot Barret? her to the hospital and there It same company, a number of other crime was cuiiimm In both because cat" were the "wild house distillery, damaged. camps J. was found that the injuries were not control of the Irrigation congress. la the face with a load of fine shot five or thirty persons Bookers had told the revenue officers twenty perhsps distance serious tha she Miss and Lake of Respite Salt great T. Goodwin Barrett then seized a hogun anc ... i .11.. -- a wro injured slightly. Jean Maeimllan of Ogden were close killed both the Coopers. The murderer had dropped. ...THE NEPHI RECORD... Thousands ir:Z''Ztl. i-- m fifty-seve- n gen-d'arm- Ba-lu- te e gen-d'arm- gen-d'arm- e ver-eol- d as-th- mm . sixty-- long-waite- d j a, ! three-year-ol- d u . - , ... a J p dm-rtter- ) C -- fr-r- s i i a' ,' rcdic-tiloufl- y re-cur- o -' - e uhrtj |