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Show The Nephi Record, Nephi City, Utah. Friday August Vol. 14. THE OLD RELIABLE SSjIP I rose in time which led to a separation from his family and this is thought to be one ot the principal causes of his rash act. . He was 38 years of age and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Hickman formerly of this city. The remains were brought here last evening for burial. Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. W. J. Shimmin, 6isterof the deceased, at 11 o'clock, this morning. New Dress For Court House. Grace Bros, started a force of men at work on the court house Absolutely Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Commits Suicide. 3J' John R. Hickman Ends His Existence at Bingham Gty By Firing a Bullet Through His Head. It. Hickman, at one time a prominent and promising young man of this city, ended a miser able existence early last Tues day morning by shooting himself through the head with a revplver. The 'deceased was in the employ of the Utah Construction Com pany as book and timo keeper and was stationed at Bingham where he had been for several G John months. Hickman was born and raised is this city and grew up to be a very popular and talented young man. He was elected by the citizens of this county, to the office of recorder for three con- k secutive terms and held other important positions of trust, in all of which he discharged his duty with credit to himself and to his constituents. He was mar ried about, fifteen years ago to Miss lizzie Morgan, one of Ne phi's roost esteemed young women, and the happy couple were blessed with three interesting children, all of whom survive the father. Domestic trouble a -- Monday. The building is to be treated to a new dress all around. The roof will be replaced with first class roofing tin and shing- les; an eighteen inch projectin cornice will take the place of the old tin guttering that formely rested immediatly over the walls and allowed the water to overflow in winter time and seep into the walls below. All outside wood work is to be treated to from two to three coats of paint. The west central room on the second floor is to be remodelled and will contain a modern sani 170 equal parts, or plats, containing 72 x 121 feet and each sur- rounded by a'nice walk so that it is possible to walk; anywhere A force of carpenters will com- mence work on the new building about the first of the week. This Is to consist of an office, machine shed and stable, all inclosed un der one roof. Foreman Stephen Boswell has most of the land plowed and in splendid condition for seeding, which is to commence tomorrow and be kept rip at regular inter vals as directed by Prof. Merrill of the Agricultural College. Mr. Boswell has just received a nice list of farm implements consisting of disc and mould-boar- d plows, sub-soiler- s, a sub-divide- d ORDINANCE NO J 7. Ah Okdinanc Providing a Bounty of One (1) t ent pjeb roewn, net. 500 for GRASsuorrr.RS Caught and DKSTKOYED Wl'IBlN TO R LIMITS X)V the farm without trcadirg Juab County and. for the APupon the cultivated soil. POINTMENT OF RECMVINO AGEST?. An elegant woven wire fence The Board of County Commissioners which incloses the whole affair of tbe County of Juab, State of Utah, has just been completed. It is or duos ad follows: one of the most ornamental and Fec. 1. That on all grasshoppers serviceable fences in this section. taught and destroyed within the HmiU -- Engineer McLaughflin of the Experiment staff of Logan fin ished surveying the new Juab County experiment farm on last Saturday. . According tothesur ver the entire forty acres is to bo surrounded by a splendid road one rod in width and four streets thirteen feet wide extend across the farm north and south. into The farm is No. 33. ut press drills, smoothipg harrows. cultivators, etc, with instructions that otfyer machinery will be supplied as needed. The people of Nephi are begin- ing to feel that the Agricultural College has the right man in tary system. It will be equipped! right place in . their., selection of with two syphen jet closets, one Mr. BosweU as fomoanvoi this complete la vatory, two urinals. aB farnvas he is. taking hold rfil. his to be connected with an airtight work with. a vim 'and his ability cesspool 7 feet wide by 25 feet as a practical larmer is oeing demonstrated every day. deep. railIn the court room a new ing, jury box, Judge's stand, Y. M. and Y.-L- . M. L A clerk and stenographer's desk, Conjoint Session. witness stand and tables for atThe following brief but interesttorneys etc. will be placed, all to ing program will be rendered at be highly finished with embossed the Tabernacle Buuday evening and carved mouldings. 16th At the Experiment Farm. 1903. 14. compare their watches with our regulator every week. Careful estimates show us that the above is correct Our time is right almost to a second. We will set yonr watch and regulate it for you -- free of charge, and be glad of the chanco to accomodate Joao County, Stf te of Utah, there is hereby dint' a red a bounty of one (1) cent per pound, net; said bounty to he paid to the )eraoo or persons destroying the eaaie. Sec. 2. Tli-- l thre shall be hereby appointed in men town and precitiet ol said Juab County with authority to carry out the provisions of this ordinance a Receiving A?ent whose shall be Used by the Board of County Commissioners at any regular session of the hoard, whose doty it shall be to receive the grasshoppers destroyed within the said town or pre clnct and o bury or burn same; and when satisfied that stld grasshoppers were caught within the limits of Juab Couuty, said receiving agent shall Issue receipts tbrrefor, and upon presentation of such reoHpt the County Cleric sbali isue to the person or persons who caught and destroyed the grnstfboppers a warrant on the County Tressniy for said amounts. . 3. The receiving ..gciJis shall give bonds respectively, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, for the faithful Of com-prnsati- you. The Jewelers. First National Bank SurpluB OKO.awniTMOBI, FrMd4. i w. h. tooniicm.vii. O. M. WHITMO august 19tb, 1903, and shall be published in The Nephi Record for r two consecutive weekly Issues- 4ih IVsfd and approved ihla day of Aaguet, A. D. 1903, Com missioned e Geo, McCone, II. J. UaASslI and Thomas llellistoo all voting for tbe same. effect TO CURE A COLO IN ONE A recitation 5. by Mrs. is en eacb bez. COENK OILJUS riaum, . AMltUBi CMkltr. 3 B.H. SPARKS to Candy Kitchen for Ice Cream, Sherbert, Summer. Drinks,' Choice Confections ana Free Delivery. Rates to parties and sociables. P. 0. Building;. DAY Take Lai stive Drome Quinine TabkU. Unity All druggist refund tbe money If it falls to our. E. W. Orove'a slgnatuse Chapell. All are oordialy invited to attend. .950.000 .190.000. and PtcStt ness 1903, begin ing promptAugust o'clock. at ly (right 1. Instrumental selection by Archie Latimer and Clearance Hawkins. Geo. IIcCune, subon at the Chairman tbe Board at Coanty minute teu talk 2. A ject of "Faith" by E. D. Sorenaon. Commissioners, Attested by W. C AwDaawa, 3. A duet ''In Heavenly Love Ccunty Clerk. Abiding" by Helen Grace and Co. 4. Items of intereet by Flortnce Howell. j General Bcnklag In all its branebes. Special atteatleu given to out of town busi- St-o- p-e- BETTER USE U8. W.T.DENN & CO. cn perforvaftaetf iheicdulles. 8te. . It shall be the duty ct the reeeivhui JgeflU. jiutttai'L. tt Jut n fl!eo tTmtse.l receipted statement showing the quantify of aald Insects secured and dettryvd in the respective district in which they were caught, with the amount f reward to be paid therefore, aigned l.y the person or persons who are to receive the boonty and transmit a full, report ot the record to theConnty Clerk monthly. Sec. 6. This ordinance ahall take People lie J.L. EVING Wtr7 Pafclte. Beord OSm, Hbt, rua. ft hot GUN iiimI OTHER J3c3lt Iluiit-iniIf you M'lint th iitii, in Coat or irny tiling Hue Onli ill, 0 and Every Z fSportiiijr thing else you want. . THAT'S ALL. i iMiililai ffitanlite 'QHBaiii The Big; Store :with Little Prices. U fsee Vaeeaeco tof 9oeeve tOfW i i Wm ' |