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Show P aTr it ,... 1'T!Tllg v I J w I II III 'I 1 I III ''" w m t Ml ,ffll"IMt.l"T'' LgTT . g and got out all of their rattles, which were made of turtle shells filled with little pebbles, "and danced to the Flood, 7. My first and second syllables are what Johnny said when his glass was empty and he had not had enough. rattling all the way. ' 8. My first is what Sam did when Then the rain began to fall, and the thunder roared, arid the lightning his tooth was pulled; my second Is water rose higher and what we do on the water. ' 9. Many men are named my first, higher. But still they kept on dancing and shaking their rattles. Then Ku- and my second is his descendant. 10. You wear what my president loskap became angry, and to punish them for their arrogance he turned made. ; them Into rattlesnakes, to crawl about 1L My president does not refuse. 12. My president's name Is what the rocks. To this day when the rattlesee man a snakes lift their heads the they plow does. i and hiss, moving tbem up and down. 13. My president's name Is what This was called their dance, for they we do with an awl. shake their rattles Just as the war14. "Little Willie's favorite presiTo Tie a Knot In a Handkerchief riors did when they danced to the dent:" My first and second are what Flood. is done on Monday morning and my Without Letting Either End Go. TLU Is easily done If the processes third weighs many pounds Just My Luck. shown la the three Illustrations are If the boy who exclaims, "Just my The explanation carefully followed. Surprising Feat With Wine Glass. luck," were truthful, he would say, Wager a pound of chocolates with "Just my laziness," or "Just my Inat- any member of the company that you I t! I flashed, and the tention." Luck is waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and 6trong will, will turn up something. Luck lies In bed and, wishes the postman would bring him news of a W AT - legacy. that you tie the knot In your arms and then transfer It to the handker la chief. A CarA ' THB WORD WA8 FAMILIAR. Seholar Naturally Misled Slang Term. Cheer Up. Cheer up,' pftrdner,. what's the UN Mopln In the dark? Night is for the. owlet, Day is for the lark. July's here An' Nature's nigh, Hear her Bong: high. an Life's open music book, Join the rousing song. Hit the high notes truly, i Sound the low ones strong. July's here An' Nature's nigh, ' ' Hear her song , high. New York Evening Sun. I W1-- 11 Trifle. There Is an extremely easr trick with cards which often puzzles wise heads. Tte a pack of cards, and while ; idly attracting the attention of the j company, glance at the bottom card, j then briefly explain that after show-- ; ing them a card, you will, without " glancing at the pack again, pick It up and turn It ovfr when It Is thrown down. Then casually draw the bot- torn card with Its face away from ) yourself, and show It to the others. V n.nV Thn rtnn tt thm nartv tol.-n-, and shuffles the cards. Then the trickster takes the pack and begins throwing the cards upon the table, their faces un. WhPn ho rnmpn in the 'chosen card, he wakes no sign, and the onlookers, thinking he has missed the guess, arc amused. Sad keenly he says: "The next card I turn over will be one." Generally the cry t the chosen Is: "No, It will not be. You hav . passed lt.M Whereupon from the pile on the ta ble, the card Is taken and turned over. Labor turns out at 6 o'clock and with a busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies on chances. . Labor, on character. Luck slips down to Indigence. Labor strides upward to Independence. "Luck." In the Bible Bense, is a good old English word: "1 wish you good luck in the name of the Lord." But "luck" w ith no thought of Provi- can h&uz a wine glass from the dence is a bad word. Northwestern chandelier by a cord, and then cut Christian Advocate. the cord in the middle without the glass falling. It will be easy enough The Circle Maze. to get someone to accept your wager, no doubt, but it will not be easy to get your cfcocolatas when you show the trick lor it Is a trick, pure and A West Philadelphia Sunday school teacher has a class of a dozen small boys, raafein. j their ages from 6 to 8 years. Not long ago the lesson was from the twenty-seconchapter of Genesis, upon the temptation of Abraham to offer Isaac for a sacrifice. The teacher told them In as simple language as possible the story of the going into the mountain and the preparation for the sacrifice, and when all was ready she explained that Abraham saw a kid caught in the bushes and took that and killed it. There was an awed silence for a moment when she had finished, and then one little lad gasped, with eyes wide with horror: "A 'kid!' What, a w?" WAS TOO FAR DOWN. Avenua. 83 PUZZLE. ; Kf aaitt. ft. to people, and he performed mlr-Ikiquite beyond the power of mortals. Some of the Pasaamaquoddy warriors were very arrogant, and Hough Kuloskap pave tbem warning tf a Great Flood, they said they did act care. I water may rise above your said Kuloskap. psd, t They only laughed and replied, "We ttfcil thro be very wet." "Ton had better be good and qnlet. 14 pray that yon may escape from Irvrnln," warned the Tropbet. Bat y osly tracked him, and whooped. ti.t. Achlnjj back are eJtwsl. Tlip, bs It, and loin pains Swelling of the TOO. i in b a vo Illsll. P. TUi-- O. STATE For trrm trtAl rt-Vt!i'i-- nc : ninil bn. UuftiK n la Ur- Wn N. T. If ftw nu ul lrra on InnidWiul, kterrotMaettt, L la i i I cataloyie for lX4 e iMI-pa- fialr.itation, about uttooutbeand contains In the war dlrd ...... .'iJJ'JIU r ft i r f lias ere'j-thln- g of.... ! .1 SIP-PLIE- S, FREE FOR THE A8KING. BROWNING BROS. CO. Will Remove Tsttoo Marks. A A compound 24S1 WASHINGTON AVE. OODIN, UTAH. EDUCATIONAL. Japan" Inventor has discovered whlrh will remove nat- ural and artificial blemishes in tbe skin. Birthmark and tattooing disappear after one application. Mrs. Wlnalow'a ftnnthlnt? Myrnp,' ehCdres fevthins, anfien le ani, rulnrea Tr curat wlo4 cvllc aamntauea.aliafa ' ,rmm. S a.' J. . - - ' ( Xabul. pala, Baltic a Dangerous Sea. Ttere are more wrecks in the Baltic 6ea than in any other place in the world. Ths average is one wreck a dar throughout the year. THE UNIVERSITY saints hpmtr TRAINING rti rasi. and Hlatorr, Journalism, liters. Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law, Civil. Mechanical and fclec-trtc- aj tnglnaarlna;. Architecture. Tboraugsi and Commercial Separator Court. Roams free to all amnema who hat-- rotn-- rl e4 tbastu1ie required dmi.lon into the Snphntnora. Junior or Senior Year of an of tba keoms ta Kant, mnetata ennrcre lo tnlnia ,, far Colleiiaia Conrv. tff.nn A limited immher of Candidate fnr tha 1 cc apetial t.ta. "cV"'?,'"'Wi".,.,e"'v1 Ldward s Hail, tot bora encler l)ear. Is nliua In tha ecrtnpleieneta ft it emtntnenL 1 h 601 h Year w,ll t,f,rn Peptembar S. 00J. Business Collep ALT LAKI CITV. UTAH. r. A. WOftMISSBV.C.S.C..IriMdefrt, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRS DAME, INDIANA Otia slila Weat Jrr'br,,,,''l'Tani bT thhlt4T.f.t n Chiatry VTr ? .DT- af Ketra Dauia Dalveraitr. t mliirt4 hnlihfaHf,tel. T j iuh.Hi ana rhrw.a.T. ii br ?!. sur Oiden As.ay Co. ''z::::::SHEET KUSiC FREE fcrTTS: VeSjaler amf, 0!f a SJt-t- . Gamattaaj." Oreat ! Oal- - lis hft lr.!)4 af!rmrTtri,., nr .tar nnrlr-- nn4ertr-rt.,- ii!"1Vr,""'"f 1 a m4r f .r t nn o.nn Jfag . tl ArtS-li'.!- r:Tif. f it fMMr.n Art rrf,trtmt Kimm IetrV Fhyainal ot la r. Ir. ftr(-- ,.f fnuinmnvt 'a,,e!Tnin'p. !netiaal a4aata-ll...f hnriiinw. uroln a f if fltttoe rwntint A'.b nf.fiiH B,iit(,rt, wlia !' l,.iiillrir 'rr'enie a arlMMt ri'iipmenta. Maaerate et. ar Jl.ntPm paper. br'npim)rih. f b4 app it'.rr.a''.n ape'ial - Thefor'aia ft" Directrets ST. MARYS ACADEMY, HXL.IAHLC ASS ATS. .,,.n e j .n aia tMf t.. LAS rmp wtrw anil aatnaa I Yn- - tmina Frraratory l.pttme.t corea. "1 Pt1 ,r e..eli fhTit Laboratory eqiilpw. Tr.a Ciftratrv af Sunt l r f4nrHA m ft is - Cabicat frfokheeplaf. (iff! Shrnana,Towca Rasld Trpawrltlnf, Pnmanhtp,tw, Mathematiea. elelaflon. F,trah. S term fail Pramber tear; (Ym I.Iuttria4 eaUlagaas fraa. Faaitlona secured er (Taduatea. Eco-tKjwi- Ica fr WtiV. ATTIND THE Bulni OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRB OA MB. INDIANA. FULL COfSSRS IN Ctaa.ks, SALT LAKE Find the Twe diWiren. enifl. headache, dLukit-Ka- . anl )ilTa liart GUNS. RIFLES, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION. FISHINO TACKLE, GENERAL S PORTING, CAMPING and OUTDOOR GOODS, Including PHOTOGRAPHIC and BASEBALL CYCLE SUNDRIES. Eta. It it lull ot the latest goods and lowett prices and is FOR BUSINESS 're onrrei remove calculi i - Our new mignm urine with dut wet'tng. to aia-ra- and Uroj.y high colored, aiu in drijtding, trrnfnry, bed Uonu'B Kidney Pills bl'i-i- i i. tft es la alu. and I have that eoiidiuou ever mice. 1 0--m biaM The Origin of Rattlesnake, fassatnaquoddy Indians, like all Indians, have many (extends died to thflr tribe. Around one of their prophets called Kuloskap bas been built a great epic, very much re Ifn.bling our Bible history. He seenv td to be the patron saint of these war-Jk-e mlls kidney was jioon able to walk. At ttin end of two wr-k- s the pairut in mr loins laft. When I Imd completed the treat, meut, i Lad not an a lia nor Pi7e TO SPORTSMEN. OF INTEREST product1, Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures because It la tlie greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles, Every woman Who is puzzled about her condition should write to Sirs. Pinkham at Lynn, Dlasa., and tell her all. NAME. ' axai I gtnuintnt cannot Ittter proving about oven-oin- Teltt. t 15ollma.it, 142nd St. & Wales Ave,, New York Cit v. 95000 forfeit If original ef lx--- a ALT LAKS OITV, UTAH. Twentv Conraea: Kelantlfls. Claas;al. Net- toal. Klnderf rvn. tniBMtle Art. Kctao1c Arts. Ull Pautlrai n1ne., ortbaail. Civtj Haokkeeplas. Lew. eta. his bnlldlnea practical eeaismaaMi. atrwat famiilr of fart taacberw, l.nt atwleav. trai Ineatina. tumtmrn aaatBOa. Vaoraaln iu-- a wm. terhnleal traislaf tT Wrtts far clreulara Iaalusas miliw eolieras that art op taar. . fla W. J. iAVU PS. D . fctxt week. tired as it, and it to me, brought health and strength for the and I want to thank you good It has done me." Miss Katb (Doan's univer.sity late apace. The answer will be given help strengthen my once, and I did not get bo before. I continued to take Grwi-Bfl- d latter-da- y i 44 Carbondalo, tny " I aufTrrcU with Lackadia, and, dcaplie tha Una of mmticitira, I could not ftrldoflt. 1 vtuoomprllrrt or eiykt months, and a urt of Uia lima wan uiiahla to walk at mlL I fairly Mcrvamrd If I ttamptad to lift hit frrt (mm the floor, aol, unallr, I lut control of inj limt s throiigu wPMlnns, aa I could Hor dtraijflitMi neither ..'! if up Ui in full evor a woman wa in line: low condition, 1 vu. i!y hiw- band went to Ktlly'a dru? I'm., ' ComE. l'inkham's Vegetable to seemed and it for me, pound me at back and r. Mrs. P. Conlln, '. BOLLMAN'S EXPERIENCE. COMPELLED TO USE A CRUTCH EOS EIGHT MONTnS. DOAN'S CL'KED MRS. CON LIN. CABQO.NDALE, TA. n d er At Vi all the time, and I had terrible aches. My mother got a bottle of Lyuia . not fall. swift-foote- W Some time ago 1 was iu a very weak condition, my work made me nervous and my back ached frightfully head- g -- i f V 44 Thought. Intelligence that a young woman has chased Sir Thomas Li peon Into a corner and kissed bim several times will excite the haunting dread that the cup lifter may yet be seen prowling around the the osculatory performances of Richmond Pearson Hobson. It was the same kind of experience that started that hero on his - . ' devastating career. ln Thought Rooster Too Warm. Wee Harold was spending the afterHow many circles do yoa suppose noon In the suburbs with a friend of his mamma's who had chickens. you can And in this maze? The child was much attracted to the Children's Syllabuma. chicken yard, and particularly to a The following are phonetically the large rooster that kept flapping his names of the United States presi- wings and crowing quite frequently, dents: finally he went to his mamma, and, 1 My first syllable is a city of with a trembling voice, said: Massachusetts; my second an abbre-Tiatio"Mamma, the poor old rooster Is awof a New England state. ful warm; he keeps fanning himself 2. My president's name is what and making a big noise. Won't you boys do In college. give me some Ice water for him?" Another Good Purzle. 3. a first near relis My syllable Here Is a good one. Draw a conof my first, and my first Is a Pvzzles for Little People. tinuous line, so that it will end at ative long-reanimal. Why Is the north shore of Long la the point at which it commenced In 4. first syllable is a certain land noisy? fuch a way that each of the twenty, kind ofMya Because of the sound which Is my second a part of a fish, one 1ots will be enclosed In a sepa farm. , there. 5. My first Is a boy's nickname, What is it that plays when it works my second a relative, my third a fam- and works when It plays? ous general. A fountain. 6. My first is another word for Why Is the inside of a watch mysangry, my seond Is a vowel, my third terious? a heavenly body. Because we can't make It out , I .fiW.;H,W READ MISS A Fearful lit-ic- Vi 3 . one of the most common symptoms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. Available. Senator Sibley, the famous trotting horse breeder, had taken his family to the county fair and was walking about the grounds surrounded by his youngsters of which he has something less than a dozen when he felt one of them tugging at his coattails. As he turned the youngest, a lad of six, implored his father to buy him a toy balloon. "Buy It yourself." said the wealthy Pennsylvanian. "Where's the nickel I gave you a moment ago?" '.'It's down my neck." "Well, share It out,", said Mr. Sibley. "I can't," sobbed the little shaver; "it was in my mouth when it went down." New York Times. country-emulatin- Jr.. Backache is a forerunner and Youngster's Nickel Not at the Momefct pimple. Ycu tie one end of the cord around the (torn of (he glass and the ether end to the chandelier; there ycu have Mora and brmirhl ho:ua a. a 1'ilK 1 f't tux of ycur glars suspended. Then you tlo aaair fa m tw darn, and, to a cord bow at the middle, auuucutcg tba treauuni.t, I the It and with a pair of scissors cut the bow; this, of course, leaves a regular knot In the cord, and the glass does ! BACECACHEZ. by Modern SO. irwiwihf -t (, f,f 1 h fi M J f Notre Dame, Indiana. "efThonipson's Ejs Water |