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Show Good Profits 8eem Assured. IRRIGATED The earning power of the Marconi stations at Wellsfleet and Glace Tay Is a matter pf easy computation. The practical maximum speed thus far attained by the Marconi system Is thirty words a minute. An average of eighteen words per minute would .be a 6afe basis for calculation. The cable charge 'for transatlantic service Is 25 cents a word. If the charce be 10 cents a word the dally earning capacity of one station Is over $2,500, or $925,000 per year. This earning capacity may be doubled by an increase of speed to the maximum attained. the Sustains Court Supreme Trade-Mark- . Foot-Eas- tiailfl-niarl- a - . k Strenuous Service. f The parson had just delivered a fiery sermon on the evils of rum. One of the members was seen to be wriggling uneasily in his pew. "Behold!" cried the excited parson. "One of my shafts has 6truck the right man. Bee how uneasy our wayward brother Is." "Yes," retorted the accused man; ."you'd .be uneasy, too. if you bad a June bug down) your back." . THE To Cure a Cold in One A Terrifying Threat. great prize fighter's face blarched. He trembled like a frightened child. In vain his backers tried to encourage him. "But look at what he says," scbbed the mighty one. "He ,w says tiat if he once lands on me it will knock me speechless!" Ills backers were silent. There are some dangers which' the bravest cannot be expected to face calmly. 3 I da not bllv P1o Cure for Conmirnptlon baa an equal for churns and colJs. John V. Bulla, Trinity Springs, lad , Feb. 15. lJ0. " Woman's Remarkable Fad. Have ycu seen a woman on a street car or train take two white mice out of an reticule, caress them fondly and then kiss them? Her husband was with her the other day. bat the wee- small pets occupied all her attention.- The. reticule had little air openings In the sides; with a rubber tube attachment, thorujjh which fresh air was blown, for the day was sultry and wee mousie tn1?hf' suffocate. 'Hubby" was utilized to blow in the air. He locked ,. henpecked and thoroughly subdued. Occasionally the woman would open the reticule, when the little white mice would clamber cut over the top. Is this to be a new fad? New York Press. alr-fllle- d - - . - , Recommends Catarrh of the Stomach Is Generally Called Dyspepsia Something to Produce Artificial Diges- tion is Generally Taken. j g Hence, Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host of Other Digestive Remedies Has Beert Invented. , These Remedies Do Not Reach tho Seaf of the Difficulty, Which is Really . Catarrh. e, C Carolina, was Senator from EX.South that state for two terms. In a U. S. Senator M. Si Made by Butler from re- cent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., from Washington, D. C, says: 'Ican recommend Peruna tordya pepsla and stomach trouble I bava been using your medicine tor a short period and I feet very much relieved. It is indeed a wonderful medicine be sides a good tonic" At. C. Butter. The only rational way to cure dyspepsia LITTLE ONE'S REASONING. Deduction Pe-ru-- na For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. tor Natural day. All Take Laxative Ltroruo Quinine Tablets. cure. 26a to ref tails if und it lr uggiutK money The U. S. SENATOR FR0M SOUTH CAROLINA Cheap Passenger Rates Via "Santa Fe Route" To Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis, JDetroit, Atlanta and other points. For particulars, address C. F. Warren, General Agent, A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. e . vel-op- wrltin' k e traUe-uaai- LONDON. there was no wrltin' on de but I 'lowed yed did dat on pur poss, so's I couldn't tell who yer was saw E Koot-Kaa- low-lyin- A Prepaujtion. e IN Great Metropolis Suffers Owing to Unusually High Water. Dwellers in the western states of America are not the only persons who suffer from spring floods. Here, is what an English paper says of tho recent high water in London: "Much damage has been caused in the parts of London by floods consequent upon the heavy rains, and a few miles over the boundary matters were even worse. Tho scene In the metropolis during the three days' continuous down pour was an unusual one. Lord's and the Oval, several inches under water, looked a'Ch"""" station "What did you do with that letter that was on my table?" asked a man of the colored boy who dusts his office. "I tuck it to de postofflce, sah. and put it in de hole." "What did you do that for? Didn't you see there was no address on the envelope?" "I r . THE FLOODS ? Homes for Thousands In Idaho. The American Falls Canal & Power Company's beautiful tract of irrigated land, located between Blackfoot and American Falls, in Idaho, is now open to .settlers and Investors for selection. The climate is fine, the soil rich and deep, water abundant, price low, terms easy. For full Information write Evans. Curtis & Sweet Co., D. F. Walker block, Salt Lake City, Utah. TSnffalo, Jf. T Justice LaunhHn In Snpremn Court baa urunied permuueiit Injunction wliU com 4 am n. nuunun aim omen or K urn KHlQiit or elllnic m root City, reairalnlunr them from tnaklug owuer wmcD lub cuun nrcmrra im au imiiauoii ana ." now to larcelv ailver- frluuemcnt on " K not-tlKed and auld over tha country. The owner of toe c "Font-Kane,- " Is Alleu 8. Olmsted, of J.e Kir, N. T., Bnii ibe utollon In till tult uphold lila trade-marand rent'ra all parilet liable who the extensive attempt to prolU ly on "fraudulently" advert the trmrkot llnK, In placing the npurloua aud aliutlttr appearing preparation la the cane. Thin the court declare waa denlf ned In Imitation and Infringement of the irenu-lu- e " similar nulla will be urmiKht " a.nln.t other, who are now lulrlnglug oil Urn luut-tartiilita. Koot-Ka- LANDS, is to remove the catarrh. Physi- cian's Daughter. Dr. W. T. Bull tells this story about a country surgeon who once had three leg amputation cases In a week. The unusual number of serious and similar operations naturally caused talk In the surgeon's-householand his little daughter was greatly Interested. A few days after the last operation the surgeon's wife and daughter were rummaging- in the attic. In a trunk was found a daguerreotype depleting a girl of about eight years of age. The portrait, through a peculiarity of pose, ihowed only one leg of the subject, the other being doubled up under her In a manner truly feminine. "Whose picture Is that, mamma?" asked the surgeon's daughter. "Mine. It was taken when I was a child not much older than you are now." "Did you know papa then?" "No, dear. Why do you ask?" "I thought mayoe you did, 'cause you've only got one leg." New York Times. "Attractions" of the Philippines. An American In the Philippines, writing on business to a friend In Washington, Incidentally sums up his Impressions of our annexed territory thus: "The Philippine Islands are a fierce proposition, t would not take Governor Taft's Job, and you know how avaricious I am. Here are tha attractions: Bugs,' ants, lizards, mosquitoes, snakes, beriberi, leprosy, cholera, bubonic plagne. fevers, dhou bey itch, etc. News Is a month behind all the time. Ink costs a dollar bottle, but (Mexican) for a half-pin- t the man who stays here to sell It deserves the price. It Is Inconceivable to me how any white man can 'en-JoManila." y' . ZI -- Peruna cures catarrh. Peruna does not produce artificial digestion. It cures catarrh and lea es the stomach to perform digestion in a natural way. This is vastly better and safer than !(' resorting to artificial methods. Peruna has cured more cases of dyspepsia than all Oliver remedies combined, simply because it cures catarrh wherever Ex Senator M. C. Butler. located. H catarrh is located in the head, Peruna cures it. It catarrh has fastened itself in tho throat or bronchial tubes, do not derive prompt and satisIf you The Great Floochs. factory resslts from the use of Peruna, Peruna cures it. When catarrh becomes the picture of desolation. The glamor write at once, to Dr. Hartman, giving a settled in the stomach, Peruna cures it, as and "bravery" of the Vest End van- full statement of your case and he will be well in tuis location as in any other. Peruna is not simply a remedy for dysished before the pitiless rain; and the pleased to give you his valuable advice Terun a is a catarrh remedy, pepsia, gratis. stream of fashionable womanhood of Tho Peruna cures dyspepsia because it is genPresident Dr. Address Hartman, which winds Itself in and out of Re- Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. O. erally dependent upon catarrh. gent street and Piccadilly on a normal summer' day gave way to ' a drab, drenched, and bedraggled set of business men hurrying gloomily about their affairs. THINK PRINCE RUDOLPH LIVES. People of Croatia Refuse to Believe Him Dead. The people of Croatia have a strange superstition concerning the late Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria, who, It will be remembered, died In such sad circumstances at Meyerling in 1889.. They believe that he Is still alive, but that he is hidden somewhere by his enemies, ar.d, as they are now almost in a state of revolution against Hungary, of which they form a part, they have just send a petition to Emperor Francis Joseph, asking him to make the prince thoir ban, or ruler. The poor emperor, who was terribly afflicted by the loss of his only son. Is much shocked by the request, but nothing will persuade ,the Croats that the prince is not alivei ami that he would not go and be their ban if his enemies would let him. Sketch. Russia Buys Welsh Coal. New Plttjjjurg Theater. . government' contracts The fr yearly Russian cut shows a small secabove The 60.000 tons of Welsh coal for . CaianhCuie. new mefore Arthur Nlxor Theater. Pitts- tion at Port of. the delivered & be CHriN'F.Y to O. CO.. F. J. fror.: Toledo is which We, the umHwcnnd, have knwn V. J. Cheoej July 1. .the first thter ever rburg, for the lat.4$ year. and. believe him perferil to me naicony. stairs wunoui bunt in all fcuainea tratuartion and financthnqw.iH to A DACK NUMBER lir The Incline starts from thenaln cany out any obligation! made by thrir (!. entrance and reaches the nose. of'le WtSJ' tt TRt'AX. WmlMalertniifcl-t- a Tilft, The. Milk and Egg Diet VVALDiNG. KIN NAN & MAKVIN. Whole-ta- i Oh: balcony Just back of the boxes. Instead . - irueii. Toledo, Ohio. Starving the patlert who has elcs of old way, where the stairs ente artin taken Hall tra.ja. lmm!!y, aa "out-o- f date treatment at li-- rear .ii stomach, V! "d and nnon th"j of the balcony, making ' ' dirertly " jj j .fMf-- . ri'u.m per and no lopcr necessary with the iniftn, T '"?(! ' fclLaxuBiM: oy and nourishing fcod Grape-Nuts- , lIATl tau.il i ilU are li.o beat. that tho weakest stcmach can handle and grow st.org upon. To Manufacture Hcop Iron. There Is plenty of proof of this: "I Cor ml B. H. Warrer writes from Leipzig. May 29. 19C3. that the Haspe bad suffered from stomach trouble company (located at for six years and for trout of the last Irc.n & Stee haj completed a two years had been confined to my Westphalia) Haspe. Iron. bed, the trouble having become plant for the marufacture of hoop4.2C5,-f.OTT cotrrany Is capitalized at chronic in spite of the very best medimirks ($1,015,070). It was or- cal attention., I bad always been a ganized in 1S94. and since that time ceffee drinker, but for the past year has pa! 1,1U shareholders 7iVt per cent I could not drink It at all because It la divider! only 2 rrr cent, how- made me so nervous I could cot sleep and my appetite was almost entirely ever. In.tr Isft two years. gone. Hs Her Doubts. "Then some friends advied roe to A borta,' aid the lover cf animals, try the' preaigested food Grape-Nutls rnan"s( truest friend." "I dUn't acd about three months ago I did so Itrow ttct," answered young Mrs. Tor-- , and since that time my Improvement kits. fJuJring from Charley's etperl-enc- e has been so rapid that my cutonlers per?ons bavir? seats at the front of at tto race track, I thought a and friends are astonished and every the balcony alk up stairs, Ihen down. tors v.a3 the l.ind cf a friend who day fomeone remarka upon toy The grade Is only one Inch and borrows ycur rcorcy and forccts to to changed condition. I tave gained 15 to the foot, bring the same as turn IL" WaaMrglon Star. pounds, sleep well, my appetite Is from the foyer to the orchestra. gr.od and my digestion Is perfect Where I tave lived on milk and light Hatpin In Horse's Tongue. A horse belonging to a well known diet for years I row eat most any"AH HOKtftT BAKIIO POWDER AT Ilrewer, Me., man refused to eat his thing I wa&t and don't suffer any AN IIOJtliST PalCB." either. The way Grape-Nut- supper the other night. An Investigafood has built tip my stomach tion was made and It was found that and strengthened my nervous system in some way the animal bad gotten a CROWN particularly Is Just wonderful. hatpin In Its month and It was burird "I drink ycur food drink, Postum, to a depth of two Inches In his torgue, too, and no longer feel the want of so that It was Impossible for the horse coffee. There Is absolutely no doubl to swallow food. The pin was removed that leaving off roee and using and the animal ale Ita supper with and Postum has brought apparently no difficulty. From that Orape-Nutma out of my bed from an Invalid time forth the horse has apparently back to fine health." Name given by suffered no Inconvenience from the InPostum Co., Battls Creek, Mich. jury. "There's a reason and that reason Is plain to anyone who will spend a Led In Using Timetable. few mlnntos Investigating la the InFew people know that the old POWDER terest of health. railroad was the second 2K Send to the Co. tn particulars by road in the world to nse a railroad mall of extension cf time cu th timetable for operating trains, and was HEWLETT BROS. CO. $7,600 cooks contest for "li snosej oca of the first roads to Issue tlmeta- prizes. EMERSON'S QUICKLY CURED BY -- ID CENTS. CILlESAll HEADACHES. SOLD tWXm'fERE. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollar rwart anj rate rf Calarib tbat cannot b cured by Ilall'i . ALL f SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Esarcers am te 't ..T. THREE s 4 BAKING rf r4- j i j. cimi, 1 l, pr rre;j3t. WE'TOEHT flfiD .GQBE - f t AT r 'I r rfi.mfh. ifitriif IIRII I fr. e Bn4 K f .nh .!. . I, i.t I'latn'fk Otiriittir I it Ml n !'!' I'o Vtia I I'tm-- mi'l 1 r mi K1ln-- I v M"-- I.I ! trmi if..br of Wfnr-n- . . Hi-- nrtlr fw to' r. . I Mar rub Hmm. i li Drift II :. Tm- - Throit nit I Aihm v - ilia'nh rii$ . I ?Ht i a ti liwV l lo 'J !1 b f t m -14'hi iitorr.x, s M k. nl !", Htnri. i'lc.f. ' j.tnn't. lc. andIffr. all frmtrov ana Cbrimla llnlKt- tn-- a.m. Tr-lfft- Knout. ll-- Wen Weak otKMM fr'H or rnl' hnTfl' tf .f f IM-- HK llK V.KI I Kus Ti. rwif oklll in prot d wavthf KH)ilhiil H. InlPf ' i kt'inla'tOH)r tnfi . iti(T ai4 M itt.tMt oi t wk T Tlhat K W ba- no t rnitOThl' hrroT r oor p n. oltiH In O la i Writ tnr WB WAS DRS. SIIOHES & t Xrt on. . f r KK V mtiA thew ff'p. lM. nr. t((it4l a-- a I I 7 A Vr 1 1 fn fll I titmrr. tot): Uxnda;. . h l hn rta- - tn i xxt. Mas- I. a ni tar'ixl I W ffirt II. owl l'uiwio, aird all 1 Bt. 1 I KK NOW, WK WA.r Tv mm on fr.K rwi. on, Th' TS'C la ion. loa nvriiixl. H'ln:a fx. a. SlIOHES. Specialists. vf . w. When Cured Pay W. n ,on Krt hr JS nhrn Vol ran nt raftnffTIK' fr-m- -r r. it i If kib mnriitt oil. jiilintonoultation t iff, : ra-nM WIIliSffl. 1 n- -l . li. CO0 f nlrt, m. K4 p. tavi IO SV. La titf.Vtt". .T Drunkenness Cured FREE TO WOMEN! prom lm b" ln Tbe KEKLKT TRKATMENT. InatUata onlf MhiF enU,tH CKfi. !7ctnal la Tealb and Uid Aj. la III" ISM. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. 334 W. txTtratl-I- SALT LAkK C.Tf, UTAH. L When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paptr. Boston-W- p it- - . VJ Be' Cktil ( Hk Psrrwri. all Hit aor,n. ft li u itr 'A a4 ! :. I m with bn.Ni r MKlat-l- tin m t n r. nrpMIt wtnm, Tbia V! ttikaitmimiatr aoj'rrt All f nri1r Fattiiw t wha ii ff1nl iIotm-'-- a rrnmi i , U tx-tb- Mlib!m:t-ltta. larr . fn.ala) Ilia. euM ('if arr Wrt. tartar I tl ! -t. lef rwlaMtrr. ) iHtnn, A. XTI" ilntmlm W. N .V., Salt ?! av1 to tfwrr .pkI teday; pc1 ara-.l- i a fc- THE K. ttr tra 39mm m clninif ra'arrb. a ritil I".h n4 Tincw - nrr I u-- orcester - - ll"croari. llt u arH pply to tit. s s ri FMHISS Commrrrlftt aul C1lpil. Kor further t '.n lis..; O one-quart- er lzM C23 codouctio MAHISV pre-digeste- d 7 HALLOWS COLLEGE - r S anta, Maw LakeNo. 33, 1903. , |