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Show Estray Notice Secretary Cortelyou is going to Denver & Rio Grande R. R, try the female imigrant inspectors for CanJohn General Q, Brigadier but he has been wise enough "Scenic Line of the ll ot til." solute non of the national guard and one coal information concerning again Ttaa Bsal Line to leave the selection of the black caiuli horse, branded Colonel Bubb of Fort Douglas GLICNWOOD SPRINGS. LKADVILLB, CRIP to Mates the Civil Service Comrniss- with a cross inclosed by a circle PLIC CRKRK, PUEBLO, CO LOU A DO decided last Monday upon the ion. SPRINGS, DENVEll AND ALL ' 'hlS ;eeommaat of CaptT Webb POINTS BAST. OKI a. J CU Ul DUU1CU ItUUl O WttCllUC of officer the post, and a regular DeWltt l the name. on Juno 22, 1903. W. J. Between Grand Junction and Denver to hold the annual encampment Utah, When EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 28. 1000. you go to buy Witch Hazel M. P. Stateline McBurney, of the guard at Provo resort, Salve look for the name DaWitt on Train No Train No 2Tmln No Utah. Denver three miles west of Provo box. The unadulterat every pure, KipreHM Limited KipreuN i decided was This location ?:S ami 7:10 pn LvOgden :1pm 'City, U8ed ed is in "azeI Witch making 8:2U " " " to Lake The Question as :l Salt lake trout Bar. after the looking 9: Provo officers, upon by vvitcu which uazei uewitt's salve, 6 00 an Ar urtna juue n o: pint is: 4B artificial is when it fly takingan I of :4T " fl:WI :20 overa number proposed camp In is best tor the world salve the " :40 on cast I2:)aml the of tho surface llvlll water, t:a7p grounds, as being the most.pracI :4 Puxblo It: am pn vexea suDiect oi ais- - cuts, burns, bruses, boils, eczema, If. la o tiMfifnl :4o " S Colorado :. pin t;nku "I pr7;00 Deof and The piles. popularity :a " " :l " Uenver snr. with nlentvof water, shade cussion among anglers. In my Witt'd Witch Hazel Salve, due to New and rletcant dlihiif ear on all through Mervice a iacari nd good smooth ground upon judement writes W. C. Harris, its many cures, has caused numer- traioH, ThrowKb Pullmau and family aleeploff cmr (Jiucajro. which to execute the necessary lB rieia ana ""eam, ana exper ous worthless counterfeits to bi toThree personally eonduetd tourlt or famitj ience is one it of where weekly enrurHlouit to New York City and Uo merely field maneuvers. Wn via Chicago or ht. LuuU. . aFor ... a the lake trout is found when fish- - placed on the market. The gen dearrlpllve pamphlet and all It rruaA De- - furuiatluo apply to any Ticket Agnut or to G. ti. name of bears uine the or . . Trr hum in mmmissarv stores are hem? DINING CAUS of large rivers, such as the Nepi Witt & Co., Guicagp. Sold by all in nut everthinir shinned and " . I 1 4 Service a la i; i, Carts on all through trains Druggists. suauow raadinessfor use. The officers I uu4 or 1U cumparauvo 1 J e i i. i For descriptive pamphlets or VTcr icukus ui mens iu o company a e ii wttiicta uuj uimuers . , : Mr. Brvan'a naner eavs thatlVesi 4U Other i 41 vuo Information, Address Iila.ua uunuic - tilUcatlV- suriuiriresb vuemsetves as ioeing weuii s Roo.eveH aaa been naralvxed . . ., hv imneral am but the elect on re i UUU1UU. HHU. siimmr UUUS. IUl i il jIBl j i,o j u meir part, wiwarui . , . reauy turn3 we thought had raralvsed 0o'l Agt. Tasr. Oept Salt Laks, Utah 4. nalfin' tnn (nn:imnmint n. Kim. I : 11 Mr. Bryan, except his jaw. 4 4 un 4i tt lauentlv take, an artificial fiv, mi'. 4 m, R.HRRTTl . . 1 II 1 iVI LllR I Ulfl RL44L. rr, " " TrrHITlS " DURHAM BOLL. . ia6 rreiaen worn wiu 7 . This has been verified bv anelers .I uwiory m resort next xuesaay, ana ..:piwni cf hisrh standinsr and of undoubted Roo-evmiie8 between rode forty A 1 horoughbred Durham Ball r. campaunn v.. w U4 Vrf 4 4 vrvru. lino ana ana be kept at my corral for the will tnai morning good faith, who used flies dressed mwiQight two in of and season of 1903. Samuel Kendall. artillery battery xt aay on No. 8 hooks and of the patterns lotuer J0Q08 PI?n of Fort Doug fantry companies konwn as Seth Greh,bishop and M" ino aesenea camp. las' Kill join the guard. silver doctor. Captain And raws in his report Sulold Provsntsd. To Camp at Utah Lake. I will give $25.00 cash T. 0. WINN, ab- - ". ut A I a v a m I 4.-- l Notary Yvtmiz and Abstracter. Makes Deeds. Writes Iouraocc Has Mousy to Loan. Cuo sell you a nice botu or a good farm, or Hod y u a ouitAUMr It you have one fur als Ca also attaud to all buuius at U. S. Land OOlee, or with SUie Board of Laud Oomiuiaaionero. ODlea d 1st door South of Bank, :S9( fu L aU-- I c- J! ov.w I. A. Benton, I 4. 4- I 1 I 1 m fj4 a. eu to headquarters stated that com pany A would turn out forty mi -!- ... A Safe Stnuliant, A Good Medicine. For sale by J HAGUE &HEID cap' Veg- - All kinds Jletables, Fish of and! Fresh li Game and Salt Meats in Season. STEVENS T.W. Miller PROPRIETOR. Liirtf aa Wt prompUr obtain U. 8. aod ForelKK B I B ' rteaii model, iketcti or ) ouj (J iutecUoo lor (rM report a rtilafa3 Illy. For fr book J 1 Ucportsofa very brutal flght uiui uuuii'wc.n gUts. lownfWin be prosecuted accord ho respect of per Thomas Ingram. By all means let us have govern aaent Democratic, Aristocratic Autocratic an) thing but Mubocratic -- Potent Pill Pleasure. brutal manner, sustaining injur ies which has kept him inconfine- ucntut his homo almost ever nfiain t6t t t RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS Uaifttig la pt4 (rm $2.5D M $150.00 V h. W rtor mi l.l.rt.J J. Stevens Arms Opposite U. S. Patent Offlco WASHINGTON 1 D. C. la HUUOT- - & Tool Co., P.O.BOX CHtCOPCE FALLS. MASS. NEW SERVICE EASTBOUND 1 uiy at a sheen camp on tuo Last ing to law. mountain a week or so ngo In sons. which P. P. Andcrscn(Normau) was beaten in a most cruel and nn'iifftViai 1( yorac Mu m.'t Inr 9 iha )Ja.mr. anj H! turf m juld prurii o.trf-l3- r A'rirvi jl H IMowlfM villi n.i4Ui tliillAKV mui eakf ot U4 W ftod Iim rmC .41 4 large rfori. gtvA 1 rect-ption- Beverage, Delightful a 1 anuouacemeuv Ane scarumg From the wav the Kioir of Ire- preventative of suicide had land is flattering his subject it lhat trong. mav brt auaoected that ha ha not twn aiacoverea win interest many. down system, or despondency onlv kiaaed buthaschewdd Clarne v It i Books. o4 School buiuiuo nuul iiavariaDiv Drecous I sometimes has been found that will , --,t The agents appointed to gather Carrie Nation is vacationing in prevent that conditiou which makes up tha school books from all the pupite In District So 2 and turn Pennsylvania and the people there suicide likely. At the first thought them in to the directors, have I are having nearly as lively a time I w bkh uwirumun wac wwuio LIt being a great tonio and n.4 thnucrh tiio mill nt rikfi wprft still tets. in,i mnArt ths;r nervine will strengthen the nerves that most of the private books on aud build up the system. It's also have been collected; some few a great Stomach, Liver and Kid End of Bitter Fight. however, refuse to turn thorn in, I 50 SatUfacU uTw0 hyaicians had a 1odS and ney regulator. Only j. preferring to keep their books In All Druggists. their possession and use them as 8tubborn fight with an abcess on iou guranteed by e; they please. Those who have myright lung" writes J. F. Hughes. Having marked about sixty o turned in their books will receive of D11 Pont. Oa. "and gave mo up credit on their school tax to the Kvoryhodv thought mv time had themfjr identification, with buck- xchanire value of the books and come. Asa last resort I tried Dr. BUUI OUVII1I 11 uuiuva vi 4auiiiiC be issued free ones by tho di King's New Discovery for Con Illinois is about to indict some of rectors at the opening of school. sumption. The beneSt I received the mob leaders. c; Miss Estellt Morris has been was striking and I was on my feet thd late Senator widow of The appointed to receive all books iu a few days. Now I've entirely has married a and see that proper credit is giv regained my health. It conquers all Davis of Minnesota, are sayiDg en and to issue whatever books Coughs, Colds and Throat and Mr. Doll, aud punsters she has a uew doll. shall bo called for and stationery Lung troubles. Guaranteed by All . . . . oytnc various teacners uunng Dru Utg price 50c aad $1.00 Cat Alt You Heat. the school year. She will receive forsona troubled with iudik'estion or bottlo fre. books at Ucad& Bryan s building jtu can eat all they want If they l)pepia will lake Kodol Dypep?la Cure. lol until the completion of tho Cenrcait-dnrenarta tbe sotuacti fur lti Notice wncra a trai &cnofi uuuain , retention, diavstiou aod room is to be set apart and ar I desire to notify tho general aaluii!ati(n of all of tbe wholesome ranged for this purpose. public that any person found food that may be calcn. aod e&aMe to transform the trespassing Upon the property the dietive orKau01 wood oarnw kiud Into the ibt known as the Kock Springs.sitSheen1 Man Brutallv, WhiWcrl . , health aad atreuglh. Sold hy All Drug . rr . uavuu uu ui a. A 1 THREE THROUGH TRAINS TO CHICAGO EVERY DAX VIA THE UNION PACIFIC and The labor unions have issued a Ths (.UN that ars potent in their ic- - iikiH Airbiddins undcrlakers to effect are De Wilt's Bjjavo corp?Hs holding that it intcr- ion and Llttle tarly Uisers. W. S. Phll.tof Al- since. with the prohts of ,..tnn bar- fres a aiiacK biliiuu , It was his employee, tho herd- - bnyOa t look 000 Small ai it waitdidme dts. so who made terrible er, tuors K"fd t bin calomel, blue iua or things Sato the Chldrcn. I uok ""d l lhe for tho boss. They wore just Uny other C. 8. WILLI A LIS, Commercial Agmt, ff very onehundred U SIIC.J 108 piMUDUT. Niiiely-rsinMBIC uf Liltl lim prcmnnjf brc;il:iaM when l,n n Uii oerlainlr ats Kfly disoas lhat children have ir due 103 V. 2nd Snuth Strer, Halt Lake Car troublo comrnf nevd; a f'leal pill "Soli by H Uraglsls. Hnd Iho of disorders to stntnaoh, corain'r on in which all kinds of I hese disorders Mre all ct'ihcd by words vera used untill tho herd Kodol siaCure ih ndigestion. The Herald Ahead. .ftfnf f.T, a man from (losbcn, knocked if as s it children as good just Mr, Andt;rscu down then kicked a Tiio Salt Lake Daily Herald is foradulti. Children thiive on it. It ff ono of his eyebrows and a the most readable in the paper ket-ptheir litthj alomachs bkwI goodly ortion of Lis snip. Ho intermountain country. Every and encourages their growth and was then stumped practicaliy inWe discriminate in buying cur aud Drugs, and in tho week 83 cents per day Mrs. Henry Carter, development. to tho ground nnd out again, month. medirinr's make cart fully sl "tock" The Sunday Herald 703 Central according to thm St..Nashvill,Ten..saj: almost unconscious with its magazine section should tnont oming out aji rovedinroethodf". lion and sore from head to foot. Scv bo read by every one, $2.00 per "My little boy is now three jears w as to inwork is Kvery tep prewrif from been has old and suffering were broken ral small bones sure alsolutfl seen racy. W diHne exactly what your year, $1.00 for six months. since he waa born. every indigestion and many bruises vero made (Tut--daydt.ctor orders. We are here to carry out tbe doctors Tho Semi weekly Herald best doctors in Nash had the I have instructions, and to do this properly we have studied for and Fridays) only il.DO per ipon his body. do him any good. The herder, nfter satisfying year, with Orange Judd Fartnoir ville, but failed to J ears. Kodol he one bottle After of using bccimealarm lis brutal desires (Weekly) f 1.7S. Strictly hi is a well baby, I recommend it to Day of Night we are ready to serve you Promptly. d and ran away, leaving the all sufferers. "Kodel digests what of themselves. If it happens, it's U tho liar seep to take carebeard you eat and makes the stomach of since. aid Ohas not been sweet. Bold by all Dnzgiata. Mt. rieasant ryramid lea-aat- ia .Chicigo, orf says-Uurl- Hillwaokem st.Paul LINE. 1 r" e Kf-e- fr s j PRESCRIPTION POLICY. Che-mical- chf-ikc- s aV a Hunt's Pharmacy. V |