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Show ' APARTMENTS f FOR RENT t J 1 $225 FARMINGTON ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apt. Stove, ref rig., washer & dryer, utilities except lights furnished. No pets, smokers or drinkers. 451-2612. 451-2612. 112-17 WEST BTFL. 4 PLtX TWO BEDROOM apt. $21 0.00 $50 deposit. No pets, washer dryer hookups, hook-ups, fenced yard. Rick 359-8538, Jay 544-4155. 544-4155. . 112-121 FARMINGTON LARGE 2 bedroom. $300 less $50 for yardwork. Hook-ups, storage, yard, no smokers, pets. 451-2662. 451-2662. 914-1110 FARMINGTON, NEW 2 bedroom. $325. Hookups, Hook-ups, on bus route. No smokers, pets. 451-2662. 451-2662. 921-1110 ONE MONTH free 2 bdrm west of Marion Willey Ford. Wd hookups. $275. 573-2078292-9533. 28-tfn SINGLE LEVEL, no stairs, 2 bedrm near 5 Points, ac, private patio, wd hookups, fenced yard. 2007 S. 500 W. $265. 573-2078, 292-9533. 292-9533. 928-tln CEDAR SPRINGS 1 bedroom, carport, no hook-ups. Call after 4:00. 544-3103, 544-6905. 544-6905. 1005-1123 APARTMENTS j FOR RENT 2 BDRM. CONDO $350 mo. $200 deposit. Gas paid. Dishwasher, fireplace, covered parking. No smokers, no pets. Call for appt. 363-6697. 363-6697. 112-10 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM Apartment, large master bedroom, new linoleum, neutral carpet, washerdryer hookups, outside storage available. $280. 298-9058 or 298-0426. 298-0426. 1026-1 117 THREE BEDROOM $350 SOUTH BOUNTIFUL, near school, cul-de-sac, disposal, dishwasher, hook-ups, central heat, air, covered parking. 889 West 4100 South. Call Marty 295-0108. Lane Realty 298-7000. 298-7000. 1026-1117 EXTRA CLEAN ONE BEDROOM, fresh paint, fairly new carpet and linoleum, ' washerdryer hook-ups, swamp cooler, on ground level, no pets. Adults only. $225 plus deposit. 295-92 295-92 87. 1026-1110 CEDAR SPRINGS CONDO FOR RENT. Townhouse 2 bdr, 1'2 baths, washerdryer hookups in kitchen. Utilities incl. except elec. Ut. Housing subsidized renters welcome. $375 mo. Call Rep. 292-5002 1026- "Tt" TEND CHILDREN J 1 EXPERIENCED SAFETY conscious L.D.S. babysitter in WX has openings for children 3 and older. Excellent learning preschool opening new session across the street. Diane 292-7544. 1026-1 110 LICENSED TO tend children in my home. Lunch and snacks, big play room, lots of activities, ac-tivities, take all ages. 295-7406. 1026-1117 CHILD CARE in -my Centerville home. Near J.P. Stewart. Room for two more, infant welcome. Flexible hours. 298-1383. 1026-1117 CAREFUL SUPERVISION in my LDS home, snacks, stories, lunch, quiet cul-de-sac, fenced yard, large playroom off kitchen. $10 per day, Centerville. 292-6520. 292-6520. 1102-10 CHILD CARE. Fun for kids -my home. Near Univ. of Utah & downtown. Openings for 3 to 5 year olds. Small group. 363-6697. 363-6697. 112-10 littA CONDOS ti FOR RENT PHEASANTBROOK CONDO for rent. Two bedrooms, garage, fireplace fire-place in sunken living room. Many extras. $550 mo: 298-8101. 298-8101. 119-10 I MOVING SALE SAT. 9-4 1327 E. Barton Creek Circle. Bntfl (6th S.) Sofas, bikes, skiis, etc. 119-10 i ; ANTIQUE YARD Sale, 1643 Sorrento, Woods Cross, Fri. Nov. 11 10-4 (650 West). 119-10 J.Jl TRADE FARMINGTON HILLSIDE acreage for landscaping, sprinkling system. 451-2662. 451-2662. .1006-1110 STAR VALLEY RANCH TRADE OR sell '! acre lot, close to Lodge, golf course, swimming pool, & tennis courts. Will trade for motor home or ??. Call 292-5002. 1026-1117 1026-1117 I f4l' TO BUY CASH FOR junk cars, trucks. Running or not. Abandoned cars picked up free. 295-4944 or 973-9824. 525-11 17 j fi'l APPLIANCES ! LADY KENMORE electric I sensor gas dryer, wrinkle guard, signal. 1 Gold. $150. 298- 2301. 119-10 WHIRLPOOL AUTO. Washer, large capacity, I 2 cycle. Used very little. I $200. 295-4454. 119- i 10 . 7&T.1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1980 CJ7 Excel, cond., new paint, tires, shocks, all carpeted, AM-FM cass. 6 cyl., 4 spd., 298-3873, 298-9690 298-9690 Paul. 119-10 1985 BLACK Chevrolet Eurosport Celebrity Wagon. Power windows, win-dows, power locks, rear jump seat, 6 cylinder, fuel injection, plus much more. Excellent condition $7,800 or best offer 298-2917. 298-2917. 119-17 1978 DODGE Diplomat for sale. Auto, A.C., call for more information 295-8480. 119-10 1977 VOLARE Station wagon. Great second car. $600. Call 295-8573. 295-8573. 1102-17 87 COLT VISTA 4X4 SUPER CLEAN, runs perfect MUST SELL!! $8,900 . 292-4874 , 531-1221. 531-1221. 1102-10 '77 DODGE Monaco station wagon. Good condition $400. Call 451-5308. 112-10 1978 PORSCHE 924 RUNS GREAT, good tires, stereo equalizer, excellent ex-cellent gas mileage, $4800.292-8928.. 112- 79 MAZDA RX-7, Air, sun roof, very clean, low miles, Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 119-10 77 FORD LTD, 2 dr., very clean, full power, local car. Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 295-4262. 119-10 77 CHEVETTE nearly new snow tires and battery. bat-tery. Runs great. Good second car for kids $499. 292-3075 485-1515. 485-1515. 119-10 F3 msicAL i W INSTRUMENTS WURLITZER UPRIGHT Piano. Excellent condition. con-dition. $1,075. Call Greg 295-4200 ' 810-1110 SUZUKI GUITAR instruction. in-struction. Call Bob at Gaines Music. 295-9272. 295-9272. 1012-17 MOVING MUST sell upright up-right piano $625.00 or best offer. Jeanette 298-7216 119-17 BRASS TRUMPET and coronet in great condi- ' tion 295-6823 (Benny) after 3. 119-10 rr,i SPORTING VVl'l GOODS POOL TABLE 4x7 slate top, leather pocket accessories $500 or best offer. 295-6331 295-6331 451-0999 119-17 119-17 SALE 357 Magnum pistol $200 or best offer. 298-3588 298-3588 after 8 p.m. 119-10 119-10 1985 17' MARLIN OPEN BOW, 140 hp Mercury, Mer-cury, grey and maroon on metalcraft trailer with travel cover, $6500. Evenings 292-9276 292-9276 119-10 HOCKEY SKATES, Size 7 $25. Call Matt 544-01 54 after 3. 119-10 TaZ RECREATIONAL 1 ti' VEHICLES 18 FT. Travel trailer, self contained, needs work $800 or best offer 292-5314. 292-5314. 119-17 2 SNOWMOBILES and trailer. Polaris Indy 440, Cobra 440. Great condition con-dition $2650 takes all. 295-5565. 119-10 Tftfl MOTORCYCLES hW FOR SALE 85 SUZUKI Madura, like new, low mile, black-silver black-silver 451-6725 after 5 p.m. 119-17 r 1 I Hrr.3 LOST & W FOUND LOST liver and white Brittany Brit-tany Spaniel dog 292-4272. 292-4272. 119-10 itTi INSTRUCTIONS ul TUTORING PIANO STUDIO JUDY MADSEN, piano performance major. Member University of Utah prep division piano faculty. 25 yrs. teaching experience. Program includes theory, master cjasses, recitals. Beginning through advanced. 295-5879. 119-121 ART CLASSES WATERCOLORS, PORTRAITS, POR-TRAITS, adults, teens. Call Debbie 298-8802 298-8802 907-1229 PRIVATE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL, PRE-SCHOOL, kindergarten, grades 1st and 2nd, small classes. Call 292-6205. 292-6205. 1019-1110 TUTORING MATH, $10hr. Call Kathy 295-4549. 295-4549. 1026-1117 IBM, MACINTOSH TUTORING, WORDPERFECT. WORD-PERFECT. Lotus, and air Macintosh software. Dale or Mike 544-9746. 544-9746. 1102-10 PIANO LESSONS, beginners and intermediates. in-termediates. Experienced Ex-perienced teacher, Rose Anderson, 295-4802. 295-4802. 1102-17 Lr.-. APARTMENTS '.H"' FOR RENT L i mi y WHY RENT when youcan own a home? Payments as low as $350-mo. $2,000 down. Newly decorated, 2 bedroom, 1'a bath, garage, Ig. backyard and garden, top of cul-de-sac, park close by. Call 544-3362. 544-3362. 11-9-10 $259 NEAR 5 Points, en-joy en-joy living in this Immaculate Im-maculate 2 bedroom (main level) apt. with carport. No pets. 295-0525. 295-0525. 11-9-23 TWO BEDROOM base-ment base-ment apartment, private pri-vate entrance, two baths, wash room, with hookups, $260 month. 298-2234, 298-0649 Dean. 11-9-12-1 ONE BEDROOM apt. No steps, convenient location. loca-tion. Save! Owner pays heat, water, garbage. No pets. $285.00 298-7216 298-7216 292-2835. 11-9-17 NICE 2-BDRM condo in Bntfl. Adult, quiet, excellent ex-cellent location, w-d hookups, cable TV, carport, car-port, storage, no pets, $335-mo. $175-deposit. $175-deposit. 295-4562. 295-4562. 11-9-23 2 BEDROOM Apt. No pets, no smoking, 392 W. 400 N., Bountiful $375.00. 295-9640. 295-9640. 11-9-17 DUPLEX, 674 So. Grand Oaks, Fruit Heights. $400 per month. Ph 451-6139, 292-8379, 292-7777, 2 bedroom, dining room, kitchenette, kitchenet-te, dishwasher, fridge, built in oven & range, fireplace with gas log, fully carpeted, 2 patios, garage, beautiful yard, nice location. 11-9-17 ONE BEDROOM, private yard, carport, extra storage, clean, no pets or smoking. Must see to appreciate. Call 295-3720. 295-3720. 11-9-10 BOUNTIFUL 3 BED-ROOM BED-ROOM $465. LRG. family units, backs against elementary elemen-tary school. All the extras. ex-tras. 4247 So. Hwy. 89 298-2302; 292- 3813. J 1-9-12-1 $225 CUTE furnished mobile home, two ' j.r. j HOMES '" FOR RENT NORTH SALT Lake for rent with option to buy. All newly painted. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 family rooms, 92 So. 300, East. 298-8358. 112-10 FARMINGTON 3-bdrm., garage, lots of extras, great family neighborhood, neigh-borhood, no smokers, $495. 451-6166. 112-24 3 BEDROOMS, 1 car garage. $450month (Rent& show). 604 West 1000 South, Woods Cross. Owneragent. Allison Stell 295-4142, 292-4488. Century 21 Grimshaw. 1026-tfn KAYSVILLE SPACIOUS 3 bedroom duplex. 864 East 200 N. 544-8802. $450month. No smokers. 1102-1110 BTFL. TOWNHOUSE LARGE 1300 sq. ft. 3-bedroom, 3-bedroom, 2 bath, fenced yard, fireplace, wd hookups, choice location. $550. Less if one year lease! Georgia 250-7846, 964-3903, Linda 292-4450. 112-10 4 BED, 2 bath, dble gar., 1,475 sq. ft. Main & finish, bsmt, Mulr school area. $585. 295-4005. 295-4005. 1026-1117 FIVE BEDROOM home for rent. Full basement, two car garage, $525.00 295-4305 292-5427. 292-5427. 119-17 3 BEDROOM, FR, LR, 3 bath, home for rent. Fenced yard, 2 car garage, gar-age, great neighborhood neighbor-hood and school, close to shopping $575 month, 185 West 2000 South 298-4249, ask for Luann(Btfl). 119-10 WEST BOUNTIFUL four bedroom, 2 bath, 2 fireplace, fire-place, family room, fenced yard, very clean, 717 West 1600 North. 119-10 CHELSEA COVE 5-BED, 3 bath, dining, large family room, fenced back yard, double dou-ble garage $850.00 monthly. 451-0999 or 295-6331. 119-17 LAYTON 3-BDR. 2 bath, family and ,h APARTMENTS "'J FOR RENT BOUNTIFUL DUPLEX TWO BEDROOM, pantry, hookups, large closets, gas heat, garden space, bus line, child accepted school, 295-7426. 295-7426. 119-10 $315 BEAUTIFUL 2 bedrm apt. All carpet, levolors, pantry, utility rm in apt. Cable avail., Ig. rms and closets, near shopping, on bus line, adults only, no pets, carport, storage, in 6-plex. See No. 5 305 W. 1800 S. East of Main St. 295-6340. 119-17 EXTRA LARGE basement apt. Preferably single or young couple. Utilities. No children, pets, smoking. 292-3919. 292-3919. 119-10 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment. Close to shopping, fireplace, air conditioning, washer-dryer washer-dryer hookup, covered parking, cable television televi-sion available.. No pets. 292-0444 544-4812. 544-4812. 119-17 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX 2 CAR garage, basement air cond., fireplace, cathedral ceilings, private pri-vate deck & back yard. No pets, 2 kids ok $395 mo. 789 W. 4050 So., Bountiful. 298-9335. 298-9335. 119-10 RENT SLASHED UNBELIEVABLE DEAL! Large 2-bdrm on Orchard Dr. in NSL 7 minutes to downtown SLC. Carport, A.C., DW, disp., W-D hookups, separate storage, stor-age, other amenities. Adj. to school and church. Avail, immed. Only $285. 295-4693. 295-4693. 119-10 LARGE STUDIO apt. Newly decorated, all furnished, no pets or smoking allowed. 295-2071. 295-2071. 119-10 KAYSVILLE DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator, no pets, available Nov. 20. 255-2420, 546-4485. 546-4485. 119-121 DUPLEX, 1800 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, utility room, fireplace, air conditioned, con-ditioned, $450.00-mo. 298-1310. 119-10 1110 KAYSVILLE, SPACIOUS 3 bedroom duplex. 854 E. 200 N. 544-8802. $450mo. No smoking. 1102-10 2 BEDROOM 4 PLEX CARPETS, DRAPES wd hook-up, air cond. Appliances, carport. See to appreciate. Avail, now. No pets, 1 child ok. Call 295-7107. 112-10 BONNEVILLE MANOR ONE BDRM. stove, fridg., carpet, drapes, wd hook-ups, cable. 267 So. 425 West Mgr. C4. 292-7701, no pets. 112-121 112-121 $245. TWO bdr., washerdryer hook-ups. 1715 So. 440 West. No pets. 546-2304 Woods Cross. 1102-17 CLEAN & BEAUTIFUL 4 PLEX, 2 bedroom, gas log fireplace, new paint, . wd hookups, covered parking, extra storage, quiet, residential neighborhood. neigh-borhood. See to appreciate. ap-preciate. 530-7326 days, 298-1657 after 6:00. $330. 1102-10 BOUNTIFUL TWO BEDROOM, are you looking for a place to rent?? You can't go wrong with this extra clean, near downtown location. $370 includes all utilities. Has coin operated laundry. 544-4238(days) 544-4238(days) Mark or 451-0550 after 5:00. 1102-10 ATTRACTIVE, CLEAN, quiet 1 bedroom in 4-plex. 4-plex. $235. Hot water paid; washing facilities available. No smoking, pets. 292-7553. 11 02-24 2 BDRM. CONDO in Bountiful adult park. Quiet, excellent location, loca-tion, w-d hookups, cable TV, carport, storage, stor-age, No pets. $335-mo. $1 75-deposit.. 295-4562. 295-4562. 119-23 EDGEMONT CONDOMI-NIUMS CONDOMI-NIUMS 32 to 70 West 1000 North, classy 1 and 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, fireplaces, fire-places, carports, no stairs $275 to $325. 298-2776. 119-121 CEDAR SPRINGS CONDO FOR RENT. Townhouse 2 bdr, baths, washerdryer hookups in kitchen. Utilities incl. except elec. Ut. Housing subsidized renters welcome. $375 mo. Call Bee 292-5002. 1026-1110 1026-1110 CEDAR SPRINGS condo for rent. 1 bedroom, monthly rent $250. Security deposit, $150.-Condo $150.-Condo fees paid by owner. No pets. Call to see 969-0368 or see Doug or Brent in condo, mgr. office.. U02.-A7i Fifi' I APARTMENTS . "Ji1 FOR RENT CHILDREN'S DELIGHT 1 NEXT TO Washington Elem. & park, 2-bdrm, wd hookups, covered parking, huge yards, quiet residential area, 218 W. 650 So. Mgr. $315. 298-9194 573-. 2078. 928-tln $295!! 2 BEDROOM apartment. Lots of amenities, sauna, Jacuzzi pool, weight room, game room, laundry facilities, stnrane. much more. FOR HOLIDAY season, Magic Flour Mills, Bosch mixers for pastries, pas-tries, grinder attachment attach-ment to process wild I game meats. 292- i 4954. 119-10 ! MAYTAG I WASHER & DRYER NEW MAYTAG washer and dryer. 2 yr., parts and i labor warranty. Nothing down, $28.50 per month. Perkins Appliance Ap-pliance Discount Center. 295-8229. 330-tfn ! ???REM0DELING??? SPECIAL CONTRACTOR prices on name brand appliances. Amana, Maytag, G.E., Gibson, Magic Chef, etc. Appliance Ap-pliance Discount Center. ! 295-8229 518-tfn FURNISHINGS i 1 TER CAR INTERIORS AFFORDABLE FASHION WINDOWSFLOORS GREAT SELECTION QUALITY STYLES GUARANTEED 298-1028 330-tfn CARPET ANSO IV, WEAR-DATED, i Antron and Dupont ! Stain-Master; thousands j of yards all direct from the leading carpet mills. All first quality and brand names. I work from my i home so almost no : overhead. Beautiful plush or multi-colored j earthtone sculptured, hi- lo with warranty. $269 ; for your living and hall, includes 100 percent nvlon caroet. Dad and 1972 DODGE Polara, good engine, needs body work, 295-8592 3512 S. 100 E., Bountiful. Boun-tiful. 119-10 FOR SALE: 1979 Ford Pick-up, 1979 Olds Cutlass, Cut-lass, 1 981 Citation, 1981 Citation, 1987 Nissan Nis-san Maxima. See at Davis County Bank or phone 451-2000. Sealed Sea-led bids will be taken until 4:00 p.m. on' Friday, Fri-day, Nov. 11. We re- serve the right to refuse any bid. 119-10 80 MAZDA, new engine, excellent condition, 1200 miles, $1,400. Best offer 451-6809. 451-6809. 119-10 CONFISCATED CARS, trucks, vans, boats, planes, jewelry and much more. Seized in drug and crime raids. Up to 90 off! 801-268-3616 Ext. J 119-17 13 trucks I fM FOR SALE ' 1978 CHEVY truck 4x4, 6 months' old tires, brand , new rebuilt engine, only 700 miles. Call 295-5165. 295-5165. 1102-10 75 DATSUN PICKUP, new engine, new battery, good shape, has a, shell, good tires $500.00. 298-8286, 298-1235. 298-1235. 119-10 1985 CHEV 6 cyl., 4 cnppH vprv clean full PICKUP CAMPER SHELL FIBERGLASS Chrome luggage, boat rack, shortbed, white $250.00 295-2740. 295-2740. 119-10 1985 YAMAHA SRV snowmobile, two place trailer, 50 miles, hand warmers, travel cover. Immaculate with many extras all for $2,500. 298-3646, 292-6238. 292-6238. 1102-10 ktr. AUTOMOBILES "I. FOR SALE 1 J 76 CADILLAC DeVille, new paint, good tires, excel, condition. Owner died, must sell. 451-2477. 451-2477. 1102-10 1959 MERCEDES 180. good condition. $1,900 offer. 295-3104, 292-8697. 292-8697. 1102-24 '82 CAD Eldorado, brown with brown leather interior, in-terior, wire wheels, Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main 295-4262. 295-4262. 119-10 "80" CORVETTE T-tops, big motor, Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 119-10 85 CHEVY Sprint 2 dr., good condition $2900.00 292-7410. 292-7410. 119-23 '82 PLYMOUTH Sapporo, t-i nnn nn nr hst nffpr PIANO LESSONS EXPERIENCED TEACHER, reasonable rates, Jearningfun. 292-1968. 292-1968. 1102:24 PIANO AND ORGAN FULL PROGRAM for beginning through advanced levels. Franklin Eddings, M.A., M.Ed., UMTA-MTNA & AGO certified. 295-5979. 295-5979. 330-tfn. I1 CHILDREN CARE IN LDS home, structured days, preschool pre-school activities, 7 years experience. 298-4421. 298-4421. 119-121 LOVING CHILD care in my NSL home, includes lunches and snacks. Janeal 295-1892. 295-1892. 119-17 NEED AN experienced, , competent, full-time babysitter? Call Chris. I am experienced and I have refrences available. avail-able. I will take and pick-up from school. Drop-ins welcome! 295-4417. 119-17 QUALITY CHILD care in my Bountiful home. Fenced yard, meals, and snacks. Infants, pre-schoolers and school-age children welcome. Reasonable rates and hours. 295-6554. 295-6554. 119-17 SOUTH BOUNTIFUL 2-BEDROOM, new carpet, car-pet, paint, no pets, smokers or drinkers. Newlyweds preferred, available Dec. 1 . $260. 295-8479. 119-23 NEWLY CARPETED and painted large 2 bedroom bed-room apartment, covered co-vered parking, pool, washer-dryer hookups, gas fireplace, cable TV hookup. No pets. Large ' children's play area. 295-6453. 119-23 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM, fireplace, fire-place, W-D hookups, carport, no pets, $325.00, 298-9376. 298-9376. 119-10 SOUTH BOUNTIFUL ' 2-BR. Townhouse, large 1 V2 bath, covered park-ing, park-ing, extra storage, available 11-21, $360 292-3006 till 5, then 295-5477. 119-17 ABSOLUTELY SPOT-LESSI SPOT-LESSI 1 BEDROOM,, private, cozyl New paint! Clean everything! $220.00 bedroom, lot tee paid, adults only 295- 2711. 112-10 NEWLY DECORATED VERY CLEAN, 2 bedroom, no pets, deposit, wd, air, $275.00, 1875 So. 477 West, 292-7642. 292-7642. 112-17 ONE BEDROOM UNFURNISHED. Heat furnished. No children, pets, or smoking. Nice neighborhood. $240 wonth. Call 292- : -9959. 112-10 $345 BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom apt. All carpet, levolors, air cond., fireplace, utility room in apt., cable TV avail., frost free fridge, storage on Ig. prvt. patio, carport, 287 W. 1800 So., east of Main. One level bldg. No . steps,, adults only. No pets. 295-6340. 112-10 $255 BEAUTIFUL one bedroom apt. All carpet, levolors, frost free fridge, cable TV avail. Washer-dryer hookups, one level bldg. No steps, near shopping, on bus line, see No. 1. 2122 South Orchard Drive behind 7-11, adults only, no pets. 295-6340 or 292-5703. 112-10 i-tfi, HOMES W FOR RENT BOUNTIFUL, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, family room. $525. 115 East 650 North, Available December 1. Bonded Realty. 295-4073. 1102-10 living rooms, close to shopping and schools 292-7410. 119-23 $430.00 THREE Bedr., newly dec, 165 East Center, garage, yard, lease, 292-8692. 119-10 119-10 DUPLEX, 674 So. Grand Oaks, Fruit Heights. $400 per month. Ph 451-6139, 292-8379, ,292-7772. 2 bedroom, dining room, kitchenette, kitchenet-te, dishwasher, fridge, built in oven & range, fireplace with gas log, fully carpeted, 2 patios, garage, beautiful yard, nice location. 119-17 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath, new kitchen, $650. Kathy 292-6474. 119-10 L-tfV'l ST0RAGE V FOR RENT WEST BOUNTIFUL storage located at 72 So. , 500 W. in Bountiful has a security guard house to protect your property. 5x9 $15; 5x18 $25; 9x9 $25. 295-1382. 113-ttn BOUNTIFUL, 140 West 300 South. Large corner unit, secure, lighted, steel door. $120. Bonded Realty, 295- .4073. 1102-10 ENCLOSED STORAGE i AND RV SPACES $8.00 PER MONTH and up, convenient, East of freeway. Please call 292-2434 292-2434 anytime. 922-tfn STORAGE UNITS, great V. location, 371 North 200 West, all sizes, safe,' clean, dry 295-5779. 295-5779. 119-1229 $345. BEAUTIFUL 2 bedr, apt. All carpet, levelors, air cond. Fireplace, utility rm in apt, pantry, cable TV avail, frost free fridge, storage on Ig. pvt. patio off kit, carport. 275 West 1800 So. (East of Main St.) One level bldg. No steps, adults only, no pets. 295-6340 or 292-2192. 292-2192. 1 005-1 1 10 UNFUR. ADULT apt. Two bdrm, central air, cable T.V., gas fireplace, gas heat, storage, carport, Bntfl Power, close to downtown facilities. Call 292-9283, 295-2331.. 295-2331.. 1005-1110 EAST SIDE APARTMENT CLEAN & HOMEY 1 & 2 bedroom units wcarports. Walk to shopping, church, .bus stop & schools. $239-$279. $239-$279. 292-9546, 292-2882. 292-2882. 1012-tfn NORTH POINTE LARGE 1 &2 bdrms, newly remodeled. 167 W. 200 N., Bt. From $249, move-in special. Mgr C-4 orcall 298-2054 or ,292-2882. 1012-tfn " FREE RENT 3 BR HKUPS, DISHWASHER, . disposal, yard, carport, kids ok. 292-8902 or 292-1963. 1012-1229 IMMACULATE FARM INGTON 2 ' BEDROOM, hookups, storage, blinds. Super nice! Great location, neighbors, landlord. Easy access 1-1 5, on bus route. 298-1028. 102-10 NOW RENTING MILLSTREAM GARDEN luxury adult complex. Please call for appointment ap-pointment today. 298-0687. 298-0687. 1019-1110 FREE LAUNDRY $239. LUXURIOUS, large 2 bedroom, air, fireplace, covered ' parking, quiet, no pets. Hidden Villa 897 West 4200 South, NSL. 292-6415,487-8689. 1019-1110 1019-1110 TERRIFIC TWO BEDROOM, new carpet, new drapes, no smoking, no pets, hookups, hook-ups, carport. $240. 295-6734. 295-6734. 1019-1110 1 BEDROOM, free heat, free washerdryer usage. Garage, shower, NPNS. Nice. $265. 298-5558,298-5194. 1019-, 1019-, 1110 $21 0-S230, 1-2 BDRM IN 4-PLEX. New carpet, no pets, no smoking, coin laundry. 110 S. Orchard Drive 2.298-7711. 2.298-7711. 1026-1215 WHY RENT when you can own mobile home in Centerville. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Very workable with people with credit. Marcile 546-2891 or Cathy 298-0681 after 1019-1110 BTFL. TOWNHOUSE LARGE 1300 sq. ft. 3-bedroom, 3-bedroom, 2 bath, fenced yard, fireplace, wd hookups, choice' location. $550. Less if one year lease! Georgia 250-7846, 964-3903, Linda 292-4450. 112-10 LARGE FARMINGTON town house, 2 bedrooms, Vi baths, washerdryer hookups, covered parking. 451-6260, 451-6260, 451-5709, 295-5988 295-5988 after 6:00. 1019-1110 1019-1110 FALL SPECIAL. Spacious two bedroom apt. Bargain move in. 292-4574, 292-4574, 295-5610, 596-1226. 596-1226. 1019-121 TOWNE HOUSE apt. 2 bedroom, full unfinished basement, hot water radiant heat. Close to Viewmont High School. See to appreciate! 1156 North 200 West. $410. 292-9356. -1102-10 292-9809, 467-5438 askforReid. 119-17 ONE BEDROOM Duplex apt. Downtown Bounti-ful Bounti-ful location 295-. 7113. 119-10 CENTERVILLE TWO BEDROOM 84 So. 300 East, stove, fridge, hookups, $275 month $100 deposit. 292-4373 or 292-9331. 119-17 DUPLEX SIDE by side, fenced yard, carport, storage, hookups, gas dryer, fireplace. No smokers' 295-8259. 295-8259. 119-10 EDGEMONT CONDOMI-NIUMS CONDOMI-NIUMS 32 to 70 West 1000 North. Classy 1 and 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, fireplaces, fire-places, carports, no stairs $275 to $325 298-2776. 298-2776. 119-121 2 BEDROOM duplex, North Salt Lake, laundry hookups, new carpet, no stairs $300, 292-8544, 292-8544, no smokers. smok-ers. 11-9 12-1 TWO BEDROOM CLEAN HOOKUPS, near Rose Park $275. 532-7607. 532-7607. 11-9-10 FURNISHED BSMT. APT. RENT INCLUDES heat, lights, water, garbage, sewer, private drive. 295-3636 11-9-10 LARGE TWO BEDROOM $339. DW,. disposal, selfclean oven, fridge, wd hookups, cable TV, large storage, carpet, drapes, no smokers or pets. 295-8229 days, 298-4933 'evenings. 1102-10 EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM duplex, family, room, garage, fenced yard, 2 bath. $475. Centerville. 295-8266. 295-8266. 1102-10 2-BED 4-PLEX, large almost new, 'V2 bath, wd hookups. $375. Two months free utilities. 1191 N. Main. 1026-1110 $275 COME see this two bedroom duplex at 1414 No. 200 West. W-D W-D Hookups, storage. No smokers or pets. 295-1973. 11 9-10 3 BEDROOM apt. at 882 W. 4100 S., Bountiful. Housing Authority ten-tants ten-tants welcome. Call 295-1516 for appointment. appoint-ment. 11-9-17 ONE BEDROOM APT. FOR RENT $190.00 per month. Nice area in North Salt Lake. 322-0338 322-0338 485-8701. 11-9-17 WORKING mother decides de-cides to stay home with her child, let me give your child the care I wanted mine to get. Will tend M-F $1 0.00-day. Good freeway access. 15th S. & 5 W. area, Bntfl. Totally fenced backyard. Call after 5 298-7079. 119-10 GRANDMA WANTS to give loving care to an infant in her home. Call 451-2220. 119-10 QUALITY CHILD CARE in my Bount. home. Reas. rates, room for two more children. Call 295-1 295-1 920 for appointment. appoint-ment. 119-17 CHILD CARE AT ITS BEST COMPLETE MORNING preschool pre-school program. You must see our classroom to appreciate it! Ages 3-5, 3-5, full day. $180month, 6 to 1 child adult ratio. Call Susan Fields 292-6007, 292-6007, 295-0137, 397 West 800 South. 1 01 2-1130 2-1130 PRIVATE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL, PRE-SCHOOL, kindergarten grades 1st and 2nd small classes. Call 292 6205. 1019-1 1 1C EXCELLENT CHILD care by loving grandmother, Bountiful area. Phone 298-5135. 1102-10 NSL. 298-7497 413-tfn ONE MONTH FREE ON 12 mo. lease, 2 bedroom, 4-plex, covered parking, hookups, storage, bus route, $75 deposit, $325 per month. 298-9194 or 573-2078 39-tfn QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA 2 BEDROOM, wd hookup, covered parking, storage, Bountiful Power, 900 sq. ft., near shopping and bus routes, all for $31 5. 298-9194 298-9194 or 573-2078. 39-tfn WOODS CROSS 2 BED, 1 bath, hookups, covered pk., 4 plex. $240 plus utilities. Ph 483-5643 720-tln PARRISH LANE TOWNHOUSE MOVE IN special on two bedroom deluxe apt. Covered parking, wd hookups, dw, ac, disposal. Close to schools, shopping, freeway. Parrish Lane & 100 West, Centerville. 5688 817-tfn APARTMENT MANAGERS NEEDED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE in maintenance, repairs and management of over 16 units required. Bring resume to Vicor. 460 S. 100 E., Bountiful. 831-tfn 292-3689. 119-17 MUST SELL 1985 CUTLASS Cierra LS, loaded 49,000 miles looks and runs new V-6 new tires, $5,500 or best offer 451-2398. 119-17 1974 PINTO $300.00 292-0926. 119-10 78 TOYOTA Corolla lift-back, lift-back, 5 speed, $800 2950213. 119-10 71 FIREBIRD, runs good, needs work $500. Call after 6 p.m. 292-8621. 292-8621. 119-10 1986 PONTIAC Sunbird SE, 29,000 mi. Super cond., fully loaded, sports model, must see to appreciate. See at 1447 S. 675 W.. WX. Call 298-7079. 119-10 119-10 76 MERC. Cougar, must sell, low mileage, gooc cond., cruise, cassette, extras $900. 295-4526. 295-4526. 119-10 '80 EAGLE engine and parts in 71 AMC body, 4-wheel drive, good tires $900. 295-4526. 295-4526. 119-10 '80 DATSUN 510 Sedan, 32 mpg, reliable winter driving. 4 spd., air, 1st $1 1 00 takes. 298-7102. 298-7102. 119-10 1986 TOYOTA Truck, X-. cab, long bed, shell, exc. cond., 295-6462. 295-6462. 119-10 1972 FORD Maverik, runs good, some body work needed $750.00 or offer 295-7068 evenings. even-ings. 119-10 V.W. JETTA, 1985 super condition, low mileage. Also 1969 Benz, new engine, tires, good condition. con-dition. Call or come take a test drive 298-1324, 413 East 550 South, Bt. 119-10 77 CAMARO, WHITE COMPLETELY LOADED HAS MANY extras. Also has: new tires, carb., trans. Looks great, runs excellent. Must see and drive. Todd 298-0926. 298-0926. 119-10 size truck, $5895.00 Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 295-4262. 119-10 79 CHEV. LUV 4x4, fancy paint, tires and wheels, 4 cyl., 4-speed, $3295. Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 295-4262. 119-10 1974 CHEV 4x4 3A ton, must sell, going to school. $2795, very good condition. See to appreciate. 298-7785. 298-7785. 119-10 '85 DODGE D-50 4x4, 4 cyl., 5 speed, clean little truck, Kings Klean Kars, 3187 So. Main, 295-4262. 119-10 MUST SELL 1987 NIS-SAN NIS-SAN truck 10,200 mi., excellent condition, 2 wheel drive, $6,100.00. 298-2472. 119-10 'MUST SELL 1979 FORD y4 ton camper cam-per trailer, special crew cab sleeper, auto, power pow-er steering, like new, runs on propane and gas, 2 tanks $3000 or best offer. 451-2398. 451-2398. 119-17 1970 FORD Pickup Vi ton. Runs great $920.00 292-21 05 after 5 p.m. 119-23 '80 NISSAN King cab, camper shell, Kings Klean Kars, 3187 S. Main, 295-4262. 119-10 119-10 1987 TOYOTA 4x4 ONLY 22,000 miles, excellent ex-cellent condition. Lots of extras. Black with chrome rollbar. Call for details. $10,500. Scott 292-3565. 119-10 78 FORD Fiesta sport edition, new tires, well maintained $500. Call 295-1000 days 292-7390 292-7390 evenings. 119-17 119-17 Tir.i MOTORCYCLES UJ FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 1981 Honda CB 900 custom sitting in garage long enough. $1 300 or whatever. 298-2301. 119-10 installation based on 30 , yards. No job is too small I or too big. Call anytime. ; Mike 292-9069. 330-tfn , WOOD FURNITURE AND CHAIR repair. 295-9731. 295-9731. 914-119 ! FIVE PIECE bedroom set $350.00. Call after five 292-7828 119-10 UNIQUE ANTIQUE dres-I dres-I sing table with mirrors and stool $175, Tressle table $1 25, 298-1007 298-1007 119-10- WATERBED COMPLETE with liner, mattress, 6 drawer pedestal, bookcase, book-case, side pads $150. Call 292-7797. 119-.10 119-.10 RED COUCH, red swivel ' rockers, wood cocktaiW end tables, like new, rust love seat, dinette set, antique table, 295-0851 295-0851 119-10 CORNER GROUPING set two couches-beds complete with table, like new floral pattern covers. Call 295-7252 $300.00 119-10 EARLY AMERICAN rock-ing rock-ing love seat $1 00.00 or best offer 292-0628 292-0628 119-10 JUST IN time for Thanksgiving, Thank-sgiving, beautiful dining din-ing room table with two large leafs, six chairs, hutch, drapes, like new for glass sliding door, mirror and more, best offer. 295-3156. 119-10 119-10 OAK ROLL top desk 60x25 value $1200. Sell for $600. Beautiful piece of furniture 295-1920. 295-1920. 119-17 NEW sleeper sofa $395.00. Queen waterbed, six drawer pedestal, two night-stands night-stands $225.00. Huffy workhorse $65.00, exercise ex-ercise bike $20, slant-board slant-board for situps $10. 295-0552. 119-10 . (ifl MUSICAL j INSTRUMENTS I ---- a 1 KING ZEPHR saxophone. Good condition. Call 292-2901. 292-2901. 1102-10 i Skyline View Apartments 430,443, 448 N. Fairfield Rd. Layton, Utah IIW ACCEPTING APPLICATION FOR QUALIFIED TENANTS FOR lOVf INCOME HOUSING 236 Housing Program All 2 bedroom Rents beginning at 8240 or below - Air cond. - Carpet & drapes - Disposal - Cable TV available - Fenced playgrounds - Central laundry - Exercise room Call 5445833 or visit us at Apt No. 52 North Park H Village J) UNITED fSSE2 TRUCK MASTER TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING D.O.T. Certification Job. Placement Assistance Financial Aid Available CorrespondenceResident Training Accredited Member NHSC UNITED TRUCK MASTER 2520 Hmt 4700 Souti, Srf Uto City, Utah 841 18 Call locally 80 1-968-1 860 Call toll-free 1-800-222-7575 Headquarters: Clearwater, FL. |