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Show I I Munk on Space Shuttle team Munk is an aeromedical technician with the 9th Tac. tical Fighter Squadron, at Holloman Air Force Base NM. His wife, Evelyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcine Davis, of Miners, ville, Utah. Munk Is a 1960 graduate of Milford High School. Air Force MasterSgt.Don Munk, son of Mrs. Sylvan Munk, of Milford, is a member mem-ber of the military team who supported the National Aeronautics Aero-nautics and Space Administration's Adminis-tration's launching of the space shuttle Columbia. Military team members provided direct support to the mission from a newly established Manned Space Flight Support Group at Johnson Space Center, Houston. Hous-ton. They assisted the mission mis-sion in flight planning, and control, and flight readiness. readi-ness. Several backup sites were also manned, should emergency emer-gency or inclement weather weath-er preclude the Columbia's landing at Edwards AFB. Fire, security, parares-cue, parares-cue, hospital and helicopter crews rehearsed details and were on standby for possible recovery of Columbia and crew. |