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Show iQsad-aflllQr scrap With the Council on the verge of making an offer for another property, Del New-digate New-digate made them a proposal pro-posal Monday which may prove beneficial to both Mil-ford Mil-ford and Del -Mar Construction. Construc-tion. He proposed to dedicate one acre of land, at an elevation ele-vation equal to the present high tank, value $40,000. Install In-stall 3960 feet of 12" PVC water line from proposed tank location to the existing 8" water line along Highway High-way 257, Value $51,480. Provide Pro-vide access to proposed tank by virtue of a 60 foot wide paved street with curb and gutter. Value $50,000. And he assured an excellent well site at the proposed location of the tank which he said would exact substantial savings sav-ings over a period of years. For this estimated value of $141,480. Newdigate requested re-quested the city supply water to his proposed 260 acre, 500 unit development. He said that this offer would possibly save him money in that he would not have to purchase water to dedicate to the city for development. However, he felt it was pos -sible to purchase required water for less. However, he said, if the city must resort to condemnation, con-demnation, severance costs Id Mayor Young had presented pre-sented an appraisal on the property earlier, and Valley Engineers had prepared the property description. Councilman Coun-cilman Turner said, 'I don't know why you came in with this proposal now, when we are all prepared to move on this other property." The city has been working on the water project for several years, and finally has the funding complete. Bonds were passed over a year ago, and have been sold. They have a $450,000 grant from the Community Impact Board and an additional $55,000 from Farmers Home Administration. Admin-istration. Newdigate said he had not been aware the city was looking for property until recently. He said he had a California firm witch his property with an electronic apparatus, and indications were that adequate water was and court and legal fees could cost the city up to $200,000 more, besides delays de-lays in construction. Milford city plans construction con-struction at a 1.9 million gallon storage tank on Bal-dy Bal-dy Hill, and a new well on the northwest corner of the racetrack. This would require re-quire an additional pump to boost the water up to the tank. The city was almost ready to put down a test well, and were about to make an offer for the property for the tank. (Continued on Page 2) HERE'S M3RE AE0UT LAND-WATER SWAP available between 840 and 860 feet depth. Newdigate proposes to develop de-velop 500 housing units on the 260 acres, with a commercial commer-cial strip alongHighway 257. Phillips Petroleum plans an office - warehouse complex along the north side of the development which abuts the Milford Airport. Newdigate has an application for rezon-ing rezon-ing before the County Commission Com-mission at present. Newdigate said the property prop-erty he proposed was slightly over a half mile from the property the city had proposed pro-posed to buy. The Council, somewhat taken back by the proposal, asked the eingineer to study the proposal and make a recommendation. He was not prepared to make a recommendation without study. Council will take the proposal under consideration. consider-ation. ! It was decided to hold a business meeting before the next regular meeting. Other items of discussion will be streets, and raising sewer and water hook up fees. |