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Show Snug holds loose dentures comfortably snug Ease sore gums from loose-fitting dentures with soft easy-to-use ! Snug" Brand Denture Cushions. Snug gives tempo- ,'naa!3fe7, rary relief until you j oNjJG see a dentist. Now j '"' available in the. 2- j 4 j cushion or new 4-cushion econ- 1 omy package. -3 Rest Easy (' WithSlcep-Eze. )) The gentle ingredient in J I Sleep-Eze helps you get - ff a good night's sleep, and 1 J wake up refreshed. Use only as directed. The danger of ignoring your dog's scratching Your dog's constant scratching can lead to O serious skin problems, needless suffering and n expense. Get Veterinarian-tested V sulfodene a painless, clear liquid that stops (u-.-- n frantic scratching, sulfodene also treats l J sores, cuts, hot spots and eczema. It destroys ESS special dog germs that home remedies can't I I kill. Get sulfodene, America's No. 1 dog skin TVA I medication. Read and follow label directions 1981 COMBE Inc SULFODENE DOG SKIN MEDICATION county" " " inr QQ li . - VT us?S 047-340 SUBSCRIPTION RATES - IN ADVANCE IN UTAH $3,00 PER YEAR .uf ELSEWHERE $10.00 PER YEAR u"u A COPY DEADLINES MONDAY NOON Editor and Pubushcr N. E. 'Red' Wilion CORRESPONDENTS: TjC WllfWO IN JWIOB - TRACY WALKER V Ml NERSVILLE S"AKLVSLLEV ROBERTA CONDE 'flTofv' UtOER THE LE.'OII TREE CAROL LEI-CN ' CK1" ADAMS'.' I LLE GREE'IVILLE BESSIE EDWARDS i. mt&im& iW&$&M i"mmm m nrmTi ; v - y DENTURE WEARERS A major advancement CUSHION GRIP DENTURE ADHESIVE one application holds comfortably up to 4 days flfl fl Holding taetraslioBii to. 24 HOUR GEOTHERMAL & OIL FIELD SERVICE MILFORD 387-2442 380 W. 600 S. I "7Ae UmpoUitUe We 2a RuJd Away - lite, 9m1loUUe, 7aUi, A JliUL JLotuie" LICENSED CONTRACTOR & CERTIFIED WELDERS EXCAVATION PORTABLE WELDING RIG ROADS LOCATIONS . PIPE FABRICATION RESERVE PITS . pipe LINE WELDING LT-Jf . BULLDOZERS . SCRAPERS . ROUSTABOUT . WINCH jWl?gp?rYf BACKHQS "PAP fiRADFRS PIPESTORACI TRUCKS ICh American and Co-od jffjrf i rte STEEL DUllDKJGS 8, -. |