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Show '. H!T J r 1 f " 1 0 p.iw-w.wk WWUiEBUIUUI' I Hint E to to cubs tMl-0' BHAND GELATIN Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, add cold water, pour into shallow pan and chill 4 hours. Dip knife in warm water and cut into cubes. Dip pan in warm water and invert onto wax paper. For more tips send $1.00 to: The New Joys of Jell-O Recipe Book, Post Office Box 3168, Kankakee. Illinois 60901. Jell -O is il registered ir.tdem.irk ut CU-ner.il hd t irr.inn General Fixnis Girpnr.nuin SATOQDflY, JULY 24th I 7:30 p. in. I CONTESTANTS 8-1S YEARS OF AGE r SlNjh t ' Rodeo j i I AjG0AT TYING W j ! j yH BAREBACK RIDING j .MV BREAKAWAY ROPING yj! RIBBON ROPING j J -XWkf; STEERS for older boys CALVES for younger boys 76 PERMIT SCHEDULE Many sportsmen are already planning vacation time around hunting seasons for this fall. Some of Utah's big game animals require the acquisition of special permits. The following is a compilation of dates that should help hunters make their plans and get their applications in on time: Proc. Reprints Application Drawing Permit sold or x c Available to Due Dates, if Distribution ICMoighorn- PjM Antelope, Buffalo July 22 See below See below a. Antelope, moose, bighorn, buffalo July 22 July 30 August 6 Immediately following receipt of payment Elk colored map July 26 b. Elk, Open Bull July 26 to Aug. 6 c EJk, Restricted Aug. 20 Aug. 27 August 30 d. Elk, Archery July 26 to Aug. 6 Deer Proclamation newspaper July 28 See below See below colored map Aug. 2 4 I . i. -Control permit See above Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Immediately and trophy on units following drawing, j oversubscribed ! .b. Archery and Muzzleloader July 28 July 28 : DovePigeon Aug. 3 Pigeon permits distributed free j beginning Aug. 9 j Waterfowl Sept. 1 Sept 10 Sept. 17 Immediately a. Swan following drawing I Furbearen Sept 6 Dec 2-16 Jan. 5 Upon receipt of j (Waterfowl Mgmt, Areas) payment I Upland Game Sept 14 " ! a. Fall turkey Sept 20 j Fish Newsprint Dec 7 j Booklet Jan. 1 i 1 Jip Psj is? fair Mir I p" j fZJ 1 IS I fi" f 7 ISf I 111 ( (j i 15 ' ' 111'' I V, - V h f ' ' , Start yemr own directory assistance amd avoid ' paying for ours. Even though we charge for directory assistance " - , now, we hope you never really have to pay for it. There are some specific things you can do ! Please send me ---memmmtsmmm ' to avoid being charged for directory assistance and ! my own personal sv ! we'd like to share them with you. directory at no charge. fll Start using your directories more. Most of the " numbers you're looking for can be found in either the ' tzmmt SsSjjs 1 I white pages or the yellow pages. It's just a matter of I ; keeping these directories handy. ! aodrfss J Writedown in a personal directory the telephone ! i f ! numbersofpeopleyoufrequentlycall.br numbers ! J j that you've obtained through directory assistance ! II ' If you'd like a personal directory, we'd like to ! STATE 'lp v i I send you one. Just clip out the coupon on this page ' X-V-K ! and mail it to us. ! x If ! It won't cost you anything if you do. But it could x " $ Vy j cost you later on, if you don't. c.p , ana ma J m ou n ta" nbe""" a-a-Bwawawii - J PERSONAL IJIHECTOHy RFnuiT PO BOX 30960 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84125 Mountain Bell |