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Show ANNOUNCING Gayle Memmott Will be taking standing appointments Starting Monday, Janu?ry 11. PHONE 387-5526 PATRICIA'S BEAUTY SHOP READS USE the rnfg WHEN YOU FLICK A SWITCH IN YOUR HOME TONIGHT, there will be plenty of power to answer your call. There'll be more than enough power for the precipitators and other air filtering d&-vices d&-vices used in homes and factories, power to spare for the new sewage treatment plants, and other equipment and installations used to clean up our environment. There's power to spare, too, for the electric typewriters in your office or the com puters, or electric saws or paint spray guns, or big motors at your job. Next fall a huge new generating unit will go "on the line" at our Naughton Rant near Kemmerer, Wyoming with enough additional generating capacity for another Salt Lake City. Several years ago, planning and engineering began on a new plant that will -probably be the largest on our system before the end of this decade the Huntington . Canyon Plant near Price, Utah. It has its first huge unit scheduled for completion in j June 1974. E That's why there is and will be power to spare in the area served by Utah Power . I & Light Co. W A,-' Utah Power & Light Co. y I ; v ; ; I- ! t ' I I 1 We honor your savings with generous interest and insurance up to $20,000. With our help, your money will make money. Scout's honor. MILFORD STATE BANK A FRIENDLY BANK FOR ALL THE PEOPLE All Accounts Insured Up to $20,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WANT AD RATES 15c per line, min. $1.00, or 3 insertions for the price of 2 if paid in advance. 25c charge for billing. FOR SALE Used furniture. Daven and chair, end tables, coffee table, lamps, and G.E. console TV. Ph. 387-2684 or 387-2493. 53-l-2p ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING: Industrial, Commercial, Residential. Resi-dential. Licensed, bonded, quality work. Large or small jobs. N. D, Giles Electric, Co. 387-2235, Milford, Utah. 33tfn WANTED used desk in good condition. Phone 387-2881. CONSOLE SPINET PIANO. Will sacrifice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also ELEC. ORGAN. Write or phone Credit Mgr., 503-363-5707, Tallman Piano-Organ' Piano-Organ' Stores, Inc. Salem, Oregon 97308. l-2p NOTICE New or used car buyers! Let me help you get a better car and save money too. MARION MAR-ION L. BRATTON, Bradshaw Chevrolet Co. Cedar City, Utah. Phone 586-6595. 2-3-4p HOUSE FOR SALE in Miners-, Miners-, yille. 2 bderoom. 386-3391. lc SEE US FOR rolled barley, rolled oats and horse pellets. Honevville Grain, across the tracks. 44tfn OUR 1970 SALES LEFT US WITHOUT ENOUGH INVENTORY. INVEN-TORY. WE NEED PROPERTY PROPER-TY TO SELL! WE HAVE THE CUSTOME2S. Some examples 600 cow ranch 160 acres brush land near Cedar City, no water necessary Farms and ranches, all sizes Large and small older homes in any southern Utah town-Mountain town-Mountain properties, any kind or size. If listings are obtainable, we need them within the next 30 days, as at that time we plan to go to press with out new spring catalog of properties for sale. Please contact us at 25 East Lincoln Avenue, Cedar Ced-ar Citjr, Utah 84720, or give us a call on the phone and we will contact you. 586-6162 or 586-6108. LOST Pair of Boy's Black Insulated Ski Gloves. 387-2738. 387-2738. 2p OPEN HOUSE this month on Bee Line Fashions at Doris Barton's home. 117 North 100 West. Prices are slashed. Anytime Any-time of the day. 387-2429. 2-3-4p |