Show i names es of the I 1 the ina names rocso da the months were ivere given gitin by th romans january thi first month was vias so called cala from janus janssan Jan usan an ancient kingo italy who as delfied deified after his bis death a and n d d derived e rived from the he latin word januaries jann february tie de second month is i s derived from latiak word Feb ruo to puffy durif hencer s for foi ibis his month the an eni roman offeree up ex expiatory sacrifices for thi the pari purifying of the march th the third month anciently the first mouthy is derived from the word mars the god of war var april is so called from the latin Ap agnlin rilus i eo pening because becaas in 00 this month the vegetable rege table world pens opens and buds forth r may the fi fiah li month roo nth is derived fran the latin vord majores so called by b romulous rom ulois 0 I 1 s in respect toward the gators senators or may june the sith si in month from the latin word junus junis or the youngest of P people eople july the seenah month is derived from the lain word julius and soi so named in of julius i august gul at the debth month was called in in honor of lugus tirs S by a decree of f the roman senate finate A D S september Septer fiber tie lie ninth month from the antin lati word septem or seven being the seventh from march october the anth month from the latin word oetta oct the eighth hence october y november tie aa eleventh month from the latin ard novem nine be ing in the ibe ninth trim march december th twelfth month fr from hela he latin of decain te apa n so called be cause causa rt it was wa ht dit tea 1 I from I 1 ma ach ii anciently tse thelnia thel thiap T ner of iommi the be yr I 1 |