Show A TOAST at a celeb celebration celebrate rati n at port jervis the following sentiment was givin given by joseph gibson intemperance ahe the great railroad from respectability to ruin mankind its only freight the devil its superintendent the te board of excise its directors rum sellers its engineers and conductors tippling hippli ng shops its cars distilleries its loco locomotives mci p prisons and insane a depots and bation houses bouses its track built on broleen heartland and ruined fortunes laith the help of a just god and d the main alain law well annul the charter dise discharge barge the engineers gin aers and conductors reverse the th steam and save the freight my political opinions sir gre are wholly lin uncommitted committed well owell sir ir iti ti a pity your yur political deeds dedi wr were not nol tog toa with tide the present number of the valley baith ran we w shall ball be b compelled for or thi the want of f paper on ihla to blish it to sus upend the p of ilis pap fat ot gome come weeks to come A sufficient quantity of 0 laperto paper to us M during the winte and till aih more could reach bebe her e thi i a rg was wa purchased last jaet taj fu in in D francisco and sen sent t to placerville erville t to 0 be fo ward td from thereby abere jv here but owing to the financial of the stage company and the their theft stock by parties to whom fliey were in ested in ti california thi the paper ar or only a small portion pf af it via yag brought through by them and we abo cullif in consequence gon sequence have be been en without ildie the ma nat terdal erfal for publishing our piper paper severa weeks agoff ago if the proprietor ot of the deservi yew haa bad an spirit supplied tup plied us with paper falt wet time si awe we oid could re alaci the same apt ahn atkin on their part we return in i a public manner banner our in addition to thi the want of paper the foreman of the valley tan i office office nr ir george hales has bai be been enforced forced through the dictation of a portion of the eli rulers here to quit the position of foreman inan in in the office which helas be has filled since the valley tan was wa first establish td ej or be cut off from the fellowship of his associates in the church and be ini forbid ormed us ui a few days dayi ago aco that he had decided to lo leave we certainly do not admire blip bi want waa of independence in thus thua yielding lu his bli aiT ahito the dictation ot others boutwe but we take pleasure recommending in him to Mori and ge Gentl stiles lei ab 28 a worthy and honorable roan man andas and a one attentive and efficient in his b profession we trust aiba brethren have throat on him the abd alternative v of quitting the church or his bis situation since he has bai chosen the latter that thai they wp will now supply him 9 d a situation a s that which he has haa given up tb this is cire un istance in regard to mr hates better thin than any remarks that thai we can make in regard to it the control exercised xer cled by the rulers ruler of the me mormon church church over the members ot of ibe the camle |