Show A arat AN af BROTH EB Caution to clergymen rev A 6 9 finch publishes in the brockport Brock port dit a acard of warning to the public andrusi and luSi brethren the clergymen in parti particular cula r aga against dinst a horri he married eary yary last lait fall and who ho has e tance ince deserted and ruined him he explains explain how his ruin was accomplished while attending the brockport Brock port camp meet ing a woman small in stature land wearing apeci specs and prepossess prepossessing iri g in in appearance appeared eared pursue pursued bhim hun in a a carriage told him of her e esteem teem and how much she was worth and induced induced him to mairy marry her he aoh cba dented the linot knot was tied and aishe having accomplished his him pro probably bally to find an another othere mr finch abert asser tsAn in his hi card that thi this s ad served two men pt t lea leaston least ln a the ahe iame ar he way before one ne res residing ming at C IV the alheim wisconsin sin ali esron kisr L D L si sin ma man the he felt tin in a destia e CORI tion with three children to rr av ide r besl sue ste nitty may iannici giamar outrages upon others of otar our sex six we give give I 1 this his much pu publicity to the statement clergymen who may be single susceptible to the influence of the sex antl the blandishments blandish ments of fortune u ne beware offer of females nales email in 11 m stature prepossessing in appearance barance ea rance wearing specs acs 1 pre pretending I 1 en d to the possession of agre great a wealth and who pursue men in carriages to effect their ruin |