Show hafl ar army intelligence major Armistead 3 company 6 di laft ri afy hu has r received e ce iv e d 0 orders r d e r s I 1 to 0 fort yuma to the ae aimos villages captain amoore TM T moore abst quartermaster at present serving it at fort coolehan CooL ehas ordered to san francisco frncisco Frn cico the department of call cali forni lornis is is at lat present scantily supplied with troops A detachment afre of re emit cruita is ex atan at an our wa washington intoe corres correspondent pou pent writing J january onual ry af sar the system of close ye retrenchment it im ent and economy which governs the estimates precludes a proper increase of 0 the farce grce of the army which is really ouli only eleven thousand effect effective il ire in men en for an abrea area of three million squire square piles by the troops from utah where they ahey are idle and the war department can the te better r protect some portion of tuii ie frontier 1 I is expected that the grea greiter ter portion will be sta stationed tinned in in arizona not there be introduced at the present session session of congress a I 1 nr for establishing a retired list of the e irmy army but members of the house ire are in div 6 of abolishing the brevet breve rank intaj io the birny army hii as it confers no actuel icer and is a 1 I source of constant stant contention and jealousy 0 officers ff ibets having baving brevets are constantly lie seeking eking to bold command come coine over their e quals equals in actu actual il coma corn many officers officer s of the army jage ane measure thi tha kotowi ng estr extract t from an order bider the judgment of the court ouri and the C pinion opinion ot of the the head of the war department part ment on aa I 1 it t at a court martial in the department of ol 01 I 1 Ore oregon goti in the trial pt rt major wise he be is convicted of signing I 1 t a false certificate of trans irons in regard to e a la undress but bat sc acquitted quitted of signing the same knowingly ll 11 and convicted under an knotner vilier specification of signing a like i certificate certiA cite lut but again aaen acquitted of signing 1 l knowingly angly or to a bember of his family in tha public itao account which was the tha 5 fraudulent intent imputed to him bun in the he matter the tha court coart al n cuil it bira othe C charge V of if conduct duct unbecoming coin R an and it a g gentlemen udd under which ch the 3 are laid but convict him on them of icon conditt con dutt t to the prejudice of good order arid and nal ita ry discipline under W litah are not laid th IV var 1 e arti is of opinion nion that these th e findings entitled emitted the accused to n acquittal and are in rn legal eff effect ev jn an acqua acqui il andi and therefore ther eforo avoids and annuls annuli the sentence ct first leui E 11 day of the third artillery died in ia Iti richmond ellmond va ty 3 san saji herald |