Show r A ker ame house floor ho bat b bo hect til or good lack th lb to be b thankful but ahtie b are P teA teamous sous for or rejoicing is ia abu that the house at tb ti ad ottlo ottist months VMS r a bit b to a number on tite aal abild patt itic a a xi aa go gr W a have h no fears about his Impartial Iq IS III the datlef n tl as Spi aker lie he is i a better man cian aba ir who vrho has been shilly sli sh ally nil isa is between al parties fora for a year or two past pail cracking jokes witia one party Rod ru fu aal rep repeating tating ii bif 1 I with arlevy a alny to them in k good humor babor without ding the I 1 respect at 0 anybody abdy aba as ai for mr aej thief helpers book bookard abd assoni aitio tm h bixl ixl puff fuffered ered such inch a defeat doltl tl as w ill jart teem for ili the a b flance balance of f atil session fi 11 riol forever fo river in I 1 the ft arnult a n it of this suffers luben but the tbt black republican party part they put 1 ll 11 forward the hafni aria and voted tor for lam a m top for two months and it w was only when UT they lound found that ay ill larger ol of los cofie eftig tile the speaker altogether Jt other that they ag agree to vote rota tor for governor rt hll his election is ii k csore tore defeat toi gobep belp lie he may felt eel it incumbent on b bim im to 60 to constitute the committees Commil tees of we th t give the Black Republican a MS majority jail on each of them but beyond 1 this b vua pot hu his antecedents antecedent are all ajl ag ainest any other theory he has baa never been any thing thin else than a whig big it II bas ax filled the moia t imports important t ct in tw blew jersey elected thereto reto by whigs he b bai to beau governor a and nd entail ve in Cg agriss rIss lii 16 yr ears and it elected by black at the late elec lection ti on he was wa still nothing mote more than a whig and if the be correct and we have no doubt of ct ftp it that he li is in favor et c the election of the fugitive Fugi slave Slav lavre paz ai it stands we have every reaton to tb country on bli far nor more reason iton thin arly acy blat black k n has br oft at account of t ter services likely to be tendered rd by him hereafter his hi election is if a triumph ot of the con serva tive titling falling throughout though out th the country the ali defeat of sherman Is ii the foreshadow ing of still deflate to attend the black reau better ot tb aten e ear V W hepe sn joef dowil I 1 now go to work and n A va I 1 file for vr th tb payment tbt of the debts ot vi G amr artna the ds di burtal burial by the tb pot post office department of tour fu or fa millions of dollars dollan now duo du to it and which ought to be b at ance will wil I 1 relieve parties the union and abl dbl tb postmaster general to restore some portion t lon of 0 the mail cacti tiu ties which were cut C during the lot last year without any tab sub giop the poverty of e the esst SS St |