Show THE tat J or OF NITO yom CITY abe rhe london times speake of new york city as follows folloN Ns the city cai is is certainly the roost most re roark aole result of and enterprise the world has iver ever known n in an short space of time it it has bs risen from the rank of a tenth rate town town to tar be the third city in in the ft world orld in population and riches in the last ten y ears the larger par thas been entirely en lirely rebuilt re baut marble and freestone edifices of great size beau and c costliness osIl iness haie have been t for the old br ck houses broad way hiis has been tit extended ended fur for miles 1 a vast vl ast 1st earlc kiark of nearly acres is being laid out in what shot will be before lo 10 long ng the centre of the city dwelling hou bouses ses have been built by thousands thousand far ex telling ceding in elegance and comfort the average del dwellings lings of cf lon doners doners and new york with its suburbs new reek reckoning more than a million cf inhabitants look for word ward to colem in the next generation not only the largest but perhaps tho the most beautiful beatti aeiful ful city in the world all this has teen leen done by private enterprise and if the administration of the city 1 h hd d lile dpn 1 in able and honest ci hands ty the as bresat alt would have been beeh far more extraordinary |