Show k ME VALLEY T TT TAN 1 SIX DOLLARS IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY IS 15 CENTS 01 VOLUME 2 GREAT SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 29 9 1860 NUMBER 16 WE THE VALLEY GALLEY TAN if J italy BT 8 TE tad i PI LII EN dewolfe pe D e WOLFE W 0 L FE id cerms I 1 tor for ont one year yeara 6 it if paid in advance act 0 8 ij it not daiil in T inferred infer Inper ted per squar i of f ten lines or less eg tor for tor for the first fint desertion doser tion and 75 acts ct tor for tach each subsequent ii 1 I 1 A liberal deduc deduction ilon will be made to per sons oni who advertise by cy the quarter |