Show ti two I 1 v 1 CASE judge C U S fe f tiloi e naw I 1 fr from vermont related to us a good anecdote the other day allu illustrative of a abolitionism abolition boli tion in the morning it be wai was leaving home to enter upon his bis duties in this city a straight faced deacon it who ho looked looke upon lupori the whole Son thas as a great pandemonium dem called on an hini him aud said now judge I 1 want you to do all al in in your power to abolish st slavery aery 11 well said the judge how shall I 1 proceed oh I 1 dont know but you ou ikast abolish ii it its a damnable curse and must be abolished you k know now more about riv faw than I 1 do the th church is is my stronghold hahola but yan understand ler der tand stand national matters judge adge and can de devue hiie some plait and I 1 know it the onty only way I 1 see ie to abolish t said the judge is to buy all the slaves and ser free avell go in an fn for that have a f dav aw passed that the northa north shall hall buy buk them and nd then this trouble will end yes you go in strong for that judge just as ou say det deacon tion I 1 will vill a ee to it in a moment modnie nt arld and will stand d my share of the expense here its in woodstock with ith three hundred inhabitants and ims town voula b id be ca called aled on for about six bundred thousand dollars s a and adi I 1 will urge ll 11 il before the sen senate ate I 1 the goedd good deacon opt opened ii cd lus liis ino mouth U dr then his eyes allotted his tongue to escape from one corner of his f face scratched his head ard and tapped impatiently on n the floor with his foot patiently As the judge wa s leaving ahe room the dea deacons coni power powe r of speech came to him in and he called out ob say judged guess yotte better t 1 let 1 slavery I very alone the poor abor black blaa devils are better off in the south than up here beye in this col cold I 1 climate there are s several verat just jus such deacons on s i in a the ih e country r yi 1 washington wash anglon pa paper per tut tim other ir nig night ate ai a handlo landlord rd discovering coye covering aing ori orie onto e of his hig alio ho nas inthe mire went wen t to his assistance and a set jet ing SJ S J ifert was ads side or what was vs the rn mattera atter no replied the boozy customer tain 1 I ain tick sick nor I 1 aint drunk but im m almighty discouraged di cou raged AT A concert conceit recently at the ron conclusion slon of i a song theres there s a good goa time rime co coming ing a fa farmer rimer ros rose a and nd iid aid I 1 ma master ste coulat you fix fil the tbt date ate troubles are like babies they grow bigger by bi nursing naring |